Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 435 Black and Red, a Chess Planning Game in the Shadows

Lemoore and his comrades left. They took the assault cruiser Desiring Heart all the way to the north, and after bypassing the preset battlefield on the Alto line, they quietly infiltrated towards the chaotic lost area.

Before they left, Calvin deliberately stopped by the tarmac and had a brief meeting with Lemoore who was waiting to board the plane.

No one knows what the Primarch told him, because the two only met eyes once in the distance.

But considering that both of them are psykers, I am afraid that only they themselves know how much information is contained in this short meeting.

And after this last idle move, Calvin also completed the deployment of all his troops, and formally led his fleet to his predetermined battlefield——Moloch.

A week passed in a flash, and the scheduled troops on each battlefield also sent back messages one by one that they were in position.

Under the leadership of Calvin, the Inquisitorial Fleet and the Imperial Navy Fleet headed by the Indefatigable Holy War arrived at the predetermined location - Moro, which was once full of vitality, but is now a barren and abandoned agricultural world.

The Grand Fleet fell silent at the edge of the galaxy with the help of the meteorite swarm, while the Unrelenting Jihad itself carried the Primarch and the Frost Shadow where the Sea Wolf Dalian was located, and headed towards the interior of the Gemini star galaxy where Moro was located.

The Purifiers in the maintenance room in the belly of the battleship have already finished arming, and while waiting for the sea wolves to prepare, Calvin and the Purifier's chief Turab are sitting in a secret room next to the maintenance hall.

On both sides of a huge chessboard, the Primarch and Turabo sat in separate seats. The regulation of the chessboard and chess pieces was similar to Regicide Chess, but it was different from the traditional mechanical structure. The chessboard that had undergone the psionic activation process far exceeded the former in terms of precision and complexity of rules.

Terrain, landform, weather, and spells capable of changing all the preceding ones;

Warriors, wizards, demons, and all kinds of war instruments of different sizes.

Victory or defeat, justice or evil;
Live or die, sublime or fall.

This extravagant item, made by Dimos Forge World and blessed by Ophelia No. 7 World, is enough to evolve all the details of war in this square inch.

But such an expensive and magical treasure has become a game for them to pass the time between the Primarch and the Purifier.

"We just wait like this?" Turabo looked at the Primarch, and dropped the pawn in his hand after receiving no response.

Of course, this is not the first time he has played Regicide Chess, but it is definitely the first time he has experienced this special version that can be called a full-scale confrontation.

Unlike previous static chessboards, each grid on this chessboard is a dynamic battlefield, and the chess pieces dropped by both sides do not refer to a single unit.

Crowds of warriors and Titans fought in the simulated complex terrain, and the progress of the war was slowed down in the brains of both players.

Hundreds and thousands of fighters struggled to stab forward with their weapons in the crowd, and then fell down continuously under the same sharp swords of the enemy.

The sound of friction between weapons and flesh and blood raises the angle of view, and the information of the entire battlefield is also displayed to the two players in the fog of war.

Psychic energy and will are in a high-speed and fierce confrontation in the minds of the two. What corresponds to the battlefield is the large-scale psionic spells covering the entire battlefield, and under the influence of the former, the constantly changing terrain and weather environment.

This is undoubtedly a comprehensive test of brainpower, and it is also an intuitive test of the ability of the two commanders to adapt to the situation.

And as a high-ranking gray knight who has been through battles for a long time, Tulabo no longer has the energy to worry about other things after dropping the first chess piece.

The purifier, whose brows were wet with sweat, dropped the chess piece in his hand. In the center of the silver-cast chessboard, the blue psionic crystal of the chess piece shone, and the cold metal melted like grease. Then, the moment it landed, it turned into a group of soldiers, roaring and charging towards the enemy's core camp.

For the Emperor!

The soldiers shouted and rushed down from the high ground, and on the high ground behind the group of soldiers, the heavy artillery belonging to the Purifier camp had already fired first.

The landslide resounded across the entire battlefield, and dense artillery shells were fired like a curtain, and then caused a lot of death in the black camp.

The solid defense line was smashed into a gap by the heavy artillery, and the soldiers before they finally reached the front line, under the cover of their comrades on both wings, headed towards the enemy's main line.

But Turabo didn't feel relaxed.

Because the last chess piece that fell did not receive the effect he wanted.

The increased pressure of the Primarch made it difficult for him to continue in the psychic confrontation, and the battlefield that was originally empty for thousands of miles was instantly shrouded in dense clouds.

The chaos in the demon camp is rapidly recovering, but at the feet of the soldiers in the bloody battle, the ground is collapsing violently.

"This is a trap!" Tulabo, who was belatedly aware, finally confirmed his guess, and all his struggles were calculated by the enemy.

The array of warriors was divided into two pieces in the collapsed ground, and the raindrop-like spells rising from the demon camp killed the warriors who couldn't care about each other one by one.

"I'm a little impatient, come again." Calvin raised his head and said to Turab.

"I'm not familiar with the rules of this battlefield." Turabo replied.

"Then get familiar with it." Calvin said as he stretched out his hand and swept across the chessboard. On the jagged battlefield across the chessboard, countless chess pieces melted one after another, and then sank into the chessboard.

Correspondingly, on the open space beside the two of them, there was a brand new chess piece, which reappeared in a cold and frozen posture.

In the confrontation again, Turab was obviously a lot more cautious. He no longer tried to capture every information in the fog of war, but carefully deployed his troops in strategic locations, and used the energy he saved to confront Calvin's will.

But this time the battle still didn't last long, because his hesitation gave Calvin too much time.

A large amount of space on the edge of the chessboard was occupied by demons at no cost, and as these demons polluted the chessboard, more demons were summoned into the chessboard, and Tulabo's forces fell into an irreversible disadvantage again.

"What are you waiting for?" Turab was thoughtful during the replay, and finally caught a little thought of the Primarch.

In the two defeats, the Central Plains did not use crushing power, but the chess game between the two was very similar to the current battle situation.

Attacking cannot be done, because it will fall into the rhythm of the enemy and eventually be led to a tragic defeat.

And now the power in Calvin's hands can be said to be the only remaining hope for Jaime Morrow.

You can't defend, blindly sticking to it is also tantamount to letting the enemy's strength grow.If one passively waits for the enemy's attack, even the Primarch will fall under the enemy's strangulation.

"Wait a chance," the Primarch said, and at that moment the loudspeaker in the room rang, a reminder that the Space Wolves on the next-door battleship were ready.

The Primarch, who was standing tall, obviously had no interest in continuing the game, and Turabo also stood up accordingly.

"Let's go, don't keep them waiting." Calvin said to the leader of the Purifiers, and dropped the chess piece in his hand heavily in the center of the chessboard.

And what shocked Turabo was the main formation of the gray knight, who was fighting alone in the middle of the chessboard after the finger of the original body fell...


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