Chapter 119

Back at the detective agency, Lewis did not act immediately. He wrapped the citrine pendant around his right hand, and silently read the divination sentence:

"The elimination of the evil spirits will go smoothly this time."

After reciting the divination sentence seven times silently, Lewis' spirituality was able to communicate with the spirit world, and the pendant turned clockwise at an even speed.

"This means that this operation is not too dangerous, and the evil spirits are not strong, so I should be able to handle them easily.

Of course, the premise is to be fully prepared, no one can win every battle without preparation. "

After the divination was over, Lewis went to the black market to buy some auxiliary materials for the "Priest of Disaster".

The moon flower is a relatively common material. Although it only blooms on the day of the blood moon, it is not difficult to find. It only cost 3 pounds to buy one.

As for pure water, there is no need to buy such materials, he only needs to use the "distillation method" to make some, which is enough to make potions.

"Those supernatural materials are undoubtedly difficult to find. I have never seen the Calamity Sea Serpent, and I have only heard of it in some books.

It is said that mermaids occasionally appeared near the sea a hundred years ago, but now only some churches have them in captivity, so I can only try to go to the far sea to try my luck.

In addition, the ghost dust and the blood of the silver snake in the auxiliary materials are also supernatural materials. Such items can only be seen at parties, and they are not found in the ordinary black market. "

Lewis carefully weighed the pros and cons. After confirming Ince Zangwill's current state, he will consider leaving Backlund.

Whether it's for the promotion of the Disaster Priest, or to temporarily avoid the dangers that exist in Backlund.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun shifted, and Lewis got ready to dress. He first took the subway and left Backlund City, and then headed towards the village that Wilbur mentioned.

Night is the stage when the evil spirits are more active. At this time, he may be able to easily catch the evil spirits without spending too much effort to find them.

The yellowed sunlight still shone on the ground, and the darkness in the distance began to slowly engulf the small village.

At this point, some time before dark, Lewis went into the only bar in the village and ordered a Southwell beer.

This kind of beer is slightly bitter in the mouth, sweet in the aftertaste and relatively refreshing to drink.

"My friend, do you also like to drink Southwell beer?" Suddenly, a strong man in a worker's sackcloth sat beside Lewis familiarly. He said to the bartender, "A cup of Southwell beer."

The bartender stopped wiping the glass abruptly. He looked at the strong man and said coldly, "Matthew, if you want beer, you should ask the gentleman next to you first, unless you plan to pay for it yourself."

Matthew scratched his head and said to Lewis: "Sir, your gentlemanly demeanor is really impressive. If I were a woman, I would have welcomed you with my ass."

Lewis frowned. He took a look at this rough, unkempt man. If the other party was a woman, it would be terrible.

"A glass of Southwell beer." Lewis hurriedly interrupted the man to continue talking, and it's okay to ask for a glass of beer.

What's more, he also has the idea of ​​inquiring about information. In the face of an unknown opponent, collecting information in advance is also a very important part.

"You are such a generous gentleman." The rugged man took a swig of Southwell beer from the bartender.

"I heard that there is a dilapidated old house in this village that occasionally causes some abnormal events, do you know?" Lewis pretended to ask casually.

"A haunted old house?" The rough man was startled for a moment, then seemed to recall something, and said, "Perhaps, you were deceived."

"Huh?" Lewis was puzzled in his heart. There seemed to be no abnormalities here, which did not match Mr. Wilbur's description.

It stands to reason that if there are evil spirits lingering in this place, no one should notice it.

And, Mr. Wilbur should not have been the first victim.

After finishing the beer, the rough man put down his glass and left the bar without looking back, as if he was only here to drink a beer.

"Sir, you shouldn't be too generous to that kind of person just now, it will only encourage Matthew's laziness." The bartender said coldly.

"Can you tell me in detail?" Lewis asked thoughtfully.

"Matthew is a lazy man who used to at least till the land to support himself.

However, since a year ago, he has become more lazy, and those lands have begun to fall into disrepair, but he has become richer.

Villagers are saying that he seems to be secretly doing bad work. "

Take a bad job?
Lewis frowned, he didn't understand what the bartender said, and he didn't intend to waste time on this matter, so he asked: "I said before, the old house that may have supernatural events, have you heard of it? I might need to do an interview there."

"I haven't heard of it, but you can go to the east of the village and have a look. It's closer to the tomb. Maybe you can find something there." The bartender explained. From Lewis' words, he analyzed that the other party was a reporter who wrote about ghosts. The story kind.

"Thank you." After putting down the empty glass, Lewis turned and left.

It was almost completely dark, and some families in the village lit up candles, while others were completely dark.

Lewis headed towards the east of the village, trying to find traces of the evil spirit, and hoped to complete the task as soon as possible.

For him personally, eliminating evil spirits is not a difficult task. He not only has purification bullets in his hand, but also sun finger bones, both of which can cause serious damage to creatures like evil spirits.

Of course, if these two items can't get rid of the evil spirit, he can still run away.

This small village is not big, and it only took half an hour for Lewis to come to the east of the village.

In the east of the village, there is a water tanker at work, and the harvested wheat fields present a barren scene.

Come to think of it, after the wheat field is harvested, few people will come here, after all, there is no value here.

Suddenly, Lewis heard footsteps in the distance, and the footsteps were a little impetuous.

He thought for a while, borrowed the power of his cane to hide in the darkness, only a pair of brown eyes looked around.

The sound of footsteps was very strange, it seemed that there was only one person, and there was a sense of familiarity.

About 5 minutes later, Lewis saw clearly the person coming out of the field path. It was a rough man, whom he had seen in the bar, and it was Matthew.

Curious, Lewis followed him quietly, walked through the fields, and then through a path covered with fallen leaves in the forest. What appeared in front of him was a dilapidated building with a rotten feel.

The rugged man walked outside the building and threw a silver-white object inside.

Due to the distance, Lewis couldn't see the items in the man's hand clearly, he just heard Matthew's complaint.

"Hell, I really don't want to come to this kind of place."

(End of this chapter)

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