Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 392 Wolf Fang and Wolf Blood

Chapter 392 Wolf Fang and Wolf Blood
The Indefatigable Crusade set sail again, just like its name, from one war to another.

But different from the last time, in order to reach the theater as soon as possible, this time there are a lot fewer imperial warships fighting alongside it, only a mere six warships.

The Inquisition's two strike cruisers, the Black Doom and its sister ship, the Night Rain, formed its wing ships, while the four frigates piloted by the Gray Knights Chapter Victory Blades served as the close defense of the fleet.

After the entire fleet left the Terra orbital defense system, it went straight into the main channel of the third quadrant of the subspace leading to the extreme star field.

Restricted by the location of the Jamero Star Region, it is still quite far away from the main channel.

So after discussions between Calvin and the commander of the fleet, they finally decided to jump out from the edge of the solar star domain, resupply at the industrial world Betajamon 4, and then sneak into the subspace to spend the long time between the two star domains. No man's land.

It would be a rather long voyage, and since there would be no Imperial worlds to stop for supplies, the fleet would rarely leap out of the Warp.

This means that they will be trapped in a two-way block of information for quite a long time, and will not reconnect with the outside world until the fleet arrives at the industrial world near Plastia.

But this has already been discussed and optimized, and Calvin has no other choice;

It would indeed save a lot of time to go through Valheim-Armageddon, but the bad relationship between the Inquisition and a nearby battle group made Calvin finally give up this option.

He didn't want to get into unnecessary disputes and entanglements over the historical issues left over from both sides when the battle on the front line was urgent.

But the bad taste of fate is so tricky, sometimes the more you want to avoid trouble, the trouble will come to you by itself.

And shortly after Calvin's fleet left, an urgent message from the Limit Star Field was forwarded by the astropaths from the Antarctic to the Eye of the Empire.

And the representative of the rotating joint meeting, the demon judge Valya Bridget, immediately felt great worries about Calvin's future after reading this information.

She hardly thought about it, and directly activated the emergency communication authority around her to try to recall Calvin's fleet.

But the response given by the Star Language Court is that Calvin's fleet has entered the state of deep voyage, and no news will come out or flow in until they float up to the shallow layer of the subspace again.

"The throne is upon the throne!" This lady who was known for being strong and capable rarely lost her assertion, and couldn't help chanting the name of the emperor.

But under the pressure of the crisis contained in this information, she still did not hesitate for too long, and ordered the communication branch to initiate a communication request for a joint meeting with Titan and the Tower of Hegemony.

"Ms. Good Day." With a burst of noise and snowflakes intervening in the video signal, the two holographic projections in front of the demon judge lit up.

The image of the increasingly aging Supreme Grandmaster Walden, who appeared due to busy official duties, and the image of the Custodian Marshal Valorian, who was also slightly tired, appeared in front of her after the emblems representing the forces of both parties were lit up.

"Come on ma'am, I guess it's not going to be a pleasant news for you to use your emergency contact authority. Let's skip the meaningless red tape and focus our limited energy on solving the problem."

The Supreme Master's words made the Marshal of the Imperial Army frown slightly, but considering that the two had worked together for nearly a century before, he ignored the abruptness of the former's words.

"Secondary." Marshal of the Forbidden Army said with care like gold.

His patience is an expensive and extravagant product, generous only to his Master and certain others.

"Hmm..." Valya Bridget looked at the two of them, then took a deep breath and said:

"Fenris has entered the fray.

The reason is that the Jamoro Sector Fleet, which fought side by side with them in the Battle of Kaisen Blair last time, has a record of being skipped in the fleet naval battle.

In the screening process after the war, he was judged to be suspected of contamination by the demon judge Lisetta, and was going to undergo a purification process. "

"Hiss..." Walden had a toothache, and Valorian also fell silent after hearing the news.

The former couldn't help but raised his head and covered his forehead, then confirmed in a low voice:


And Valya Bridget gave a slightly worse answer:

"Purity pie."

Then, under the watchful eye of the Marshal of the Forbidden Army, she explained the term:

"You can think of them as conservatives among conservatives."

………The whole meeting fell into silence so far. In the quiet central hall of the Eye of the Empire, apart from the beeping of the servo instruments, only the wetware processing information was moaning softly.

It was the Supreme Master who was the first to react. He thought that Calvin was rushing to the battlefield there at this time, and he had to face the fangs of the beasts without knowing it.

"How is the situation now?"

He confirmed it to the demon judge, and thought in his heart that if things changed, would the fleet and manpower around the Primarch be able to contain the development of the situation...

"It's probably enough..." He made a judgment in his heart, and then began to calculate which troops could be mobilized nearby to support him.

At this time, Valya Bridget also gave the latest development of the situation:

"They have already detained the personnel that the Tribunal went to deal with, and they are confronting the Exorcist Squadron at the fleet assembly point of the Ballogo 9 galaxy. The situation is very bad. Liseta is not someone who will retreat because of threats. Conflict It could happen anytime."

"I immediately order the Minotaur battle group to go!"

When Marshal Valorian heard this, he clearly understood the nature and threat of the incident.He immediately cut off the communication signal and headed towards the meeting hall of the Government Affairs Council.

The recruitment of the Minotaur was a condition he had agreed to Calvin a long time ago, but the specific transfer order still needs to go through some formal procedures in the Senate.

He now only hopes that this battle group can catch up with Calvin, so that he can have sufficient manpower to control the development of the situation.

The Dark Templar cannot be expected as a helping hand. Their fanaticism is only aimed at the aliens, and they have no interest in participating in the internal affairs of the empire.

But relying on the power of the exorcist alone is completely unable to calm down those wolf cubs.

And if those sons of Russ really got the situation out of hand, then Calvin, who had no choice at that time, would inevitably stain the sharp sword in his hand with the blood of the Space Wolves.

This is something he never wants to see, and he must do everything possible to prevent the situation from developing in this direction.

At this point in the meeting, only the judge and the gray knight were left, and these two decided to split up after the Marshal of the Forbidden Army left, trying to divert the resources in their hands there as much as possible.

"Alan Janus's first battle group has ended its mission. I will order him to leave some manpower to finish it off. The main force will immediately advance to the Limit Starfield!"

Walden thought about it and came up with his own plan.

"The Firehawks and the Wailers also have two companies each, and are on their way back from the Ghoul Star Cluster. I know you have the ability to mobilize them."

Valya Bridget also thought of the two Astartes companies, and informed Walden of their progress.

The two ended the video conference after a simple communication, but both the supreme mentor and the demon judge felt great anxiety about the conflict that occurred in the direction of the extreme star field at this time.

Is conflict really inevitable?You must know that no matter which side it is, it is the precious wealth of the empire.


(End of this chapter)

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