Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 414 Black and Red, the First Sign of a Plan in the Shadows, Sea of ​​Thunder

Chapter 414 Black and Red, A Plan in the Shadows ([-]) First Sign, Sea of ​​Thunder
"Let's go, take them home..." Calvin said as softly as possible, and there was no objection from the gray knights and guards around him.

After a tragic life belonging to Kerbers came to an end, they could no longer blame this outcast of fate.

Appius, or the former Cerberus, is dead, only his corrupted body remains sluggishly in place.

After his soul reunited with his brothers, his out-of-control body was developing towards corruption and distortion visible to the naked eye.

Calvin raised his palm and pointed it at the body from a distance, symbolizing that the light of redemption shone through Appius' body, and the silver-white flame spread silently across his body, and the body didn't struggle at all, just calm Accept your own fate.

When everything was burned, the remaining ashes slowly floated and danced with the wind in the webway, and finally disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

And after the ashes disappeared, the double-headed eagle emblem that Calvin had been pursuing fell from Appius' body and lay quietly on the ancient stone slab.

The Primarch's power armor made a dull sound, and he slowly walked to the original position of Appius' body, bent down and picked up the eagle emblem.

The empty corridor in the distance was as pale as what they saw in Appius' dream, but what was different from the dream was that at the end of this corridor, on the land where they had really fought, belonged to the demons. There were faint screams and roars.

"Let's go!" Calvin felt the scale of the pocket watch on his chest, and there was obviously more time left for him.

He wanted to collect as many of the remains of the sons of Guilliman as possible before the gods turned their eyes here.

Maybe he is destined not to bring salvation to everyone, but since fate brought him to this universe, to this ancient battlefield full of regrets, then he is obliged to do something for these loyal souls, even if it is A little bit of relief is fine...

The epee was removed from Calvin's back again, and the servo of the power armor began to do the final system self-check for the battle under his command.

At this moment, Calvin regained his identity as a gray knight, preparing to retrieve the remains of the sons of Guilliman, and at the same time dedicate his "small strength" to purifying this ancient ruin.

His will was gathering as never before, and in response to his will, forces on the side of order in the warp began to awaken again.

The authority and concept belonging to the side of order, after a lapse of thousands of years in the astonishment of the gods, floated up again in the endless origin of the universe.

Although their strength is less than one billionth of what it was at its peak in the past, but now that the gods of order have fallen one by one, they are already dazzling existences that are enough to make the gods of chaos look at them.

Feeling the loosening of positive authority in their bodies, the gods instinctively felt threatened, and they began to look along the source of this power.

Calvin in the real universe felt something at the same time. On the clock of Erebus that emerged in his palm, the red pointer was beating crazily towards the end point.

In the depths of the webway, the invisible demon tide suddenly started a huge commotion.

On this ancient battlefield, they are surrounding the demons gathered by the sons of Guilliman, engaging in an almost eternal battle in the most brutal way.

At every moment, hundreds of demons stand out from the surrounding demon tide, screaming and rushing to the core battlefield, engaging in a wheel battle with that special demon that has lasted for hundreds of years.

Countless skeletons were scattered in the center of the battlefield, among them were the corpses of great demons lying on the ground;

Countless remnants of broken blades were inserted into this small piece of land, and the bloodstains on their blades corresponded to the dense scars on the demon that the sons of Guilliman gathered.

Yet this particular demon is still fighting, even though it has long forgotten where it came from, even though it has long forgotten why it is fighting.

It is just using instinct and endless anger from the soul to climb up again and again from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and to fight desperately with the subsequent demons again and again.

But the battle stopped suddenly, because a "moon" suddenly appeared above their heads.

That "moon" is so cold that the light it emits is cold silver;

That moon was so fierce, the first second it appeared, it announced its existence to the endless tide of magic under its feet with the power of order that was completely opposite to chaos.

The icy light scatters around indiscriminately, and tens of thousands of demons within a few kilometers all howl in fear under the billowing black smoke where the power of chaos is burned violently on their bodies!

This is not a simple attack on the physical level, but a complete disintegration directly targeting their souls and core real names!
They tried to attack this round of "Silver Moon", but they couldn't move even with all their strength;
They tried to give up the shell given by the real universe and escape, but found that the surrounding space was as hard as steel after being infused with the power of order.

They are melting!They are falling apart!They are facing the real demise!
The steaming black smoke within a range of several kilometers made the gray knights and the imperial guards who came after them stop in shock, while the howls of fear from the countless demons were weakening and sparsely visible to the naked eye... …

"Order..." Golden, who had a soul contract with Calvin, murmured. This was the first time he saw the Primarch fully release the dangerous authority he had been mentioning.

The imperial guards beside him did not make a sound, or they could no longer make a sound.

Because when that light shines on them, it is also eroding and "correcting" their souls.

While resisting this force instinctively, they were also shocked by the natural disaster-like scene that this force displayed when facing the subspace demon.

The human side of their souls is rapidly weakening under the radiance of this light, and a mechanically cold will begins to be born in the depths of their souls.

The gray knights beside him sensed the strangeness of the imperial guards, and hurriedly led the guards of the imperial guards back, until they retreated beyond the edge of Calvin's power.

And as they left the illumination of the "Silver Moon", the erosion in the souls of Nicholas and others also slowly stopped.

After a few breaths, the company commander of the imperial army recovered from the unconscious erosion of this force.

He almost lost the strength of his whole body, he could only pant heavily under the support of the power armor.

At that moment just now, he almost thought he had seen the end of the universe, and the figure in the silver moon made him even more instinctively afraid.

The remaining power of order is still beating unstoppably in his soul. Under the trend of this power, he can't control his consciousness. While feeling horrified, he keeps recalling what he just saw above the battlefield, That exists like a divine mansion.

Is this... the essence of the Primarch of the Gray Knights? ,

Or, is this the full picture of the last sharp blade left by the emperor for mankind?

Looking back on his daily relationship with Calvin, it was difficult for him to combine this extremely cold power with that figure.

But following the natural disaster-like scene in front of him, another question couldn't stop gushing out in his heart:
However, this sharp blade is no less dangerous than Chaos itself, right?

He and the other imperial guards couldn't help thinking this way, but then they subtly agreed with each other because of the scene where the group of demons bestowed their heads.

That was a scene they had never imagined. Before Calvin appeared, they couldn't believe that human beings would be so powerful when facing the subspace.

That's right, only this kind of power can confront the demons of Chaos, and only this kind of power that is incompatible with Chaos will not repeat the mistakes of the Thousand Sons again...

"Order..." a Khorne demon hidden among the demons roared in a shocked low voice.

The huge body like a hill is now only a burning skeleton, and the huge sword that has turned into ashes under its feet is the reliance for its survival.

The giant sword that was exchanged from the brass throne for thousands of years of bloody battle exploits, now only remains of boiling molten copper and slag.And the heartache of this kind of loss is not comparable to the shock of the appearance of the old enemy of the Father God in front of him.

How long has it been since I saw this force?It searched for the memory in its own soul, remembering when it was a purgatory devil.

At that time, Father God was far less powerful than it is now, and the Blood Skull Legion at that time was far less neat than it is now.

But this is not to say that the first generation of the Khorne Legion was weaker than it is now, but that in the era when God the Father first ascended the throne, the subordinate gods who were born with him have not yet died out.

At that time, the blood god had not yet had a core doctrine that had been truly settled, and its status had not been truly stable, and it represented the birth of various elements of destruction. The Legion of Destruction in various forms led by him is also far stronger than the current Legion of Khorne.

It will never forget how those demigods who covered the sky and the ancient giant spirits in the war of the gods rushed forward to the kingdom of gods on the side of order;

It can't forget how those titan-like gods fanatically carried out their missions, and at the cost of their own fall, they destroyed the god kingdoms that were almost impossible to be captured one by one.

It was a close war, and it was also a war that won't be decided until the end.As countless Khorne fell from the gods, so did the factions of Order.

If it weren't for the fact that the galaxy-dominated races have been thrown into destruction and hatred one after another, while shifting the origin of the universe to the side of chaos, it would also make the gods of order lose the favor of the origin of the universe at a critical moment.The outcome of this final battle, which is equivalent to the twilight of the gods, is probably still unknown.

It thought that this power would never reappear, but now, he or they are back again...

This is the first time after tens of thousands of years, it once again saw the authority that should have disappeared in this universe.And it was the power that once represented the gods of order to let them know that the enemy of chaos had returned before they knew it.

"Half-god?" Another big demon from the Lord of Plague changed from his usual obsession, his eyes full of corruption and pus stared at the "moon" above his head, fighting the pain of being melted.

It stared at the Great Demon of Khorne through the long distance between the group of demons, and the psychic spells engulfed their thinking, and made a clear communication and judgment on the threat in front of them in a short period of time.

"Yes, and He has complete authority." The Great Demon of Khorne affirmed.

This is by no means an "artificial thing" with a powerful physical and spiritual potential. This is the prototype of a god who possesses an extraordinary essence from the soul level and is born with the power to control authority!

After feeling the erosion penetrating into the bone marrow of his body, the demon prince of Khorne simply gave up his body and a part of his soul. As a bloody light rushed out, a demon outside the battlefield suddenly had blood in his eyes. light up.

"It's a big trouble..." Nurgle the Great Demon Pregel muttered to himself, took out a deer-head staff stuck in his waist, and took out the grinning Nurgle staff hanging on the staff. The spirits were also thrown down.

"Shh! Be serious! This is not the time to play!" It looked at the angry and roaring Nurglings under its feet, and said seriously.

As the last of the descendants of the Father God, it doesn't have a "God's Plague" in its hands that can threaten this kind of existence, and even if it has such a killer weapon, it is still a question of how much it can do to this kind of existence. unknown.

This "shepherd" stick, which was traded from Father Yu, was his trump card to save his life.Although heartbroken at the high cost, it still activated the blessing on the staff, and then threw it to the center of the battlefield.

The deer head's staff activated in mid-air, and the entire staff began to overflow with a dark green aura of disease.The entire staff was like a green comet, and the moment Calvin Fan had a reaction, it slammed under his feet.

The huge comet disappeared instantly after landing, leaving only the dark green flame tenaciously expanding against the power of order above its head.

The three eyeball-like seeds fell from the sky, and the first second they touched the ground, they began to proliferate and expand crazily!

The power of endless distortion and distortion spreads outward from these three seeds. The barbed roots like flesh-eating maggots are like living things. While spreading underground under the support of the power from the Garden of Nurgle, they are also devouring the battlefield. The remains of all demons!

The branches and leaves that represent corruption and mutation are withering every moment under the light of order, but these branches and leaves are supported by the rhizomes below in the next second, and grow up again in a new life form.

Under the cover of these branches and leaves, the emerald green creepers spread rapidly towards the surroundings, and with the establishment of these basic ecology, corrupt maggots and swarms of flies with poisonous stings were also born from nothingness.

The gray knights in the distance watched the mutation nervously, and they could even hear the horrible swallowing sounds of the roots on the charred black battlefield like living things.

The power of chaos once again gained a firm foothold in the battlefield, but Pregel, the great demon of Nurgle, did not feel at ease. It rarely sent a request for cooperation to another high-ranking demon on the battlefield:

"This thing won't last long! Quick! Open the portal to the Supreme Heaven!"

However, Calvin, who was standing in the sky, had already noticed it before the Great Demon of Khorne could react.

Calvin, who was fully exerting his power, looked at the mutation under his feet, and stopped the large-scale killing law.

He first took a careful look at the rotten wood under his feet, then smiled slightly, and threw the big sword in his hand down!

Plenty of power of order surrounds the sword of the empire's truth, and the thunder is passing through the air with kinetic energy exceeding the speed of sound, like a silver thunder falling from the sky under the trajectory that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!
The rotting wood that has grown to the thickness of an embrace is as if it has been hit hard, and the canopy-like barrier of branches and leaves is pierced by thunder. Silver flames spread from its branches and leaves all the way down, with crackling burning sounds and the buzzing of static ionized ozone The sound was unusually conspicuous in the silence after the thunder.

Calvin looked down at the vegetation that was still growing tenaciously below and frowned, while the two big demons in the distance took a deep breath.

However, the Primarch in the sky suddenly raised his head to look at the two of them, flipped the Imperial Truth that returned automatically in his hand, and then grinned: "It's quite resistant to beating, isn't it?"

Another thunderstorm fell, and after the thunderstorm this time, it was a thunderstorm as dense as a rainstorm under the blessing of the imperial truth that returned with Calvin's intention!


(End of this chapter)

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