Poor family mother and son

Chapter 924 National Team VS Private Team

Chapter 924 National Team VS Private Team ([-])
Far away in a foreign country, not to mention that Zheng Chunqiu hasn't worn an official uniform yet, even if he is, no one will treat him like a green onion.

"I want to ask you, what kind of goods did you bring on this trip?" Zheng Chunqiu asked.

I really can't get angry with this kid, I'm already not angry enough.

"What do you want to buy?" Qiao Keli continued to chew the sauerkraut rolls.

This time Qiao Keli's attitude is better - we are here to make money.

In Voss, not to mention green vegetables, even pickled vegetables are rare. If you can eat sauerkraut, I don’t know how many people are greedy.

Just look at the laborers on the ground. They all faced Choker, their eyes fixed on the food in his hands and their oily mouths.

Qiao Keli couldn't eat anymore.

But he immediately took another big bite, what can't he eat?

At the beginning, the boss said that he would organize manpower to mine, but no one responded?Now this group of people came with court officials, whether they are hungry or dead, it has nothing to do with us!

Zheng Chunqiu: "Is there any food?"

Qiao Keli: "Yes!"

Zheng Chunqiu: "Is there medicine?"

Qiao Keli: "Yes!"

Zheng Chunqiu: "Can there be vegetables, meat, eggs, and wine?"

Qiao Keli: "Yes!"

Zheng Chunqiu: "Very good, I am now informing you that the imperial court has confiscated your goods and requires you to return immediately before delivering them!"

Qiao Keli: "Get lost!"

If it were an ordinary caravan, even if they were dissatisfied, they would not swear directly like Qiao Keli, but who is the owner of the Bao Qingsheng caravan?It's Marquis Linyang!

Do you want to requisition the goods of Marquis Linyang?Don't talk about expropriation, you can't do it even with IOUs!
Qiao Keli said "Get out of here", which almost drove Zheng Chunqiu to death, the guards around him drew their knives, he represented the Fourth Prince.

But the other guard looked at his companion, but didn't move, because his wrist hadn't been connected yet.

Qiao Keli shouted down the slope: "Brothers, you guys!"

Cang clang!
There was a sound of drawing swords and swords down the slope, and someone began to scold: "Which son of a bitch doesn't open his eyes and dares to rob Marquis Linyang's caravan!"

Someone nearby reminded: "If you swallow the food in your mouth and then curse, you can spray it everywhere! The boss said: It is shameful to waste food!"

The word "Marquis of Linyang" not only allowed Zheng Chunqiu to put out the fire, but even the guard who pulled out the knife did not dare to scare anyone anymore.

People picked out the caravan of Marquis Linyang, and if they pretended to be confused, they would directly challenge Marquis Linyang.

The fourth prince also heard it, and he had no choice but to come over—that trash Zheng Chunqiu, who didn't accomplish enough, but failed more, and still wants to requisition other people's goods?This prince doesn't even have the confidence to speak like that!
"Your Highness! He... the next official... Look..." Zheng Chunqiu hastily complained.

The fourth prince glared at him. If he hadn't seen that he was the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and knew a lot about various engineering constructions, he really wanted to kick him downhill right now!
"Who are you from Marquis Linyang?" the fourth prince asked.

"Brothers!" Qiao Keli answered with his chin up, following the example of the fourth prince, and then turned his thumb out and pointed down the slope: "See, there are all brothers of Marquis Linyang below, and Marquis Linyang is our boss! "

Fourth prince: I feel that Marquis Linyang is a bandit leader.

"This little brother," the fourth prince said in a more easy-going tone. Right now, when he needs help, the fourth prince has learned to behave: "You have also seen the situation here. The labor sent by the imperial court needs to be divided into batches. Come here, it will take a while;

Right now, we need food and medicine, can you sell your goods to us? "

"Okay, Brother Dian!" Qiao Keli pretended not to understand what "His Royal Highness" meant, and deliberately took the word "Dian" as a surname and said, "We are in business, you buy and I sell, why not!"

The fourth prince pondered for a while, and asked: "We need a lot..."

Qiao Keli: "No problem! Just for such old people, you are the only one who speaks human words, and we have done this business with you! Tell me, what do you want? How much?
If I don’t have enough here, I’ll just give it to you!This way, we know each other! "

Fourth Prince: Who is your brother!Who is surnamed Dian!

The fourth prince said: "We didn't bring much silver taels with us when we went out. Can you put it on credit first, and then I'll write a letter back and ask someone to send the money to your warehouse?"

Qiao Keli was very reasonable: "You don't need cash, but bank notes! Brother Dian, we can all understand that when you go out, who carries so many silver and copper coins? It's heavy and takes up more space, right?"

The fourth prince: "Uh... I mean, I don't have any bank notes, so I'll pay on credit first..."

Before the fourth prince could finish speaking, Qiao Keli interrupted: "That's out of the question! Pay with one hand and deliver with the other, both money and goods, no credit!"

Fourth Prince: "..."

To be honest, Qiao Keli didn't understand how they put him in such a mess.

When they first came to Voss, there were only two hundred people, and they had never traveled far, and they were not as poor as the team organized by the imperial court.

The one organized by the imperial court is the national team. What is the Chu family’s? It’s a private team at most.

The national team is not as good as the private team?Who will believe it?But it really happened!

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

Back then, the Chu family's team had lived together through life and death. They were very united and had the same goal - to make money.

Since it is to make money, it is natural to have fun with others.

The Chu family's caravan provided a lot of convenience to the people of the various tribes of Voss, so they have always had a good reputation.

Voss people are also willing to help them if they encounter difficulties.

As for the help of the people of Voss, Chu Qing must also give back, such as food, or other living materials.

It can be said that the Chu family's caravans have been running to Voss for these years, and every trip is a good time, location, and harmony.

But this time Daxuan's mining engineering team was different. The weather was unfavorable, the location was unfavorable, and the people were not compatible.

Days from time to time - not adapted to the natural climate.

Unfavorable terrain—unfamiliar with the terrain and terrain, and poorly adapted to the impact of geographical changes.

People are at odds - externally, the two countries have just finished the war and are still hostile to each other; internally, they each have their own goals and are busy working for their own interests.

Even the largest number of laborers, they cannot be as aggressive as the Chu family boy.

They are all ordinary people of Daxuan. It is estimated that before this trip, the scope of their activities in half their lives has never been outside the county seat.

In places where they are not familiar with their lives, they are afraid, so like those sheep, they will follow wherever the head sheep takes them, for fear of getting lost.

Also, they have to be obedient, they can't have their own ideas, and they can't speak out if they have ideas, because there are high-ranking officials and princes, who will listen to them?
If they offend the official, how can they be beaten up?Why not pay wages?They come out to earn wages.

From top to bottom, the entire team, not only could not mobilize their subjective initiative like the Chu family, but they were also afraid of taking responsibility and getting into trouble.

Such a team, even if the two countries have not fought, it will not be better.

(End of this chapter)

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