Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 306 The Arrival Battle and the Forgotten Land

Chapter 306 The Arrival Battle and the Forgotten Land
"It's our time..."

Feeling the beating of the original psychic beacon, he stood up from the inner hall of the Calvin Fortress monastery.

Through the bulletproof glass on the upper level of the fortress, Calvin looked at the direction where Salatan was sacrificed.Hounthorne in the hall looked at Calvin's huge body, and there was still the shock in his eyes when he saw him for the first time.

But after hearing Calvin's words, he also looked in the direction of the City of Grace with mourning and remembrance.

Beyond the clouds at the end of the sky above the City of Divine Favor, the Aowei [-] satellite where the Imperial Fist is stationed has been quietly and in-orbitally synchronized with the city below for a full week under the adjustment of the anti-gravity engine.

When Calvin in the depths of the fortress monastery felt the moment when the psychic beacon took effect, in his spiritual world in a state of meditation, the signal that the war was approaching seemed to spread through the entire Gray Knights' legion layer by layer.

All the gray knights were awakened from hibernation, silently wearing their iconic silver holy shield power armor, and marching heavily into the hall that was temporarily transformed for a large-scale teleportation ceremony.

In the huge hall, presided over by the mechanical priest on the Retribution Angel, the improvised psionic transmission array was ready at this time.

A power connection to the main reactor of the Imperial Fist's Garrison Monastery has been completed.

Under the full output of the huge plasma reactor matrix, the energy runes on the huge metal silver disks with a diameter of one hundred meters are shining.

On the seats responsible for guiding this torrent of energy in the corners all around, members of the psychic choir in white robes were already in place.

They are the most important part of Calvin's plan. The main force of the Gray Knights launched by the large-scale teleportation initiated by them is also the most important decisive force in the entire plan.

With Calvin's new ability to visualize beliefs, they will rely on the array of psionic beacons from the surface to carry out a large-scale teleportation over a long distance.

Under the guidance of these beacons, the gray knight went straight to the places where the power of faith was the most dense in these preaching grounds.

The traitors who were corrupted by the big demon there will be the first batch of targets.

Signal strength on the surface of Ofelia 7 has peaked.In the monastery of the fortress on Ovius IX, the psionic choir temporarily transferred from the Angel of Punishment also began to sing.

Thousands of psykers who have been jointly trained by the Imperial Astronomical Court and the Judgment Chamber, and who have completed the bond with the emperor's soul, sang the holy name of the Lord of Humanity in unison, cursing the evil spirits of the subspace;

Under the integration and magnification of the psionic amplification matrix, the huge will echoes with the distant Terra's astronomical torch, and then slowly presses down on Ofelia 7 like a giant hand.

This is an "man-made miracle" created by the knowledge accumulated by human beings after thousands of years of research on subspace and belief;
And as the price of this "miracle on earth", every time it is performed, one thousandth of the psykers must burn themselves out and become one with the emperor himself forever.

What a sacred honor this is, and what a cruel price... Under the cover of this huge and pure power, all the lurking evil spirits on Ofelia 7 and their links with the subspace were suppressed.The originally full power of chaos is like a receding tide, making these demons become more irritable and weak while sensing the instinctive danger.

"The Emperor's Blessing!"

"I am the hammer of the world!"

A dazzling psychic light flashed under the signal of Calvin's raised warhammer.

Their colleagues in the choir had calmed down the raging subspace wave for them, and the three hundred gray knights were naturally not far behind.

While responding to Calvin's battle cry, the legion's will spontaneously activated. Without the protection of Geller's force field, they bravely stepped forward and plunged into the portal of the real universe leading to the subspace.

The demon at the core of the City of Divine Favor on the ground is still amazed at the mutation in front of him, but the soul chant sound from Aowei Jiu has aroused his instinctive disgust.

The purpose of the newly entered force on the human side has not yet been clarified, but behind the chorus that disgusted him, it has already seen the fluctuations brought about by the gray knight's teleportation.

The moment he sensed the fluctuation of the large-scale teleportation spell, this son of Xin Liezhi instantly found the most important frequency among countless fluctuations.

It releases itself and all the power stored on its dependents in an attempt to block human attempts to save this place.

Inside and outside the City of Grace, thousands of evil gods' dependents were inspired; while their corrupted souls became the slaves of the Great Demon, they also became victims on the network where it casts its spells at any time. network node.

These traitors all sensed the order of the Great Demon at a certain moment, and looked at the void above their heads with their muddy eyes in unison;

Tens of thousands of souls were sacrificed in an instant as the price of counterspell, and the pain and resentment they suffered when they were crushed, after all kinds of evil forces intertwined, greeted the oncoming silver torrent.

But the will of the Legion, a special product that can only rely on Calvin, is obviously a new product that Xin Liezhi has never seen before.

The Gray Knight's already rock-solid will, after being integrated with Calvin's divine soul, cannot be shaken by such frivolous witchcraft.

The confrontation between the two wills in the warp decided the winner in an instant. The power of the filthy demons, like ice and snow in the sun, dissipated and melted when it touched the essence of the Gray Knight.

Among the thousands of mission squares in the City of Grace, 351 large squares have been confirmed to have traces of chaos pollution.

And the subjects of the empire in 351 of the 301 squares watched helplessly as a silver beam of light descended from the sky, pointing right at the high platform in the center of the square.

The huge halo of spiritual energy spread from the original place, and these evil people were incinerated by the power from the emperor under the energy aftermath of the Gray Knight's appearance, and became human torches full of silver flames.

"Come on! There's only one of him!"

There were also rebel guards trying to fight back, because they were ignorant enough to be fearless enough to face the Gray Knights.

A large number of rebels surrounded the high platform against the flow of people, and the ignorant crowd, instigated by them and the hidden corrupters, began to besiege the lonely gray knight.

But the hell laser guns and explosive bolt guns in their hands can't even kill their own heavy equipment units in one shot. When facing the real elites in the Astartes, how can they treat these gray knights? Threat?
Countless red lasers and stubby bolt bullets shot at the Gray Knight, but only shallow scorched marks and minor scratches were left on the one-inch thick ceramic steel armor of the holy shield power armor.

The 2.7-meter-tall Gray Knight slowly stood up from the high platform against the concentrated firepower. Their strength and agility exceeded ordinary people's imagination, and they instantly disappeared within the sight of the rebels.

Then, under the violent swing of the Heaven's Punishment War Halberd, which was 3 meters long and weighed hundreds of kilograms, with just one blow, dozens of rebels around him were cut to the waist!
The stumped limbs flying all over the sky, and the cheap blood like sewage deterred the ignorant mortals, while the corrupted rebels maintained their chaotic frenzy and continued to rush towards the tall silver armored giant.

Against the backdrop of lasers and bullets flying all over the sky, the tall Emperor Angel disappeared again. The heavy, dense footsteps like a warhammer and the plowed crowd like the fallen crops in the rice field pointed out the direction of his charge.

While wielding a huge halberd with one hand, the Gray Knight beheaded the passing rebels, and in his free left hand held the double-mounted storm bolt gun that really belonged to the Astartes, and also opened the roar that belonged to the Om Messiah.

The complete, 24mm-plus bolt bullet was fired from the thick and terrifying barrel, and as soon as the spinning bullet flew out of the muzzle under the interweaving of gunpowder and rifling, six white tail flames ignited from the tail of the bolt bullet.

At least 4 or more rebels wearing carapace were pierced by a bomb, and under the huge kinetic energy, the number of stumps and broken arms flying all over the sky increased;
Hundreds of elite defense troops, under the precise shooting of the Gray Knights, became the inconspicuous record of this storm-bolt bullet with a chain of ammunition.

Can't be surrounded, because the maneuverability of each other is not at the same level at all;
It can't be defeated, because even if it can focus fire for a short time, the Holy Shield Power Armor has a terrifying defensive ability against the weapons equipped by the mortal army.

The collapsed emotions began to spread rapidly among the rebels. Under the suppression of hundreds of gray knights in the venue, countless people threw down their weapons after losing their will to fight, trying to blend in with the crowd and escape.

But this is also a luxury, because from the moment they pick up the weapon, their body information is captured one by one by the servo on the power armor.

In the pupil projection behind the gray knight's silver-blue highlighted eyepiece, their mark is floating above the chaotic crowd with a bright red mark.

The instigators also couldn't escape, because even changing the clothes of other civilians was useless, and the rotten smell in their souls was still so obvious.

So much so that these gray knights have already screened them out from the crowd since they just arrived.And in the process of chasing after the victory, he killed them one by one with a cold and steady rhythm.

This is the real force of the Astartes to suppress mortals, and it is also the reason why the former's number is less than one billionth of the latter's, but they still firmly occupy the number one position in the empire's armed sequence.

This is also the real battlefield faced by members of a Gray Knight squad with a maximum of 20 members when chaos pollution really occurs in the empire's territory.

When the news of the completion of the initial targeted beheading was confirmed one by one in the will of the legion, and it was summarized in Calvin's mind.

The second wave of power projection in the scheduled plan-the Tindalos Legion affiliated to the legion and the two start-up battle groups stationed on the Ofelia 7 also began to take their own large transport boats and airdrop pods. At the end of the sky on Philia 7, the rain of destruction representing judgment fell.

The Holy Hermitages at the two poles of the planet had long since been deserted, and the battle nuns of the Six Major Orders received Calvin's clear instructions as early as the second after Salatan's sacrifice.

The anti-air defense system on the surface of Ofelia 7 was completely taken over by them. With the background that the great demon Mephisto transferred all his deployments to the City of Divine Grace, this kind of confrontation where the enemy retreats and we advance Under the leadership of high-ranking officers such as the big nun, there is no room for the local defense forces to refuse.

In this way, the command power of the entire air defense circle fell into the hands of the empire, and the replacement and handover of power was carried out quietly and smoothly throughout the whole process.

But is that all there is to it?

In other words, the infiltration and pollution of Ofelia No. 7 by the demon of chaos simply declared a failure?

Calvin himself is looking for the great demon Mephisto who disappeared from the celebration in the early days of Advent.

He carried and processed the brain of the entire ground military operation, and was summarizing the progress of the troops everywhere, while he himself was walking in the depths of the church in the City of Grace.

The Gray Knights are clearing up the Chaos forces on the remaining mission grounds, and the two Astartes are also attacking the rebels inside and outside the church city with the communication and cooperation of the Inquisition.

After the arrival of the Tindalos Legion, they moved to the major venues throughout the City of Grace.

Under the leadership of Cardinal Clarence and his colleagues, the last fire of the loyalists who were deliberately "exiled" to Ouwei Jiu by Salatan before his death, the Legion calmed the crowd while suppressing all riots and crimes happened.

The turbulent hearts of the tens of millions of imperial subjects in the entire City of Divine Favor are firmly but slowly restoring order under the legacy left by Saratan.

What else?

Calvin instinctively felt that he had missed some important details, and he tried hard to recall all the things he encountered since he arrived at Ofelia 7, trying to find the foreshadowing and malice hidden by the devil from these memories.

Turning the corner of a corridor, Calvin unconsciously walked into a small confessional church.

The decorations here and the placement of indoor icons are not high-end. Calvin concluded from the information displayed in these details that this is a middle-level bureaucrat belonging to the non-clergy in the state religion.

And his guess was later confirmed:

After he turned around the icon of the Emperor in the vestibule, a member of the Brotherhood of the Light stood at the door of the atrium.

His eyes were wide open, his face turned outward, and he still maintained his fighting posture from before his death.

The warrior's entire body was in a lifelike state, and it was obvious that he had been hit by witchcraft at the soul level, and lost his soul at a certain moment in the battle.

Calvin could imagine the anger of betrayal and hatred of Chaos he felt in the last days of his life.

He walked slowly in front of the warrior, lowered his head, and stretched out his left hand to close his eyes.

But this warrior's body has obviously been cursed by a powerful spell. The moment Calvin touched his eyelashes, his whole body was like a frozen sand sculpture, and it silently collapsed under the light touch. The ground disintegrated and turned into dust.


The weapon in his hand lost its last support, and under Calvin's gaze, it fell to the smooth floor of the hall with a resounding sound.

And after Calvin's attention was attracted by the sound, when he saw the spear, he instantly remembered an important message in his mind!

Heaven's Punishment Stand Weapon!

It was the disappearance of those weapons that started all these incidents!
Prayer ceremony!The 7 missing cardinals!
right!The Royal Hall!
Thinking of this, Calvin tensed up, and he already realized the problem he had overlooked.

And it was this huge omission that became the last shadow hidden under the light after the great demon Mephisto disappeared.

Calvin walked there quickly. While notifying all the nearby troops, he deduced various information about the Emperor's Hall in his mind at high speed.

He has a hunch:
Mephisto was there, and there he was, waiting for Calvin to arrive.

As the place where everything started, it should indeed be the place where all these disasters end...

 Two chapters in one, updated to ask for votes.

  Py Yibo: Harry Potter fan fiction, the title of the book is in the recommendation column below.

  Chapter tweet:
  Dumbledore: "Lovell, you should know the consequences of getting into trouble, right?"

  Lovell Grindelwald: "Lovell's just a little wolf, and Lovell doesn't know it!"

  This is a story about a little wolf cub who was raised by Dumbledore, but whose surname was Grindelwald, and who signed a contract with Hermione. It is the last Forbidden Forest Wolf in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

  Although the body is in the shape of a wolf, its intelligence is no less than that of a human being. If such a little wolf unintentionally turns into a human shape, what will happen?What changes will it bring to the wizarding world?

  Lovell Grindelwald: "Listen, Malfoy, my father is the original Dark Lord, my mother is the strongest white wizard, and the dean of Gryffindor College has caught mice with me. Going to the bathroom in your arms, you mean Snape? He's my shit-shoveling officer—you compare backgrounds with me?"

  All the professors: (Laughing dish blah)
  Lovell Grindelwald: Hermione save me!


(End of this chapter)

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