Chapter 338
"how is the progress?"

"As far as the current experimental judgment is concerned, the substance has obtained a lot of feasibility data after going through the saturation scheme;
In the process of verifying these data, the experimental control group not only verified the reliability of the experimental equipment, but also successfully verified the feasibility of the experimental program. "

"……speak English!"

Calvin looked at the mechanical priest in front of him, conveying a clear will with his eyes.

And as a derivative of the old friend Father Constantine who doesn't know how many generations, this man obviously has enough reading ability to read Calvin's eyes.

With the support of his desire to survive, he simply translated the conclusion into the language of normal people:

"Well, it didn't go well."

Creak... The piercing sound of steel deformation interrupted the priest's attempt to explain.

Let go of the innocent plastic-steel guardrail in his hand, and Calvin shifted his gaze to the leading priest as the several subordinate priests retreated calmly.

"where is the problem?"

"Spiritual energy, or other supernatural energy. We lack the participation of this variable, and according to the field records you brought back, after excluding other conditions, the only element that makes it quiet is spiritual energy."

"Then apply..." Calvin seemed to think of something in the middle of his words, and he

He turned on his personal terminal, and on the data board that had been muted in order to keep quiet in the medical area, a red permission request stood out.


He reached out to approve the application, and the data link then pushed the order down.Gorgon (a member of the honor guard) who was on duty on the bridge looked down at the data terminal in the next second, and then converted the order into specific tasks.

"Prepare the duty room."

"The combat readiness duty room is online."

"Titan has an order to send a small team to the test area to cooperate with the experiment."


"Spiritual energy is stable."

"Received, cleanser No.12, Fifteen is on duty, please give instructions."

"Normal order."


In the next second, among the dozens of gray knights lined up in a square formation on the deck of the maintenance hall, five pairs of diamond-shaped eyes instantly changed from dull black to bright silver.

hum... hum...

They woke up the moment they received the order, and the servo sensor sensed the order in the psionic fibers, driving the power pack behind them to start supplying energy.

After a few seconds of startup and self-inspection procedures, under the watchful eyes of the staff on the deck, they carried the heavy-duty psychic cannon behind their backs.

Then strode out from the array, and formed a column spontaneously during the march, walking towards the passage leading to the medical area.

After 30 seconds, the armored gate on the outside of the laboratory was opened from the outside.A squad of gray knights who were on combat readiness walked into the hall of the laboratory under the leadership of the arbiter.

"My lord, the first company of the largest group of the legion, the Sinners No.12 team, obey your edict."

Five steel giants with a height of 2.9 meters locked their eyes on Calvin the first time they entered the cabin.

They made a beeline for their Primarch and knelt on one knee at a distance of five meters in respect.

"Leclerc, Martin, Tushiyetu, Harrison, and you, Arbiter Hyjal. I remember you, get up."

The primarch frowned and read the names of the sons of Calvin.

These people are all from the Krieger warband, which is a genetic inheritance created by him in the true sense.

These warriors had followed him for decades, from the earliest Orphic Wars.

He aroused these sons of Calvin, and told them the content of the task one by one.

During this period, the gray knights watched their genetic father all the time, while the mechanical priests in the cabin were completely ignored.

The mechanical monks present were obviously used to this situation, they stood quietly behind the Primarch and waited for his arrangement.

"That's it. You need to cooperate with our allies to get the characteristics of the experimental target as soon as possible. Is there any problem?"

Calvin pointed his finger at the mechanical priest behind him, giving the command authority of the task

"No problem." The five cleansers put their hands on their chests and bowed their heads to show that they had received the order.

"Then execute it." Calvin did not stop after explaining the order clearly.

Under the watchful eyes of the cleansing team and the mechanical priest, he simply looked at his schedule, and then walked towards the next job location.

After passing through the gate with double inlaid armor, Calvin came to the laboratory on the other side.

The secret level here is lower than before, and it belongs to the joint laboratory of the Order of Omens and Mars.Most of the mechanical remains recovered from space hulks are placed here, and are jointly studied by the Order of Omens and Mars.

From the moment Calvin walked out of the gate, the two guards waiting outside the gate followed the Primarch's footsteps.

Several years of cooperation experience have allowed both parties to adapt to each other's existence.Especially after the imperial guards took part of the administrative work and actively integrated into Calvin's team.

The Tower of Hegemony was able to take advantage of Calvin's power to deeply participate in the intelligence channel of the Tribunal.

Calvin, or the Order of the Hammer, was also happy to see it happen.

Nicholas' cooperation with Calvin allowed him to use the highest authority of the Throne Court when responding to emergencies.

This top-down mobilization of resources can often save Calvin precious time at critical moments.

Although the leaders of the two sides have not masked their faces, this tacit understanding has been established in the handling of several emergencies in the past.

As Nicholas and others stayed by Calvin's side longer and longer, the strategic mutual trust between the Holy Hammer Order and the Tower of Hegemony will obviously develop to a new stage.

"My lord, the preparation of the fleet is coming to an end. Except for the special quota of the Tribunal, the main weapons, ammunition and crews are already in place."

Jin took the equipment list transmitted by the fleet and showed Calvin the results of his work after repeated confirmation.

"Oh? There is no inventory here on Titan II?" Calvin asked casually.

As an important strategic node of the Tribunal in the Storm Star Field, the whirlwind torpedo should not be a scarce commodity here.

"Unfortunately, the entire Storm Starfield has been on high alert recently.

Especially the battle in the direction of Taran, where the Inquisition fleet has recently gone, as you know, is enormous.

The inventory here was conscripted by them just before we came.But fortunately, the order for Reza Forge World has been completed, and our warships are expected to be replenished within a week. "

"Where is the Legion of Tindalos? How are they doing now?"

"The rotation of the troops has been completed, the new 40 reorganized regiments have been assembled, and the attached heavy equipment has also been put in place."

"Okay, send a report to Titan II to inquire about the status of the nearest subspace access. If possible, we will set off as soon as possible."

"Then... special supplies?"

"Distribute the quota of the Angel of Punishment evenly, and ensure a minimum of two bases."

"As ordered!"

After explaining this part of the matter, the center of the laboratory also appeared in front of the three of them.

Aware of the appearance of Calvin and others, the Mechanician from Mars said to him with rare excitement:

"Praise be to the Almighty Ohm Messiah! You should see what we've found!"

"Oh?" Calvin was also very interested in their discoveries, he followed the words of these priests and asked:
"What makes you so excited?"

"A complete set of STC parts and its blueprint! Although we don't know what it does, this is definitely an exciting discovery!"


(End of this chapter)

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