Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 304 Murphys and Mephisto, preparations after the scriptures.

Chapter 304 Murphys and Mephisto, preparations after the scriptures.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand..."

Murphys looked at the old man's unrelenting expression, and gradually gave up his intention to defend himself.

He stood up from the cold floor, and the doubts on his face gradually turned into unscrupulous mockery.

He raised his outstretched right palm upwards, and in the translucent ball of light was a human skin mask roaring in pain.

Salatan looked in through the transparent and twisted shell. Isn't that exactly his favorite apprentice, Murphys?

The demon in front of Salatan put away his palms without waiting for him to look again.It seems that Saratan's more glance is an insult to its spoils.

It couldn't wait to explain its current relationship with Murphys to the old man in front of it, just like standing in front of the enemy's relatives after winning the war, showing off the head of the loser:
"When? You are too smug. I am Murphys, from the inside out. The Supreme Heaven has changed mortals far beyond your imagination. Now everything in his soul is indistinguishable from mine, who can separate us What? Murphys is me, I am Murphys."

Morpheus' laughter echoed wantonly in the chapel, but Salatan had no interest in admonishing him.

The big mistake has been made, and the price has been paid.

The soul in the body in front of him was no longer the apprentice he had poured his heart and soul into training.

The former Murphys had already paid the heaviest price for his own depravity, and there was no room for recovery.

"What's your purpose?"

Salatan cooperated with the performance of "Murphys" and wanted to ask the demon in front of him. He must not be absolutely sure, and the demon would not take the initiative to appear in front of him.

And in the context of the general situation, this demon should not hesitate to answer him, a "self-imprisoned" and sad sinner.

"Just like the duty and mission you entrusted to me, it's just a scripture.

It's just that he was able to sacrifice his subjects to the almighty tampering lord at the center of his subjects' belief in him on the death anniversary of his most failed moment at that time, surely he would be touched, right? "

Murphys slowly approached Salatan's position, and with a wave of his hands, the two psychic servants were knocked into the air by a huge force.After the wall with the holy words painted on the chapel hall made a dull impact, dark red blood flowed from the flesh and blood of the two guards embedded in the wall.

Murphys was still closing in, but Salatan had no intention of retreating or running away.

He watched this familiar body mutate horribly in front of him, without even saying a word of begging for mercy.

Murphy's body was twisting and expanding, and the curved claws morphed from under the white skin of his hands, revealing an iron-gray texture;

The skin all over the body was punctured by the new blue feathers under the skin, losing the luster of life, and finally turned into pieces, strands of disgusting fragments, hanging unevenly on the demon's new body:

The bones of his spine and cervical spine are proliferating crazily, and the neck of a normal person is rapidly elongated in the terrible cycle of skin being torn and healed, and finally becomes a vulture-like sinuous and terrifying form;
The skin on the face was broken into four disgusting scratches under the eyes, and the remaining four eyes grew out, and the entire skull was softened and elongated like butter, and finally turned into a lizard The muzzle of a six-eyed vulture.

A demon with a height of one and a half floors broke out of Murphys' body in such a short period of time; his crooked and terrifying form carried a halo of confusion that belonged to the evil god of chaos in the supreme sky. , appearing majestically in this space where there is only Salatan.

"Oh, then what will you do with me?" Salatan looked directly at the demon's torso, which had Murphy's broken robe hanging on it.

He wasn't afraid, but he didn't try to face the devil in the face either.

Even if there are countless voices in his head ordering him to look directly at the face of this demon, even if his mind is like a precarious lone sail in a vast ocean tsunami, it will capsize into endless waves at any time.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he has long since realized that he should die to make atonement.

But since he can live on for a while longer, he is also trying his best to avoid confusion in his mind, so as to buy more time for more truth to be revealed.

"Aren't you afraid of me? A true and interesting soul...I can't wait to open your heart to see if the structure inside is different from other mortals..."

The roaring echoes and vicious whispers came out from the inhuman mouth of this devil at the same time;

Salatan's already fragile body and spirit, just because he heard these words, his ears and eyes were destroyed by the power of filth:

Dark red blood trickled from his features, corrupted by Chaos and decayed.

But this tenacious soul still persisted in not leaving his body, stood firmly on his own scepter, and greeted his own end with human bravery.

"Very good...very good...I admire your senseless courage. What I want is the stubbornness of a victim like you."

The demon stepped forward impatiently, grabbed the old man's insignificant body and walked towards the emperor's icon.

It extinguished all the holy candles in the entire chapel with a wave of its hand, and replaced them with a profane blue flame in the next instant.

The chapel, which had been illuminated again, lost the sacred and solemn atmosphere before.

Under the strange and evil light, the holy words on the wall and floor were replaced by profane magic lines;

Even the stained glass and the murals on the dome implying sacrifice and gift, the eyes and expressions of the characters become full of twisted and evil meanings in the changes of light and shadow.

However, this is only the beginning of the desecration of this place by demons, and more evil transformations prepared for this ceremony and conspiracy have not yet been implemented.

It summoned its own staff from within the Warp, and placed Salatan's body upside down beneath the Emperor's icon.

He held up the sharp and twisted staff with both hands, and then carefully avoided Salatan's heart and stabbed it in the middle, nailing him to death on the step below the emperor's feet.

It opened a sharp claw, held down Salatan's body to prevent the latter from struggling, and then, while the old man was still awake, cruelly cut open the flesh of his limbs with the sharp claws.

More profane magic lines were carved out beside the old man by its sharp claws stained with the blood of Salatan.

The whispers belonging to the subspace gradually drew closer to reality amidst the old man's occasional cries of pain.

In Saratan's nearly extinguished consciousness, these nauseating voices were passing through his deaf ears and penetrating into his mind, becoming more and more clear and noisier...

"You...is that the only trick you have?" Salatan's voice came intermittently from under the demon's body, half of his tongue was rotten in his bloody mouth.

But he believed that the demon must understand what he meant, even if the muffled voice, which was almost a grunt, was so faint that only the close-to-body distance between the two could be heard.

"You're done..."

The demon stepped back, examining his painstakingly crafted masterpiece.As the only soul to witness its efforts, the demon decided to explain its premeditation and plan to the precious sacrifice in front of it.

"Just stay here like this, you will live and enjoy the slow death of blood loss."

It used its spiritual power again to treat the old man's body with subtlety and precision, but this behavior was not out of good intentions, but just to make him die "on time".

"Before the first ray of sunlight shines in tomorrow morning, the preparatory preparations for the holy scriptures will start ahead of time." The demon paced slowly under the steps of his majesty, continuing his narration.

"And I will become like you, stand on the terrace of the Supreme Church, and preside over the earliest prayer ceremony in the morning for the ignorant believers here. At that time, the torrent of faith here will converge on the Central Church and you, and you, Precisely at this time, after 10 hours and 39 minutes of torture, he will die..."

"You won't succeed..." Saratan turned his face to the direction of the demon with difficulty, and looked at the blasphemous evil existence with eyes that were nothing but blood.

But the curse of the loser is destined not to be noticed by the winner. After hearing this sentence, the demon only laughed wildly, and then disappeared into this empty and dark hall with a gust of wind.

Gusts of cold wind whizzed past the broken windows of the chapel, and only half of the dying people remained in the silent hall. In the spell deliberately left by the devil, one could listen to the flow of one's own blood drop by drop. the sound of.

"Only what the emperor ordered, only faith is true.

Let faith cover your reason, and you can survive despair.

Loyalty is not giving, belief is reward.

Reason always fails, but the Emperor's faith is eternal..."

In the quiet depths of the church, Salatan persisted in his last prayer.

He listened to the beating of his own heart in this pre-death prayer that only he said to himself, and also felt the hidden psionic energy matrix that was hidden in the flesh and blood package, waiting to be activated at the moment of his death...

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(End of this chapter)

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