Poor family mother and son

Chapter 925 You Can't

Chapter 925 You Can't

"Hey, Brother Dian, your name is 'Dianben Gong', right? I have a question for you." Seeing that the fourth prince was speechless for a long time, Qiao Keli started talking.

We are just ordinary people, we just don't know what a prince is or is not a prince, what can you do to me?

But you can't stop talking, don't be choked to death by us, the business still has to be done!
Finally he ate up all the sauerkraut rolls, Qiao Keli asked the fourth prince while rubbing the oily soup on his fingers: "Who is that person who can't speak human language? Why does he look like a ghost?"

The guard next to him couldn't bear it anymore: "Presumptuous! This is His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, and that is Mr. Zheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry! Kid, don't seek death!"

"Tsk tsk!" Qiao Keli glanced left and right at the guard: "Who are you lying to? Return the prince, how can the prince be so downcast?
Don't think that you can scare us if you haven't read the book. You haven't eaten pork or seen a pig running?Any boy in the village who has gone to school wouldn't be so miserable!

What's more, it is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and the prince's son, so it must be that he has learned to be rich since he was a child? "

The laborer sitting at Qiao Keli's feet couldn't listen anymore, he was really worried for Qiao Keli—look at what this kid is talking about, how bold is he? !
Isn't he afraid that His Royal Highness's guards will really kill him?
The laborer tugged on Qiao Keli's trousers, and mouthed to signal him—the other party was really the prince and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

With an expression of disbelief, Qiao Keli walked up to Zheng Chunqiu: "Are you really the Minister of the Ministry of Industry? Every day you pick up our boss's blood-sucking leeches?"

Zheng Chunqiu: "..."

Qiao Keli looked up the mountain, and said to Zheng Chunqiu: "Without our boss's guidance, you, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, can't even go up the mountain, right?

Oops, our boss said: the road is long and difficult, and the road is approaching, but I think you can't do it! "

It's not impossible, they are all lying down together, how can they move forward?

But is that what Qiao Keli meant?of course not.

This "doing" is not the other "doing", which makes Zheng Chunqiu so angry!
Even if he is given Jinchuang medicine now, it will not be able to make up for his spiritual trauma.

Since the fourth prince felt the necessity of "getting things" from Xiaobao, he really wanted to take the Ministry of Industry into his own hands.

Xiaobao said: "How can the Ministry of Industry be a place that only makes money in civil engineering? The Ministry of Industry should be a place that promotes the development of an imperial court. Good things should be produced from the Ministry of Industry!"

Seeing Xiaobao tinkering casually, he can tinker with "tabletop Cuju", and when asked what he thinks, he can say a lot of things, and he can also explain the function of each component, the fourth prince is very moved.

No wonder Father likes Chu Qing so much. It's not as simple as being able to make money, but because Chu Qing can create new things that make money, and these things are useful for Daxuan's development!

That's why he wants to mine the jade mine himself. He wants to broaden his horizons like Xiaobao, expand the field of observation, thinking and problem solving, and achieve his goals more steadily.

He wants to master the Ministry of Industry and turn the Ministry of Industry into a tool to realize his ambition.

The point is, compared to the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Industry is also the least conspicuous. Except for flood disasters that require digging canals to divert water, almost no one can think of them.

But right now, this Zheng Chunqiu is obviously not as good as Chu Qing, the Fourth Prince intends to have some relationship with Chu Qing, even if it is in business.

I didn't think about this before, and I always looked down on Xiaobao, but now I think about it.

It's just that after so long, I couldn't get to the mine. The progress was too slow, and if I passed it back to my father, it would leave my father with an "incompetent" impression.

The fourth prince intends to pay out of his own pocket to solve the current predicament: "I am the fourth prince, I will personally write you a note, and you will take the note later and go directly to the 'Juwantang Game Hall' to get the money;

Ben Gong is the 'VIP for Love' there, and has saved money for a year! "

"Juwantang", "Fight for Love"?Isn't that Xiaobao's business?
Is it okay to tear down the east wall to make up for the west?You can't poach Xiaobao's corner!

"It's said that you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, you get both money and goods, and there is no credit. That is our Bao Qingsheng's rule!" Qiao Keli resolutely rejected the fourth prince's words.

Zheng Chunqiu's "expropriation" and the fourth prince's "self-payment" are actually all intended to obtain the Chu family's goods for free in their own name and by means of IOUs.

In order to avoid being blamed by the emperor for being unfavorable as a teacher, the Chu family caravan will absolutely not cooperate.

Look at the well-fed, energetic caravan boys down the slope, showing their swords and spears, and then look at the sick and disheveled crowd on their side, the contrast is stark.

Thinking about it clearly all these years in the country of Voss, they have been able to "let me do what I want in peace and security", and I can guess how tough the Chu family is with just thinking about it.

And now that we need their assistance, we can't fight to the death with others, but these people are too disrespectful to the prince and senior officials, the situation is embarrassing, and there is a stalemate for a while.

In the end, the clerk of the household department who accompanied him came forward to help negotiate the business. He had "public funds" in his hand.

It is impossible to hide the current disadvantage from the emperor.

Although the secretary of the household department has a small official position, he is only responsible for statistics and recording expenses during this trip, but the problem is that he also has altitude sickness, and he is also hungry!

You are both princes and ministers, no one dares to starve you, but I, a petty official, get the same treatment as those laborers, what am I willing to do?
Why make yourself hungry when you have public funds?Money must be spent!
As soon as a small official from the household exchange department came to discuss business, Qiao Keli immediately raised the prices of all goods, especially herbal medicines.

The boss said, the excitement depends on watching, and money must be earned.

As long as you talk about money, everything is fine.

Qiao Keli not only sold them all the goods brought by the convoy, but also taught the imperial doctor a lesson on how to prevent altitude sickness and deal with high altitude sickness.

And spread the "21-character policy" about peeing to everyone: "Remember, it's not that you can't pee, and you can't suffocate if you don't pee?

All you need to do is 'don't hold back your urine at ordinary times, squat down to urinate when you want to urinate, take a deep breath before urinating, and keep a long stream of water when urinating'. "

When they go out, the vast majority of people are Daxuan people, and they cannot be seen dying outside.

The boss said: "Fighting in the nest" is fine, but we must be united outside.

This time, the supplies from the Chu family caravan cost a lot of money, but the goods are really comprehensive. In addition to food, there are also vegetables, including dishes from the north and the south.

For example, dried vegetables include: eggplant, beans, bamboo shoots, cabbage, mushrooms, fungus, kelp, preserved vegetables, and bean curd.

There are also a lot of pickled vegetables, such as cabbage head, pickled vegetables, olive vegetables, sauerkraut, sour bamboo shoots, and spicy cabbage.

Even the sauce is divided into different tastes from the north to the south, not only that, but also salted fish, bacon, braised chicken, duck and eggs, as well as milk powder and sesame paste.

Only what you can't think of, there is nothing I can't sell.

It makes people hungry when they look at it, and hungry when they smell it.

Even the fresh wild vegetables collected by the caravan along the way were sold to them at a price.

Not to mention all kinds of herbs, they can equip a pharmacy.

When collecting money, Qiao Keli did not forget to ask the workers: "How can you let yourself be hungry? There is no food to eat, so dig wild vegetables!"

The laborers were bitter. They wanted to look around for wild vegetables, but they wouldn't let them!Discipline, understand?

Less than three days after the Chu family caravan left, the second batch of Daxuan laborers arrived with supplies.

The officials leading the team thought they would be favored by the prince and treated warmly by senior officials, but when they saw that there was nothing but food in the car, they didn't give them any good looks.

(End of this chapter)

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