Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 413 Courage and Loyalty Awakening from Zhang Xiang's Dream, Zhang's Family

Chapter 413 Echoes of Courage and Loyalty (Final) Wake Up, Go Home
Calvin, who was watching the battle from the back, was still waiting, while the battle ahead between the sons of Guilliman and the devil had reached its climax.

After the Astartes drove their formation deep into the depths of the daemon tide, following the advancing pace.

At the beginning, the pervasive demon offensive from the flanks, the rear, and even the sky finally forced their formation to shrink. The sons of Guilliman spontaneously gathered their positions, like a sharp cone, using precious offensive kinetic energy on front of the field.

Long-range weapons have lost their effect at this time, and both sides are at a face-to-face distance, using each other's armor and sharp swords to defend each other's will.

Crowds of demons stood densely, filling every inch of land in front of the Son of Guilliman, and countless sharp blades and spells were slashing and throwing at them every second.

In contrast, rows of heavy shields are erected in rows under the blessing of the Terminator's hand armor with hydraulic devices.

They stood on the front of the entire team, like a mountain, with a slow and unstoppable momentum, and continued to advance amidst battle cries.

Hundreds of decapitating greatswords with flames and curses roared and collided with heavy shields, while roaring terminators fought back with heavy bolters and flamethrowers in their hands;

More demons screamed frantically, and they pounced on again the moment the demons in front fell down. The powerful ones among them were often able to repel or even knock down the shield bearers in front of them, but then died at Aspen who was outflanking him from both wings. Under the epee of the Tats.

The shield bearers in the back row stepped over the corpse of the demon under their feet, replacing the fallen comrades and continuing to move forward, while the fallen Terminator was supported by the comrades behind.

The wounded among them will be treated briefly by the pharmacist, and then return to the battlefield again. If he dies in battle, the precious power armor and gene seeds on his body will be recovered on the spot by the pharmacist and technical sergeant at the core of the team.

From Calvin's point of view, the entire front is like a cold machine, with each part running at high speed, launching a continuous impact forward.

And although the demons pouring out from the depths of the webway are endless, they can only be squeezed and crushed slowly in front of this heavy hammer that is harder than steel, venting their powerlessness with impotent roars .

At the end of the passage in the distance, the deepest point that the sons of Guilliman reached last time was close at hand, and the pieces of wreckage left at that position were only a hundred meters away from them, which seemed to indicate that they had almost succeeded.

On the other hand, Calvin on the high platform was staring at the entire battlefield, because he knew that if the development of this story really followed, it was time for the person who made the sons of Guilliman fall short.

An inconspicuous low-frequency tremor appeared behind the son of Guilliman, and a blood-colored aura lit up among the corpses they had just left.

Several giants wearing gold and blue power armor came out of the teleportation formation, and the giant in the lead just stood still, and opened his left hand without the staff in a strange gesture, pointing far ahead and still struggling The sons of Guilliman in battle.

There was a sudden change in the dense formation in front. Among the sons of Guilliman who were originally performing their duties closely, someone suddenly pointed their guns at the comrades around them.

Chaos broke out immediately, affecting the order of the entire rear camp, and the middle team began to slow down in order to maintain the link of the camp, which in turn delayed the advance of the front terminator team.

Kerbers, who was at the forefront of the front line, immediately felt the strangeness behind him. He intersected his eyes with the adjutant beside him, and the latter silently exchanged positions with the veteran behind him after nodding slightly, and then stepped back.

The think tanks of the war group located on the flanks of the second-line camp immediately looked back and patrolled, and will firmly lock the figures of the fallen from a long distance.

The wave of psychic energy violently turmoiled between the two, and in the confrontation of external forces, the spirit and will of both parties were like wild beasts, wandering cautiously and looking for each other's loopholes at the invisible spiritual level.

When the adjutant arrived at the scene, the think tank was already caught in a confrontation with the fallen man.

Blood gushed from the Librarian's closed eyes, and the erosion from the warp made him clenched his hands and groaned in pain.

This is a war of great disparity. The enemy's mind is so powerful that it is far beyond what he can resist with a mere hundred years of spiritual cultivation. The existence like a giant in the subspace can obviously erase him in an instant, but Somehow this was not done.

He is playing with the soul of the think tank like a lion after he is full, making him exhausted in pain...

"Ho ho..."

As if sensing the champion swordsman's arrival, the think tank suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the former. He explained the result of the confrontation with a frightened expression, but when he just opened his mouth to say something to the champion swordsman when.

"What are you going to say..." the champion swordsman just said, but

After a muffled sound of "Bang!", the think tank's head disappeared.

Standing in front of the headless corpse of the think tank, the champion swordsman silently wiped the blood off his face.

His tall body began to walk against the flow of people to the rear of the rear formation, and as the long sword in his hand was erected, this pace became faster and faster.

It's time for him to sacrifice, the champion swordsman thought.

Although he was already ready to welcome his sacred moment, the strength of the enemy still made him despair.

Kerbers in the front has already known about the fall of the Chapter's think tank, and his task is to use his life to buy time for the entire Chapter before the company commander withdraws and arrives.

hum... hum...

The bolt bullets shot by the champion swordsman caused weak ripples on the space-time shield in front of the wizard, and his own steps of charging towards the enemy, under the influence of the time spell, became like amber when it condensed. Insects are generally slow.

The purple curse carried the ridicule of the wizards, making this champion swordsman seem to be washed by time in just a few breaths. His originally strong bones and muscles were visibly aging under the vicious curse of the spell. And thin.

"A... Li... Man!" Cerberus gritted his teeth, and the blood vessels in his eyes almost burst on the spot.

It was the fallen man in front of him and his vassal disguised as a rogue trader that made the son of Guilliman let down his vigilance and extended a helping hand to them with a kind embrace.

It was also the various deceptions and misleadings of this wizard king who was born in a thousand sons, that made his battle group open the entrance to the underground webway, and finally caused them to lose three companies in order to plug this gap, resulting in The tragedy of the entire warband passed down from generation to generation.

Seeing with his own eyes the champion swordsman who accompanied him day and night, who was also the future hope of the battle group, fell on the way of charge, which was already a great blow to him, and the instigator of all this happened to be his old enemy. Further destroying his few sanity.

He yelled towards the figure in the distance with a voice that was almost like howling, but his body had already escaped the control of reason, and he rushed towards the enemy in the past one step ahead.

And the wizard of the Thousand Sons wearing the crown of chaos didn't show any expression. With the cooperation of the wizards behind him, he stretched out his hand towards the sons of Guilliman's group from a distance, and the holy sword in his hand Golden Staff of the Scarab Emblem...

The same time spell bloomed again on Cerberus, but the Captain of the Sons of Guilliman relied on his inhuman will to forcefully find a portal to reality from the dazzling fragments of time.

Watching Kerbers exempt himself from the spell, the Supreme Wizard finally had some interest in his eyes, but he didn't have more time, and the large spell in his hand was ready.

He stretched out his staff and moved it slightly, enveloping Cerberus within the range of the spell. With a colorful light that could subvert the rationality of mortals, the entire camp of the Sons of Guilliman fell into confusion of the five senses...

Calvin and his comrades witnessed the fall of the Sons of Guilliman, under the attack of the evil tide of the Webway and the wizards of the Thousand Sons.

They were either killed by the bloodthirsty demons in front of them, or they died from the crazy and chaotic attacks of their comrades around them.

Only a few extremely determined people were immune to the influence of the spell. However, under the background of front and rear attacks and their comrades all falling into madness, they were powerless to save the overall situation.

They could only forcibly retreat at the risk of being attacked by their comrades-in-arms, trying to escape from the battlefield, but how could the demons in front let them leave.

Under the cover of Kerbers, they rushed out from among their comrades in arms. After paying a heavy price, they finally temporarily left the center of the battlefield.

The Thousand Sons wizards who caused this tragedy have already left here. After they obtained a sufficient number of sacrifices, they used the spells they had prepared to move deeper into the webway.

This is just the resting place of the wizard king, and the planning and use of Guilliman's son is just a small attempt in his exploration of the depths of the webway.

Calvin and the others watched as Cerberus took the last nineteen sons of Guilliman, and in the retreat of fighting and retreating, was finally surrounded by endless demon tides not far from the exit of the webway.

"Retreat!" Cerberus split the demon in front of him with a sword, and shouted to the comrades behind him regardless of the blood on his face.

However, the fierce battle roar behind him did not know when it quieted down. He turned his head stiffly, and all he saw was his comrades who had fallen to the ground and were unable to get up again.

"I can't walk anymore..." Sergeant Roman smiled with difficulty, he raised his swollen arm with all his might, and killed the sneak attacking demon behind Cerberus.

"Climb then! Climb back as well!" Cerberus stepped forward and grabbed the sergeant's shoulder armor, trying to drag him forward.

However, the weight in his hand was so light that the left hand, which was about to bear the weight of the entire power armor, almost threw Sergeant Roman out.

It wasn't until then that he suddenly realized that only the upper body of the veteran officer in front of him was still in his hands.In the battle just now, his lower body was chopped off by a purgatory demon's beheading epee.

Only then did Kerbers look around. Unknowingly, these remaining comrades-in-arms were also seriously injured and had no ability to continue walking at all.

And that's not the worst.

The pollution brought by the demon tide is pervasive, and the silt-like mist has been following the demons and corroding all visible things.

After the bloody battle with these demons, these Astartes who were seriously injured and fell to the ground were more or less polluted by these distorted forces.

Their faces are no longer as clean as they used to be, and there are deformed granulation writhing on the hideous wounds on their bodies; the original golden hair has faded at some point, leaving only corpse-like paleness and red eyes on their faces Together, Kelbers felt strange fear.

"Let's go...sir, let's go...Cerbers..." Another non-commissioned officer, Stave, licked the sharp teeth that had protruded from his lips, and said to his superior and comrade-in-arms:

"This is the last time I'll call you sir, let's go.

Don't worry about us falling, and don't worry about these demons.

Detonate the explosives after you go out, and then... never come back..."

"No..." Kelbers took a step back instinctively, rejecting his subordinate's suggestion in despair.

"Never! I am the person in charge of this matter, and I should die here!"

"But you are our only hope!" Stav also roared in response. He walked up to Kerbers, and yelled at his boss face to face:

"Go! Immediately! Now! Don't you want to watch us become that ugly! Get out!!!"

"No..." Kerbers' emotions completely collapsed. He looked at his familiar and unfamiliar comrades-in-arms around him, but these comrades didn't have any support for him, and they were driving him to retreat in the direction of the webway.

He had to step back step by step, and finally turned around and ran towards the exit behind him.And the comrades behind him were still howling more and more inhumane, while shouting to him with the remaining rationality:
"Go! Don't look back!"

Shadows and distortions gradually took shape behind him, and facing the tide of demons coming again from the depths of the webway, a demon named Vengeance, who nourished the souls of nineteen Astartes, was heading towards the tide of demons Raise your terrifying claws...

Cerberus survived in the end, but he also died.

His physical body carried the remaining instinct, he walked out of the webway in a daze, and then followed the instinct's guidance to close the seal with his own hands.

But a part of his soul remained on this battlefield forever, by the side of the nineteen souls who fell into the abyss and danced with demons in order to defend the human empire...

Cerberus's soul defect caused him to lose his past memory, so he simply changed his name to Appius. He continued to manage the development of the battle group on the bright side, while secretly trying to find his missing. part.

In the following events, Calvin and others were also able to vaguely deduce that under the temptation of the dark apostle representing the will of chaos, Kerbers, who had completely lost his personality and had a loophole, could not bear his instinct to return to the webway .

Under the temptation of the Word Bearers, he once again opened the portal sealed by him with his own hands, and the moment he entered the webway, the return of all his memories plunged him into a new collapse...

"Is this a dream?" Golden looked at the disintegrating world around him, and asked Calvin in front of him.

And Calvin, who had already sensed it, looked at Appius not far in front of him through the collapsing dream and said:
"That's not important... We only have one thing to do now - take him, and his comrades, home!"


(End of this chapter)

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