Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 434 Black and Red, the traits of the blood crows planning in the shadows

Forces, or forces.

Even though the recruits on Titan were enlisting in batches of thousands of people, Calvin didn't feel the slightest reduction in his burden.

Because that's not the norm, it's just the Titans' accumulation of qualified psykers for nearly a century.

Although his appearance has greatly lowered the threshold for recruits, compared to the recruitment standards of other legions, there are still very few soldiers suitable for Gray Knights.

And what about his enemies?Will you wait for this legion to grow slowly?
These two large groups of myself are already the peak of unprecedented military strength for Titan, but can they really affect the situation of the entire empire if they are scattered in the vast empire territory?
It is still not enough, at least the speed of the existing military recruitment and transformation is not enough.

With this amount of troops at the end of the Great Crusade, it would be quite difficult to fight a star-level defense battle, let alone compete with the complete legions in the hands of other Primarchs.

Broken at the touch of a touch, disabled in a single battle, this is the true portrayal of the Gray Knights now.

According to the current trend, the enemies of the empire have obviously discovered his existence.

It is impossible for the enemy to give him time to develop slowly, and it is impossible for the psykers brought by the Black Ship Alliance to make up for the severe loss of the legion-level battlefield.

Still have to find a way, but how?
Calvin stepped down from the podium where he was explaining and demonstrating the battle situation, and the thoughts in his brain were going on in the battle ahead and the construction of the legion at the same time.

The honor guards had already accepted the mission and left, while the remaining imperial guards were performing their duties as guards.

The communication channels on the high platform went out one after another, and the commanders on the battleship also formed a team and prepared to leave.


The Primarch, who was about to leave the meeting room, stood still, instinctively reminding him that there were some things or people that he had forgotten.

And this weak signal was caught, so he found his target among the crowd - the Astartes representative who was obviously wearing the crimson power armor, but had almost no sense of presence.

"Lemoore of the Blood Raven?" Calvin looked at him and asked, but this kind of inquiry was only a courtesy.

The latter was obviously familiar with this questionable affirmation, and simply stepped out of the crowd to greet him.

"Salute, my lord. The Blood Ravens await your command."

However, his greeting did not receive the expected response. After waiting embarrassingly and angrily, he raised his head to look at the silver armored giant.

But the giant was also looking at him, or at his soul.

Two different lights extended from the depths of his soul, and wrapped around his body.

The ominous shadow of the curse radiated from the inside of his soul like a crimson veil.And another light that is also red is slightly dim, sticking to the former, preventing and isolating the leakage of all information.

A curse from one blood, a blessing from one root.

The curse is transmitted through the blood, and its radiance is like a maggot attached to the bone, trying to extinguish the soul in front of it every moment.

The light of blessing is extraordinarily tenacious, but its bleak origin can only show that its giver has fallen.

The two seemingly homologous forces are entangled and intertwined with each other.

But the source of the former's power still exists, and it is only a matter of time before the blessing distance is completely extinguished under the continuous attrition.

But the blessing of the latter obviously also has its own unique features. Apart from proving its owner's knowledge of the subspace, its tough shape also has some unexpected effects.

For example, the faint sense of abnormal existence of the blood crow in front of him is thanks to this blessing.If it wasn't for Lemoore's emotional turmoil that affected his soul, even the imperial guards would have subconsciously ignored him.

Even Calvin was quite surprised by this kind of concealment effect with almost no spiritual energy fluctuations, but if there was no influence of external force, it would only take one or two thousand years for the scarlet curse to completely erupt.

And when that time comes, this Astarte and his comrades will surely have an extremely tragic ending.

Is it the mutation of flesh and blood from the bottom of the gene?Or is it an unstoppable march from the depths of the soul to darkness?The specific result Calvin has no way of knowing, but it will not be good in the end.

He had no choice but to hesitate, whether to deal with this hidden danger in advance.

+Cursed and blessed twins+
Calvin's subconscious thinking was not deliberately concealed, but the blood crow, which clearly had the think tank emblem, froze for a moment when he sensed this thinking.

+ You, can you see? +
He looked at Calvin in surprise, and could hardly believe what he had just heard.The same mind leapt back to Calvin in psionic fluctuations, but the intermittent fluctuations were enough to illustrate his emotional agitation.

This is the second person who can see their essence, and in the past thousands of years, neither the top think tanks of other warbands nor the alpha-level psykers who are powerful enough to tear the stars have been able to see this. The essence of two forces rooted in the soul of the Blood Ravens.

This is definitely his biggest gain here, and as the secret keeper of the battle group, he must not let go of this precious opportunity!

"Then you must have a way!" The blood crow's soul fluctuated violently, because the existence that gave them blessings at the beginning told the original blood crows so.

If you can see it, you can theoretically influence it.

A seemingly simple sentence made these deliberately hidden children search for thousands of years.

Gein, the givers of these two powers, only touched and manipulated this power for a short time with the help of the promotion of spells.

There may be people who can observe this force naturally and freely, but they have never seen this kind of person themselves, and it only exists in the theory of the school they belong to.

Does such a person really exist?Maybe there will be, but they will never meet.

That was Lemoore's take on the matter before today, but not now.

+I'm not sure...+
Calvin frowned and thought, but did not give a definite answer.

Regardless of curse or blessing, its essence is the endorsement of power and authority, and this kind of operation is not difficult for him, but it is obviously a brand new field.

"You can do it!" The emotional Lemoore attracted the attention of the imperial guards, and the gold-plated model halberd was immediately placed in front of him.

But he still strode forward to get close to the Primarch, and he didn't even care about the bleeding marks on his face cut by the war halberd.

Calvin raised his hand to signal to the guards that the Astartes in front of him obviously did not endanger his abilities.

But the imperial guards obviously have their own principles. Although they put away their war halberds in the process of retreating, standing one step behind the original body, the two imperial guards clearly pressed their hands on the plasma pistols on the side of the leg armor.

It was the sound of the magnetic holster coming out of place, and Calvin knew it, and so did Lemoore.This is the last bottom line of the forbidden army, and one step further is death.

The surrounding crowd obviously also saw the tense situation in front of the high platform, and they stopped slowly to keep quiet, so as not to have any wrong influence on the two sides there.

"This is not the right time, nor is it a reasonable request." Calvin said, looking at Lemoore.

The surrounding crowd were completely unaware of the previous psychic communication, but were surprised to hear the conversation between the two for no reason.

Sensing the concentration of the surrounding eyes, Lemoore finally calmed down.

+The Blood Ravens are willing to serve you, even to the last warrior. +
Lemoore cast this thinking on the giants in front of him, and Calvin also felt the special value of their characteristics in this battlefield environment.

An understaffed company without heavy equipment is of little significance to the frontal battlefield.

But if they are sprinkled behind the enemy, then as long as their "traits" are not targeted by the enemy's "prophecy", they must be a hidden and sharp dagger.

As for prophecy?This is easy to handle!
Calvin raised his left hand, threw a "spiritual energy seed" with his own characteristics at the blood crow in front of him, and said softly to him:

"Then use your expertise to fight in the heart of the enemy. You have only one task, which is to disrupt their plans as much as possible."

This was undoubtedly a promise to Lemoore that as long as he could bring about results that satisfied Calvin, even as long as they continued to exist at the heart of the enemy, their contribution was enough to obtain the Primarch's help.

"Your will!" Lemoore nodded slightly, then turned and left with this "promise".


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