Chapter 202 Weird
In the end, it was decided that Mu Ning, Chen's avatar, and Jiang Tao's butterfly used to contact them should go first to find the missing people. Tang Huolin took the others away from Longjian Village and found a safe place outside. Settle down.

The architectural layout of the village seems to have been carefully designed. Mu Ning's team and Tang Huolin's team exchanged information after connecting, from the southernmost stone tower to the northernmost storage room, and the large residential houses in the middle.

It's just that, except for those buildings made of stone, the others have been decayed and dilapidated.

"The place they searched should be the westernmost part of the village."

The statement said that the movements of his avatar are a bit stiff, and the environment here has a great influence on his ability.

"Well, I must go there and look for it first."

As Mu Ning said this, the seal representing "Wu Ning" was suspended on the palm of his hand.

Because I don't know what it is that I have to deal with, I think it is the owner of the withered hand they saw when they first arrived at the entrance of the village.

Assuming that it was a strong man with powerful extraordinary abilities and good at silent attacks, Mu Ning first used "Wu Ning" to make a contract that "the environment foretells the appearance of an attack".

Because the people or things involved do not know what level of existence it is, when using Wu Ning, it is best to put yourself on unimportant contract factors.

"The last date recorded on the stele you saw was two months ago."

The statement said,

"But it looks like it has been decayed for hundreds or even 1000 years, and the time is simply not right."

Is it possible that there is a powerful and magical ability in the world that can speed up time, making it feel like hundreds of years of vicissitudes in just two months?

"what do you mean?"

Mu Ning asked.

Most of the weirdness revealed in this village comes from this, in fact, it is only the words engraved on the stone tablet.

Others, no matter where you look at it, this is a village that has been abandoned for a long time.

"There is one and only one person here, a madman or a prisoner who has been stuck in this place for some reason, and fantasizes about the company of large groups of people."

He stated that his reasoning sounded more like reality at the moment. The stele said that the residents here live and work in peace and contentment, and work at sunrise and rest at sunset, but in this cave, there is not even a decent piece of cultivated land.

Even if people used to live here, how did they farm it?
"There is an auditorium on the south side of the village."

The statement stated that their team searched the area south of the village,
"On the wall of that auditorium, there are many marriage lists of couples... Hundreds of years have passed, and the names engraved on them have not changed."

Mu Ning thought about it for a while. In the words he analyzed from the previous stone tablet, he saw that the child had grown up and the old man had died.

There are no newborns in this village, so there are no variables. The names of the villagers on the stone tablet seem to be decorations, which are taken around and used repeatedly.

"This village hidden in the cave is more like a tomb. There is a lonely ghost hiding in it, playing alone for thousands of years."

The inferences of the statement come to an end.

Jiang Tao's butterflies flew around in front of the two of them, and he also felt that this inference was reasonable.

"That's why he caught Yan Ruoyin and the others and treated them as new toys for this village?"

Mu Ning said.

He feels that this speculation is very close to reality, but there are still some unreasonable places.

What happened to the last line of the stele, that scream that seemed to be hoarse.

If there was only one person in this village for hundreds of years, did he suddenly have a mental breakdown before writing the last line?

"In short, find them first and then talk,"

Mu Ning said that time is running out now, and finding the missing person is the most important thing. If it is delayed for a long time, I don't know what will happen.

That person didn't dare to attack when everyone was in a group, and his combat effectiveness was probably not very good. I hope Yan Ruoyin and the others were just trapped.

The entrance of this village is on the east side, and the west side is its deepest place. Even the light has become dark, and the air is filled with a musty smell.

Walking all the way to the west, near the cliff of the cave, Mu Ning and the others saw an altar.

On the altar, there were several carbonized and withered people kneeling.

These carbonized people knelt on the altar, the carbonization shrunk, and only the human figure remained. They raised their heads and looked into the distance, their lips fell off due to dryness, leaving only a dark hole, as if they were growing their mouths and screaming .

They may have been alive when they were carbonized and dried...

"It can't be Yan Ruoyin and the others. These people are male and tall."

Statement said calmly.

The skin and muscle tissue are dehydrated and carbonized, but the bones are not, and they still maintain their original appearance.

The words on the stele matched, and several young people violated the rules and were sentenced to sacrifice to the stars by the village chief.

Is this the so-called star sacrifice punishment?
The stated inference is overturned.

At least there is definitely more than one person in this village. Those young people who made mistakes on the stele appeared.

"You guys are down there, I'll go up and have a look."

Mu Ning said.

The star sacrifice was said on the stele to be carried out under the watchful eyes of the villagers, but there are not so messy footprints on the mud on the ground here.

There are only a few people who have walked through the imprint.

It's Yan Ruoyin and the others, they've been here before!The footprints were broken here, and this is where they disappeared!

The altar is full of dust, and a few footprints are very eye-catching here.

A gust of wind blew by, and several carbon figures kneeling there suddenly raised their heads, looking behind Mu Ning with their dark, empty eye sockets.

"Muning! Be careful!"

The audience statement shouted.

In case of an attack, the contract to set off an environmental alarm has come into effect.

"It's already on guard."

When he stepped onto the altar, the force of the void had already enveloped Mu Ning's whole body, and he went up after careful consideration of the degree of fallacy.

How can you feed a tiger with your body.

A haggard old man appeared in front of the altar, and the stated clone and butterflies posed zero threats to him.

He was simply dressed in linen clothes. He was old and fit, with no expression on his face.

The skin on his body split open, and red vines drilled out, stabbing at Mu Ning.

Mu Ning now has a relatively mature and cost-effective way to deal with such a strange and immortal enemy.

Although he can only open a gap in Pandora's box with all his strength now, but with this gap, it is enough for the disaster inside to come out and wreak havoc.

Just let the old man in front of him digest these disasters.

There are countless disasters in the box, and there are all kinds of strange things. Mu Ning chose the one with the most lethal power inside and threw it over. Suddenly, all kinds of catastrophes ran wild on the strange old man. Flames and lightning strikes bit each other, and the force from nowhere kept squeezing his body.

The old man fell to the ground in an instant, and the linen on his body was completely burned, revealing a puppet-like body inside.

It quickly turned into fly ash.

(End of this chapter)

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