Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 312 Entering and Leaving

Chapter 312 Entering and Leaving
"The City of Grace on the main continent and institutions in various settlements on the subcontinent have settled in. This is the situation for the time being. The local council is deploying manpower, and there are also two black ships in the direction of Terra carrying a group of trainee judges who have completed their training. Go in the direction of Ofelia."

In the core area of ​​the City of Grace, in Calvin's temporary office, three grand judges are reporting in front of Calvin about the matters and progress of the establishment of Ofelia's observation agency.

Ofelia, which has passed by the real large-scale chaos pollution, seems to be calm now, but it is the most dangerous and vulnerable moment in the eyes of the trial court.

Calvin's "salvation" here escaped catastrophe, but the population size of tens of billions and its special position in the Empire's state religion still made the Inquisition send an out-of-spec staff are permanently stationed.There is a posture of taking root and sprouting here and settling down.

And this is indeed the true intention of Calvin and the Inquisition.

Because the former Ofelia, as the capital of the Storm Star Region, was also the actual capital of the Empire's state religion.Under thousands of years of management, the state religion forces here are deeply rooted and impenetrable.

Against the backdrop of a contingent of Battle Sisters and a permanent presence of more than two Chapters Astartes, even the most targeted Order of Renegade in the Inquisition has no valid reason for establishing a large institution.

The business structure of the Tribunal in the Storm Star Field can only maintain its existential function.The lack of eyes in the political center makes their intelligence often lag behind others, and their work in the entire star field is naturally passive.

But today's Ofelia is different from the past. Calvin's attack on the Chaos demon here made the state church have to accept his kindness.

And in the window of time when Calvin hadn't left yet, and the power of the new supreme administrator was not stable, it was the perfect time for the Inquisition to root its forces on this special planet.

There are also considerations in this regard for the support of the over-standard personnel in Ofelia. During the time when the state church cannot stand up, increase the staffing here as much as possible, and create a fait accompli, so that the existing practice can be followed in the future staffing .

And "convention", the magic weapon that passes through all the bureaucratic institutions of the empire, will become a sharp weapon at that time that the state religion has no choice but to pinch its nose and recognize reality.

It was against this background that the three reported on the personnel arrangements on Ofelia.

And Calvin, as a soul of national origin with enough "historical precipitation", turned a blind eye to this, acquiescing to the little arrogance of these judges secretly.

"Father..." The door of the office was softly pushed open by Calvin's adjutant Alan Janus, and Calvin's eyes shifted to wait for Alan's statement.

"Baka has received our summons, and the astropath has sent a receipt. The admiral of the star field navy, the admiral of the high lord, General Samar Tai, expressed his understanding and respect for your arrangement. The new escort fleet has set off and will Twenty-five standard tera days later reached Ofelia."

Allen finished reading the official document in his hand, waiting for Calvin's response.

"Call back, thank you Admiral High Lord for your understanding, but the fleet does not need to meet me in Ofelia. My fleet is about to set sail for Terra and return. If the situation permits, the escort fleet will arrive in Hollison 25 on the [-]th." Feldman galaxy, complete the rendezvous with my fleet."


Watching Alan's figure disappear outside the office of the temporary residence, Calvin turned his head and continued the discussion just now.

"I have no opinion on the staffing of the settlement, but my opinion is to make two more backups for the orbital observation station and the emergency signal station, and the configuration of the corresponding astropaths and automatic beacons is the same..."

Calvin spent the last ten days of his temporary stay on the Ofelia 7 in such intensive preparation and coordination work.During this period, except for the new Holy See Clarence who insisted on coming to greet him every day, only the leaders of the Battle Sisters visited.

Calvin personally received the latter's visits and had a lengthy conversation with him.

In his eyes, these mortal armed forces who are subject to the dual jurisdiction of the Tribunal and the State Church are also rare and powerful troops.

Their internal cleansing effect in the past records of the Inquisition was an effect Calvin was happy to see.In his future plans for the Gray Knights, he also does not intend to get too involved in this work.

This is a job suitable only for Battle Sisters, because internal cleansing is naturally politically sensitive, and if Astartes, a vocabulary that the Empire has been guarding against, is introduced, the already complicated situation will become even more confusing .

Mortals to mortals, Astartes to Astartes.

Calvin had a sufficient understanding of this "hidden rule" implicit in the political ecology of the empire, and he naturally respected it enough.

The Battle Sisters left satisfied with Calvin's friendliness and clear support.And in the last days of the latter on Ofelia 7, only two Astartes Chapters among the local powers did not show enough respect for him.

Calvin had expected this, and he did not intend to keep this invisible offense in his heart.

He could understand the concerns of the two Captains Astartes, especially given that both hail from the founding chapters.

Calvin's identity was not just a thrill to them, but a far-reaching political investment.

The influence of the start-up battle group is so extensive. Under the background that the empire has expanded the battle group nearly 30 times in accordance with the "Astarte Codex", the interests involved in any start-up battle group are not limited to their own star. within the area.

They are now like a deep-rooted tree. On the basis of deep integration with local forces, they are more or less influencing the derived second-level war groups and more local forces.

Their position has lost its original purity, and it is not only the duty and mission of the Astartes to consider.

In fact, today, thousands of years after Dorne and Guilliman have been silent, their warband has no longer the appearance of the original legion.

Calvin also understood this situation, so he had no interest in fighting for the complex positions of these warbands.

The scope of the Gray Knight's responsibilities did not have much overlap with these traditional Astartes; between the Inquisition and the Astartes Chapter, not all friendly diplomacy has been established.

Like the Tribunal, he only has basic respect for the current Astartes, and he treats the relationship with each other in a cold way. It may not be his careful choice after careful consideration.

Ten days passed in a flash, and when the matters on Ofelia 7 came to an end, Calvin had no meaning to stay again.

As the plasma engines of the Retribution Angel in orbit roared again, Thunderhawks rained down on the tarmac of the Favored City's Cult City.

Under the watchful eyes of the imperial state church and a group of high-ranking military officers, Calvin and the accompanying honor guard finally embarked on the return journey.

 Update, don't ask for votes.My face hurts, I'm afraid of being hit, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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