Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 305 Before Dawn

Chapter 305 Before Dawn
Tick ​​tock...tick tock...tick tock...

The sound of blood dripping was like a pendulum cast by death, striking on Saratan's still awake consciousness.

The blood and tears in Salatan's aimless eyes had already flowed out, leaving only two dry dark red holes, looking up at the silent emperor above his head in a godless manner.

After a normal person has endured the physical torture he has experienced, it is rare for a normal person to survive the double blow of such a terrifying loss of bodily functions and psychological hints of imminent death.

But Salatan was different. Both he and the demon who put him on the altar knew that in order to pay for the sins he committed, Salatan would definitely persist until the last moment before the ceremony began.

Mephisto was standing in the hall behind the balcony curtain of the Supreme Church at this time, his claws were hidden in the wide sleeves under the disguise and hint of psionic power.

For the ultimate smooth progress of this plan, it can be said that it will not use up its rights.Under the careful camouflage, even the soles of the feet curled up into the narrow human leather boots aggrievedly, just waiting for the moment when the ceremony began.

The penetration time is still too short, and the souls it handles, distorts, and pollutes are still too few, so it has to recall all of them when the holy scriptures are about to gain momentum, in order to deal with the tens of millions of mortals in the entire city of grace.

With the eyes of these souls, Mephisto watched the temporary venues built around the City of Grace.

It looked with joy at those retinues dressed in human robes, under the long-distorted double-headed eagle emblem, they were hoarsely preaching the imperial teachings that had been adapted and distorted by it.

This infiltration of Ofelia was not a long-planned product, and the lurking and infiltration of more than a hundred years was just a fleeting fragment in the eyes of this newborn big magic eye.

But this is by no means to say that the deduction and tampering of this conspiracy are not important.

Quite the contrary, Mephisto, one of the endless offspring born from the moment-to-moment thoughts of the Lord of Change.

Under the control of Carlos, the master of the father god, the demon prince, and the life-weaver Carlos, he can use the power of the well of eternity to travel through time to come here for latent treatment, but there is only one chance to name him after birth.

Endless time is just ordinary in Xin Liezhi's eyes, and the same is true in the eyes of the Life Weaver who is in charge of the Well of Eternity.

Every newborn demon prince is thrown into the gate of time and space opened by him with the power of the Well of Eternity.

In Carlos' eyes, only the soul that survived the endless gap of time is worthy of being honored by the Father God; At the beginning of his birth, he was dubbed the title of the ever-changing devil.

Ten thousand is an imaginary number, but if you can't do even one change, then you can't even mention the ability to change.

This is the watershed between members of the highest bloodline among the endless demons under the command of the tampering lord, and it is also the cruelest and coldest barrier and difference between the endless demons in the palm of Xin Liezhi.

If it can be given the name of "everything" when it is born, it will be ranked within 999 in the order of God the Father's favor;
If it can't, then even if it survives the random throw of the Gate of Time and comes back alive, it is only one of the countless nameless monsters that Calvin killed before.

Mephisto eagerly awaits the start of the event.

When everything is doomed, or everything is denied by the diametrically opposite fate, its father god will feel happy about it, and thus lower his favored eyes on it.

Yes, even with bond arrangements and all kinds of calculations, as a member of the core blood of the evil god, Mephisto is also prepared to fail.

Its mind has already surpassed that of ordinary people, and the concept of success or failure in its extraordinary perspective is not what ordinary people think.

It doesn't care about success or failure, whether it succeeds, the success of the conspiracy is a grand ceremony it dedicated to the Father God; no matter if it fails, as long as it is still alive, the reverse tampering will not damage the brilliance of Xin Liezhi.

As a nascent demon prince, it doesn't have its own Tao at this time, and it has nothing but the simplest real name.

Conspiracy or accident, Mephisto does not resist, it is also waiting for the balance of fate to make the final choice to determine the way it will carry out the Father God.

There is still a quarter of an hour before the celebration begins, and it is time to see the sad soul trapped to death by the narrow concept of success or failure of mortals.

Mephisto turned around with a smile, his figure gradually disappeared into the air with silent footsteps.

"Your smell of blood is really strong... Is it because of old age?

How about we make a bet?Who do you think will win? "

Salatan heard the familiar voice of the apprentice Murphys, and knew that the demon that brought disaster had come to him again.

The demon's sudden question made his fragile heart almost stop, or did the demon sense the abnormality before saving him.

"We... will win." Salatan said with difficulty after regaining consciousness.

At this moment, he hated the tenacity of his own vitality. If he had been able to die just now, everything might have been different.

"Hahahaha..." Mephisto's laughter echoed recklessly, and his inhuman side gradually tore away the fragile disguise on his body under its indulgence.

Its inhuman voice with multiple overlapping voices reappeared, but this time the words it spoke made Salatan's consciousness unable to understand.

"No, I win, or both win..."

The time draws near, and the satanic demon leaves bewildered Salatan to meet his end in agony, while he himself takes on the cloak of Salatan, and emerges with his scepter and crown in the roar of mountains and tsunami in the celebration.

"Only by honoring the emperor can one realize wisdom;

Only by enshrining wisdom can one obtain liberation;
Today, under the gaze of the God Emperor, I explained to you, there is a great confession, there is a great redemption..."

Murphys' provocative voice came to Salatan's ears from the air outside the chapel, and he, who was crucified on the steps, was also recalling the demon's declaration and the conversation with Calvin.

"Consideration breeds doubt, and doubt breeds heresy..."

He finally chose to believe Calvin's guarantee, took a last look at the room where he had lived for nearly a century, and then gritted his teeth cruelly and bit off his tongue.

The severe pain was like an agreed key, opening the secret room that had been hidden in the memory of his entire 190 years of life.

The memory of self-hypnosis isolation resurfaced, and Salatan's mind was clearer than ever.

Sure enough, the few backhands reserved on his body have been carefully removed by the devil, but he still has one last preparation that the devil has not found, and that is his blood itself.

He swallowed all the blood flowing from the artery on the tip of his tongue. The blood that had already been ingested and changed its composition had a violent chemical reaction with the contents of his stomach in an instant!

The secret strong acid from the Assassin's court ate through the wall of his stomach the moment it was synthesized.

The strong acid raging in his organs caused Salatan to twitch in pain, but there was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth.

The heart is the heart!The severe pain made the fragile heart no longer overwhelmed.

And when his remaining consciousness sensed the moment when his heart stopped, he also sensed that the beacon that activated the condition was instantly activated.

A psychic energy array centered on the chapel and rapidly spreading to the entire City of Grace is starting to light up around him!
Redemption is at hand, we don't have to experience the light when we are in the dark;

Faith is the reward, fortunate enough to be the firewood for the dawn, even if you die, you will not regret it!

Feeling the pulsation of the psychic beacon in his chest, Salatan just lay there in an uninhabited corner of the City of Divine Grace gradually shrouded in silver light, smiling and dying a second before dawn.

Imperial Calendar, 0118.756.M39, Cardinal Salatan, former Supreme Administrator of the Diocese of Ofelia, the State Church of the Empire, passed away.

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(End of this chapter)

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