Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 107 Cursed Crystal Ball

Chapter 107 Cursed Crystal Ball

As if to verify Cherie's conjecture, Lewis' deep voice came:
"That's right, Miss Triss is the male instigator. She used to have another male name, Triss."

Cherie hid behind the shadows, she hid her figure, so that Lewis could not see the change of her expression clearly.

Lewis didn't want to disturb the other party to digest the news. After all, this news was too unbelievable for Cherry.

Before becoming a transcendent, Cherie was just a Tingen city dancer who sold her body due to poverty.

He put the dagger lightly on the floor and sat quietly aside.

After about 10 minutes, Cherie leaned over abruptly, her voice was soft and gentle, and she said, "Mr. Lewis, I hope tonight is a wonderful night. Please let me thank you for telling me so many things."

In a panic, Lewis made a sealed spiritual wall to isolate the sound.

Until late at night, when Cherie left from the window, he silently recalled the potion formula of the Witch Path in his mind:
The instigator of Sequence Eight, the potion formula is unclear.

Sequence Seven Witch: Extraordinary materials are all the blood of the black abyss demon fish, agate peacock eggs; auxiliary materials are 80 ml of pure water, 5 drops of golden mandala juice, three scales of shadow lizard, and 10 drops of daffodil juice.

Sequence Six Pleasure: Extraordinary materials are a pair of eyes of the glamorous banshee, one silk gland of an adult widow giant spider; auxiliary materials are 100 ml of pure water, 5 drops of black mandala juice, all the remaining hair of the glamorous banshee , 10 grams of powder crushed by Fenepot flies, 5 grams of real mummified ashes.

Thinking about it silently, Lewis couldn't help but think:

"If the price is right, I can sell the potion formulas of these two sequences to Cherie.

The God of the Witch Path is a master in women's clothing, which makes it difficult for a female witch to become a High Sequence, but Cherie has no need to become a High Sequence at all, she only needs to stay at a Sequence Six forever. "

Lewis sketched the image of Serra in his mind, and closed his eyes silently, but it was a pity that Serra had already been promoted.

In the morning, when the sky was fully lit, Lewis returned to the Hilton area by a stagecoach.

He bought a copy of "Becklund Morning News", and he found the wanted information in the corner of the first page of the newspaper:

Wanted for a thief, unknown gender, thin build, suspected of having stolen important items in his hands, a reward of 120 pounds is offered.

Lewis frowned. He recalled the people who chased Cherry yesterday. These people seemed to be clamoring to catch the thief.

"120 pounds is not a small amount. Maybe the item that Miss Cherry stole is very important."

The double-decker stagecoach stopped and went, and about an hour and a half later, Lewis got off at Alter Street in the Hilton District.

Instead of returning directly to the detective agency, he took out a coin and silently recited the divination statement:

"It's dangerous to go back to the detective agency."

The coin landed in the palm of the hand, tails up, which meant that there was no risk in returning to the detective agency.

"There are a lot of pedestrians on Oort Street during the day. According to the normal situation, no extraordinary person dares to mess around. At most, those people just keep an eye on me."

Lewis took off his top hat, put on a layer of bulky linen clothes, and walked carefully back to the detective agency.

From the beginning until now, he didn't notice that he was being stared at, which made him feel relieved a lot, and he became a little more courageous.

Pushing open the door, the layout on the first floor is still the same as usual, with dust dancing in front of the coffee table.

Lewis walked straight up to the second floor. He noticed that the drawer had opened a tiny gap, so he did a fortune-telling.

"Sure enough, someone came to the detective agency. It should be the group from yesterday. They left without finding any trace of Blau."

Lewis breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that these people would just give up and stop making trouble.

Otherwise, he might have to move, away from Oulter Street.

He could clearly feel that he shouldn't stay in Backlund any longer. After all, he had experienced many extraordinary events in just three weeks since he came to Backlund, and he also suspected to have come into contact with hidden existences.

Moreover, the place where he lived was too close to Miss Windsor, a woman who was suspected of having contact with a hidden existence, which made him feel uneasy.

After making the sealed spiritual wall, Lewis took out a lead box from his pocket again, opened it, and took out the contents.

"This is the Extraordinary characteristic of 'Serial Killer', maybe you can use it, after all, this is also considered an Extraordinary item."

Since there is no pre-information, and no one has ever used this extraordinary feature, Lewis cannot confirm the usage of this item, and can only be determined through repeated trials.

Fortunately, he knows the extraordinary ability of the "serial killer", which can save him a lot of trouble.

Because, the items formed by extraordinary characteristics are generally related to the ability of this path.

Having caught a mouse, Lewis began to experiment.

"I cursed the rat to have a terrible headache, and because of the headache, he would break his hind leg on the way down the stairs."

After speaking to the extraordinary item, Lewis didn't feel any difference in this item, indicating that the ability was not activated at all.

"Failed? The ability of this item cannot be activated, or does the curse require a medium, something related to rats?"

Thinking of this, Lewis caught the mouse back again, dripped a drop of mouse blood on it, and chanted that disgusting little curse again.

The spherical object, which was only half the size of a fist, changed strangely, and the surface seemed to be covered with a layer of blue light, which looked very strange.

Letting go of the mouse again, the mouse squeaked. It wanted to escape Lewis and ran down the stairs in the attic.

Suddenly, the mouse fell down on the middle step. It howled miserably, and one of its hind legs was broken.

Lewis picked up the mouse again, and after several repeated experiments, he found that this item could indeed perform vicious little curses, provided that these little curses were not too excessive.

For example, it is simply impossible to directly curse an extraordinary person to death.

In addition, there is a 30% chance of failure every time you activate a supernatural item. After failure, the curse will be superimposed on yourself. Simply carrying it has no side effects.

Lewis put the item away, thought about it, and named it.

"It's called the Cursed Crystal Ball. Although this extraordinary item doesn't look very good, it may play an unexpected role at critical moments."

As usual, Lewis opened the doors of the detective agency and waited for today's business to come.

After 02:30, the door of Lewis Detective Agency was locked, and he was responsible for making a sealed spiritual wall, waiting for Klein's call.

This week's tarot session is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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