Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 441 Black and Red, the plan in the shadows withered 0

Chapter 441 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows (26) Withers
In the early morning of the seventh day of the war, the main star of the Otto [-] galaxy, the southern foot of the Fermara Mountains.

The Word Bearers garrisoned the Space Wolves, launching a dozen company-level airborne strikes within 24 hours.

Relying on the blessing of the whole father and Russ, relying on the rail train system extending in all directions under the Fermara Mountains, relying on the tenacious will of the people of the Alto galaxy, and relying on the efficient local government management under the power of the Tribunal.

Although the wild wolves ran here and there and exhausted themselves in the past dozen hours, under the delay of the defense forces and the persistence of the Star Realm Legion, they finally managed to maintain the balance of the front line amidst the enemy's continuous attacks and mobilizations. Probably complete.

Under the uninterrupted attack for eleven hours, the Chaos side finally could not bear the casualties of millions of rebels and demon legions, and finally fell into a temporary silence.

The headquarters of the Word Bearers also paid nearly a thousand Astartes casualties in this offensive, and correspondingly on the side of the Empire, 1500 Space Wolves and 20 Gray Knights accompanying the army paid close to 50 % battle damage.

Such an exchange, as tragic as it is, is still worth gratifying.

For it was not only the black and red and battered corpses of Traitor Legions, Daemons, and Word Bearers that lay now at the foot of Fermara;

There is also the Titan Legion summoned by the enemy in the first wave of darkness, which sacrificed the lives of several galaxies as sacrifices.

It is hard to imagine what the imperial soldiers here are using to support their beliefs, and it is also hard to imagine what kind of terrifying existence they are fighting against, and under such desperate fighting conditions, firmly reject the enemy from Fermara outside.

But only from the battlefield environment after the war, we can know the tragedy of the war at that time:
Before the war, the Fermara Mountains used to be a biological paradise with an altitude of more than 7000 meters and a complete and complex ecosystem from top to bottom.

After just six days of testing and a day of bloody battle, the highest altitude of this mountain range has been permanently shortened by nearly 1000 meters under the fire of doomsday.

Its original glaciers, trees, and grasslands also disappeared permanently in this world following the war between the two Astartes legions.

But this did not satisfy the two behemoths named war and force. After a short intermission, the two behemoths entered into a bloody fight again.

And after fully testing and playing games with each other, the next battle between the two giant beasts has no more elegance, only the hands on each other's vital points, strangled to death on each other's necks, rolling in the mud The original fight in...

"Praise! Fuck! Almighty! Om Messiah!"

The huge voice made this nonsensical prayer echo in the narrow space, and the Rhino armored personnel carrier carrying the voice was passing through the battlefield.

Amidst the sound of shell explosions from far and near, Marsh in the carriage pressed the helmet on his neck with blank eyes, and then looked at the steel plate above his head in a burst of airtight sound. .

Father Helm, who was sitting beside him, was talking hilariously, talking passionately about his experience after surviving the battlefield.

From being sent to the medical department in the rear, to his fierce protests, the technical sergeants tried their best but failed to send him into the sarcophagus; .)
Then the mechanical priests and pharmacists made a comprehensive assessment, and then began to transform, and finally returned to the battlefield under the condition of only changing a metal lumbar spine and a mechanical right leg-a glorious deed?
Most of the listeners were in a similar state to Marsh, because the father's passionate saliva not only wet his own beard and hair, but also flew around in the small car.

The overflowing saliva splashed inside the chariot, and was then distilled and volatilized by the high temperature brought by the engine.
The food residues and tartar accumulated and brewed for decades are finally transformed into gas, which spreads wildly in the confined space.

This biochemical pollution-like smell made the bloodclaws in the car avoid but had nowhere to hide, so the helmet, which is equivalent to a decoration for wild wolves, was suddenly ordered by the mechanical sergeant Weeping warm welcome.

The engine of the chariot was still moving forward crazily amid the bumps and vibrations, and the scene that happened to Marsh was repeated in the compartment covertly.

So when the comrades in front finally repelled the enemy's attack, they saw a group of strange comrades walking down from the armored vehicles supported by the rear, all wearing helmets and turning on the poison gas filter function...

This group of people... are not impersonators, are they?
For a moment, Seawolf's captain, Captain Ruger, had doubts about Marsh's team.

I don't like the bad habit of wearing a helmet, and the history among the hunting group can be traced back to the Primarch Russ.

And for thousands of years, no matter how the technical sergeants persuaded, the combat troops still went up to the company commander and down to the recruits, and there was no sign of listening at all.

But Helm's iconic loud voice immediately dispelled his suspicion, and the interim commander of the sea wolf started to frown three meters away from the wind in the process of contacting the support team, which also made him understand The reason why this squad is so abnormal.

"All Father! Helm, you should brush your teeth!" Luge looked at Helm who was walking towards him, and he clenched his empty fist and slammed it heavily on the veteran.However, Fenrist's unique "provocative greeting" failed to scare the veterans. Instead, he puffed up his chest against the huge steel fist.

After the heavy muffled sound, the two giants stared at each other, then grinned wantonly and let out wanton laughter. The bloodclaws walking around to take over the line of defense turned a blind eye to this. Obviously, they had already adapted to and got used to the special culture of the wild wolves.

"It's a pity to see that you didn't die!" Helm also punched Ruger's shoulder heavily, but the yellow eyes under the frosty eyebrows scanned the whole body of his comrades.

"I'm a rare set of your shoulder armor. I thought I could get a bargain this time!"

"Bah! You bastard! I think you have a good pair of teeth. I'll put them on a chain when you die!"

Luge looked at this veteran who was recruited in the same period as himself, but was still stuck in the long teeth due to a different fate. The corners of his eyes that were cold from the killing just now finally showed a slight upward movement.

Both of them sighed in their hearts for the protection of the whole father and Ruth, allowing them to meet again on this remote battlefield after a century of long battles.

"Okay, it's time for warmth, let's talk about your situation." Helm turned sideways and looked at the surrounding battlefield, his voice had quietly become low.

He is the person in charge of the three teams supported this time, so he naturally has the corresponding level of battlefield intelligence support.

At more than a dozen nodes in the northern part of the entire defense line, the patchwork of manpower in his hands is already the last mobile force.

And if it weren't for the fact that the situation on the battlefield was so bad that there was no choice, Barnegg couldn't send his troops, which had just been put together after a fierce battle and were resting in the name of a mobile force, as support.

"It's really not optimistic..." Luge replied in a low voice, then patted Helm on the shoulder to signal him, then turned around and walked towards a low fortification entrance on the right.

The two giants passed through the randomly placed ammunition boxes and weapon racks, and then stooped into the space that could barely be called a command post through the dust.

And Helm's pupils and nose were adapting to the light and smell here, and immediately heard and smelled the groans and blood from the corner.

Fifteen Astartes, the power armor on their bodies is the painting and emblem he is familiar with.

And these sons of Russ, who were recognized from the hidden signs, at most were the gray hunters, fell into a silent sleep under the influence of the only pharmacist present and the potion on the power armor.

No veterans, well, there shouldn't be, it's their tradition.

Helm smacked his mouth, feeling a familiar rusty taste on his teeth.He turned his head to look at Ruge behind him, and the latter was watching him quietly with vicissitudes of eyes.

"How many people do you have?" Helm asked hoarsely, and then realized that the question he asked was stupid.

"Just what you saw." Ruger paused for a moment, and then replied softly.

"25?" Helm was dazed at first, then uncontrollably rushed to Ruger and pushed him against the granite wall.

He gritted his molars and looked down at his best friend in front of him, raised his clenched and creaking fist armor to aim at Luge's head, but lowered his voice and roared and questioned him:

"How many brothers did you take? 100? Or 200?! You tell me now, there are only 25 left here?!

So I have a question..."

The corners of Helm's eyes, torn by anger, were bleeding, and the power fist in his hand was already crackling.

"You...why...are you still alive?"


(End of this chapter)

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