Chapter 386
After passing through a distance of 15 billion kilometers, the golden sunlight shone coldly on Titan's perennially frozen plateau.

The cold wind blows the fog-like ice crystals rolling across the hills.

Amid the whistling of the endless cold wind and the eternal howling of the creatures in the subspace, the two giants loomed from the icy wind and gradually became clear.

And as their footsteps stepped on, all existences that did not resemble human voices retreated.

"How is the progress of the Eye of the Empire?"

The Supreme Master Walden exhaled a long breath, and frost flowers of the same color condensed on the silver-white stubble.

The same is true for the holy shield power armor on his body. Centuries of battles have made this sacred armor full of inscriptions and holy seals covering scars.

"It went well." The primarch answered the veteran's question respectfully and cautiously.

He knew that without this veteran's dedication to his mission, he would not be where he is today.

And the Primarch's respect for him has nothing to do with personal relationships, it's just a respect for his ancestors who walked the same path.

"The imperial army's arrest operation in the lower city area was not smooth, but we still declared that it was a successful operation."

"Is there any remnants of evil?"

Walden withdrew his gaze from the mountain in the distance. On the mountain covered by the storm, it was the place where his group of veterans first served.

"Yes." Calvin sorted out his thoughts and explained to Walden.

"They have a complete early warning mechanism. The moment the fighter planes of the imperial army stepped out of the throne room, these mice had already started to drill into the ground.

Fortunately, the Inquisition had noticed them early on, and with the help of sleeper agents, its leadership had been captured in subsequent pursuits. "

"Then what are you waiting for?" The Supreme Master turned his head to look at Calvin, his raised brows were as hard as the jagged rocks behind him.

"Is there anyone else involved in the case? Can you cast a trap? Let me guess... the high lord?"

"The current representative of the Rogue Trader, and...the admiral of the navy." Calvin nodded slightly.

"Traveler? It's just a group of cockroaches, but it's the admiral of the navy, uh... Are you worried about the direction of Jotun?"

Walden counted the empire's current wars one by one in his mind, and finally set his sights on the huge and protracted counter-insurgency war in the Obscure Star Field.

"Yes." Calvin nodded in affirmation.

The current Admiral of the Navy started from the Obscure Star Field, so his basic disk is naturally in the Obscure Star Field.

Without exception, the commanders of the Imperial Fleet in the Jotun Fang star area all came from the admiral's school.

This is just a military faction on the surface, but according to the internal investigation data of the court, the other party has an intricate relationship at the level of the star area and even the star field.

It would be fine if all the personnel could be replaced with a single blow, but if not, then rashly attacking the current Admiral of the Navy would directly lead to a complete collapse of the front line.

Or, that would be the beginning of an unprecedented rebellion covering more than a dozen star sector levels...

It was a coincidence that Calvin had not long taken over the position of High Lord of the Judgment in Star Storm, but he had just sent Juan to take over the position of War Lord there.

"What's going on there?" Walden asked.

"The overall situation has been decided, but the worries have not disappeared.

It took the Imperial Fleet 20 years to gradually shrink the sphere of influence of the rebels, and finally besieged its main fleet in the Jotun star area.

Now the imperial fleet is gathering towards Jotun from three directions.

Well, Juan Nelson is a capable general in his prime and has no local interests.

With him in charge, the war should be over within a few years. "

"But what we want is a stable Jotun."

Walden looked at the Primarch, but he didn't really care about this corner.

He cared more about the Primarch's skills and behavior than this far-flung empire border from Terra.

Don't be too weak, because compassion is the core difference between low-level officers and high-ranking generals;
But it shouldn’t be too aggressive, because the empire has used several failed cases of the Astartes in governing the regime, illustrating how brutal military-style interference in politics is endless trouble for this precarious empire.

The Empire is the Empire, the Empire of the Emperor, and the Empire of Man.

But only not the empire of some Primarch.

Walden, as a veteran, probably did not understand the difference between military politics and normal state institutions;

But thousands of years of calm watching away from the political center of Terra has made him understand instinctively:

The reason why Primarchs are Primarchs and not Emperors is not just the difference between them having absolute power.

The bigger difference than this kind of power is the grand layout and vision from being the master of the legion to being the master of human beings.

Would Calvin be the exception?Walden did not know, and was powerless to change.

When this group of veterans began to shift the direction of Titan's operation to legion construction, at the moment when they, the guardians of the dark side of the empire, held Calvin to the supreme power of the Tribunal.

Their shackles on Calvin were no longer there.

He didn't expect Calvin to have the long-term patience and perseverance of the emperor, but he just hoped that this new Primarch could learn the lessons of the forerunners.

Don't simply think that force can solve everything, and don't mistakenly regard violence as the only means to solve everything when you have just reached the pinnacle of power.

And Calvin did not disappoint him.

In other words, the height of this person is more than four meters, and all the Primarchs are also the tallest Son of the Emperor.

The soul hidden under that burly body, and the thoughts endowed to him by the civilization he was born in are absolutely beyond Walden's best imagination.

"Echelon transfer order, change of defense in batches. Distinguished by the importance of the war, all responsible persons in the theater will be replaced in an orderly manner within three years.

Well, let's not deal with these people for now, and we will check them out after the war is over.

If there is no relationship with the cult, I suggest changing to another place and hiring again. "

Calvin's calm and clear thinking surprised Walden.

And his handling of the losers in these struggles, it can be seen that the demigod in front of him is already the ruler of the entire empire,
He is looking at the wealth of these empires from an overall perspective, rather than simply distinguishing between success and failure, good and evil.

It was good, very good, better than Walden had imagined!
The last trace of scruples in his heart disappeared with Calvin's words, and Walden's mood couldn't help jumping for joy, even overflowing a little.

"You're fine. Let's do it!" The great mentor who was walking side by side stopped, and slapped Calvin on the shoulder... an elbow.

There is never a shortage of warriors who love and hate among the Gray Knights, and the Astartes are no different.

Walden was not afraid of the forcefulness of Calvin's actions.

With the support of the Emperor and the Throne Court, and the rapidly growing Legion as the backing.

So what if Calvin was on the opposite side of all the Chapters Astartes?
Do they really dare to turn against it?Don't be afraid if it's reversed, it's nothing more than a bloody battle!

What Walden was most afraid of was that Calvin would act too hastily, and there would be another massacre similar to the cleansing of the entire High Lords Council.

The bureaucrats that were affected were by no means just this little bureaucrat, but the disaster caused by the dereliction of duty of officials and the incompetence of the government under the great purge, which caused a disaster of hundreds of millions of people in more than a dozen star regions!
One similar incident is enough. You must know that since the great cleansing, the Terra Government Administration has only recovered and verified the data of the major star regions for a whole thousand years!
The manpower and material resources consumed are beyond calculation, and the food supply failure caused by the lack of empire management has caused famines that have lasted for centuries in those fortress worlds and mining worlds!

That's good, at least it's better than Walden imagined!

He no longer worried about whether the Primarch's character would be as tyrannical and cruel as some losers.

There is no need to worry about the fate of the original body, whether it will gradually become desperate because of the lack of nurturing by the original family.

Walden, who had transferred most of his rights, was in a great mood. He felt that even if he died on a certain battlefield now, he would still have the face to meet the Emperor and his old brothers.

"Then what's next for you?" Walden asked.

He didn't know about Calvin's itinerary, especially after Calvin returned to Terra, the veteran had spontaneously withdrawn from the internal meeting of the Inquisition.

Apart from concentrating on recruiting training for the Titans, he is simply responsible for emergencies within the Sun Starfield.

"Cleaning up." Calvin thought for a while, then pointed his finger to the ground.

"The time has come?" Walden also understood the existence of Calvin's metaphor.

But this demon has a very special origin, and he didn't expect that in just a few decades, the Primarch would be sure to wipe it out completely.

"Well, it's here." Calvin thought that the knowledge he had obtained from the Sword of Oath could just be verified by this demon.

And if there were no accidents, this demon with a special origin would still be able to contribute some special resources to him after his death.

"Well, you just stay here for a few days.

I also ask the pharmacist to prepare some things for you. "

"What?" This time it was Calvin's turn to be curious.

"Well, the Throne Court sent someone here before and gave us several sets of formulas.

It is said to be what you use.It’s also my negligence, I never thought that your physical development would have such a high demand on resources..."

"Huh? Throne Court?" Calvin looked surprised, but in his mind, he instinctively connected to two images:
An expired nutritious meal, and a marshal of the imperial army striding away...

 Update, don't ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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