Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 372

Chapter 372
If the grain from Hebei cannot be transported to Guanzhong, other places need to step up to fill the gap.

In addition to Henan and Jiangnan, there is actually a fairly close source of food in Guanzhong——

Shu land.

As a major grain producer next to Hebei and Henan, the Chengdu Plain has not been hit by war for more than ten years since Liu Yu conquered Qiaoshu, and must have saved a lot of grain in these years.

Even counting the horrific consumption of grain transported from Sichuan, hundreds of thousands of shi of grain could be scraped together, and the role of these grains in maintaining stability in Guanzhong naturally need not be repeated.


Xiao Chengzhi has been in charge of Shu for nearly ten years.

Even if he is the clan of Empress Dowager Xiao, Liu Yizhen is not at ease to continue to hand over the land of Shu to him.

What's more, this guy's son, the future Southern Qi Taizu Xiao Daocheng, was the gravedigger of the Liu Song Dynasty. It is impossible to say that Liu Yizhen was not on guard.

He just took this opportunity to fish Xiao Chengzhi out of Shu, and then put another of his own people in again.

This person Liu Yizhen chose Pei Fangming who had nothing to do in the Central Plains.

Pei Fangming is naturally considered a good player, but among the super luxurious lineup of Liu Song, it is not his turn to play as a young man.

Wang Zhen'e, Zhu Lingshi, Tan Daoji, Wang Zhongde, Fu Hongzhi, Zhu Chaoshi...

These talents will be the main force for Liu Song to fight against Hu Xia and Northern Wei in the future.

If Pei Fangming is kept, he won't get any military merits, so it's better to send him to guard the land of Shu.

Xiao Chengzhi was recalled to court, so Tan Daoji, who had been stationed in Jingzhou, should also be recalled.

Putting such a prestigious and capable general in the back is making things difficult for oneself.

As for the candidate to guard Jingzhou, Liu Yi also had a good idea, so he pushed Mao Dezu up.

Mao Dezu is also getting old, so it would be good for him to retire to the rear.

In Liu Song now, there are so many young and strong generals, so such a veteran is still supporting the front line, so he asked those young generals if they could hold on to their face.

Soon, the court's transfer order spread to Shu.

Xiao Chengzhi couldn't say he was happy after receiving the transfer order, but he was definitely not sad either.

After he bid farewell to Liu Yiji, the king of Chengdu, he began to urge the states and counties in Shu to mobilize people to transport grain to the north.

To transport grain from Shu, the first pass is the section from Chengdu Plain to Hanzhong.

There are three main roads, Jinniu Road, Micang Road, and Lizhi Road. Xiao Chengzhi's grain transportation started from Jinniu Road and went straight to Hanzhong.

On this road, Xiao Chengzhi was also fortunate to experience the hardships of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition.

When transporting grain from Jinniu Road, one stone of grain is often consumed for every stone of grain transported.

This terrifying loss made Xiao Chengzhi's eyelids twitch.

"The most difficult thing in the world is the Northern Expedition in Shu!"

It's hard to imagine what kind of mood and will the Shu Han, who only occupied the land of Shu at that time, went on the Northern Expedition again and again.Anyway, let Xiao Chengzhi think about that scene by himself, and somewhat shudders.

From Jinniu Road to Hanzhong, it is considered that the first stage of grain transportation has been completed.

After that, they rushed from Hanzhong to Guanzhong.

This road is also very difficult to walk.

From Hanzhong to Guanzhong, there are five major roads, namely Qishan Road, Chencang Road, Baoxie Road, Tangluo Road and Ziwu Road.

Qishan Road is the widest road, and it is also the main passage for Zhuge Liang's previous Northern Expeditions.

The issue is……

This path cannot be taken at present.

Because Wudu and Yinping counties are still located in the small transparency of Qiuchi.

In addition, the exit of Qishan Road is not controlled by Liu Song, but by Hu Xia.

So this path was first ruled out by Xiao Chengzhi.

The rest, Baoxie Road, Tangluo Road, and Ziwu Road, are more difficult to walk than the other, and are not suitable for large-scale grain transportation.

In this way, Chen Cangdao was left with the choice.

To take Chencang Road, you have to go out of Yangping Pass, which is located on the west side of Hanzhong.

Xiao Chengzhi first repaired in Hanzhong, and only after the food from Shu land arrived in Hanzhong did he start to move towards Yangping Pass one after another.

A grain transportation captain under Xiao Chengzhi's command was escorting grain under Xiao Chengzhi's order. As a Shu native, he felt a little resentful about this difficult road.

"I'm afraid that more than half of this food will be wasted when transported to Guanzhong. I don't know what is the use of such a lot of trouble?"

Although Xiao Chengzhi also complained about the hardships of transporting grain, he shook his head when he heard what the captain of grain transporting said.

"Shu has been in peace for a long time, and there is no shortage of food. But there is a lot of shortage in Guanzhong."

"This food is transported to Guanzhong as military rations to support the army."

"If the soldiers in Guanzhong can't eat enough, they can't defeat the enemy army outside the pass. Even if they are defeated by the enemy and lose Guanzhong, then no matter how much food there is in Shu, it can only be turned into other people's wedding dresses."

Xiao Chengzhi saw clearly.

The emperor moved the country's capital to Chang'an in order to fight to the death with hostile forces like Hu Xia and completely solve the problem of the Hu people who had harassed the Han family for hundreds of years.

And once the trouble of the Hu people is resolved, it means that Guanzhong is safe.

The safety of Guanzhong is actually equivalent to the safety of Shu.

Therefore, paying a little food in exchange for the stability of Shu is still a pretty good deal from the perspective of officials and people in Shu.

But even if he understands it in his heart, the hardship of transporting food still makes Xiao Chengzhi scold his mother.

The grain transport captain also shook his head, and continued to urge the grain transport team to move forward.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the grain transportation team in the west.

"what's the situation?"

Along the way, such disturbances often occurred in the grain transportation team.After all, the road to Shu is difficult and dangerous, and it is inevitable that someone will fall off the cliff, or turn over the grain truck and drop grain on the ground.

Xiao Chengzhi originally thought it was this kind of small commotion, so he asked the Captain Yunliang who complained just now to solve it.

But this time it was obviously not a small problem as Xiao Chengzhi thought.

The grain transport captain who was sent out quickly turned back, and at the same time, his face was a little anxious and panicked.

"General! There are enemy troops appearing on the west side of our army!"


Where did the enemy come from?
Before Xiao Chengzhi could think it over clearly, he saw the grain transportation team in the west ignited a ball of flames.

"Damn it! Someone burned food!"

These grains are the painstaking efforts of the people in Shu, and it is the sweat that I have worked so hard to transport from Shu. How could it be burned like this?

Xiao Chengzhi immediately raised his whip, whipped it hard, and rode his horse to the west.

Because of the fear brought by the flames, most of the people who transported the food fell into a panic, which made the situation here even more complicated.

Xiao Chengzhi was also a fierce general, relying on his skill and courage, he rushed directly to the westernmost periphery of the team.

Only now did he see the chaos here.

There really are enemies!Although there were not many of them, they were well armored, and at first glance they looked like regular soldiers, not vagrant bandits.

The most important thing is that Xiao Chengzhi is very familiar with the style of the armor.

Qiu Chi!

How dare that tiny country come to burn Liu Song's food delivery team?

At this moment, Xiao Chengzhi was confused first, and then angry.

"Wait... court death!"

(End of this chapter)

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