Rebuild 2005

Chapter 1128 [1127] The ending is happy

Historically, the "Diaosi" incident occurred in 2020, but the phrase "Those who win the Diaosi will conquer the world" appeared as early as 2013, and frequently appeared in the headlines of media reports, usually by some "entrepreneurs" ""Entrepreneur" and "Success Scientist" to explain the secret of Xiaomi's success.

In this time and space, this sentence was first used to describe and reveal the success of Wei Qingfan and Guci Mobile, and it also appeared frequently on the Internet last year.

Frankly speaking, there is a certain truth in this sentence. It is a relatively simple and vulgar summary of part of the success of the "cost-effective route". It is probably because of this that Xiaomi executives said this sentence in public. come out.

In addition, Wei Qingfan browsed the relevant information and found that words such as "we just don't make money" and "we just want to make friends with users" have also appeared, and he found that many people really believe it.

It's outrageous, you might as well believe that I am Qin Shihuang!
Wei Qingfan complained secretly, and went to Xiaomi’s official website to have a look. The models on sale include Xiaomi 4, Xiaomi 3S, Xiaomi 3, Redmi 2, Redmi note… Among them, the Redmi mobile phone is more expensive than the original one due to the influence of the Manjianghong series. Historically, the launch time was earlier and the update frequency was faster.

Redmi note is the latest model of Redmi mobile phone, released earlier this year, with a 5.5-inch screen, MediaTek MTK6592 processor... still selling for 799!

The pricing is very competitive. The standard version of Manjianghong series only has a 4.3-inch screen. Even the 4.7-inch screen of the Collector’s Edition pales in comparison to the 5.5-inch screen. Although the screen size is not the only thing to buy when buying a mobile phone, the iPhone 5S still has a 4-inch screen... But It sells well!
The sales volume of Xiaomi mobile phones has risen rapidly this year, and Redmi note and Xiaomi 4 have also made outstanding contributions!

The difference is that Xiaomi Mi 4 still has a 5-inch screen - from this perspective, Xiaomi Mi Note series is already in the pipeline.

Although it was suppressed by the ancient word mobile phone, Xiaomi did not give up the idea of ​​attacking high-end. It still wanted to attack the high-end through the large-screen Xiaomi note series, and for this reason gave up the normal iteration of Xiaomi 5.

According to the normal development, Mi 5 should be released in 2015, but in order to make way for Mi Note, Mi 5 was launched urgently at the end of February 2016 to "clean up the mess" until Mi Note failed.

Why not develop and release at the same time?
Of course, it is for cost-effective research and development. How wasteful is it to develop two mobile phones at the same time?

This is of course a joke. The most important reason is that the hardware of Mi Note cannot be far enough away from Mi 5. The lower price of Mi 5 will inevitably affect the sales of Mi Note. There are no more choices, which is more conducive to the sales of Xiaomi Note!
According to the plan of Gushici Company, the company will begin a comprehensive transformation at the end of 2015. Guci mobile phones will also usher in a transformation in 2016, especially the Linjiang Xian series, which has been equipped with Qualcomm processors since 2010. In 2016, Linjiang Xian 5 will be equipped with Taibai processor in all series and compete head-on with Xiaomi 5.

It should be said that there is a great opportunity. Brand, system, and ecology are one aspect. The most important thing is that after being equipped with a self-developed processor, Guci mobile phones will once again gain cost advantages.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Snapdragon 5 equipped with Mi 820 is still a scam...

Wei Qingfan closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly felt the door open, opened his eyes, and saw Li Wanyi brought a glass of milk over, put it on the table and said, "Drink it."

"Why do I feel like your son..."

Wei Qingfan curled his lips, finished drinking the milk, and went to wash the cup consciously. When he came to her room, he found that Jiang Qinghuai was also there, muttering.

Seeing him coming, Li Wanyi said angrily, "What are you doing here?"

"Let me talk to you."

Wei Qingfan really came to talk, but he didn't expect them both to be there, so he didn't want to leave.

Jiang Qinghuai also rolled his eyes and said, "You are dishonest in your sleep. Go find Miaomiao. I will go with senior sister."


Wei Qingfan was very obedient, went to Li Miaoyu's room and found Li Miaoyu.

"Why are you calling me?"

When Li Miaoyu heard that Jiang Qinghuai asked him to come to her, he came obediently. When he found out that he was coming to Li Wanyi's room, his face turned red again and he stared at the two of them, "Aren't you two enough?"

"Talk, talk."


The silly son was still asleep in the room, so he could only talk. Li Miaoyu left with a blushing face after saying a few words, and Wei Qingfan was also kicked out.

"It feels so comfortable!"

Li Miaoyu is still experiencing her curved screen, the hyperbolic screen on the side, and the sliding touch is very comfortable. Although the phone is still controlled by physical buttons, she is still very happy to slide the edge to experience the novel feeling of the curved screen, and recommend it to Wei Qingfan tried.

"I like it so much, can I develop a function for you separately later?"

Wei Qingfan was a little amused, "When the time comes, just swipe on the screen and the phone can return..."


"I have the final say, as for lying to you?"

"whispering sound."

The two had a prospect and research on the issue of "changes in the lives of the people caused by the development of science and technology". They chatted excitedly and fell asleep very late.

Wei Qingfan has an "intermittent self-discipline" personality, and Li Miaoyu is easily distracted. Fortunately, Li Wanyi and Jiang Qinghuai are watching, especially Li Wanyi, who will really lift him up, so he has basically remained very healthy these years rhythm of life.

The next morning, he still woke up early and slept for a while, and then he was woken up by his son's noise outside the door, so he quickly got up, got dressed and went out to coax him.

Li Wanyi, Jiang Qinghuai, and Li Wanyun obviously did this on purpose, and Wei Qingfan had no way to settle accounts with them. He washed, did morning exercises, had breakfast, and then drove Jiang Qinghuai to the company. After the meeting, he took a nap before continuing to work.

Li Chengan was also sleeping.

He is already in his third year of junior high school this year, and the curriculum is relatively tight, and the class is full in the morning, but he took a part-time job yesterday, came back to accompany his girlfriend, and was still chatting in the dormitory, so he fell asleep late.

During class, although it was difficult to concentrate, I still tried hard to stay energetic and not let myself fall asleep in class.

It's not that he loves studying, but the eldest sister said that he must have a sense of awe, or principles, otherwise it will be easy to completely relax in the unsupervised university life, and turn himself into a useless person in four years of university.

The eldest sister accidentally mentioned this several years ago. He didn't listen carefully at the time, but later he firmly remembered it and worked hard to practice it.

Therefore, when the break came, he lay down on the table and fell into a deep sleep almost immediately. He didn't wake up until another teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, and he didn't even hear the class bell.

The classmates and roommates didn't call him, not because of a bad relationship, but because they didn't think sleeping in class was a big wasn't roll call!

"Teacher Pei, I'm going to the bathroom."

Li Chengan got up and walked out of the classroom, went to the bathroom to wash his face, feeling quite refreshed, so he went back to the classroom to listen to the lecture.

When he returned, he walked along the aisle to his seat, passed by Bai Yueqing, Bai Yueqing raised his head to look at him, Li Chengan saw that she had already withdrawn his gaze, so he went back to his seat, opened the book and listened to the teacher's lecture.

It was almost the second anniversary of his relationship with Yuan Siyu. Recently, he re-examined this relationship and found that his love for Yuan Siyu had been growing.

At the beginning, his original intention of getting together with Yuan Siyu was not pure, but as they got along, he discovered the cuteness of this girl, and his love continued to accumulate as they fell in love.

Up to now, he has begun to seriously plan for the future with Yuan Siyu.

Eldest sister once said that it would be best for him to stay in the provincial capital. This was due to the consideration of elder sister and his parents, but now Li Chengan has his own ideas, and he plans to stay in the capital.

Because Yuan Siyu's home is near the capital, she plans to stay in the capital.

If you stay in the capital, you don't have to worry about work, mainly because your parents may have troubles, but Li Chengan has already considered that you can bring your parents to the capital, and then live in the same community as yourself.

My brother-in-law's parents were originally farming at home. They can adapt to city life, so my parents should be able to too.

As for the brother-in-law and elder sister's affairs, anyway, my parents knew about it and acquiesced, and Li Miaoyu and Jiang Qinghuai were also very nice people, so I wouldn't worry about anything happening...

Yuan Siyu has been in love with her for two years, and she has almost no good memories for her. Because of the limited living expenses, everything is tight, even dating and opening a house...

My eldest sister talked to me like that at the beginning, and I forced myself to study and work part-time in the past two years. In the final analysis, it is to cultivate and correct my character, and I don’t really need part-time jobs to make money.

Not to mention the eldest sister, the living expenses given by his parents alone are enough for him to fall in love and enjoy college life.

Now, I have proven to everyone, including myself, that I can endure hardship, have self-control, and am not really a loser. I also have backbone and responsibility.

The life in the first two years of college was both proof and training. Now he felt that it had achieved results. After all, he never wanted to be like his brother-in-law, he just wanted to live a peaceful life.

The current self is enough.

Then in the next two years, it is time to take responsibility for Yuan Siyu. Like other couples, they can concentrate on falling in love, and at most one can study hard...

He has resigned most of his part-time jobs, leaving only one tutor. He is not short of money, but the students he teaches are in the third grade of junior high school this year, and he has a good relationship with them and their parents, so he plans to finish teaching junior high school before resigning.

On Yuan Siyu's side, he was going to surprise her and tell her the truth.

He had planned this "surprise":
The mobile phone he uses is still the Collector’s Edition 2. Yuan Siyu’s Niaosing Jian 2 standard version does not have the fingerprint recognition function. Yuan Siyu likes this new feature very much, but the new mobile phones are too expensive, and her Niaosing Jian 2 is still very smooth, I feel that it is not cost-effective to replace the mobile phone...

But she is still very envious of mobile phones that can recognize fingerprints.

It just so happens that you can take her to see the press conference of the upcoming wine 4, and then wait until the press conference is over, give her a mass-produced engineering machine, and tell her the truth by the way.

Two years ago, he also took Bai Yueqing to the press conference and told her about it by the way. But at that time, he was just a young boy with a hot head and wanted to show his heart to the goddess he liked. one look.

Now, he is very clear that he is still far from maturity, but he is undoubtedly more mature and rational than before. He has goals, plans, and knows how to achieve them.

Moreover, the biggest difference is that at that time, he didn't know what kind of person Bai Yueqing was like, what kind of character he was, but now he knows Yuan Siyu very well, knows what kind of character she is, what she likes, and how to make her happy.

He could already imagine Yuan Siyu's surprised expression when he got the phone and found out that Wei Qingfan was his brother-in-law. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but smile...

This is the person he will stay with for the rest of his life and grow old together!

From Yuan Siyu's perspective, this is a nearly perfect campus love;
From his point of view, the beginning of this love is not so glorious, but fortunately, the ending is beautiful.

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