Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 80 Departure and Rat Extermination

Chapter 80 Departure and Rat Extermination

After Gavins arrived at the bridge, he immediately formed a new temporary command group with Captain Tibbers and Mechanic Bishop Klein.

After communicating with Grand Master Aidan, the theater commander, they received permission to return to Titan.

And returning together, there are two other strike cruisers that just completed their missions from the next-door Alfran galaxy.

And in the plan, when the three battleships passed through the Heshas section area when they arrived, the battleship Supreme Decree as the reserve force that came later will also join them in returning to Titan...

Within two Terra standard days, the other two Gray Knight strike cruisers had already separated from their respective battlefields and arrived at the scheduled rendezvous points.

But before that, a supply barge from other strike cruisers in the theater quietly arrived on the Wraith Redeemer's loading deck, and quietly and mysteriously left the Wraith Redeemer after staying for 6 standard time units.

As the "interim" commander, Gavins didn't know anything about it. He just stayed at the command seat in the center of the bridge and quietly performed his basic functions as a commander.

After a brief communication between the three ships and the confirmation of the order of command, the Revenant Redeemer will be the central flagship, and the remaining two strike cruisers will be deployed in an escort position at a later position on the left and right.

The small fleet of three strike cruisers began preparations to leave the theater where it was now and return to Titan.

The engine of the Revenant Redeemer has already started first and started to output power.

It will lead the other two strike cruisers to the Manzeville Point located inside the Efaran galaxy for a subspace jump, and then travel through the subspace to reach the Heshas section as soon as possible to meet the battleship Supreme Law waiting there.

On the way of the fleet sailing to the jump point, Gavins sat on the command seat in the center of the command platform on the bridge, looking at the scenery outside the porthole directly ahead.

He was puzzled by the information contained in the pass he had received earlier.

"Did the reserve team evacuate first? Or is the Supreme Decree coming for us? I don't think it's necessary if it's just for escort." He asked Tibbers on the left.

Tabers didn't mean to hide either, he looked at the holographic projection in front of him of the combat deployment situation in the galaxy, and explained to Gavins:

"That's not the case. In fact, the battle in these two galaxies has come to an end. In view of your command sequence, the information you receive has a certain lag. In fact, the first-line troops have already begun to evacuate."

As soon as the words fell, the navigator in front of the podium had already sent a signal that he had arrived at Manzeville Point and was about to enter subspace navigation.

"The end? I only see the dynamics of our four troops now."

Gavins also shifted his gaze to the holographic projection in front of him. He pointed to the logos of the three strike cruisers on the projector that were still floating above the planet where the combat area was located, looked back at Tabers and asked:
"Then what happened to these three ships?"

"They? They have some separate tasks to finish, and they are probably still waiting for the final order." After hesitating, Tabers decided to tell the truth to the "temporary commander" who had never assumed the role of leader before him. official".

"What mission? May I know?"

Gavins, who took office as a new official, was very curious about his new information authority.

But he still knew that his name as "commander" still had a prefix of "temporary" after all, so it was doomed that limited high-secret information would not be completely open to him.

When he asks about some consciously sensitive topics, he still carefully confirms whether his authority is sufficient in advance, so as to avoid embarrassing scenes for him.

And Tabers' answer caught him off guard.The other party's answer did not entangle with his authority, but the specific information made him feel extra heavy as a front-line combatant who had never assumed command.

Tabers put it this way:

"Of course you can know. In fact, it is impossible to hide it from you. If you want, go and look out of the window. Before we leave here, take a look at this place for the last time. Some scenery, you don't want to look at it again It's not here..."

In this way, at the last moment before the Revenant Redeemer entered the subspace, in the sight of the three real planets that Gavins looked at following the guidance of Tibers, only the entire planet melted scene.

On the corresponding planets below the three strike cruisers, the same scene is happening at this time:
A huge ring of fire that can be seen with the naked eye in space is rapidly spreading from scratch on the planet, from small to large.

At the center of the ring of fire, there is a more blazing prominence-like lava that is violently spewing upwards from the earth's crust.

The shock wave generated by the violent plate movement brewed and erupted in it, and then spread to the entire planet following the previous ring of fire...

Gavins stood up suddenly from the command seat, and the servos inside his Terminator power armor hummed in protest under the violent movement, but he couldn't care less.

He looked at the devastating scene that was happening on the three distant planets in front of him, and a dry voice came out of his mouth like a moan: "Double... polar cyclone torpedo... extermination order?"

At the same time, the communication signal of the entire fleet also captured the encrypted announcement that resounded throughout the galaxy and even the segment area:

"In the name of the Lord of Humanity! In the name of the Council of High Lords of the Human Empire! In the name of the Tribunal of the Human Empire! I, Jelinka Lyudmila, a high-ranking judge of the Demon Tribunal, under the watchful eyes of the Emperor, Hereby solemnly declare that the following three worlds will be given the most extreme punishment! The list of punishments is: Hive World No. 5, Ayfran! Agricultural World, No. 15 Ayfran! Hive World No. [-], Ayfran! Blood is not easy to come by! The people of the empire are all the wealth of the emperor! We are incompetent, unable to defend against the enemy; we are ignorant, so this is the only way to save the rest. After this battle, the blame is all on me .I, Jelinka Lyudmila, a senior judge of the Tribunal of Demons. I am willing to accept any "hundred-year investigation" initiated by my colleagues on my decisions in this battle. If there is any oversight, I am willing to take responsibility for it. Accept the judgment of the empire and the excommunication of the high court! This judgment will take effect immediately! Time..."

The high-pitched and sad voice of Judge Lyudmila from the Devil Tribunal still resounds on the encrypted channel of the section area, and this declaration is also spread through this channel to all the planets, star ports, and hive cities where the SATA section area is located. , battleships, and all other places where imperial forces are still fighting.

After listening to this declaration, both the Astartes fighters fighting on the front line and the manufacturing directors in the forge world behind silently stopped their work.

They silently looked at the invisible place in the distance, where there were three worlds that originally belonged to the empire, and countless empire people were abandoned in this way.

But it is necessary.

The issuance of an extermination order is never a child's play.

Being able to make such a choice already shows that the war situation here has become corrupted to the point where the highest commander in the theater is helpless.Or, the cost of saving the planet proves to be far greater than the planet itself.

The end of the extermination order is not a joke, and any judge who issues an extermination order will be responsible for his decision to the end.

If anyone in the next hundred years can prove that her order is unnecessary, then what awaits her is the most severe punishment from the empire-excommunication.

Therefore, every judge who is forced by the situation to officially list the options of the extinction order needs to have great will and awareness, and every decision he makes affects the life and death of one or even several planets.

Here is a quote from the original:
"There is no place for the weak-willed and the hesitant. Only through firm action and conviction can humanity survive. There is no sacrifice too great to bear, and no betrayal too small to be tolerated." --- Doctrine of the Inquisition Librarian , Chapter 28 "Extinction Order"

 py, a friend's book, please help to recommend it.Those who are interested can go and have a look.


(End of this chapter)

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