Chapter 120
Lewis, who was hiding in the dark, took out the Azik copper whistle from his chest pocket. The gentle touch of the Azik copper whistle that was placed next to his body became cold. undead.

"This person seems to be dealing with evil spirits, but he is not entangled by evil spirits. It is difficult for ordinary people to do this unless someone is protecting him."

Lewis turned on his spirit vision, and in his eyes, the opponent's aura was brightly colored, and there was no sign of being entangled by creatures like wraiths.

It's just that he seemed to see the other party's astral body.

Quietly waiting for Matthew to deal with the matter and return, Lewis quietly followed behind him, and when he was far away from the haunted building, he threw a sleeping charm.

"Dark night."

As Lewis shouted the words in Hermes, the spell exploded with power, showing bright crimson under the vision.

Afterwards, Matthew fell to the ground, and he fell into a complete coma, almost without much resistance to the sleeping spell.

Lewis hastily took out the ritual items he carried with him again, lit the crimson candles and the pitch-black candles, and he wanted to channel the living.

"I pray to the strength of the night;
I pray for the strength of the crimson;

I pray for God's favor;

I pray that you will allow me to communicate with the spirit of the living within the altar. "

After chanting the mantra and sprinkled the holy night powder, Lewis instantly felt the mysterious and majestic power coming to this place, and an illusory figure floated out of his body.

Probably because the person is still alive, this illusory figure is less obvious than before, even close to transparent.

"Are you a superhuman?"

"Yes." The transparent, illusory figure replied with numbness on his face.

"What's the name of the potion?" Lewis asked again.


criminal?Another transcendent who passed by the devil?
Lewis's mind sank. Since coming to Backlund, he had dealt with the transcendents of "Devil Passage" a lot, and even killed two members of "Blood Worship Cult".

And in the psychic dreams of the two "Blood Worship Cult" members, he could see the same figure, that figure was so blurry that he couldn't see clearly at all.

That figure was suspected to be creating the Transcendent of the Devil's Way. I don't know what it was for... Lewis was suspicious, and he didn't dare to ask rashly, but silently read the divination sentence.

"'Criminal' potion recipe
The 'criminal' potion recipe..."

After meditating seven times, Lewis touched the spirit body with his left hand and closed his eyes.

Through the pure white, Lewis saw an extremely blurry figure, so blurry that it was impossible to tell whether it was a human or a beast, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman from the voice.

The figure silently repeated the potion formula of the "criminal" until the dream ended.

After breaking free from the dream, Lewis opened his eyes. He was almost certain that the person who appeared in the dream of these three "demons" was the same person, who was suspected to be a high-sequence transcendent.

"Who is the existence in these people's dreams? Could it be the mysterious 'Mr. Red Dragon' who has never appeared before?"

Connecting the "devil" events together, Lewis immediately thought of the pitch-black bell in his hand, which he picked up at the scene of the devil dog crime, and strictly speaking, it was also related to the devil.

Therefore, he suspects that "Mr. Red Dragon" is the mastermind behind all this, and "Mr. Red Dragon" is most likely a high-sequence transcendent of the devil path.

After all, the high-sequence of the same pathway will unconsciously affect and attract low-sequence transcendents.

Next, Lewis just asked some information about the evil spirit, and did not search for the vague figure.

He knew that if he continued to ask, he would not get any more questions. Once he asked about the information related to the "behind the scenes", the spirit body would be damaged.

Once the spirit body is damaged, Matthew will become a fool even if he does not die.

After hastily packing up the psychic items, Lewis walked towards the old house.

Judging from Matthew's description, he discovered this evil spirit only by accident. After drinking once, he came to the house to urinate, and thus heard the terrible voice inside the house.

From that day on, Matthew regarded this place as a business opportunity, and he began to use this evil spirit to "do business".

The content of the transaction is very simple. You only need to pay Matthew a certain amount of money and deliver a personal item of someone, and he will "curse" this person.

Of course, Matthew does not have the ability to curse a person, but evil spirits can entangle the owner of the item through these mediums.

Walking into the room, Lewis immediately turned on "Spiritual Vision", and he looked around every corner of the room.

Similar to most places haunted by wraiths, the room is empty, and it is difficult to see any traces of living things.

There were only some items by the windows on the first floor, which were the "medium" thrown in by Matthew.

As soon as he entered the room, there was a bone-piercing cold, which made Lewis tighten his clothes.

This coldness is not only aimed at the body, but also at the spirit.After all, it's hard for an extraordinary person to feel uncomfortable just because of the physical cold.

Walking on the wooden floor, the floor makes a "creaking" sound. There are two separate rooms on the first floor here.

Lewis cautiously opened the room on the left, and the dust mixed with the smell of moldy wood hit his face, which was not a good feeling.

Waving his palm to scatter the dust in front of his eyes, Lewis observed the appearance of the room. There were still two pieces of furniture that hadn't decayed in this room.

One is a dark cabinet, in which rusty iron tableware can still be seen, and the other is a coat rack.

Judging from the style of the coat rack, it should be an item of recent years, with a history of several decades at most.

After closing the door, Lewis went to the room on the right. There was a fireplace. The style of the fireplace seemed to be the style that was popular more than ten years ago. There seemed to be dark ashes under the fireplace.

"That's not right, if the evil spirit was born here, then this house must have a history of at least 30 years.

But all the signs in the room indicated that the owner of the house could not have been away for so long. Maybe five years ago, there were still people living here. "

Lewis had doubts in his heart. He suspected that the evil spirit appeared later, or that it was man-made.

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from the second floor.


The footsteps were mixed with the sound of metal impact, as if a man in armor was walking around, and the sound soon came to the center of the room, where the stairs were.

Then, there were footsteps on the stairs.

In the state of spiritual vision, Lewis saw an evil spirit wearing a pitch-black armor, holding a pitch-black spear in his hand, walking towards him slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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