Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 416 Black and red, the plan in the shadows, no joke

Chapter 416 Black and Red, a Plan in the Shadows ([-]) No Joke
With the help of the audience off the court, a long tragedy that lasted hundreds of years finally had a successful ending.

And the audience, after a brief stay, will eventually have to shoulder their own missions and responsibilities and leave the stage called Presdia.

Carrying the armor and remains of the sons of Guilliman on their backs, Calvin and the others returned all the way to the entrance of the Webway.

After refilling the seal with their own hands, Calvin and the others watched the ancient portal sink into the lava once again.them

After briefly dealing with the battlefield outside the webway, they embarked on the road back to the ground.

At this time, the ground of Presdia was very busy. Apart from the support fleet already in place on the orbit, there were more Astartes and mortal servants wearing the blue of Ultramar.

The investigation and clean-up of the son of Guilliman on the ground is proceeding in an orderly manner in the hands of these direct subordinates from the mother regiment of the Ultramarines.

The fortress monastery centered on the barren plains was filled with mortal legions of the Ultima Starfield, and they were ordered to take over the defense here and send the original garrison to Ultramar for trial.

The continuous flow of vehicles on the ground and the fighter planes passing by from time to time in the sky are non-stop day and night, and they are transporting hundreds of thousands of criminals to the star port from various defense nodes all over the planet continent.

This is the chain reaction brought about when a battle group that has been built for thousands of years is uprooted.

Throughout the entire planet and even the entire galaxy, the huge population serving them and providing military service will be re-identified and adjusted by the empire, and Ultramar will charge them with different crimes according to their relationship with Guilliman's son.

Hundreds of millions of people in the entire galaxy will be displaced, perhaps throughout their lives on a constant road of exile.

And this is not the end, it is even just the beginning, the overthrow of a chapter is like the death of a giant tree.The influence it creates will last several centuries in the nearby star regions, and will have a more or less long-term impact on the strategic situation of the entire star region.

At least a few Rogue Traders will lose their passports, at least hundreds of noble inheritances will be interrupted, at least dozens of remote planets will lose their original protection, and at least billions of people will be rewritten from then on.

After Calvin and his comrades arrived on the surface, they walked on the central avenue leading to the nearby apron against the huge traffic flow descending from the star port.

A large number of people who were ordered to migrate traveled on the roads on both sides. In order not to cause more troubles, Calvin released a simple hypnotic law on all of them.

In the eyes of these mortals who are not strong enough, he is no different from the people behind him and the Ultramarines guarding on the mountains on both sides of the road.

When mortals saw them, they prostrated themselves on both sides of the road, begging these tall demigods to forgive their crimes and avoid the fate of being displaced.

In the eyes of these extreme fighters, the laws on the Gray Knights and the Forbidden Army cannot block their sight.

Led by a figure as tall as a mountain at the head, these powerful and mysterious silver armored knights, together with the emperor's golden eagle guards, are walking with heavy steps, wrapped in the sunset glow of Presdia. .

The resolute aura of Guilliman's heir is rarely shaken under this sacred and magnificent picture.

They also fell into hesitation for a moment, wondering whether they should pay tribute to the leader who made them fear and nervous.

And this situation was quickly resolved after the arrival of the adjutant Sura.

He had just stepped out of the Thunderhawk on the tarmac, and he was keenly aware of the strangeness of Calvin's group and the soldiers of the company in the distance, and he knew Calvin's dual identity.

The identities of this group of people were instantly confirmed in his mind, and as the representative of the Ultramarines, he immediately greeted Calvin.

This was the result of the company commander of the Ultramarines specifically explaining to him before he descended from the orbit, and it was also his instinctive reaction to Calvin after seeing these gray knights.

They were so special that even if they were wearing other armor, Sura felt that he could instantly recognize them.

Beneath their seemingly identical fortitude to all Astartes is a decidedly different cultural background.

That was an idea that he couldn't fully understand for a while, but "they" were like a candle in the dark night, although they were not grand, they were still conspicuous.

It is a kind of belief after giving up honor and rights, and it is a kind of determination to guard after witnessing endless darkness and despair.

Without hesitation, Sura strode forward. The first time the Primarch saw him, the young champion swordsman showed him respect for a legion master with a full sky eagle salute.

The surrounding Ultramarines had no worries when they saw this, and they all saluted Calvin with guns/sword salutes on the high points on both sides of the road.

Seeing this, the Primarch also slowly stopped in his tracks. The 12-member Honor Guard and the Imperial Guards had been cooperating for a long time, and they were divided into two rows in tacit understanding without making a sound.

The Primarch looked down at the "young man" who might be older than him, felt the "goodwill" in him, and did not show his inner aversion to this kind of etiquette.

In this regard, he is the same as the man sitting on the golden throne. They never feel that they are nobler than others of the same kind. They are all given special missions by fate, and it is because of these missions that they have come to where they are today. .

"Get up, there is no affiliation between you and me, and even your... legion doesn't like such etiquette." Calvin said softly.

Obscure spiritual fluctuations spread from his vocal cords, quietly increasing the appeal of his words.

This is a rare initiative for the Primarch to use this ability. Unlike the Emperor, his hidden attributes naturally rarely have the opportunity to speak.

But today's scene was really embarrassing for him. In order for the diplomat of the Ultramarines to get up as soon as possible, he had no choice but to activate this ability again.

"Yes." Sura was easily persuaded, and stood up so simply.

This actually does not match the aristocratic education he received in Ultramar, let alone the awe he has for the people in front of him.

But this is also the first time he has been with such an existence. Nervousness and excitement filled his mind with every detail of the Primarch. His calm mind in the past disappeared, so he naturally ignored this frightening detail. .

The people behind the Primarch looked at each other secretly, well, this is another little guy who was fooled by his own leader...

And none of this was noticed by Sura, and his current thoughts were all attracted by Calvin.

This is not how weak his will is, on the contrary, it is not easy for him to be able to speak with such integrity when facing a Primarch for the first time.

A living Primarch?
A living Legion Master?
What kind of legendary existence is this?
And the identity of the person in front of him is even more special. He and his descendants can be said to be fighting on the most mysterious front of the empire.

As far as he knew, they hadn't even appeared in the official propaganda of the Empire.

And the person in front of him who is speculated to be the Primarch is even more mysterious. The Ultramarines have a deep foundation in the empire, and they have only vaguely understood it in recent years.

Who is he?
Why wasn't his name among the original Lords of the Legion?
Where is his legion?

None of their exploits will be publicized, nor will any of their sacrifices be remembered.

Don't they care about these things?

Chaotic thoughts danced in the mind of the young adjutant, but the burdens on the people in front of him reminded him of other things.

"What is this?" He pointed to the power armor on the backs of the gray knight and the imperial army, but his heart slowly began to become tense.

Although he is extremely familiar with those armors, he still wants to ask this question, or he already knows the owners of these armors, but what he needs to know more is the significance of their appearance here.

If the existence in front of him wants to take these armors representing the blood of his legion as trophies, then he and the battle group behind him will be in an extremely embarrassing situation.

And if you want to stop this adult?On the throne, he is not so arrogant yet...

"Don't be nervous, this is something for you." Calvin said softly.

Thinking in another way, he knows Sura's thoughts like the back of his hand, and naturally understands where Sura's embarrassment comes from.He put the armor behind him on the ground first, and everyone behind him followed suit.

Su La looked at the Primarch suspiciously, and the Primarch responded with a smile:

"Specific explanation documents, I have ordered the Tribunal to send an official document to your ministry. If there is no accident, then the Sons of Guilliman Chapter does not meet the Trial Tribunal's identification criteria for traitors."

"Are you serious?" Sura, who heard this, couldn't care less about the awe of the Primarch, and hurriedly asked before the former's words fell.

Because the impact of this sentence is really important, and it is too vague to describe it with one word.

This sentence not only determines the fate of the remaining sons of Guilliman, but also affects the fate of these imperial children who are being forcibly relocated;

This is not only a re-approval of the Sons of Guilliman Chapter, but also a guarantee by Calvin on behalf of Terra for the entire Ultimate Starfield.

And when he raised his head, he realized that the Primarch had already walked towards the tarmac.After hearing his question, the Primarch just waved to him from a distance:

"You have no jokes."

That's right, the honor guards and guards of the imperial guards smiled silently after hearing these words.

You have no jokes, and "jun" has no jokes.

The leader of his own family finally started to look like a big shot...

 The update broke down, and the double-update plan failed again... The old rules, first release and then change, let me check myself first...

(End of this chapter)

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