Chapter 201 Missing
The three of them started digging the stele below. The stele was very large and the soil was very firm, so it took a little time.

Mu Ning stood up, and suddenly he saw a vein on the stone tablet connected to the wall behind, and a bright red mark on the stone tablet.

"It's blood."

Yu Yusi judged.

There is only blood in this one place. The place where the blood is located is connected to the hard and thick wall behind the stele. It looks like some kind of mechanism that needs blood to open.

"Our blood probably won't work,"

Since the door is opened with blood, it must use specific blood, just like a key, only a specific key can open it.

The three unbelieving people still tried it with their own blood, but there was no movement on the stone wall.

Several people were tense, and indeed there was no movement at all.

It's not the blood of the village's own family, so it's not bad that it didn't trigger the anti-theft mechanism.

Mu Ning planned to use brute force to open the stone wall, but the simply charged void force did not cause the slightest damage to the wall. When he was about to use his strength to break through the wall, Yu Yusi stopped him.

"If you do this, the contents inside will be destroyed."

Yu Yusi is more inclined to prioritize the situation and decipher the content on the stone tablet first.

Mu Ning thought for a while, pressed his finger on the red mark, and used genetic deciphering.

This is……

He froze for a moment, the owner of the bloodstain was indeed a transcendent, but the meaning of this ability was really unclear.

The words on the stele were quickly deciphered.

Comparing the current time, there were still people burning stone tablets here until two months ago, recording what happened in the village!
"There's something wrong here."

Mu Ning said that the time in this village gives people a feeling of fragmentation. It is clearly recorded on the stone tablet that two months ago, the place was thriving and the villagers lived and worked in peace and contentment.

But two months later, when they came here, the village seemed to have experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes, with thick moss on the ground, decayed wooden structures, and wells overgrown with weeds.

"What's written on it?"

Mu Ning asked.

The translator gives out the information word by word.

Compared to the current time is.

At the beginning of April, the starry sky sacrifice was held in the village, and this is the moment to determine the blessing of the year...

In mid-April, the sacrifice started for half a month, but the starry sky still didn't give us any response...


At the beginning of May... those young people who tried to escape from the Starry Sky Sacrifice were captured by the village chief. The Starry Sky Sacrifice is the most important ceremony in the past thousand years. How can they be allowed to be presumptuous? The village chief will sentence them to star sacrifice...


Fake!all fake!Outsiders see this, go away!go!

The last paragraph, no time, no time, as if someone was shouting at the top of his lungs.

"The handwriting is different!"

Yu Yusi said.

The handwriting of the last line of characters is completely different from that of other inscriptions. Almost all the inscriptions above the stele are neat and rigid, as if they are respecting the ancient and unique writing method of this distorted hieroglyph.

But the last line of text is scribbled and dissolute, it looks like a layman wrote it in a hurry.

"What do you think?"

Mu Ning said.

"I'm kind of creepy."

Yu Yusi said honestly.

Thinking about it carefully, it was written on the stone tablet that there were people here two months ago, and it was very lively. So, where are these people going now?

Those young people who were tortured, were they the ones who carved these words at the end of the stone tablet?
The two "false" sentences seemed to be panicked words written after being shocked by something. So, what did they see?
This decaying village hides strange secrets.

"There isn't a single word on the inscription that mentions dragons. I feel like we can go now."

Yu Yusi said.

"...I don't know if there are any dragons."

The answer given by the underworld pointed them to this weird village. If it didn't work out, they just slipped away and called for someone to copy the village.

Even if it's full of weirdness, calling a few fifth-order bosses from the hidden sequence can turn them upside down?
"Let's go find Tang Huolin and the others."

Mu Ning said.

Jiang Tao sent butterflies to search around the sky, and soon found the trace of Tang Huolin and his team.

"Gather at the entrance of the village."

The signal of the walkie-talkie was not working at all times. After contacting him, Tang Huolin simply said something.

After Mu Ning and the others arrived at the entrance of the village, Tang Huolin also arrived 10 minutes later.

"Teacher, do you have any clues to find dragons?"

"No, what about you?"

Tang Huolin shook his head, he brought Statement and Luo Yaduo.

"There's something wrong with this village."

The statement said,

"I want to divide the mind force to go out, but there seems to be some kind of obstacle, which makes it difficult to use my ability."

"Me too."

Jiang Tao is a butterfly with mental power, smaller in size, and less affected. He thought it was because he was not in a good state today.

It's because of the environment.

"We found something really weird."

Mu Ning said, tell Tang Huolin and the others what happened just now.

Tang Huolin was silent for a moment after listening, and said:
"Wait for the other team to come back, let's get out of here."

The unknown is the most uncertain thing. If they can figure out what is entrenched in this weird village, then they can have corresponding countermeasures, but the key now is that they don't know anything.

Star-worshipping villages, erratic time gaps, warning words on inscriptions.

What happened here?What exactly is here?

Obviously the news had been sent, but the other team couldn't get in touch anyway.

That team is Yan Ruoyin and Jianghuai Orange Jianghuai Li sisters.

After 10 minutes, they also failed to come back.

"Don't move here, I'll go find them, Mu Ning and you guys, protect the rest."

Tang Huolin realized that it seemed a wrong decision for him to separate three teams to search for clues. The three of them, Yan Ruoyin, seemed to have lost contact.

"Teacher, I'm going."

Mu Ning sighed, after all, he was the one who brought everyone to this place, and he has a heavy responsibility.

If it was someone else, they would be cheated if they cheated, but this is my lovely teammates, the elite formed by the integration of the three schools, which can be said to gather the powerful strength of the entire Zhenjiang City Academy.

Anyone who loses is a loss.

"Don't fool around."

Tang Huolin showed his majesty as a teacher and said that he could not be disobeyed.

In fact, no matter who goes there, they are all looking for it. There is no one in the village, and the withered hand that I saw at the gate of the village before has not been found.

It's just that compared to Tang Huolin's ability "mastery of everything", Mu Ning's ability is more efficient to find.

Mu Ning didn't speak, the radiant void power surrounded him, emitting a radiant light, a seal was suspended in his left hand, and a small black box was suspended in his right hand.

"I have more ways to find someone, so I'll go."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only Tang Huolin and Chen Shun's pupils shrank.

The black box stated that he didn't know him at all. He knew that Mu Ning had two secret sequences of the Chen family, but what was that black box? !

That is definitely a kind of sinner!

As for Tang Huolin...

He originally thought that although Mu Ning had the blood of the Chen family and possessed a hidden sequence, he never expected that there were as many as three.

He even glanced at the statement.

Are there so many secret sequences of your Chen family?
(End of this chapter)

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