Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 417 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows Never Forgets

Chapter 417 Black and Red, a Plan in the Shadows ([-]) Never Forget

The silver-gray Thunderhawk flew higher and higher, spouting flames of plasma, and finally disappeared within the sight of Adjutant Sura.

The adjutant, who watched Calvin and others leave, immediately reported the information Calvin left to his superior.

Apart from being relieved, Severns also had great expectations for the subsequent documents of the trial court.

However, in the work log in his hand, the transfer of power to the current position is still on the agenda.

Just as the sons of Guilliman could not deny that they were suspected of corruption even though they had various reasons, no matter how good the result was, Severns could not conceal the fact that he failed to review the sub-group during his term of office.

Sura expressed that he could understand this. In the education he received, Ultramarines had never been a coward who deceived himself. If Severns felt that he could shirk responsibility after Calvin made his statement, it would make Sura truly disappointed.

But things are such contradictions.

A boss who does not let him down is destined to bring him a disappointing future, an ideal result, and cannot make up for the mistakes that have been made.

After all, someone must pay the price for the crime, just like the son of Guilliman who was transferred to enter the Redemption Expedition;

After all, someone must explain the dereliction of duty, just like Severns, the third company commander of the Ultramarines, and all the administrative staff including the adjutant Sura.

At this time, Su La has confirmed that, as the deputy of the consul, although he will not be held accountable for this matter, he will no longer have the possibility of promotion.

Then before returning to Macragge to report on his duties, besides continuing to be loyal to his job duties, he had to consider his next direction.

Iron-clad battalions and flowing soldiers, this principle is also common in the Astartes battle group, without exception.

Where is it?Sura thought unconsciously, and those mysterious Astartes just now emerged from his mind again.

Maybe Deathwatch is a good choice?

I heard that the Tribunal is in the process of system integration, so if you join the exclusive armed force of the Tribunal, you will definitely have the opportunity to fight side by side with them, right?
Presdia's story ends here.

With the timely return of the three Thunderhawks below the orbit, the Unrelenting Crusader welcomed its owner back after dozens of hours of separation.

Immediately, dense signals were sent from its bridge, and the plain coded message bearing the emblem of the Inquisition echoed across the starry sky of Presdia.

set sail!set sail!
The gray-painted space behemoths are slowly waking up, and the Interstellar Labyrinth far away from the edge of the galaxy is also echoing.

The engines of the two fleets brought up long tail flames, and they crossed the open space in the center of Prestija and approached each other at a seemingly slow but fast speed.

Probably because of sufficient experience in joint operations, the efficiency of the reorganization of the two fleets is extremely fast.

The re-integrated large fleet slowly broke away from the gravitational field of the nearby planets, and began to accelerate towards the Manzeville point of the galaxy.

The Ultimate Starfield Fleet still hovering above Presdia sent a signal of blessing to them. After this battle, the two forces obviously had a more intuitive understanding of each other.

Based on this contact with Calvin, the two sides have a stronger strategic mutual trust for the next possible cooperation.

As for the small misunderstanding between the two sides in Presdia, and some of the tense and critical moments implied by the misunderstanding, both the admiral of the Gray Knights and the company commander of the Ultramarines chose not to talk about it.

The soldiers of the empire have enough pragmatism in this regard, and they are also busy enough.

They have already carried too much hatred, and what has never happened is not worth mentioning in their eyes.And pragmatism made them clearly know that the method of liquidation will only be reserved for enemies who have been completely defeated.

The two sides tacitly took a step back from the accident that happened here.

The Inquisition did not insist on reserving the right to deal with Guilliman's son, even though they were standing on the moral and legal high ground at this time.

And Ultramar is obviously aware of this, they have not waited for the warning from the court, they have already promised to sort out the entire sub-group system of the Ultramarines, so as to prevent such incidents from happening again.

As the price paid by the Ultramarines, Presdia, the gateway between the Ultrastar Region and Terra, will be under the direct jurisdiction of the Custodian Forces again.

After all, even with Calvin’s explanation and excuse, the depravity shown by the son of Guilliman in the previous battle at the entrance of the Webway is an indisputable fact.

As a side of the Inquisition, Calvin selectively ignored the threat and offense brought by the Ultramarines and their fleet when they first appeared.

Calvin and the others left Presdia immediately and headed for the battlefield in the direction of Jaime Luo.

The Ultramarines have erased all trace of the Sons of Guilliman's presence in Prestiah, and will closely monitor the rebuilding of the Sons.

They will not receive any supplies for centuries, and will use the same or even longer time of battle and blood to prove their reliability again...

The fleet has once again entered the state of boring subspace navigation, and the crew has once again entered a state of duty with a small number of people on duty, and most of them have entered a state of dormancy.

The lower floors of the entire fleet's battleships fell into silence, and only the gray knights on the upper floors still maintained their basic training intensity.

Calvin wasn't idle either, or he was even busier.

On the one hand, the Primarch has to make long-term preparations for the expansion of the Legion, because the recent information from Terra shows that a new batch of Gray Knights has completed surgical transformation and is in the final trial process.

On the other hand, he also had to read the latest information about Jamoro from Terra during the previous battle.

The confrontation between the Space Wolves and the Inquisition was a headache for him, and the threat of Chaos loomed.

He had to do a more in-depth understanding of the background information of the two parties in order to try to find a possibility to ease the conflict.

A week of sailing time passed by like this.The two jobs in Calvin's hands finally had some clues.

The essence of the former is nothing more than the allocation of resources and gaining fault tolerance and buffer time for recruits, so among the multiple proposals submitted by the Tribunal and the Order of the Holy Hammer, he chose the one that he thought was safer.

This new batch of gray knights is still the same, with a standard legion Dalian, that is, a thousand called a batch.

Calvin thought about it, and finally divided it into two, and transferred half of them, five hundred gray knights, to Terra to replace the permanent troops in the throne room.

They can join the combat readiness sequence of the Eye of the Empire there, and in the process of joint training with the Imperial Army, they can master some specialized skills and experience in internal combat as soon as possible.

He transferred the elite veterans who were originally stationed in the Throne Court to Titan, and the remaining [-] recruits will perform combat readiness duties with them, and at the same time, they can also strengthen and absorb the first-line experience in fighting chaos.

And there is the most critical one, that is, you can keep in touch with the outside world!
The gray knights are good everywhere, and their physical fitness is obviously stronger than that of the veterans of the previous generation. In Calvin's eyes, the degree of development of the holy blood cells in the bodies of these new generation of gray knights is even close to 10% of the record!
But it is this autistic tendency that really makes Calvin a little helpless.

Especially after the emergence of the will of the Legion, the Gray Knights who have solved the problem of long-term psychic communication are all bored, and the style of "resolutely shut up if you can't open your mouth" has made the culture of the entire Legion increasingly inward.

The situation both amused him and worried him.

He knew he couldn't blame them, since most of the tasks they performed required silence and secrecy.

He couldn't stop them, because the will of the legion was a proficient process.

But you can't really keep silent, can you?
Not being able to speak and not wanting to speak are two different things, but if you gradually become unable to speak because you don’t want to speak, that’s also a problem!

Moreover, the size of the legion will only grow larger, and the need for diplomacy is imminent. Someone must stand up to be the mouthpiece of the legion, and someone must have basic diplomatic literacy.

Is it still necessary to rely on the judge as a bridge to communicate with the outside world as before?
Of course not!Take a look at the current situation in the direction of Jamello!

Once the judge in charge of intermediary communication has his own political intentions, the Gray Knights will fall into extreme passivity.

Like a marionette, they can only get stuck in an awkward situation.

They must have their own diplomats. The tradition of a single company in charge of foreign affairs in the warband era can no longer keep up with the existing needs!

You can't count on the great mentors to come forward for everything, or him, the master of the legion, to stand up and speak out, right?
The Grand Masters are busy enough, and he can't be there every time.

Thinking of this, Calvin paused the pen in his hand on the paper, and he drew a red circle heavily on the word "diplomatic demand" on the paper.

This problem must be solved, but here comes the problem...

Calvin himself is a soldier who is not good at words. Apart from basic mobilization and speech skills, more in-depth diplomatic skills are not within the scope of his skill points.

In his previous life, professional political workers were responsible for this job, as for him, he absolutely did not have this gene...

what to do?There are enough seedlings to grow in the field at home...

That won't work... Just get it from outside the wall?

The Primarch, who was helpless for a while, stood up and turned around twice, then winked and began to think of an outside trick.

Anyway, his legion already has the ability to transform. Although the cost is a bit expensive, it is not impossible to do it on a small scale...

Well, I have an idea.What about the target?
The primarch sat in front of the table again, and the figures of various legions flashed in his eyes like a revolving lantern.

The service experience in countless other timelines flashed across his mind, and finally a familiar blue color stopped in his eyes.

Eh?I think these Smurfs are great!Especially the adjutant Su La, I think it is very good!
Calvin, who had locked on the target, was no longer in a hurry. Anyway, there will always be opportunities, and he only sees how to operate when the time comes.

He has no psychological burden at all for this kind of behavior, anyway, these group of Smurfs owe him enough favors.

Besides, can several Smurfs be called Mao?The matter of the Gray Knights...that's called devotion to the empire...

And Calvin hasn't settled Presdia's account this time!

Even if their legion lords face each other one day, Calvin feels that he has something to say!

"It's just a pity for that adjutant..."

Calvin regretted why he didn't think of this question earlier, otherwise he would be able to ask the Ultramarines face to face in Presdia.

But that's the way it is, once you miss it, there's no room for maneuver.

Given the situation of the two parties at the time, Calvin asked for someone and the other party couldn't refuse;
But if you open this mouth after the matter is over, it is no different from riding on the head of an Ultramarine and punching him in the face.

The primarch shook his head slightly, and finally gave up on the idea.He looked at the pile of documents piled up in front of him, and sank into his new work again.

And that's the magic of fate.

Just when he couldn't forget that excellent adjutant, this young man named Sura had already written an application for transfer to Deathwatch...

Under the dim light, the servo skull was reminding Calvin that he needed to rest on time. After a few intervals of sleep and work, the first draft of the whereabouts of the third batch of Calvin's sons was finally completed under Calvin's pen.

If there are no accidents, then the two troops will rotate between the two bases on a fixed cycle once every ten years.

And if the legion begins to have enough troops in the later period, Calvin also wants to include the Krieger base and the Deathwatch base station in a certain direction as the legion's standing rotation training base.

Calvin will classify these bases according to the degree of danger of their location, forming a standard first-, second-, and third-line combat readiness levels and corresponding combat readiness duty systems.

When there is no major war, the transfer between these bases will become a regular service process for the promotion of Gray Knights.

And if there is a need for the legion to play, these bases can also become one of the reliable sources of troops for the rear during the legion's expedition.

A paramilitary personnel training system that integrated the characteristics of theaters and military regions took shape under Calvin.

And the Primarch's experience in the Krieger galaxy, although he has already understood this kind of work.

However, the military organization in the interstellar era is far more complicated than that in the tribal era. It has followed the development of human civilization and is more like a science than a craft that can be covered by experience.

Of course, he can rely on his identity and follow his instinct to direct the direction of the war.

But in his eyes, that kind of person is only suitable for fighting with the wind. He can burst out with brilliance in a short period of time under special circumstances, and even make achievements that are difficult for future generations to match.

But he is destined to not last long, once the war is anxious or the rear changes.The fragile military system (or alliance of interests) under such people will fall apart under the attack of a storm like a weathered rock.

The so-called "times come and go, the world is the same force, but the hero is not free when his life goes away." It is this kind of person.

Calvin did not discriminate, but he did not want to be a "hero" in this special era.He has higher requirements for himself and the soldiers under his command, and also has longer-term hopes.

So everything will return to the ordinary, everything must be grasped from the soil.

In these long and tedious tasks, the Primarch needs to gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of the operation of the Empire.

It is also necessary to gradually adapt to and master the overall vision of the human empire in the interstellar era and high-level military generals in the source of soldiers, training cycle, consumed materials, and supporting personnel and diplomatic work...

 Completing yesterday's update.

(End of this chapter)

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