Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 387 Growth and Test

Chapter 387 Growth and Test
Calvin should be thankful to Valorian, though the Custodian Marshal shows some less-than-reliable details in some respects.

But what is irrefutable is that the special formula brought by the throne room, after being tested and distributed by the gray knight pharmacists, did have a more obvious effect on Calvin's physical development in the following days.

But this is not a clear formula, to be precise, it is just a blueprint for the nutritional supplements specially used by the Primarch.

The materials brought by the envoys of the Imperial Army clearly indicated that there is a huge room for discussion regarding the selection of some special materials in this formula, especially the rare metal components.

Similar to pure gold and pottery steel are only the most basic and common ingredients, and according to the individual situation of the original body, more rare metals also need to be considered according to the growth stage and genetic characteristics of the recipient.

And this formula is not accepted by all the Primarchs, even if this formula is accepted, it will not be produced in Terra.

The digital Primarchs headed by the Night Lords are extremely resistant to this "extra" concern from Terra.

The remaining Primarchs chose to place the production equipment of this nutrient on their flagship due to the heavy mission of the expedition.

Due to the many reasons above, there are only a small amount of finished products of this nutritional supplement in Terra.

And with the passage of time and the departure of the Primarchs, the use of these special supplies became even rarer. After the confidentiality period passed, they finally became one of the rare collections circulating among the high-level empire.

Well, like the one held by Custodian Marshal Trajan Valorian.

Of course, Calvin would not reject this "belated concern", because his physique and growth path were different from other primarchs.

His flesh itself was of mortal flesh and blood, and his transformation to the Primarch was an acquired intervention of the Emperor rather than a congenital modification.

Moreover, the growth environment of this body is also extremely harsh. The oppressive stimulation of his own overly powerful soul to the body has allowed him to barely reach the physical strength of the original body in decades, but it has also essentially destroyed all the physical strength of this body. The potential is overdrawn in advance.

The nutritional supplements that Calvin is currently taking are still of the basic type, and the special version for him is still being developed and tried by pharmacists.

But as far as his current physical condition is concerned, the basic nutritional supplements have greatly improved his physical development.

His height didn't grow too much, he just grew five centimeters taller on the basis of the original four meters, but the bone density and bone dimension of the whole body showed a significant increase.

Therefore, on the basis of no change in his vertical height, his horizontal dimension has expanded twice.

The weight of the whole body has increased by more than 20%, and because of the increase in bone strength, his muscles have also improved exponentially on the basis of subtle changes in muscle fiber structure.

However, this is just the beginning.

Under the increasing trend of body strength indicators, there are some unknown glands in his body that were in a dormant state, and it seems that they have finally reached the minimum growth indicators they need.

Especially after the overall strength of the bones exceeds the threshold of 30% on the original basis, these glands with unknown meanings also begin to wake up.

Judging by the increasingly complex vascular circuits around them, these glands also seem to be accelerating development, preparing for the next step in growth.

But Calvin didn't intend to wait any longer, especially since the basic work of establishing the Eye of the Empire was about to be completed.

This huge and secretive organization has already begun to take shape, and its affiliated and reintegrated intelligence channels have already begun to work.

The information gathered from the two directions of the Tribunal and the Tower of Hegemony is screened and summarized in the central organization of the Holy Hammer Order at all times.

As the first warning from the birth of this institution, it aroused the double attention of Calvin and Trajan:

The information coming from the direction of the Obscure Star Field was screened after being simultaneously marked by the intelligence channels of both parties:
In recent years, from the summary of the information collected by the Tribunal members in various parts of the Obscure Star Territory, there has been an abnormal trend appearing on a large scale, but it has been ignored by the local Tribunals.

The overall number of Chaos Pollution Events in the sector is increasing, while their intensity has decreased significantly.

Moreover, these chaotic pollution and sacrificial incidents seemed to be done by some traditional cult organizations, but after the Tribunal wiped them out, it was found that the mastermind behind them was not in the records of the Imperial Tribunal.

A cult organization named "Son of the Dark Sun" entered the field of vision of the Imperial Inquisition just like this.

The Inquisition attempted to track down and strangle them further, but these cultists do not appear to be worshipers of the gods.

Their sheer faith in Chaos itself leaves these people with few outward features.

And with the spread of this abnormal development trend, it also coincides with the establishment of the Eye of the Empire.

Under the double attention of the Order of the Hammer and the Tower of Hegemony, its past information has also been called up and compared from various places.

The Eye of the Empire thus determined the earliest time of this organization - 10 years ago, and sent their information to the prophets of the Tower of Supremacy and the Order of the Hammer.

Thus came a prophecy that alarmed Calvin:

In the not-too-distant future, a catastrophe caused by the masters behind these children of the dark sun will sweep across the entire Obscure Starfield.

And the source of this catastrophe happened to be on Agrippina, a famous foundry world in the empire.

Calvin couldn't wait any longer, and he wanted to go there himself to put an end to that disaster before it happened.

Before that, he needed to deal with the affairs of Terra as soon as possible, such as some problems exposed in the cleansing activities of the Imperial Army against Terra, such as the scourge left by the Order of the Holy Hammer in the depths of Titan.

Another three days passed.

Outside the hall of fear in the deepest part of the Titan Fortress Monastery, Calvin was wearing a simple linen robe and holding an ordinary long sword. Under his gaze, he walked slowly into this dusty underground secret hall.

All the Great Teachers and Purifiers stood in line with the formation left by Malcador the Handprinter, ready to seal that special demon again at any time due to Calvin's failure;
The newly-promoted real-name owner Turab Ersteen stood at the main entrance of the Hall of Fear holding the sword of oath, ready to make a surprise attack into the hall at any time, and make a desperate fight with the demons who might break free from the seal.

The Honor Guard reunited with the Templars in the Hall of Victory, stationed on the only way from the Hall of Fear to the surface.

In the entire Titan Monastery's vast underground complex, the psionic choir from the Judgment Chamber also sang at the same time.

The Forbidden Army of the Tower of Hegemony was dispatched at the same time in Terra hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and the entire Throne Court and Astrotorch Court were under the strict blockade of these Forbidden Army.

The man in the deep part of the throne room also woke up again from his deep sleep. Under the background of endless spiritual power and brilliance, he also looked at Titan with divine eyes.

That was a curse buried in the human race by the Chaos Gods, and it was also the first test that Calvin faced before he shouldered the hope of mankind, adhering to the emperor's will.


(End of this chapter)

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