Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 442 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows Gray Hunter Marsh

"I also want to know..." Luge didn't mean to dodge, but just lowered his head and recalled the bloody battles of the past few days.

The Power Armor servo on the neck began screaming reminders again, and the comm also began to have more and more noise blocking.

The sound of the monitoring device meant a warning that the wound on the abdominal cavity would open again, and needless to say, the obscuration of battlefield information must have come from the handwriting of those depraved bastards.

After the fierce battle, the Mark Six Power Armor was obviously not maintained, and the dark red blood was slowly oozing out from under the damaged air-tight layer.

"Are you..." Helm slowly loosened his clenched gloves. He saw Luke's hidden wound in the direction of his sense of smell, and turned his head to look in the direction of the pharmacist. The slight nod of the latter made him Take it easy.

It's fine if you don't die, it's fine if you don't die...

boom!Helm took a drink from the glass on the table, and the cold glacier water trickled down his beard.The tingling in his stomach made Helm's mind clearer, but there were still too many details about the battle here.

The sound at the door of the command room turned the eyes of the three people, and the curtain of the rags was also lifted by a big hand at this time.

"Father! There's work to be done!" Marsh poked his big head in from under the curtain, but he obviously had no intention of going any further.

The two leaders made a lot of noise, and the ears of the wolf cubs were even more vigilant.If the enemy in front hadn't started to move again, Marsh definitely didn't want to come in at this time.

Helm strode out, and signaled to the non-existent pharmacist. While the latter was treating Ruger's wound, he got out of the fortification first, and under Marsh's guidance, he walked towards the high point of the battle line. point to go.

"What's the problem?" Helm checked the status of the position calmly while the two were walking on the road.

The veterans along the way gave him a tacit high-five, and the recruits were under the direction of the veterans, moving the ammunition and supplies from the rear to the front position, and hiding them in some hidden positions according to the hunting group's habits.

The auxiliaries and machine servants had all died in the last battle, but someone still needed to do these menial tasks. The veterans were already troubled by the excessive energy of the recruits, so the work of moving these machines fell into the hands of the bloodclaws. inside.

Marsh was an exception. His performance in the last battle was not bad. At least in the eyes of the veterans, his bravery was being replaced by calmness.

This is a good sign, as most recruits die in Bloodclaw because they were "too brave".And this disadvantage comes from their blood, which is one of the inherent characteristics and growth stages of the spiral of wolves.

Therefore, the hunting group has no other choice but to adopt a laissez-faire attitude.

When the surviving recruits grow to the next stage of the gene module, the recruits who calm down naturally have a higher survival rate.

And when they are lucky enough to survive to that time, they will also be given more important battlefield functions: the team's firepower and the main attacking force - the gray hunter.

But there are exceptions to everything, and Marsh, who was different from the same kind during the Blood Claw period, is such a special example.

His desire to destroy on the battlefield is much more restrained than the bloodclaws of the same period, and he has obvious rationality at critical moments in several bloody battles.And he thought that no one knew about all this, but he didn't know that it was all within the vision of the veterans.

Wolf cubs who know how to do what they can will always live longer, and cubs who have learned how to be cunning are more likely to become alpha wolves.Although the rules in the hunting group are cruel, after discovering this special "seed", they are still willing to provide better growth opportunities and better protection for cubs who exhibit similar characteristics.

As a result, there was another person's name on the pamphlet in Wolfman's hand, and Helm and the members of the Brotherhood also tacitly agreed to assign this ignorant recruit to a position closer to the command in the ensuing battle. .

But this is just a tendency, and it has nothing to do with doting.

The hardships that Marsh should have will never be less than other blood claws. On the contrary, he will face more cruel and harsh eyes in the next service career.

This is the case with the descendants of Ruth. Only when the young wolf proves its excellence with its own fangs, will it be recognized by the seniors in the hunting group, and thus have the opportunity to shoulder heavier responsibilities.

The "Minister Assistant" is the product of this compromise.

It is not a fixed rank, but if Marsh continues to perform as he does in the coming battles, it will be only one step away from being recognized by all members of the Brotherhood and becoming a Gray Hunter decades earlier. up...

"The connection with Dalian Headquarters was cut off, just 10 minutes ago." Marsh picked up the important information and said.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Helm interrupted Marsh roughly, and the latter was used to his father's increasingly strict attitude recently.

"The comrades who went to fetch water from the glacier at the back reported that the melting rate of the glacier there was accelerating."

"What else?" The two talked and walked to the high point of the position. The bloodclaw on the observation post moved away from the instrument knowingly, and met Marsh's eyes secretly.

"How is daddy feeling?"

"Not good, very irritable..."

Marsh lowered his head and cut off the short communication, picked up the latest news from the data pad and continued to report.

"Someone from the defense force in the front position has just reported that the fortress stationed by the 139th motorized infantry regiment on the left has lost contact."

"Huh?" Helm put down the instrument in his hand, turned his head and followed Marsh's fingers, and found the fortress on the data board.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked Marsh, "How long?"

"Two hours ago," Marsh said, and that happened to be just after the battle here at Luke.

He who had just left the team's field of vision didn't understand the meaning of this piece of information, but he still vaguely felt the crisis in it.

Helm, on the other hand, had a much better understanding of the results brought about by this news. He figured it out almost instantly, and began to make simple measurements with his knuckles on the map displayed on the data pad...

This is a trap.

Ruger's victory in the previous battle was false, and the enemy's target should be the last mobile force in Helm's hands, as well as the entire position at the southern foot of the Fermara Mountains.

The tactical position of the left-wing high point fortress is not important, and there is nothing to criticize for a regiment-level Star Militia Army to be in charge of garrisoning it.

But this fort has a problem that no one thought of before the war, that is, after six days of orbital bombing, the original glaciers that were originally piled up on the back of the fort have disappeared.

And what will this change?
If Helm guessed correctly, after the fall of this unimportant fortress, there will be a road that can go all the way up the ridge and lead directly to the back of Helm's position without disturbing any air defense array.

and then?
Then there was a blasting team with a melta bomb, and it took ten minutes to install the bomb on the remaining glacier at the end of the canyon.

Then there was the sound of Boom, causing the entire core position at the southern foot of the Fermara Mountains to be melted and formed mudslides descending from the top of the mountain, squeezing all the remaining glaciers in the canyon along the way, and taking them away in a wave.

"Why did you report it?"

Helm turned his head and walked towards the command post, and while asking Marsh, he signaled "emergency evacuation" to the old wolves along the way.

The old wolves didn't ask why, apparently they were used to such unexpected situations.They didn't even make eye contact, they just started to assemble their respective teams while maintaining the same tone of voice.

As for those supplies just now?At this time, it is not important.

"The regiment's communication station was blown up, and the mechanical priest accompanying the regiment was also killed. The information they sent with manpower was very slow..."

Marsh was still trying to decipher the information on the data-slate, but he followed Helm's footsteps and collided with Helm.

"Listen!" Marsh looked up, just in time to see Helm's face pressed against his forehead.

The uncharacteristically seriousness of his father made him feel the panic he hadn't seen for a long time, and the veterans who didn't know when to gather around him made him even more at a loss as to what to do.

It was a scrutinizing gaze from a group of hunters, and the meaning behind this gaze made him feel caught off guard, and at the same time, there was a sense of heaviness that made him panic...

"The wolf is not here, and there is no time for the ceremony, so let's simply go through the process." Helm said calmly.

"Second." Another long-toothed veteran looked at Marsh, then nodded in agreement.

"Second." The other two Longfangs also expressed their opinion, while the Gray Hunters expressed their attitude in silence.

"Well, the four of you agree, let's go to the next step."

Helm was talking, and took off a badge that marked his military rank from his chest, and while showing it with his hands open, he looked at the others and asked:
"I propose to promote the recruit in front of me, his meritorious deeds are enough, and the calmness in his blood is enough to restrain the meaningless bravery.

With the All-Father and Russ watching, and the Brotherhood watching, do you agree with this proposal? "

"Secondary!" Everyone responded in unison, and even Ruge had arrived at the scene without knowing when. The wolves in the entire position had witnessed Marsh's promotion, and only he himself was still confused.

Helm hung the bronze emblem on the recruit's chest.

"Listen, recruit! I'm here to approve your offer of promotion in the name of the Brotherhood on behalf of Russ, the Chief Wolf.

From now on, you are a Greyhunter. "

"Huh?" Marsh stared blankly at Helm, then turned his neck slowly and stiffly to look around.

He instinctively sensed the meaning behind this battlefield promotion, and then tried to remember the appearance of all his comrades at this moment.

Mitchell, Hobson, Alyochev, Burrows...

The eyes of the veterans looking at him are the same as before. If there must be a change, it may be that the expectations among them have become more rigorous scrutiny expectations.

But Helm didn't give him more time to savor it, but pointed to the end of the canyon behind the position, and said to Marsh the Gray Hunter:

"Go there and hold there until we return."


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