Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 425 Black and Red, the planner in the shadows

Chapter 425 Black and Red, a Plan in the Shadows ([-]) Backhand

"How long will it take?" Tabers once again asked the servo deck in charge of large-scale data calculations, and this was the third time he asked about this matter within two hours. (The navigator is usually responsible for long-distance navigation in subspace navigation, and the mid-to-near distance subspace jump is completed by the warship after calculation.)
He is aware of the pressure the Primarch is facing, and he also knows that the situation ahead has gotten out of control, and the two precious imperial armies are falling into infighting, but there is an insurmountable distance between them and there.

"No more!" Tabers thumped the armrest in front of him heavily, and the same words from Calvin made him suddenly look up.

The primarch did not know when he would return to the bridge again, but the opinions he brought coincided with Tibers's.

"Bishop Klein." Calvin looked at the mechanical priest in front of the console, and the latter showed him the parameters of the battleship that had been prepared:

"Because of the configuration of the energy weapons of the entire ship, the Retribution-class battleship has an energy supply that far exceeds that of warships of the same class in terms of power. The same is true for the subspace engine, so if we are willing, then it is estimated that according to the time in the real world, it will take up to 12 hours. We shall be able to see the light of the star Baelogo."

"Real time?" Calvin keenly grasped the message left by Bishop Klein.

"And what about time in the warp?"

"One hour, the error is within plus or minus one hour." Bishop Klein replied.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" Calvin met Tibbers' eyes, and then ordered to Bishop Klein.

The chief engineer was clearly prepared, and took out two data keys from his waist under the gaze of the two.She used the mechanical arm on her back to complete the wake-up procedure for the two keys, and then inserted it next to the six keys on the engine management platform.

"Order, special item 009, deal with it with the highest priority." She issued an order towards the engine room, then got up and walked towards the engine room.

Such a violent driving method will inevitably arouse the protest of the battleship machine soul. She needs to go to the direction of the engine room in person to preside over the appeasement and guidance process of the machine soul.

The Gray Knights fleet was sailing in the deep and strange subspace, and among the shuttle-shaped space bubbles of various sizes, the one belonging to the Unremitting Jihad suddenly accelerated, and began to separate from the comrades behind it.

But this is still not enough, because if Calvin guessed correctly, the war between the Inquisition and Fenris has already begun.

He stared at the auspicious instrument on the battleship, and together with Tibbers beside him, fell into concentrated thinking.

"Initiate contact with Liseta." The quiet air was broken by Calvin again, but the order he issued made everyone puzzled.

The judge's resistance to the gray knight was obvious enough, and since the previous orders had been evaded by the other party in the name of "internal regulations", what's the point of this contact?

It still makes sense, such as the Gray Knight Arbiter named Erwin.He can be used as a teleportation beacon that actively and continuously sends signals, so that the Indomitable Crusade can obtain a more accurate position during the short-to-medium distance warp.

Tabers obviously thought of this, but this still couldn't solve the problem.

The role of this beacon will certainly speed up their speed again, but compared to the distance they have to cross over 200 light years, this speed increase is still a drop in the bucket.

Unless...unless the Primarch wants to go it alone!
By the Emperor!What a dangerous act!

Is he crazy?Want to use yourself to accomplish things that the entire battleship cannot do?
What if there was a Warp Trek?What if this is an enemy conspiracy?
Compared with the value of the Primarch, the whole of Jamoro is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Gray Knight. He must stop the Primarch's thoughts, and he must clarify his responsibilities to the Primarch!
Tibbers was about to speak out to stop the Primarch the moment he thought of this idea, but he swallowed his words as soon as his raised eyes touched Calvin.

That was not a look for advice, it was a declaration after making a decision.

That's right, this is not a multiple-choice question, at least in the eyes of an Emperor's Children, it shouldn't be a multiple-choice question.

"Yes! I'm going to contact him now!" Tabers thumped his chest heavily with his gauntlet, then turned and walked towards the Astropath's deck.

Calvin, who was still on the command deck, continued to look at the holographic projection. As the distance between the Indefatigable Jihad and the target shortened, the last question also appeared in his mind:
Will Erwin, a comrade in arms who has not returned to Titan for a whole century and has never met him, respond to his call? ——
The war in Baellogo is still going on, and at this time the Inquisition has mastered the overall initiative of the battlefield.

The Astartes mixed fleet headed by Savillian has completed its deployment in the galaxy, and under the absolute suppression of the large fleet's firepower, the space wolves' strike cruisers and affiliated assault fleets can only fight and retreat , was finally besieged near the capital planet of Baellogo.

The progress of the war has gone all the way to the present, and the damage that has occurred is not limited to the space wolf. Although the planetary defense system of Barlogo is not as strong as that of the fortress world, the local defense still has some accumulation after dozens of centuries of operation.

The abandoned relics of the two early empires were found by these space wolves, and the pedestal weapons left behind in these relics gave them a fierce attack on the flanks of the Grand Fleet when it focused its energy on the capital Baellogo. one strike.

These two anti-ship pedestal weapons placed on the third and fifth planets of Balogo have an obvious background of alien civilization technology.

They are different from the hill-sized volume of the empire's anti-ship technology, but their power system is planted deep in the ground like the roots of a tree, and only narrow and sharp pipes are kept on the ground.

Because of this, the Grand Fleet ignored the threat. After the Grand Fleet cleared the weapon platform in its orbit, the battle barges of the Emperor's Spear and the Dark Hunter passed by without warning. Get locked on by this weapon and penetrate instantly.

The bone-white projectile hundreds of meters long flew towards the sky under the energy supply from the ground, and the atmosphere along the way was constrained by the magnetic field array hidden on the surface, becoming the barrel for the projectile to continue to accelerate.

The sharp warning resounded instantly on the battle barges of the two Astartes battle groups. However, before their auspicious instruments could respond, the gun barrel, which had traveled tens of kilometers, had already reached Mach 15. The armor-piercing steel needles already pierced through the energy shield, directly piercing their battleship.

Mach 15, this is exactly the lower limit of data that the Void Shield can sense and effectively defend against. It is also this speed that makes the Void Shield recognize it as a slow and non-major threat, and it does not play its due role.

Under this vicious attack obviously aimed at human defense technology, the armor of the two battle barges was instantly pierced from the abdomen, while the huge shock wave and the projectile that spontaneously started the secondary explosion after entering the battleship completed the horizontal attack with dense metal jets. Killing, instantly extinction of all life within one kilometer along the way.

Hundreds of Astartes warriors did not have time to react, and died under the first wave of fragments and thermal kinetic energy killing effects of this attack, and the life signals of tens of thousands of mortal crew members disappeared, withered by the kinetic energy killing damage after the explosion. And the subsequent failure of the battleship's vacuum position.

The entire battlefield of Ballogo came to a standstill because of the heavy damage of these two warships. In the empty space of the galaxy, everyone was watching the martyrdom of the two warships, as well as countless tiny creatures that froze in space instantly after being thrown out. figure.

And that's not all, for the Emperor's Spear of the two battle barges had been attacked from exactly where the plasma engines were.

After the sharp armor-piercing projectile tore through the bottom deck of the battleship, it went all the way upwards. After instantly piercing the plasma engine, the remaining kinetic energy was still pushing the self-sharpening projectile all the way, penetrating through the layers. After the armor was blocked, the bridge of the battleship was overturned.

Captain Graham of the Emperor's Spears was killed in the attack, along with his entire ship command.And the subsequent martyrdom that spread from the plasma engine to the entire battleship made the descendants of Guilliman, who originated from the Second Army, stay forever in the starry sky of Ballogo.

Grand Inquisitor Lisetta and Frontline Commander Savillian were both silent, and the interventional operations that seemed to go smoothly in their plan have since cast an ominous shadow.

The Grand Fleet of the Judgment immediately bombarded the two planets in a saturated manner, but this kind of retaliatory killing also seemed quite outrageous against the background that one of the two Astartes companies suffered heavy losses and the other simply died. powerless.

As a result, more intense artillery fire began to be released from the direction of the Grand Fleet. Stimulated by the sacrifice of friendly troops, the Grand Fleet, which had no scruples, began to truly regard the Space Wolves on Barlogo as enemies.

They began to form the main force of the fleet into a horizontal array, and fired at Balogo with full-power macro cannons.

And under the escort of many large warships, the Imperial Navy also began to open the belly deck of the Grand Cruiser, and released groups of space fighters carrying aerial bombs with various damaging effects on the orbit of the capital of Balogo.

At this point in the development of this war, it is no longer a civilized "knight duel". Since the Space Wolves stretched their minions to their compatriots, they have been regarded as sworn enemies by the three warbands in space.

The physical damage of the macro cannon and the kinetic energy of the light spear are no longer enough to express their anger. Those weapons of the extermination nature unique to the Inquisition that were carried on the fleet of the Imperial Navy are the ones after they tore off the last decency and tenderness. hideous face.

Seeing the dense mushroom cloud rising from the ground, the Space Wolves' assault ships were forced to rush out of the planet's defense system to stop them.

However, Savillian's large fleet was waiting for this moment. Under the intensive attack of light spears from the five cruisers, these small warships with only the most basic void shields could neither avoid nor resist.

They are like blood-colored fireworks blooming in the starry sky of Ballogo. In the deep-rooted hatred after both sides stopped holding hands, they gradually turned from hot melting to cold wreckage...

However, the Space Wolves' counterattack still cannot change the force gap between the two sides. Whether it is the assault fleet's blocking or the two destroyed anti-ship weapons, they are just twists and turns in the process of war victory to the Inquisition.

They could not stop the advance of the Inquisition fleet, any more than they could stop the orbital defenses of the entire Baellogo, being cleared point by point.

Lisetta's black ship floated quietly behind the battlefield. Her figure atop the throne was so indifferent that even the fall of the Emperor's Spear failed to move her.

The Black Templar battleship also came here, and the Marshal Fidel of this company (company commander, marshal is a unique military rank in the Black Templar) had a serious face, obviously feeling great that these compatriots died in such a dishonorable war sorry.

"Judge, your intention has been achieved. Then how will you deal with these children of Russ?"

He looked at the woman sitting under the emblem of the Tribunal and said, but Grand Inquisitor Lisetta did not respond.

This was undoubtedly an obvious offense and disrespect, and Field had no intention of forgiving, so he directly raised his voice to question the owner of the black ship.

"Representative of the Inquisition, you..."

Just as he was about to say the accusations in his mouth, the scanning array on the battleship issued a sharp warning, which forced him to stop.

And he doesn't need to look for the source of this threat. In fact, the cruiser covered with Finnish's unique bronze decorations has already used its huge body that rushed out of the asteroid group, allowing Field to see it with the naked eye. its existence.

The huge battleship has already occupied all the field of vision on the porthole in front of Field, and at such a short distance, he can already see the jumping torpedoes appearing at the hatch of the flight deck.

"Warning! Rebound help prepare for battle!" Field reacted almost instinctively, and he had already guessed and responded to the tactics of the Space Wolves.

And a cruiser including his flagship, two frigates, and the black templars he sent to the judge's black ship also occupied the advantageous positions on their respective battleships, and began to prepare for the coming counterattack. Jump to help get ready for combat.


Field suddenly seemed to remember something, he suddenly turned around and looked up the screen, and as expected, he saw the successful smile on the woman's face.

"You already guessed it? Didn't you?" Field suppressed his anger and questioned her. He felt that he and his soldiers were being used by the former.

"It's just a little prediction, that's all." Lisetta stood up from the throne of the battleship, raised her hand and gestured to Field to express her joy.

And as she got up, hundreds of stormtroopers armed with heavy weapons poured out around the black templars guarding her.

Not only that, the same scene was being staged on the entire black ship. At least tens of thousands of elite court guards poured out from all over the black ship under Field's observation through video signals.

Holding all kinds of heavy equipment in their hands, they began to garrison each key node of the battleship under the planning that was obviously calculated and acted.

"This is a conspiracy!" Field accused the judge, but he was powerless to stop the gang fight that had already started.

Hundreds of bronze-colored shuttle-shaped torpedoes passed the battleships of the Black Templars and headed towards the black ship in their sight. They almost thought that they were about to kill the enemy with their own hands, and thus won a hearty victory by beheading the battle.

What was different from what they expected was that under the heavy armor of the black ship, what awaited them were traps and weapons all over the battleship, as well as tens of thousands of emotionless court soldiers...

The balance of victory seemed to be tilting in Liseta's favor again, and even Field thought the Space Wolves were doomed.

However, just when these space wolves melted through the black ship's armor, entered the interior of the black ship with bursts of explosions, and then found themselves surrounded, outside this small battlefield composed of five battleships, another light appeared. The light projected by Kia space.

"Hrafinkel!" Seeing the behemoth jumping out of the huge subspace hole, Field almost groaned and spit out this ancient vocabulary.

And Lisetta, the grand judge who was already full of ambition, couldn't help but lose her original calmness when she saw this huge battleship that represented the crown of the topmost crown of human industrial civilization.

"The Queen of Glory...the Queen of Glory that belongs to the Space Wolves..."

The strong signal interference echoed violently on the black ship of the Inquisition and the battleship of the Black Templar. After a burst of harsh noise, Ragnar Bloodhowl, the current chapter leader and alpha wolf belonging to the Space Wolves Chapter, appeared in the In front of the two of them.

His burly figure is wrapped in a pair of ancient armor, and the mane of wolf fur hanging from his shoulders is intertwined with his own beard and hair, full of wild taste, and the blood-red eyes on his face are trembling and rough Clutched in his gauntlets was a heavy ax half a man's height.

And the owner of this face is obviously not on the bridge, the background behind him is more like being in some kind of large-scale device.

Delivery platform...

Both of them realized the meaning of the device in an instant, and at this moment, the terrifying beast-like figure lowered his body and brought his face closer, and then said to Liseta with a mouth full of fangs:
"Chop Suey, hold your head, I'll be right there!"

Liseta is also a battle-tested Inquisitor, but how has she ever faced such horror?
She was frightened by the wildness of facing the soul for a moment and lost the ability to speak, while many black temples sensed the crisis of the situation and began to look around vigilantly.

The atmosphere on the entire battleship fell into silence because of the huge battleship, and in the silence of the crowd, there was a firm aura on the hand of the gray knight Alvin behind the crowd, which was faint on the eve of the storm. flickering...

 A chapter of [-] words, supplemented and updated. I remember the first two chapters, but I have been a little unstable recently, so let me return it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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