Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 391 Barrier-free Communication

Chapter 391 Barrier-free Communication

Calvin did think about leaving Terra and returning to the front lines of the war, but at least not now.

In the early days of the birth of the power organization Eye of the Empire, his special identity was needed as a link between the Inquisition Chamber and the Throne Chamber to speed up the sharing of many intelligence and information based on trust between the two parties.

And without him, the cooperation between the Tower of Hegemony and the Inquisition would fall into lengthy internal discussions and repeated trials based on the issue of trust.

But the company in his hands is too precious, especially on the eve of the establishment of the second battle group, he does not allow any mistakes in the backbone he prepared for this army.

However, the battlefield environment of the Gray Knights has always been worse than the worst, and it is also common in a sense to suffer fire from friendly forces under misunderstood circumstances.

After repeated weighings, the Primarch finally decided to join the battle in person, at least under his aura as the "Lord of Terra", he can guarantee that there will be no meaningless sacrifices in the battle there.

This was actually an obstacle for Calvin on his way to command. He had to learn to adapt to the process of letting go of his power.

This is also a manifestation of his distrust of the Imperial military organization, because both the Astartes Chapter and the Imperial Navy have subtle overlaps and differences with the interests of the Empire.

"Tell me Ms. Bridges, when can I go?
And you Valorian!
You owe me an explanation about your little hobby of collecting.

But it is not important now, before I leave, do you have some advice to give me from your rich experience? "

These were Calvin's first words after arriving in the capital Terra in a hurry and entering the Eye of the Empire.

And the loyal servants of the two emperors did not disappoint him. After seeing Calvin, they both started with their respective functions and gave their own responses to the problems he faced.

"It's now... Your Highness. The Tribunal's fleet is ready, and we will complete the echelon assembly at the channel node leading to the Ultimate Star Field."

Grand Inquisitor Valya Bridget wore the iconic black and red robes of the Demon Tribunal, with a thin face and sharp eyes.

The moment she saw Calvin, she was also shocked by his unimaginable physique and temperament.

But the work she has been doing for many years has made her will as hard as a stone. In just one breath, she has suppressed her emotions and turned her attention to work.

"Very well, ma'am, then please inform your subordinates immediately, and we will be ready to go."

Calvin waved his hand and asked the lady to get up from the half-kneeling posture of the Skyhawk.Then he turned to look at the Marshal of the Custodian Army and waited for his response.

"You shouldn't go, at least not right now." Valorian obviously had his own judgment on Jan Morrow's war.

At least now that the Eye of the Empire has just been created, he doesn't think it's time for Calvin to leave.

"There's never a victory without difficulty, and we're used to it, aren't we?"

Calvin obviously didn't want to discuss this topic any further, but chose to express the significance of accidents and wars to these soldiers.

They have no choice, especially when the people of the empire are threatened.

"Okay." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army obviously understood Calvin's situation.

He, like the gray knight represented behind him, has been the empire's last line of defense against chaos for thousands of years.

For the Gray Knights, war has never been a multiple-choice question of whether to go or not, but a question and answer question of victorious but secret sacrifices in the battle with the devil to the death.

Fortunately these men never failed the Emperor, fortunately they were as pure as their oath.

"The Black Templar is a competent comrade in arms, but not a qualified subordinate."

Valorian meant something, and it was a tactful comment on the allies Calvin was about to face.

"The behavior of the sons of Dorne is irrefutable, even fanaticism is a manifestation of loyalty!"

Calvin blinked, expressing his attitude to Valorian in "black words" that only two people could understand.

He will respect the behavioral style of these sons of Dorne, and try his best to guide them in a direction that is beneficial to the empire's war situation.

"The Ultramarines have inherited the blood and wisdom of their genetic father, but sometimes being too responsible is not a good thing."

Valoria paused and continued, but Calvin frowned after hearing this sentence, obviously understanding the former's concerns.

And if the direction of the development of the war is not satisfactory, the gray knight alone will not be able to support it.The only way to plan ahead is to plan ahead.

Calvin's mind turned slightly, and he thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone.

He subconsciously asked Valorian a question that both of them knew well.

"Understood, I will carefully consider the difficulties of the Ultramarines. Well, what is the current status of the Minotaur Chapter?"

"In good condition, worthy of a battle." This time it was the turn of the imperial marshal Valorian to blink.

While feeling a subtle rapport established between the two, he also marveled at the Primarch's growth.

Calvin’s management of the Krieger Chapter Alliance never carried the accompanying captain of the Custodian Shield Guards behind his back, and Nicholas’ report on the Tower of Hegemony was on his desk.

Others don't know Calvin's relationship with this warband, but can Valorian not know?

Although he knew that the primarch's aptitude was far beyond that of ordinary people, this kind of EQ and reaction speed, which was almost ready-to-learn, still gave him a kind of ironic astonishment.

Well you big-eyed Calvin...

Well, there may not be the same context in the Warhammer universe, but the Custodian Marshal still has a feeling of suffocation that he wants to complain about but can only endure.

"I'll go to the Senate to push for this order, and you'll get Minotaur command. (If you really need it)"

Valorian finally made a promise to Calvin, and the Primarch left the Eye of the Empire after receiving a satisfactory reply.

The next thing was much simpler. Calvin didn’t stay on the ground much, but went to Antarctica after leaving the Throne Court, and handed over the functions of the Senate representative to the Tribunal during his departure from Terra.

At this juncture, he also took advantage of the time of the handover procedure to quickly communicate with his colleagues from the Holy Hammer Order.

And after completing the handover of this authority, he returned to the battleship Indefatigable Jihad docked on the Luna (Moon) star port, and began to march towards the limit star field.

During this period, before the fleet was about to leave the solar system, the Titans also had a reinforcement for Calvin.

Great Mentor Walden obviously also knew about Calvin's itinerary.

So against the backdrop of the countless ships coming and going in the solar system, a silver-gray frigate without any markings quietly sent 15 Purifiers and 20 Templars headed by Turabo to Calvin's ship above.

Calvin deliberately refused, but in the end he did not let these veterans return.

But he clearly knew that when these people left Taitan, there would only be a hundred or so members of the Pharmacist Order and a handful of purifiers left in the Titan Monastery.

Walden has given him all the help he can offer, and the only thing he can return in return is victory.


(End of this chapter)

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