Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 426 Black and red, the plan in the shadows comes

Chapter 426 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows ([-]) Arrival - Part [-]

"Will he respond to us?" This is the biggest question in the minds of Calvin and Tibers.

The camera zoomed back to 5 minutes before, after Tibers sent a communication to the black ship in the name of the Unremitting Jihad, Calvin had already arrived at the transfer hall of the battleship and began to wait.

The energy circuit of the battleship is ready, and the psionic choir, under the guidance of the astropath, is also doing its best to calm the turbulence in the subspace ahead.

The Primarch closed his eyes and entered the state of spiritual vision, and with his majestic spiritual power, he increased the power of the choir again and looked in the direction of Ballogo.

Therefore, the Unremitting Jihad in the depths of the subspace is like a lighthouse that lights up suddenly. While continuously emitting dazzling brilliance forward, it is also looking for it in the endless darkness, and waiting for the faint starlight to appear.

At that time, the Space Wolves had just jumped out of Ballogo's asteroid belt, and the Black Templar and Grand Inquisitor Liseta were also preparing for the upcoming rebound gang battle.

When the announcement from the Indefatigable Crusade sounded again on the black ship that was in turmoil, no one except Gray Knight Alvin noticed the same announcement message as before.

But Alvin noticed it, because although there was no new content in this communication, the wording in it made him feel familiar.The strange wording used in this announcement from the Unremitting Jihad made him detect the hidden information from the regular pronunciation when he habitually read it repeatedly.

That was a set of keys, and this set of keys corresponded to the Interceptor's tactics as the Gray Knights switched to leapfrog combat in the squad branch.

What are they trying to express?What is this secret language pointing to?
Alvin looked at the crowd waiting in front of him, and he was the quietest one amidst the chaos.

He recalled all the tactical training he had gone through as a soldier, returning to Titan between constant campaigns.And the focus of his thinking is on the memory of the interceptor.

All kinds of tactical skills related to the interceptor, as well as the combat experience in this position, flashed across his mind, and after repeated reflections, the only thing he could recognize as useful in the current environment was the interceptor. Their iconic equipment - teleportation beacon.

Send a beacon?What are they trying to do?
Alvin notified his comrades with psychic power in a calm manner, and a gray knight quietly walked into the bridge a few seconds later, and handed him a set of two psychic transmission beacons.

Then what?What is he going to do?
Alvin looked at the equipment in his hands, speculating on Calvin's intentions.But no matter what these comrades-in-arms who have never met want, all he can do now is execute it.

Obscure spiritual energy fluctuations flowed in the two beacons, and after the temporary connection between the energy lines on the gauntlet and the beacons was completed, the conduction of this spiritual energy became more conspicuous in the subspace.

He wanted to continue to observe the beacon to infer the intentions of those comrades, but the appearance of the Queen of Glory belonging to the Space Wolves interrupted all his thoughts.

Whatever it is!If only it could change the damn situation!
Under the cold and violent psionic projection of the Hrafinkel like an ancient behemoth, Alvin, who felt the tingle in his soul, insisted on the psionic transmission in his hand.

Under the influence of this giant space beast that left behind the reflection of Leman Russ' soul, the psychic beacon in his hand is like a candle that can be extinguished at any time, showing his existence to the distance with a faint light...

He could see a nova-like dazzling light erupting from Hrafinkel, and the thickest strand of that light was pointing to the place in front of him.

Before the warning of "Caution!" could be uttered from Erwin's mouth, the leader of the Space Wolves had already appeared in front of everyone.

There is no dialogue, because there is no misunderstanding of each other's will;
There is no announcement, because there is only deep-rooted hatred between the two forces.

The bronze giant with a height of over 2.8 meters jumped towards the center of the crowd the moment he stepped on the storm, and behind him, a full twelve equally tall wolf guards raised their swords and brought slaughter to all resistance people.

The Black Templar in the crowd didn't have time to react, and the two leading warriors were blood-splattered on the spot under the surprise attack of the bronze giant, which became the first result of the power ax in his hand.

The following champion swordsman finally reacted, fighting with the angry Ragnar under the shield of the long sword fixed in his hand, but within the next two breaths, the roaring The head wolf beheaded on the spot.

The rest of the Black Templar were also besieged by the wolf guards, so a deadly gap appeared in front of Grand Inquisitor Liseta, and no one stood between Ragnar and his target.

"Erwin!" Liseta's psychic energy called to her comrades.

And the Gray Knight Arbiter, who knew she was defeated, did not disappoint her, and walked out of the crowd with a halberd in one hand.His four comrades also held swords and stood in the way of the Wolf King...

"Is he worthy of our trust?" The same question appeared on different people, but they were watching the war in Jamalore with the same vision at this time.

The voice of the former came from Calvin, and the person he was referring to was the Gray Knight Arbiter who had not returned to Titan for a long time;
The latter voice came from a group of uninvited guests hidden in the outskirts of the star field. They first had a brief and not so friendly "alternative" contact with Calvin on the unnamed planet in the Storm Star Field decades ago.Later, following the guidance of his own prophet, he traveled thousands of miles to come here, but fell into habitual hesitation before finding the target.

"He is worthy of our trust." The same answer appeared in the two warships under the starry sky, but behind this same answer were completely different considerations.

Tibbers has returned from the Astropath's deck, and the psychic choir of the Indefatigable Crusade has been activated again. The energy circuit of the entire battleship is tilting the supply share in the direction of the transmission array, while Calvin, who is standing on the transmission array, is waiting.

Waiting, waiting for the candle that should light up in the dark.

Waiting, waiting for the signal that can guide him to break through the barriers and cross the distant space.

one second...

two seconds...

three seconds...

Just when Calvin thought that the beacon would not appear, a weak candle appeared in the endless darkness, and the spiritual energy fluctuations and position orientation contained in that candle were exactly what he expected from Balgoro. !
"Activate!" Calvin condensed his will, relying on the entire Unremitting Jihad, and projected his existence towards the distant Balgoro.

"Activate!" The mechanical priest pressed the switch in his hand at the moment of receiving the signal, and then the teleportation array that had already been charged amplified the power of the psionic choir and the original body together, and then bloomed a bright light in the subspace !

Countless creatures in the subspace are fleeing in a hurry, because the light from the Unremitting Jihad is too hot, the distant reality and the space of the Supreme Heaven begin to deform violently, and then they are forcibly distorted and docked under the control of mysterious and mysterious power !
The huge roar in the soul level is silently spreading, and the turbulent subspace turbulence is even driven by the unprecedented teleportation of the Primarch into huge waves!

At that time, Alvin had already fallen under the wolf's battle axe, and his comrades had also died.

And just when the High King from Fenris was about to drink the blood of his enemies with his battle axe, a force enough to frighten even the rune priests on Grafinkel brought A force powerful enough to overturn everyone on the bridge of the black ship descended behind him!

After the blinding light passed, everyone on the bridge of the black ship was knocked down by this force, while the Terminator guards of the Space Wolves were pushed all the way to the wall amidst the piercing screams of the magnetic boots.

Ragnar, who inherited the blood of Russ, reacted first, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the battle ax imprisoned in the air by spiritual energy, and the indifferent voice from behind:
"Damn her, but it shouldn't be executed by you."

Psionics!It's this damn psionic power again!
Ragnar's already angry brain was stimulated again, and the memory of Prospero contained in his gene-seed resurfaced again.

The furious alpha wolf completely lost his mind in the scene of countless ancestors falling under the scarlet king's spell.

He bit off his lips and tongue, and when blood was spilling from his five sense organs, he resolutely gave up the battle ax in his hand, then clenched the other battle ax tightly, roaring and jumping towards the source of the voice behind him!
The wolf guards obviously also saw the scene of Calvin's appearance, and naturally felt the fear from the genetic level because of the temporary explosion of the Primarch's aura.

However, Ruth's blood was so wild, after seeing the wolf's counterattack, their anger also dispelled the fear in their hearts!
They roared and pointed the weapons in their hands at the original body, and then started a desperate charge towards the original body after tilting the firepower in their hands!
The sound of rags being torn sounded beside Calvin. It was the sound of the psionic shield bearing the impact of hundreds of storm bolt bombs at the same time!

The enraged Ragnar jumped high towards him with the battle ax in his hand, while the Primarch still stood in place, restraining the huge energy storm brought about by the teleportation with his palm.

Yes, the previous storm was already the result of Calvin's deliberate suppression. If he hadn't wanted to protect everyone on this battleship, then the transmission energy he brought this time would be enough to make this ship There was no life left on the bridge of the battleship.

However, right now he still has to be distracted to contain the angry wolf, and even to resist the attack of the wolf guards, so he releases the imprisoned power to the wolf king in front of him again, while many wolf guards who are approaching The energy he smashed on the deck was instantly blown away.

"Calm down! Descendant of Russ!" Calvin said in a deep voice while looking at Ragnar who was frozen in mid-air, and immediately issued an order to the front line with spiritual energy.

"In the name of me, Calvin, the supreme lord judge of the Imperial Inquisition, in the name of the Eye of the Empire authorized by the Holy Emperor!

I declare to take over all matters here immediately!All administrative and military units of the empire immediately come under my jurisdiction, without any exceptions!

I order all the imperial forces participating in the war in Balgoro to immediately stop all acts of war! "

His voice was magnified by psychic power and resounded over the entire sky of Ballogo, and whether it was the battleship of the Inquisition or the Space Wolves, the astropaths and psykers on it were all shocked by his psychic fluctuations !
Although that kind of power is not sharp, it is broad enough.

While it caused the astropaths and navigators on all battleships to lose control of psionic energy, it also reminded them unconsciously of the star they had seen on Terra, the star that permanently changed the shape of their souls ;

This power does not have a complicated structure, and it is not a spell that cleverly uses various rules to play with the soul. Its brilliance is like a peaceful moon, letting all the rune priests who "see" it silently , recalling the myth about the "All-Father" in his genetic memory.

Although the frontline commander, Savillian, has become red-eyed and doesn't want to stop, but with the help of the battleship without the help of the astropath, his command ability covering the entire battlefield no longer exists.

The space wolves who were sticking to Balogo and who were fighting fiercely with the stormtroopers on the black ship also put down their swords in despair after the enemy stopped attacking or even resisting.

huh... huh...

The strange sound of glass shattering came from behind Calvin, and he felt the strange primarch turn around suddenly, just in time to see the bulging blood on the wolf Ragnar.

The heavy bronze armor on his body that Russ personally blessed, its complicated carvings and ornaments of runes are silently burning, and behind the son of Russ, there is a phantom of a giant wearing a wolf's head Eye to eye with him!
The long howling of wolves and the roar of giants exploded in Calvin's spiritual level, and the will of Ruth left on the armor also collided fiercely with Calvin, a latecomer after thousands of years!

The huge battle ax was chopped off by Ragnar who broke free with both hands, while Calvin frowned and resisted and savored Ruth's will, while raising one hand to volley the powerful battle ax into the air pinch!
The harsh sound of metal rubbing came from the primarch's gauntlets, and dazzling sparks bloomed under the roar of the bronze-embellished power axe.

After digesting Ruth's will, Calvin raised his head, and the wild and unwilling eyes of the wolf who was panting violently were staring in his direction.

"You did your best." Calvin said to Ragnar, looking at his shattered gauntlet.

However, how could the angry wolf be comforted by such words, he looked angrily at the warship outside the porthole and roared at Hrafinkel:

"Shoot me!"

The orders of the alpha wolf are everything, especially when the wolf king is not around.Although the wild wolves above Hrafinkel couldn't understand, they still faithfully carried out the orders of the head wolf.

The huge macro cannon began to stick out from under the opened deck, and the towering light spear slowly spun on Hrafinkel's spine.

It seems that the wolf's intention is about to succeed, and destruction is about to befall the black ship.

"I said, you did your best!" Looking at the destructive power of the huge Queen of Glory, the Primarch finally lost his patience.

He threw Ragnar out smoothly, and then used the huge energy accumulated in his hands to open his hands far away in the direction of Hrafinkel.

The storm of destruction that had not had time to be resolved by Gar's culture was finally released at this moment, and under the blessing of the Primarch's terrifying spiritual power, a scene that even he himself had never thought of appeared under the starry sky of Balogo in front of the crowd.

A transparent palm with starlight emerged out of thin air in the dark space, and as the Primarch's palm tightened, that giant palm also enveloped the entire Queen of Glory!

Under the terrifying force, the fine gold armor made a sharp and ear-piercing metal whine due to its deformation. On the entire 20-kilometer-long huge ship of Herafinkel, there are five huge gap-like finger marks protruding!


(End of this chapter)

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