Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 412 The Chapter of Courage and Loyalty, Revenge and Redemption

Chapter 412 Echoes of Courage and Loyalty ([-]) Revenge and Redemption
The battle came as promised with the surging tide of demons. When the commander fired the first gun in his hand, the weapons in the hands of the sons of Guilliman did not stop for a moment in the entire position less than one square kilometer. roar.

In the dense fog as thick as sludge, countless distortions and alien shapes stalked, crazy roars and hoarse screams one after another, surging towards the border of civilization with the most primitive malice.

From the moment the first shiny brass shell with a curse on demons was spit out from the commander's bolt gun, the entire field of guns belonging to the defenders of civilization began to fight against the demons. Tilting the anger from the human race.

The purgatory sword demons who rushed out of the fog first were shot down from the brass hound by the sniper rifle, and the Khorne demon with the breath of brimstone immediately fell under the salvo of the bolt gun;

The Nurgle demons as tall as giants were found far away. Their bodies with vicious plagues died from the key blows of plasma weapons at the moment when the winding antlers above their heads emerged from the mist.

Due to the distortion, the Tzeentch demon, covered with sharp teeth and long tongue, struggled to spit out profane words, but under the heavy artillery fire of the tactical dreadnought, it could only be turned into a ball of pink flesh;

The servant of Slaanesh whose entire body was occupied by tentacles and poisonous thorns, before opening his purple and pink eyes, the spell prepared for a long time from the war group's think tank took the lead in curbing its witchcraft, using the emperor's Wrath destroys his body and expels his soul.

However, there were too many of them, and the endless tide of demons was only contained for a moment by the sons of Guilliman at first.

At the moment when the blocking firepower of the Emperor's Angels reached its peak, even though they had already been massacred, more latecomers could not wait for the same kind in front to fall, and simply rushed from the heads of the demons in front like a real wave. across to.

Although the sons of Guilliman had raised their firepower to the limit, they still couldn't stop the demon's attack, and could only watch the Kuroshio approach.

Their ammunition is being consumed at a high speed, but there is no supply or support behind them.

"We want to help them!" Gordon couldn't bear it first, and said to the Primarch in front of him.

He was even about to move forward, but one of the Primarch's arms held him firmly in place.

"I can't help..." Calvin opened his closed eyes and said, looking at the puzzled Gordon in front of him.

"This war is over long ago, and what you see is just the bubble left by them..."

"How is it possible?" Golden said in shock, the echoes of this time were so clear and real that he couldn't recognize them.

And Calvin just looked at the rear of the position under his feet, the young warrior named Kerbers.

If he guessed correctly, that young man was the boy he had seen before.

"Retreat! Cerberus! I order you to retreat immediately!" The commander of the son of Guilliman roared to the rear of the position, his face was hidden under the white helmet, and the bolt gun in his hand disappeared at some point. Replaced by Power Sword.

The same is true for the veterans around him. When the terminators in the rear joined the position, these veterans had already abandoned their firearms without ammunition, and drew out the chainsaw sword at their waists to prepare for the final battle.

The dreadnought on the high platform continued to shoot, but the missile launch nest on the back was empty.

The remnants of the veteran in the sarcophagus had red eyes, and while gritting their teeth and enduring the inhuman pain, they tried to stabilize the red barrel as much as possible, trying to shoot the remaining ammunition before the gun exploded.

"No! We can still hold on!" Kerbers grabbed the shooting window and answered his commander in the middle of the shooting:

"Silian hasn't come yet! We still have a chance!"

"It won't come! They won't come!"

Facing the epee cut by the demon in front of him, the second company commander sent out the shoulder armor, and the moment the block was completed, the power sword in his hand was inserted from the demon's chest.

The moment he pulled out his power sword, the commander glared at Kerbers who was coming behind him:

"Are you going to disobey, boy! Withdraw! I order you to retreat immediately!"

Kerbers stepped heavily on the stone slab in front of him, and the commander's white helmet in the distance was also knocked away by a sharp sword at the same time.

Seeing the company commander being hit hard, the veterans around him exchanged injuries for injuries in silence, desperately had their arms cut off by a battle ax, and stabbed the enemy in front of the commander to death with a sword.

The Second Company Commander, who got up from the ground, didn't care about the enemy in front of him. He just stared in the direction of Kelbes while blood was flowing from his forehead along his hair.

"Obey!" Kerbers and several of his comrades were shocked by this scene, they stopped moving forward and began to retreat slowly.

After taking a few steps back, Kerbers simply turned around and ran back.Behind him, the second company commander's order still appeared together with the battle cry to the enemy:
"On the throne! The demons die! Run! Don't look back..."


With heavy footsteps from far to near, Gordon stared wide-eyed, watching the sons of Guilliman rushing from below the square.

As if they didn't see the existence of Calvin and others, these sons of Guilliman, who still had gunpowder on their bodies, strode towards Calvin and the others until they passed by...

"This is actually..." Golden couldn't organize his words, and stared at the vision in front of him with his mouth gaping.

But I don't know when, the battlefield ahead has lost its original hustle and bustle.

"Look..." Calvin pointed to the front, and in the direction of his finger was another ancient battlefield belonging to the son of Guilliman.

"Then us?" Nicholas was the first to react and asked the Primarch.

"Catch up with that young man named Cerberus." Calvin turned his head and chased after him, and the rest of the people followed closely.What he didn't say was that the Erebus bell on his chest was emitting a scorching heat after being silent for a long time.

What could it be?

What could awaken the Bell of Erebus, and make this artifact, which is called an artifact, restless?
Is a missing "concept"?Or is it a hidden threat?

Calvin didn't have time to take out the artifact disguised as a pocket watch, he just quickened his pace to catch up with the disappearance of Kerbers.

And not far away, an intersection that didn't exist when he came made him stop.

Another square appeared at the end of Calvin's field of vision, but what was different from before was that this square was not as intact as before, but was devastated and dilapidated after being impacted by the battlefield.

Two groups of Sons of Guilliman appeared on the battlefield at the same time in different states, and one group seemed to be the reinforcements that never arrived, that is, the fourth company of the Sons of Guilliman.

They have already fallen in the battle that happened not long ago, and their wreckage and broken weapons and armor are scattered all over the square;
The other group of the sons of Guilliman are obviously much stronger. They are launching an uninterrupted, rolling wave of attacks forward at the other end of the battlefield, and they collect the scattered corpses every time they capture a piece of land stand up.

"Forward! Forward!"

Hundreds of Astartes were advancing with an unstoppable onslaught. Amidst the roar of bolt guns and chainswords, a particularly tall commander stood out from the crowd.

At the forefront of the battle line, he bears the greatest pressure on the front of the entire formation, and with his thunderous roars, all Astartes fighters can feel his encouragement and spurs.

The Terminator Power Armor built by Seiko looks like a giant beast from ancient times on his body, no matter what kind of demon is standing in front of him, it is difficult to have a single enemy;
Standing at the forefront of the battle line, he is like a stubborn stone that splits the ocean in the wave of demons. While leading his comrades forward, he interprets the meaning of revenge and destruction every moment.

The formation composed of more than 200 Astartes is becoming more and more sharp with the passage of time, and the demon tide-like offensive can only slow down in the face of this blue and white heavy sword amidst countless unwilling roars back.

"Which one is it?" During the interval of the battle, the commander shouted at the champion swordsman behind him, and the sword in front of him drew sparks on his breastplate with a dying sword.

The champion swordsman who walked to the flank to cover him scanned the entire battlefield, and then replied to him after a little calculation in his mind:

"Lord Cerberus, 296."

"The last two are still missing?" Kerbers, wearing a white helmet, blocked a demon's sneak attack with his long sword, and suddenly charged forward with a power glove on his spare right hand.

Remnants and broken swords were splashed in front of him like raindrops, dirty blood fell on the holy helmet, and when the dots of glaring scarlet flowed through the emerald green laurel leaf relief, the former made the former even more sacred.

"That's just two short, right?"

Disgusted that the eyepiece was obscured by the blood of the devil, Cerberus took off the helmet, and an old face appeared in Calvin's field of vision, but the outline was familiar to all bystanders.

Leaning on the epee in his hand, he looked forward from his comrades charging forward from both wings, and murmured:
"It doesn't matter, we will continue even if there is only one difference! We will bring them back, no matter how long it takes, no matter the cost..."

"That's...that child?" The captain's voice sounded from behind Calvin, and the Primarch just stared at the battlefield in front of him without answering.

The battle in front of him is so smooth, but if Cerberus really wants to do what he wants, then how can the situation left to Guilliman's son in Presdia be as miserable as Calvin saw?

There must be variables, which is the reason why the emperor's sword, which has been baptized by the flames of war, was broken here;
There must have been other accidents, and it was the culprit who failed to return to their home planet in the end, the warrior who was carrying hatred and redemption...

 Update, but the double update failed again.The status came a bit late, and the time is too late, I will try again tomorrow, the above.

(End of this chapter)

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