Rebuild 2005

Chapter 1129 [1128] Not the protagonist after all

Li Chengan's plot, you can dance if you don't like it.


Yuan Siyu was also full of classes this morning and had no classes in the afternoon, so they didn't have dinner together.

After two classes in the afternoon, Li Chengan was about to send a message to Yuan Siyu when he saw her unread message: "Let's eat together tonight?"

Li Chengan: "Okay."

Li Chengan: "I was looking for you."

Yuan Siyu: "Hahaha"

The two chatted for a while, and then Li Chengan went back to the dormitory first, put down his things, and then went to the cafeteria, planning to go for a walk after eating and spend more time with her.

When she came to the entrance of the cafeteria, Yuan Siyu was already there. She seemed to have dressed up deliberately, wearing a very textured black dress. Although she was not tall, her proportions were good, and she looked slender and beautiful.

In the past two years, she has also undergone considerable changes compared with when she entered the school. There is still some baby fat on her face, but it has been reduced a little. It is still cute, but it shows some soft features, and she has learned some makeup skills. It looks even more beautiful.

When she saw Li Chengan, she showed a sweet and lovely smile and waved to him.

Li Chengan couldn't help but smile on his face. When he came closer, Yuan Siyu stretched out his hand for him to hold. He turned around and walked into the canteen among the crowd, asking in a casual tone: "What are you eating?"

"Look at it."

Li Chengan has learned not to say "anything" or "anything" directly, but to use another way of expression, "Do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat that noodle, the one I ate last time..."


"Do you want to eat the same as me?"


The two had several disputes about eating. Yuan Siyu disliked that he never ate the same food as her, but Li Chengan felt that eating something different would give him another choice.

They finally bought the same noodles, but with different flavors. Yuan Siyu went to find a seat first, and Li Chengan came over afterward, and sat down to eat.

The two chatted about interesting things that happened in their lives and ate while Li Chengan was quietly thinking about how to surprise her...

Yuan Siyu was eating, raised his head from time to time, wiped the juice from the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, combed his hair, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and then lowered his head to eat.

I don't know when it started, the two of them stopped talking, Yuan Siyu looked up at him, saw that he had almost eaten, and seemed to want to say something.

Li Chengan raised his head, noticed it, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? You don't want to eat?"


Yuan Siyu nodded, "I'm you want to eat?"

"Then you call me."

Li Chengan maintained the habit of not wasting food, with skillful movements, he put the leftover noodles from his girlfriend into his own bowl, and then continued to suck.


Li Chengan quickly finished eating, Yuan Siyu handed over a tissue, watched him wipe the corner of his mouth, suddenly took a breath, and said, "I'll tell you something."


Li Chengan looked over, but Yuan Siyu lowered his head and whispered, "I... let's break up."


Li Chengan was a little dazed, looked at her, and didn't react for a while.

Yuan Siyu raised his head again and said seriously: "I'm serious, let's break up."

Li Chengan tried his best to restore his brain's ability to think, and couldn't help laughing out loud, but he couldn't stop laughing in an instant, and asked as calmly as possible: "What's the reason?"

Yuan Siyu looked at him and said softly: "Don't think about it, I don't like anyone else, I still like you very much, but we can't be together again."

Li Chengan asked: "Why can't we be together?"

Yuan Siyu hesitated for a moment, then looked at him and said: "You are really... very good, and you are very good to me. We have been together for the past two years, and I am very happy, very happy. You gave me the feeling of falling in love. I Thank you very much, and I will remember you, but we have to live."

Li Chengan smiled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yuan Siyu asked back: "Have you ever thought about what kind of life the two of us will live after graduation?"

Li Chengan asked: "What do you want to say?"

Before Yuan Siyu could answer, he said: "I said before that I might go back to the provincial capital, but I also said some time ago that I can stay in the capital. I'm already thinking about these things..."

"Not for that reason."

Yuan Siyu interrupted him, "Even if we stay in the capital, so what? Our life will not change fundamentally."

Li Chengan stopped talking and looked at her.

Yuan Siyu said: "Our school is not good. There are famous schools everywhere in the capital, and people from other schools come to the capital. There are college students everywhere. After graduation, it's hard to say what kind of job we can find, and..."

She looked away, and her voice became softer, and said: "My family's situation is not very good, and your family's situation is not very good, and you have to work part-time to make money in college... What about after graduation? Housing prices in Beijing are so expensive, don't Let’s talk about the monthly payment, just the down payment, how many years do we have to save? How old can we have a home that belongs to us?”

Li Chengan looked at her, as if he just found out today that this girl who has been in a relationship for two years, works part-time with him, endures hardships, and enjoys it so much, actually has such a side.

He watched quietly, and Yuan Siyu didn't hide anymore. He looked at him and said, "I know what you are going to say. I know you are very hardworking and motivated. I believe you will not always be like this..."

She paused, and said the two expected words: "But,"

After taking a breath, she went on to say, "No one can say what the future holds. I can't see hope."

Li Chengan did not speak.

Yuan Siyu continued: "I can accompany you for two years, or I can accompany you for four years, six years, eight years, ten years...but the ending...maybe after graduation, we kept arguing under the pressure of life, and in the end After the feelings are gone, we still have to break up..."

She lowered her head again, as if water droplets were falling, her voice was still very soft and calm: "In that case, it's better to break up now, at least to leave a good impression on each other."

Li Chengan took a breath, and asked again: "Is there any other reason?"

Yuan Siyu raised his hand to wipe away the tears, raised his head and shook his head, then seemed to think for a while, and then said: "Besides, you said now that you can stay in the capital because of me, if you quarrel in the future, it is inevitable that you will talk about it, or go back to the province city……"

She said, her voice became soft again, and she stopped looking at him, "When we first met, I fantasized about the future of the two of us, so I knew that I shouldn't see my family when I first fell in love, so I still endured it." I kept mentioning to you that I wanted to see your family...but you never promised, and you kept perfunctory me. Now, you said that you would stay in the capital for me, can I believe it?" Li Chengan took a breath and said: "We'll go to my sister's right now, if you like."

As he spoke, his suppressed emotions finally became a little excited. He stood up and was about to take her there.

Yuan Siyu looked up at him, with a smile on his face, shook his head and said, "No, it's unnecessary."

Li Chengan stood, looked down at him, took a breath suddenly, and said with a smile: "Indeed."

He also sat down, and neither of them spoke anymore.

After a long silence, Li Chengan asked: "You said so much just now, what is the most important reason for you to choose to break up?"

Yuan Siyu shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

Li Chengan looked at her and continued to ask: "Let's put it another way. If we go back to the time when we just met, how can I change so that you don't make the decision to break up?"

Yuan Siyu still didn't speak.

Li Chengan felt that he was calm and sober like never before, and asked calmly: "My family is also near the capital, or is it simply a registered residence in the urban area of ​​the capital?"

Yuan Siyu didn't speak.

"Or when we first talked, I decided to stay in the capital just like you?"

Yuan Siyu didn't speak.

"It's the first time you mentioned it, or without you saying it, I will take you to meet your family?"

Yuan Siyu didn't speak.

Li Chengan fell into silence, then smiled and asked again: "Very rich? Or is the family rich? Or is there a relative with a rich background, such as my sister who is so beautiful and married to a rich man?"

Yuan Siyu still didn't speak, raised her head and looked at him, and after looking at him for two seconds, she whispered with a sad expression: "You don't want to be like this..."


Li Chengan nodded, exhaled lightly, and said, "It's pointless to say these things now."

Yuan Siyu remained silent.

Li Chengan also continued to remain silent, the two sat silently facing each other, watching the people next to them eat, chat, and look at each other...

After being silent for a long time, Li Chengan asked again: "What I say and do now, can it be undone?"

Yuan Siyu shook his head, looked at him, sad, worried, and looked like he wanted to cry. He reached out his hand gently, as if he wanted to grab his arm like before, but in the end he didn't. He just said, "Don't do this."


Li Chengan wanted to say something more, but found that there was nothing to say, so he just nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, it's already like this..."

He wanted to say a seemingly chic and relieved ending, but found that after dating for two years, he learned how to figure out a girl's mind, how to make her happy, how to apologize, how to speak sweet words, and how to be considerate ...but never learned it, never prepared for it.

My mind is blank and I can't speak.

He paused for two seconds, Yuan Siyu looked at him, smiled at him and said, "That's all right, let's go, I'll take you back."


The two stood up in silence, walked towards the girls' dormitory, and came outside the gate of the girls' dormitory. Yuan Siyu stopped, turned to look at him, and suddenly smiled and said: "You just said that if I want, I can go to your sister's house right away. Is it true? ?”

Li Chengan smiled and said, "Really, are you going?"

Yuan Siyu shook his head and said, "I'll just ask."

She blinked slightly, there seemed to be mist in her eyes, she looked at him and said, "You can hug me again, okay?"

Li Chengan hesitated for a moment, then gently hugged her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

After a while, Yuan Siyu struggled slightly and said: "Okay~"

Her tone was soft, as if she was shy in the past when they were in love, but they both understood that they were completely different.

Li Chengan did not let go, and whispered: "If I am rich, can we continue to be together?"

Yuan Siyu continued to struggle, Li Chengan had no choice but to let go of her, and continued to stare at her.

Yuan Siyu smiled playfully and said, "Then you study hard and work hard to make money. Maybe I was still in love with you before I was married at that time."

Li Chengan smiled, exhaled lightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, pretend I didn't ask... I hope you meet the person who can make you happier soon."

Yuan Siyu nodded and said with a smile: "You too...I'm leaving, goodbye~"


Yuan Siyu took a deep look at him, as if he was about to leave, but tears suddenly flowed down. He stared at him, and said in a nasal and crying voice: "Haven't you complimented me on whether my clothes look good today?"


Li Chengan smiled and praised, "The clothes look good, the person looks better, and he will look better and better in the future."

Yuan Siyu smiled with tears all over his face, as if feeling embarrassed, reached out to wipe away the tears, smiled at him, waved his hand in front of his chest, then turned and left.

Li Chengan watched her walk into the girls' dormitory, walked into the crowd, disappeared under the cover of the gate and the building, stood quietly for another two seconds, then smiled, stretched out her arms, looked up at the sky, turned around, And in the process put away your arms and stride away.

As expected, I don't have the life of the protagonist. Every time I feel that life is good, there will be a heavy blow of fate brewing and finishing.

Last time it was the true face of brother-in-law, this time it was Yuan Siyu... More precisely, it was the true face of love, what will be the next time?
When can we stop?

Can't get any worse?
Or have you been able to face all the waves in life calmly and don’t feel like this is the time for a heavy blow?
The waves never stop, but surfers can become mature and strong...

Is this what you have to experience on the road?
He tried his best to control his expression, looking at the people and faces coming towards him, he suddenly thought of Bai Yueqing.

If she appears at this time, is it because he is still the protagonist, but he misunderstood the heroine before?

However, all the way back to the dormitory, Bai Yueqing didn't show up, and his roommate didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Except for him, the lives of others are no different from usual.

After all, not the main character. (end of this chapter)

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