Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 371 The Counterattack of the Two Kingdoms

Chapter 371 The counterattack of the two countries

"There is such a shortage of food in Guanzhong!"

Liu Yi was terrified after reading this report.

In recent years, he has been focusing on other things, and has not paid much attention to food.

To be precise, Liu Yizhen's eyes were confused by the abundant harvests in various parts of Kanto, and he subconsciously ignored the food problem in Guanzhong, which made Guanzhong a dark place under the lights.

If these stocks are consumed for a while, and Helian Bobo calls at that time, it will indeed be a big trouble!

"I was so negligent!"

Liu Yizhen also realized that this was an urgent problem to be solved at the moment, so he decided to recruit people from Hebei, Henan and other places to send grain to Guanzhong one after another.

"His Majesty."

Xie Hui suddenly stood up and suggested to Liu Yizhen: "Your Majesty, why not just transport the grain from Henan and Jiangnan. As for the grain from Hebei, transport it to Xihe!"

West River?

Several people were full of confusion about Xie Hui's mysterious proposal.

Xihe is located in the northwest of Jinyang, and its west is adjacent to Dahe.

Like Yunzhong, this place is often regarded as the dividing line between Han forces and nomads, and Hu people in the north often graze here.

Moreover, the mountains and rivers here are not suitable for farming, and the transportation of soldiers and food is extremely troublesome, so the sense of existence here is not too high.

Xie Hui was not in a hurry to explain, but came to the huge sand table and placed a chess piece representing a soldier in Xihe's position.

"Your Majesty, please see."

Pushing the war chess to Xihe, Liu Yizhen suddenly discovered the coup of this step.

Unify Wancheng!
At this moment, Xie Hui actually pushed through the clouds and used Xihe's troops to single-handedly suspend Hu Xia's capital Wancheng!

If troops were sent from Xihe, as long as they crossed the big river flowing from north to south, Tongwan City would be exposed to the Song army almost without any hindrance!
Xie Hui explained to everyone at this time: "Hu Xia has no worries about attacking us, but we have a lot of worries when facing Hu Xia."

Compared with Liu Song's long northern border, Hu Xia's environment is undoubtedly much better.

Beiliang in the west is his ally, and Qiu Chi in the south is a rookie who can't jump around.

The Northern Wei Dynasty, which was originally a great threat, was also disabled by Liu Yu and Liu Yizhen.What's more, Tuoba Tao is not Sun Quan. Knowing that he wants to resist Liu Song with Hu Xia at this time, it is impossible to stab someone in danger.

Therefore, Helian Bobo can use all the strength of a country to attack Guanzhong. This kind of military posture that can let go can naturally improve the morale of Hu Xia's army.

On the other hand, Liu Song had to hoard troops in important military areas in the Central Plains, but also make defensive preparations from at least three directions (Guanzhong, Jinyang, and Western Liaoning).

In this way, Liu Song's military pressure is actually far more difficult than imagined.

Now that Xie Hui is hanging a killer move in Xihe, and eyeing Tongwan City across the river, it can greatly reduce the future military pressure in Guanzhong, which can be described as a stroke of magic.

Even Wang Zhen'e and Zhu Lingshi sighed when they saw this step: "Thank you, Shizhong, for being a real wonder in the world!"

If part of Hu Xia's troops can be restrained in Xihe, it will have indescribable benefits to the entire battle situation.


In the national war, the fight is about comprehensive national strength and who can make fewer mistakes.

Under the ebb and flow, Liu Song's winning rate will also become greater and greater.

"Okay, let's transport the food according to Xie Shizhong's plan."

Hoarding a large amount of supplies in Xihe, Liu Yizhen did not believe that Helian Bobo was not panicking.

"It's not bad to scare him first."

As for the general stationed in Xihe, Liu Yizhen followed Wang Zhen'e's suggestion and chose Shen Tianzi.

"Shen Tianzi has a bad temper. He is stationed in Xihe and will always pick out some things."

The reason is also very appropriate.

The purpose of hoarding goods and capital in Xihe was to frighten Helian Bobo. If Shen Tianzi, a lively and active general, was added, it might cause some surprises.


Liu Yizhen gave Wang Zhen'e a meaningful look, but Wang Zhen'e's eyes wandered to some corner.



The news that the grain and grass in Hebei were transported to Bingzhou was quickly learned by Hu Xia and the spies of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

At the beginning, Tuoba Tao was the most nervous. He thought that the grain would be transported to Jinyang for the future war between Liu Song and Northern Wei.

But soon he knew that the food was being transported to Xihe.

Tuoba Tao, as a rare military genius once in a century, naturally saw the intention of the Song Army to station troops in Xihe.

"Heh, it seems that Liu Yizhen can't help but start planning ahead of time, and he will be Helian Bobo's nest as soon as he makes a move."

Although the Northern Wei Dynasty annexed part of Rouran and the Liaodong and Liaoxi regions, it was still not enough compared to the huge size of Liu Song.

Not to mention Liu Song, even Hu Xia, who occupies Hetao and Longyou, is now somewhat stronger by the Northern Wei Dynasty.

As the weakest existence among the three parties, Tuoba Tao certainly hopes that both Liu Song and Hu Xia will suffer.

Now that Liu Song, the strongest, is making moves, it makes no sense that Hu Xia and Northern Wei, who are relatively weaker, will sit back and watch Liu Song's layout.

"Go and send a letter to Helian Bobo. If he doesn't want to die, he should do it earlier!"

"The longer we delay, the smaller our chances of winning!"

After finishing diplomacy, which Tuoba Tao was not very good at, Tuoba Tao also began to arrange what he was good at - war.

"Yanmen Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. From there, it is difficult to defeat the Song Army who is good at foot combat."

Tuoba Tao turned his gaze to the Beiyan territory he had just occupied.

There, there is a very narrow passage that leads directly to Hebei.

"Liaoxi Corridor!"

In the future, there will be another well-known checkpoint here, named Shanhai!
"Pass my word of mouth, the whole army is assembled!"


Compared with Tuoba Tao, Helian Bobo is less vigorous, but more cautious.

When Liu Song transported a large amount of grain and grass to Xihe, Helianbobo's first reaction was to attack Xihe immediately.

But it's not realistic...

There is a big river between Xihe and Tongwan City.

Not the big rivers in the lower reaches, but the middle reaches.

It is close to Huguan Waterfall, and the water is so fast that there are only a few ferry crossings on the east and west banks.

It is not easy to fight Xihe from Tongwan City.

It is actually very difficult to conquer Wancheng from Xihe.

Therefore, Xihe was only regarded as a pawn to deter Tong Wancheng, not a strategic city.Nor can it be the main battlefield where the two countries are at war.

"This trick is simply disgusting!"

Even though he knew it would be difficult to fight from Xihe, would Helian Bobo dare to open the rear?
Once it is empty, the tragedy of Liu Yizhen entering Hu Xia's hinterland from Jinsuoguan in the past will repeat itself. As a talented and bold person, it is indifferent and impossible for Helian Bobo to step on the same pit twice!
"Liu Yizhen... Do you think you are the only one who will use these tricks?"

Helian Bobo snorted a little.

"Order the prince to lead the troops south immediately!"

"Chan Yu, where is the prince going?"

"Chou Chi!"

There was a cold smile in the corner of Helian Bobo's eyes.

"Qiu Chi! They have been stable for too long, it's time for them to move around!"

(End of this chapter)

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