Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 79 The Deepest Love, the Responsibility

Chapter 79 The Deepest Love, the Responsibility

After the chaos ended, Calvin was sent to the medical bay aboard the Wraith Redeemer for further observation and treatment.

Gavins, on the other hand, after arranging the rest of the Honor Guard and the two Interceptor squads that were temporarily deployed for joint operations, accompanied by Captain Tibers the Old, went to the command center of the bridge.

Two Gray Knights, both wearing heavy Terminator Tactical Dreadnought power armor, walked in the passage leading to the bridge.

Heavy footsteps struck the steel floor with a sound like a hammer.

The mortal crew members walking towards each other in the passage stopped and saluted the two of them after seeing them in the distance.

The preoccupied Gavins and the old Tibers were not in the mood to return the salute. They changed from walking side by side to one behind the other. (The passage is too narrow for a mortal crew to pass through.)
But out of respect for these silently dedicated crew members, there is also a long-standing dogma within the Gray Knights Chapter.

When the two of them were still walking past these crew members with heavy steps, they hid them behind the silver eyepieces of the crusader heavy helmets and lowered their gazes. respect.

No devotion can be ignored, just as no betrayal can be forgiven.

After the responding crew got up and walked away, among the two Terminator who had resumed walking side by side, the elder Tibers was the first to make an inquiry.

His old voice was distorted through the helmet's loudspeaker: "So, what happened to the Titan. I mean, how did he get hurt."

After asking this sentence, thinking of Calvin's significance to the war group, the veteran couldn't hide his emotions.

He turned to Gavins, who is the captain of the honor guard, in a more formal high Gothic language: "Could it be that with all of you, you can't protect them well?"

The voice transformed by the loudspeaker echoed in the corridor, but the owner of another, younger and taller Terminator Power Armor failed to respond for a long time.

"Respond to me! How did you protect our holy Primarch! How do you feel about your responsibilities?"

Tibbers failed to get a response after waiting for a long time. In his anger, he broke out and grabbed Gavins' breastplate and pushed him down on the bulkhead of the corridor.

"Boom~! Boom!"

The violence created by the force between the two giants after being strengthened by electromagnetic muscles caused a huge roar in the steel corridor.

After pushing the opponent down, Tabers lowered his head and approached the fallen Gavins, speaking in a deep electric voice:

"If you don't cherish the glory you have. Then I am willing to help you and take it away from you."

Gavins didn't fight back, didn't argue.

He just fell to the ground, as if he was still immersed in the time on the ground.

After the silver light on the eyepiece on his helmet flickered for three cycles, his voice finally came out of the helmet at the last second before Tibbers lost his patience:
"Titan, has his own choice. Titan has his own consciousness."

Gavins also seemed to have figured something out, and he came out of the sluggish state.

He slowly and firmly stood up from the ground, during which Tibers looked at him coldly with his arms folded not far away, as if waiting for his further explanation.

And Gavins did not let him down, he regained his own will.

After standing up, Gavins' figure disappeared instantly, and the servo of the Terminator power armor frantically output the energy in the power pack to the electromagnetic muscle bundle after receiving the signal of full output.

Tibbers didn't even have time to react, he was thrown out by Gavins' powerful force with a weight of more than one ton including his armor and armor.

Gavins returned a blow that was more violent than Tibbers' previous attack to Tibbers the same way.

After all, this is a champion swordsman, a leader of the Gray Knights, a paladin who has perfected both physical strength and spiritual power.

After such power came out of confusion, how could his anger be resisted by an ordinary Gray Knight veteran who had spent his entire life as a commanding officer on a ship?
Gavins slightly moved his shoulders, the charge just now made his shoulder armor a little strange.

He walked slowly to the veteran who had temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

Then he said to Tabers at a distance that was almost face to face:
"First, please respect my responsibilities. Second, I am not the nanny of the Primarch, and he, the Titan, is not a child who needs protection. He has his own obligations and awareness that he must bear. What I have to do is to implement His will. On this point, there is no need for you or anyone to question it! The last point, thank you for your reminder. I really shouldn’t be confused at any time.”

Tibbers smiled on the face hidden behind the helmet, that's right.

His violent outburst before had multiple meanings in it.

On the one hand, he was truly distressed that the Primarch was injured in his first battle.

But this is far from all, because he understands that as a gray knight, he should live on the battlefield of the empire against demons, so injury or even death is never unacceptable.

This is true for the Gray Knights, not to mention setting an example for all the Gray Knights, protecting their "father" both mentally and physically?

His real anger came from another side, and what he couldn't stand was Gavins' lack of focus after his return.

This meant that Gavins, the leader of the honor guard who lived and ate and fought together for a long time, still didn't have enough understanding of Calvin's essence.

He still can't fully accept the significance of Calvin's choice of sacrificing himself in this battle, so he loses his mind.

And the loss of mind itself is a manifestation of his lack of firm will!
Such a leader of the guard, how can people be at ease!

How can the veterans of the Gray Knights safely entrust the safety of the Primarch to such an unsteady person at the most critical moment?

Fortunately, Gavins recovered very quickly, and he should have been only a short distance away from figuring out Calvin's ideas.

A little later, even a little later.

He was about to truly lose the trust of Tibbers, a veteran of the Chapter.

You must know that as a veteran captain, Tibers was sent by the Grand Mentor Council to cooperate with Calvin and his team to fight.

Such a critical position means that it is impossible for him to only have the task of conventional command operations.

While observing the characteristics and personality trends of the Primarch, it is one of his responsibilities to correct and help as much as possible.

And as the eyes of the Grand Master Council, it is his job to closely observe and examine whether the people around the Primarch are responsible and competent!
So no matter how glamorous Gavins's past resume is, how outstanding his past military exploits are.

Once Tibers makes a negative judgment on his will, what awaits him can only be quietly transferred away.

Before the Primarch Calvin had really grown up, there would have been countless pairs of eyes in the Chapter closely watching everything around him.

It could be a veteran like Tibers, a bystander like Bishop Klein who is close to the Gray Knights, or even a mortal crew member with proven loyalty.

Their eyes are paying attention to everything around Calvin all the time, and they will truthfully report to the Grand Mentor Council afterwards.

All possible unstable factors, all possible loopholes, all possible sources that may lead to the growth of the Primarch's personality and threats to his safety.

The past history has let the veterans of the Gray Knights clearly know how irresponsible the Emperor is for the growth process of the Primarch in a completely free-range way!
Such a thing must not be repeated on the Primarch of the Gray Knights!

"My lord, in the 39th millennium today, the entire Gray Knight, and even the entire empire, has only this single seedling."

Watching the footsteps of Gavins leaving in front of him, Gray Knight veteran Tibbers muttered...

(End of this chapter)

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