Chapter 106 Tris

In the sewer, a swarm of illusory bats flew out, and a tall figure came out together with the swarm of bats.

He came to the side of the Tussock River, under the crimson moonlight, his red eyes seemed to merge with the moon.

From the outside, this is a lonely man, but he smells of sewers and rotting corpses.

He held a golden bar in his palm with long pointed nails.

In an instant, a little light appeared on his body, and this little light cleared away the peculiar smell on his body, and burned the corpses of rats that were stained on his body.

He was standing by the Tussock River, seemingly looking for something.

After about ten seconds, two figures appeared behind him, and the figure with a suitcase asked, "Mr. Xiao, where is that detective?"

"Jumped into the river. There should be a magical item on him that can move underwater. We have lost his trace." The man named Xiao looked at several directions on the river with his eyes, and seemed to find nothing.

"This detective has a lot of secrets. Maybe he is related to the person we have been investigating, so he should be taken care of." The figure carrying the suitcase also looked towards the water and said without expression.

"I know."

The man named Xiao stretched out phantom bat wings from his back and flew across the river.


Inside a hotel in the Jowood area.

As the night grew darker, Lewis roughly calculated the time. Tomorrow afternoon is the time for the Tarot Club to be held again. He might meet Klein's upcoming trumpet "World".

"Well, I can sell the news of 'Zaratul' at tomorrow's party. I need a lot of cash. Based on what I know, two thousand pounds is a very reasonable price.

I played the role of "Lucky One" very well. I need to find the potion formula of "Priest of Misfortune" as soon as possible and start looking for potion materials. "

Suddenly, Lewis heard the sound of footsteps and people talking. The sound was at least 200 meters away from him, but as an extraordinary person, he could hear it very clearly.

"Don't let him get away, or our plans will be ruined!"

"Damn thief, let me find you, I must have skinned you!"

Sitting by the window, Lewis looked out, and the direction in which the thief escaped was, unfortunately, the direction in which he was.

The thief's face was not clearly seen, but Lewis' inspiration gave him the feedback of "this is an acquaintance".

"Is there a thief among my acquaintances? Who could it be?"

Lewis, not wishing to be unwittingly drawn into trouble, extinguished the gas, and lay down to sleep.

In the darkness, an inconspicuous figure climbed up to the second floor. Her figure quickly jumped into Lewis' room through the window.

She took a dagger in her hand and placed it on Lewis' shoulder in the dark.

"Don't make a sound, I..."

Only halfway through her voice, she saw the man lying on the bed move, and before she even had time to react, she was strangled by the neck and pressed to the floor.

Her body was tightly locked by the opponent, which made her swing the dagger vigorously, but her wrist could not make any large movements at all, and her only means of attack was easily blocked.

It was very unfortunate that he met a master fighter whose physical fitness was far beyond ordinary people, and she, an extraordinary person, fell into the opponent's hands after just one meeting.

"Mr. Lewis!" In the darkness, the woman shouted in surprise, her voice was not loud enough for Lewis to hear clearly.

"Tsk..." Lewis frowned. No wonder the inspiration gave him special feedback from the very beginning. It turned out to be Cherie, the dancer, who was still in Backlund.

"Why don't you go back to Tingen?" Lewis took the dagger from Cherry's hand, let go of it slightly, and asked.

"I... want to investigate some things. These things may be related to Tingen's human trafficking. It's very important!" Cherie looked at Lewis, her eyes subconsciously turned sideways, avoiding Lewis' gaze.

"Investigate something? Based on your Sequence Ninth character, you should have been caught long ago. Triss is also here, and she is helping you in secret?" Lewis suddenly remembered the witch, and asked in a cold voice.

"You..." Cherie frowned, she turned her head away as soon as her words reached her mouth, and said in a low voice: "You seem to know everything, if you didn't destroy Triss's ceremony, those damn people dead long ago."

"What about those people who don't deserve to die? Do you know Triss? It was Triss who caused the tragedy on the Clover." Lewis let go of Cherie. He walked to the window, closed the shutters, and gave Che Li winked and told him to hide.

After about ten seconds, there was a knock on the door, and a female clerk asked:

"Sir, what happened in the room?"

Lewis knew that the people who were following Cherie were coming, and if he made the clerk suspicious, more people might come later.

After taking off his coat, Lewis opened the door. He looked at the clerk with a smile and said, "It's nothing, but the quilt in the room has a musty smell. Can you change it for me?"

"Of course." The clerk looked into the room and found nothing unusual.

Lewis closed the door, and after a while, he was relieved when the clerk brought the new quilt, and looked towards the dark place behind the door.

At that position, a female figure wearing a black cloak appeared, and she asked: "You said? The tragedy on the Clover was caused by Ms. Triss. There is no need for Ms. Triss to create those meaningless things. I think that case However, the murderer was a man."

Lewis flicked a coin, landed on his palm, and saw one side of the king's head.

Divination told himself that he could have a chat, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Do you know the follow-up of 'Assassin'?"

"I don't know." Triss shook her head and replied.

"The Assassin path can also be called the Witch path, Sequence Nine 'Assassin', Sequence Eight 'Instigator', Sequence Seven 'Witch'..." Lewis explained calmly, waiting quietly for Cherie to ask him questions.

Cherie's pretty brows were tightly frowned. She seemed to have discovered the point, showing a tangled expression, and asked, "You said... Sequence Seven is a witch? What would happen if a man drank the 'witch' potion?"

"Of course it's a woman, and it's a beautiful woman. Triss used to be a real man, but after drinking the potion, she became a real witch." Lewis smiled It seems to be mocking Cherie's ignorance.

"Miss Triss, she used to be a man? She was Triss the 'Instigator'? The murderer who caused the 'Clover' tragedy?" Cherry's pupils shrank suddenly, her tone was full of disbelief, and she muttered muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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