Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 337 Distant worries.

Chapter 337 Distant worries.

The Storm Starfield, the fourth star of the Feldman Galaxy, and the medical area of ​​the Unremitting Jihad.

Sand... Sand... Sand... Sand...

Wearing a black uniform and wearing a mechanical transformation device, No. Ε-0755, the trial court medical officer, is standing on the deck full of inscriptions, checking the physical signs of the target in charge with a pen on the data board.

The life support cabin in front of him was extremely tall, except for the dark green crystal glass on the front, it was made of pottery steel as a whole.

The half-person-high base is iron-gray, and the forearm-thick fixing screws are like its roots, firmly welding it to the battleship's deck.

Ε-0755 looked up from time to time to observe and check again, repeatedly checking the constants recorded on the data board in his hand, the real-time data on the screen, and the status of the living cabin.

If he found any abnormality among the three, the white-armored giants (pharmacists) who were patrolling in the passage behind her would be notified and rush to the scene to deal with it immediately.

This is only a corner of the medical area on the Indefatigable Jihad.

Zooming in to a certain deck in the entire medical area, there are hundreds of similar life support cabins like a forest made of steel.And silent and busy technical officials like Ε-0755 are even more insignificant.

It is located under the bridge of the Indefatigable Crusade, and is dedicated to the medical treatment and gene seed cultivation of the Gray Knights.

Under the protection of the battleship's one-kilometer-thick armor, it also has a nearly [-]-meter-thick metal protection.

It is like a heavily guarded womb, sheltering the most vulnerable parts of the Gray Knights in the depths of the battleship's core.

ku... ku... ku... ku... ku...

Heavy footsteps sounded from behind Calvin, and the accompanying two Custodian guards moved away silently, nodding to the visiting Grand Master of the Guardian Shaper.

"How about the data?" The Great Mentor and Calvin were not polite, and directly asked him what he was most concerned about.

"Normal," Calvin replied.

"The increase in bone density is close to 40.00%, and the net increase in bone dimension is also more than 5.00%.

According to the existing data, their average height will increase by nearly 20 centimeters this time, and their weight will also increase accordingly.

In short, almost none of their armor will fit anymore, and the Techmarines have another job to do. "

Urdas smiled slightly, not minding the Primarch's daily teasing.With his many years of experience in the field of psionic training, this kind of basic data obviously cannot meet his requirements.

"What about the functional data? Has it come out yet?" Urdas then asked.

"The growth curve of cell activity is good, and the development of the new Feldman's spiritual fiber is also very ideal. If there are no accidents, you will be able to see them in a week at most."

Calvin said with a smile, but Urdas saw only worry in his eyes.

"What are you worried about?" The veteran in front of him is no longer a simple great mentor at this time. He has another identity: the chief staff member of the battle group-the function of a think tank, which made him question.

Calvin did not answer him directly, but mentioned the news he had just received from the astropath.

"Have you read the message from Titan?"

"The number of black ships?" Urdas subconsciously repeated what he saw before.

"No, not a black ship, or not only a black ship."

Calvin looked towards the cultivation area under the corridor, where the pharmacists were still working at their posts.

"Soldiers?" Urdas asked, but this time, the number and quality of the soldiers did not make the veteran feel unusual.

Even compared to the previous number, the number of qualified individuals collected by the black ship fleet returning from the direction of the Obscure Star Field this time is even more than before.

"Too many," Calvin whispered.

"Too much?" Urdas' eyes were full of doubts, but then he thought of something.

"Too many," Calvin repeated.He turned around and waved to stop the two imperial guards who were trying to evade, then faced the speculated veteran and said again:

"Psychic power is to us a nice but unnecessary gift that means nothing to reason except to make our greed respond.

And the most important thing is, neither the emperor nor you and I have the right to refuse this 'gift'. "

The primarch's magnetic voice echoed in the depths of the verandah, like a cold announcement of certain truths.

Accompanied by his equally heavy expression, the guards and gray knights present all followed his perspective and saw that it did not belong to the field they should think about.

"In terms of the previous civilization process of human beings, our technology and ethics have been polished repeatedly, and we have set foot on the known soil;
And psionics?Everything it gives us comes from sensuality, from desire.

Psychic energy means strength to individuals, and means breaking free from the original social structure;

For humans, it is cancer..."

"Too much..." Calvin's tone was full of worry.

"It is not surprising that your focus on the Inquisition is limited to missions and resources, stemming from your duties.

But from my point of view, a simple conclusion can be drawn from the statistics of the Inquisition in the entire empire in recent years.

In our effective rule area, qualified gray knight soldiers are increasing, and the number of psykers who are their base is also increasing unstoppably. "

Calvin looked at Urdas, who had become serious, and the Guards guards who were watching, and gave his final conclusion on this matter:
"Our world is moving away from rationality and moving closer to sensibility. The foundation of human beings' survival in this world is being unstoppably shaken!"
After bidding farewell to the shocked Grand Master of the Guardian Shaper and the Custodian, Calvin came to the flank of the medical area alone.

Here a compartment was set aside as a laboratory for researching items of interest to the Primarch.

This area is currently being occupied by Mechanic Priests of the Order of Omen, and members of the Order of Mechanics from Mars are also allowed limited participation.

At this time, they were studying the harvest on the space hulk, and what Calvin paid the most attention to was the liquid metal that had a wonderful feedback on psionic energy.

"In the name of the Throne, good day, noble Emperor's Son."

After hearing the iconic footsteps of the Primarch, the priest of the Order of Omens turned to look in the direction Calvin was coming from.

At this time, Calvin had replaced the original armor, and the brand new power armor was not inclined to protect, but on the slots on the power pack, there were a few more mechanical arms like technical sergeants.

This is the power armor he specially prepared for the laboratory. If it were the place where he was in his previous life, it would be equivalent to a pair of white lab coats.

"how is the progress?"

Calvin ignored everyone's courtesy to him, waved his hands symbolically in response, and walked straight to the front of the stage.

Under the center console where he and all the priests were, behind only one side of bullet-proof glass, there was a huge laboratory in busy operation.

Nearly a hundred large machines were divided into dozens of experimental groups by heavy armor. Under the leadership of the low-level priests, the mechanical slaves were operating in narrow cabins.

The liquid metal brought back from space hulks is also testing its various parameters in these deliberately created extreme environments.


(End of this chapter)

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