Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 313 Seeds and Growth

Chapter 313 Seeds and Growth

Leaving Ofelia was not the end of a battle for Calvin, not even a break in high-intensity official business.

The Astartes have no theoretical lifespan limit, and the Primarchs even more so.

Calvin's endlessly long life made his concept of time inevitably far away from mortal cognition.And his increasingly inhuman physical fitness also made Calvin move faster on this fork in the road.

In his eyes, dealing with official duties without sleep or rest for several days is a common thing in his eyes; a battle with his heirs on the training ground that lasts for several days is also a way for him to release the exhausted energy in his body an option.

But his main time is still occupied by the increasing official documents visible to the naked eye. This is an inevitable change after the Gray Knights started to operate independently as a legion; The inevitable rights and obligations arising from the huge department under the jurisdiction and management of the lord.

"I'm too busy to die." There's a lingering dark taint to the line's provenance though.

But the location of that person and what he did make this sentence seem extremely true to any Terran lord.

At this time, the veterans of the Grand Mentor Council of the Gray Knights had already delegated most of the power to build the regiment to Calvin himself, and they themselves led the previous generation of Gray Knights to rush to the territory of the empire.

Of course, they are not all entrusted. Among the high-ranking officers in the inner circle, Yule, as the person who has the best personal relationship with Calvin, should have been the best candidate to assist Calvin. (After Aidan's death, if he did not die in battle with Orpheus, he is the best candidate for this position.)
But the enemies of the Empire would not understand their difficulties, and wars were also taking place between Orpheus and other directions in the Tempest field.

At the same time, the Gray Knights battle group is undergoing internal construction and transformation and fulfilling external functions. At this juncture, every high-ranking officer is a precious resource.

As a last resort, Yule was finally left in the direction of Orpheus, led 150 former gray knights under his command, and became the person in charge of the war zone on the edge of the Storm Star Field (and the fire captain).

The arrangement of personnel is so tight. When Calvin's legion construction officially started, and the official documents between Titan and Titan II became more and more complicated, he looked around and found that Gavin was the only one left. Si is an old man.

But this is a guy who can't be counted on.

You must know that the position of the Templars in the battle group has never been as simple as the champion swordsman. Poor gray knight.

And then what?Then these Templars who became honorable members of the Victory Hall will serve as adjutants all year round by the side of the Grand Master and company commander of each order.

The purpose is of course to protect the former, but it is also a duty of the Templars to learn the management of the battle group under the influence of being with the former for a long time, so as to be promoted to the company commander, the real high-level battle group in the future.

Gavins' martial skills and command ability on the battlefield are unquestionable, but that's all.

His operation and management ability has permanently stagnated when he was still an arbiter, and he himself has no will to strengthen this ability at all.

This was his own choice, otherwise he would not have stayed in the Hall of Victory for 200 years without being promoted after serving more than a dozen high-ranking chapters, and finally became one of the high-ranking leaders of the Templars.

For this old girl who can't get married, Calvin can of course trust him in battle-entrust his back to him, but if he is asked to manage the operation and development of a new company, it is not good for him or that company. A responsible choice.

According to the newly arrived official document, the first batch of recruits on Titan has arrived in the Feldman galaxy.The think tanks of the Third Order also began to reorganize and train these recruits in terms of psionic laws on Titan II.

This is the last part of the basic training required by recruits. After completing this training, these recruits can break away from the centralized training of uniform standards and start targeted practice in various directions according to their own preferences.

In view of this, there is an obvious shortage of equipment and training grounds on Titan II.

After a comprehensive evaluation by the technical sergeant, Calvin has issued a transfer order to the Titan home planet according to the technical sergeant's work results.

A large amount of equipment and supplies are being transported to Titan II via the battleships of the Second Order in an orderly manner.

But this is just the beginning. Apart from the need for materials, the real difficulty in legion building lies in the transformation of strategic and tactical positioning.

The establishment and specific combat framework of the newborn corps must be shifted towards the frontal advancement of the large corps while maintaining the original special operations functions.

The integrated use of armored vehicles, the joint operations with the Titan Legion and the Tindalos Legion, and even the cooperation with the naval fleet above the orbit are all capabilities that the newborn legion lacks.

The cooperation between these services and the joint command across units are blank at the command level within the battle group.

Fortunately, Calvin had many "selves" to rely on.

These experiences that can only be accumulated in the era of the Great Expedition are so precious, and the "threshold" for their operation is so expensive that the current empire cannot reproduce it;

The way they are preserved is so harsh that even the first chapter can only rely on written records to make superficial speculations as the veterans of the Legion era gradually wither.

But Calvin is different. His background of serving in different legions in many timelines is his own personal experience;
His combat styles and logic behind the legions of the Great Expedition era are also based on his own personal experience.

This kind of memory gradually summed up in the battles with all kinds of enemies in the empire gave him a deep and instinctive understanding of the organization and battle logic between legions.

And relying on this understanding, let him clearly know the strategic and tactical advantages of each legion and the combat environment they are good at. battlefield environment.

This is the wealth bestowed on mankind by the emperor, but it has been lost in the vast history; this is the code of conduct that all loyal Astartes warriors have cast with blood, but now only Calvin can inherit it completely.

Under his deliberate recall, these memories were unsealed from the depths of his soul, and under his summarization and induction, they were turned into words and regulations, which were transmitted word by word to the Legion will of the Gray Knights.

The advantage of the Legion's will was used to the extreme here, and every Gray Knight on the Retribution Angel benefited a lot.

Their psychic talents allow them to avoid inefficient language communication, and to achieve the most essential mutual understanding through psychic links.And the judgments of various situations in the repeated tactical rules and regulations and the reasons behind them were also quickly transmitted to the minds of every gray knight in this way of communication.

They learn when they are on duty, they learn when they are training, and even when they are dormant, they put their half-awake consciousness into the cluster of the will of the legion.

Calvin's various thoughts on legion battles were absorbed and absorbed by these hungry souls under such a background. During the long time when they sailed to Hollison's fifth star sector, the gray knights were taking days as a unit and moving towards complete maturity. The transformation of combat thinking in the Legion era.


(End of this chapter)

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