Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 415 This is justifiable self-defense

Chapter 415 This is justifiable self-defense
Those officials' flattery of Li Huairen has no limit at all.

Those who can solve cases like a god, and those who have sharp eyes, seem to be like this Li Huairen, who is really a great expert in solving cases.

Zhu Han's goose bumps fell all over the floor.

Not to mention at this time, even in later generations, few people dare to say that they can immediately judge the truth of the case just by looking at the file.

Even those detectives with a [-]% detection rate in detective novels still need to go to the scene to investigate clues in order to find out the truth of the case.

If this Li Huairen really has this ability, then he will definitely become the number one detective in ancient and modern times.

Such a person, even in the history books of Huanghuang, will definitely be recorded in full detail.

Definitely a well-known figure.

However, Zhu Han had never heard of such a person in history.

How dare you compare with Bao Zheng...

Not to mention anything else, just the thickness of this face is absolutely rare in Zhu Han's life.

"Oh, Yanjing's criminal department actually has masters like Mr. Li? I've never heard of it before. It's really disrespectful." Zhu Han sneered contemptuously.

What he admired most about Li Huairen was that Li Huairen was able to keep his clothes dignified even though he was flattering him so nastyly.

It's as if those words are not flattery, but true.

"My lord praises me, I'm just doing my duty as an official."


What is there to say?

People are shameless, they are invincible.

Zhu Han even doubted that pulling out this guy's face and making it into a shield might not even be able to block musket bullets.

Not wanting to talk nonsense with these sick-minded guys, Zhu Han asked with a sullen face: "Since Mr. Li can solve cases like a god, do you know the cause and effect of this case?"

Zhu Hanhuan originally thought that Li Huairen would use not knowing as an excuse.

In the end, this guy actually answered calmly: "The officer has already read the dossier of the last interrogation."

"This Miao Lifu blatantly committed murder with a knife in the downtown area because the victim owed him a small amount of wages. Such troublemakers are simply lawless."

"The lower officials know that the lord loves the people so much, and feel sorry for Miao Lifu. But lord, this kind of unscrupulous people can kill people for money today, and kill for money tomorrow."

"My lord, you can't ignore the laws of the country to excuse him just because you see them pitiful, and treat the law of the Ming Dynasty like a joke."

"If things go on like this, won't my Great Ming law become a dead letter?"

Good guy, after traveling for so long, there are only a handful of people who dare to point his nose and scold him like this.

If this Li Huairen is really a good official for the country and the people, that's all.

But this guy seems to be stern and selfless, but in fact he is full of bad water.

It doesn't even need Jin Yiwei to investigate this person, just by looking at his series of behaviors, one can know what kind of virtue he is.

Anyway, Zhu Han had never seen any capable official with a deadpan face, allowing his subordinates to flatter him like this.

As soon as Li Huairen finished speaking, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment began to echo him.

"Master Li is right. He dared to commit murder in the street just for some money. What kind of a good person is this?"

"My lord, don't be fooled by this troublemaker. He's just pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy. We in the Ministry of Criminal Justice don't know how many people like this have seen. Everyone said that they just had to."

"Anyway, it's wrong to kill people in the street. It's a matter of course."

Zhu Han watched coldly, and found that among the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, there were almost none who did not speak for Li Huairen.

No matter whether they are really attached to Li Huairen or follow the crowd, Zhu Han will keep in mind whoever opens their mouths.

When this turmoil is over, all these people will be dealt with.

This is the Criminal Department.

The person in charge is criminal names. If this department is full of fools, the impact will be too great.

Although various cases of the imperial court will eventually be handed over to Dali Temple for review.But if there is already a problem on the side of the Ministry of Punishment, the Dali Temple will naturally be affected as well.


Zhu Han cleared his throat, and when the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice calmed down, Zhu Han asked in a deep voice, "Miao Lifu, I'm here to ask you, how much money do you owe in total?"

Qian Yong is a businessman who owes Miao Lifu wages. According to Jin Yiwei's report, Qian Yong is a collateral child of the Qian family in Hedong, who is responsible for some of the Qian family's business.

People like money, to put it mildly, come from big families.In fact, apart from the name of this big family, their status is not much stronger than that of the butler's servants.

Even, the status is not as good as those hired.With this idea, a qualified shopkeeper is very rare, and wages are absolutely indispensable.

But because the money is used by his own family, the treatment is even lower than those hired shopkeepers.

Miao Lifu answered aggrievedly: "Originally we negotiated one or two taels of silver a month, but I worked with him for half a month, and he should give me six taels of silver. Later, the boss said that when I worked on the first day, I paid I need to be taught, so I can’t count money. On the last day, I only worked for half a day, so I can’t count money.”

"The wages he owes me should be..."

Seeing Miao Li wringing his fingers, trying hard to calculate.

Li Huairen snorted coldly with disdain: "It's four coins in total, don't you even understand this?"

"Just for this little money, you can actually hurt a human life. Don't you have the slightest sense of shame in your heart?"

"Shut up!" Zhu Han suddenly flew into a rage, looking around for anything convenient.

But Zhou Liang only prepared a chair for Zhu Han, and there was nothing else around.

If it wasn't Zhou Liang's secret poking, what kind of stumbling block did this cause for Zhu Han.

After all, this is the court, not the living room of Lord Zhu Han's residence.As an observer, I can only prepare a chair for him.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment were at a loss. They didn't understand what kind of nerves Zhu Han, His Royal Highness, suddenly lost.

Just when they were puzzled, Zhu Han stood up suddenly.

Grabbing the back of the grand teacher's chair, he threw it directly in the direction of where Li Huairen was.

This action was too sudden, and by the time the officials of the Criminal Department realized what had happened, the chair had already arrived in front of them.

Li Huairen just subconsciously raised his hand to resist.

The next moment, the grand master's chair came into close contact with his arm, and then tilted to one side.Fortunately, the leg of the chair hit the head of a servant next to him, knocking off his official hat.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment were in a mess like frightened ducks.

Although Li Huairen blocked the chair, he avoided being smashed to the ground.

But after the grand master's chair fell to the ground, Li Huairen's hand fell down unnaturally, with cold sweat on his face, Cen Cen seemed to be in great pain.

Seeing this, another servant of the Ministry of Justice who survived the disaster quickly asked with concern: "Are you alright, my lord?"

Seeing that Zhu Han didn't throw anything over, the others rushed to care for Li Huairen.

"Master Shangshu, your hand?"

"Doctor! Are you all blind? You didn't see Master Shangshu was injured, why don't you hurry to call for a doctor?"

Li Huairen waved his hand with difficulty, signaling that he was fine.Then he raised his head and looked at Zhu Han angrily.

"What does His Royal Highness mean by this? Don't you think that this can block the mouths of all the people in the world?"

The other officials of the Ministry of Punishment also looked at Zhu Han with dissatisfaction.

A majestic prince, openly beat the imperial court official.

Is there any king law?
Are there any laws?
They are scholars and scholar-bureaucrats.

Even the barbarians of Meng Yuan were polite to them.

"Min?" Zhu Han looked at them coldly, as if he wanted to cut them alive.

"Can you dogs be considered civilians?" Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang were the ones who fought down from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in this day and night.

Usually, he might think it's nothing, but once Zhu Han is really angry, his aura is quite terrifying.

Many officials of the Ministry of Punishment did not even dare to make eye contact with her.

There are also those who are not afraid of death, such as Li Huairen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments.

He raised his head without fear: "The prince's words, the lower officials can't understand."

"People like Miao Lifu are counted as people, so aren't those businessmen counted as people of Ming Dynasty? They are also working diligently and paying royal grain and state taxes."

"Is it because people like Miao Lifu are poor, so they can't even be convicted of murder?"

"His Royal Highness once said that all people in the world should be equal among scholars, peasants, businessmen and commerce. Why does His Highness place people like Miao Lifu above businessmen at this time?"

"Is it because the merchants have money, so they deserve what happened?"

This Li Huairen, seems to be upright, but he is a sharp tongue, good at turning black and white.

"Li Daren is right, merchants are also people of my Ming Dynasty."

"Even if he defaults on his wages, Miao Lifu can sue the government, and the government will naturally decide for him. Since he killed someone, he should be brought to justice."

"My lord, what you have done is indeed inappropriate. This official is speaking out of justice, without any selfishness."

"If the merchants in Yanjing City know that you have allowed people like Miao Lifu to suffer losses in order to protect people like Miao Lifu, their hearts will be cold."

Listening to the officials of the Ministry of Punishment talking to each other, defending the businessmen.

Zhu Han only thought it was funny.

In the past, these scholars did not say so.

They only talk about scholars, farmers, businessmen and scholars, and scholars are the most important and contribute the most to Ming Dynasty.

They will also plead for the people, blowing hard-working farmers to heaven, and advocating businessmen to value profits over righteousness, thinking that businessmen in the world do not have a single good thing.

When talking about money, it seems that this thing is something extremely dirty, and they scholars never care.

Now, it's completely reversed.

This group of officials, who used to treat businessmen like nothing, kept saying good things for those businessmen.

"So, do you think this king is confusing right and wrong?" Zhu Han asked coldly.

Li Huairen subconsciously wanted to clasp his fists, but as soon as he raised his arm, he felt a heart-piercing pain in his forearm.

He gasped in pain, probably because of a broken bone.

At that moment just now, Zhu Han shot with hatred, with great strength.

A guy like Li Huairen, who didn't work hard when he was studying, and didn't distinguish between grains and grains, and when he became an official, he was even served by someone to dress and eat, and his body was too fragile.

Just touched it, and the bone broke.

"Xiaguan... hiss... Xiaguan dare not. Xiaguan and others just hope that this case can be handled fairly. Otherwise, the merchants in Yanjing will not get any protection, and I am afraid they will have to leave."

The light in Zhu Han's eyes flickered: "Are you threatening me?"

Of course Li Huairen would not jump into such an obvious trap: "My lord, you are worrying too much. I just want to tell my lord that the consequences of doing so are nothing more than public opinion."

"Okay!" Zhu Han laughed back angrily: "Since you are going to be sentenced according to the Great Ming Law, then I want to ask you officials in charge of punishment."

"In my Great Ming law, how should the intentional murderer be judged?"

Li Huairen could tell that Zhu Han had something to say.It's just that I can't figure out what this prince wants to do: "The murderer will pay for his life. After being verified by the Dali Temple, he will be executed after the autumn, so as to imitate others."

Zhu Han nodded coldly: "Okay, it seems that Master Li hasn't forgotten the Law of the Ming Dynasty."

"Since that's the case, I'll ask you again, if someone is committing a crime and is killed instead, how should my Da Ming law judge me?"

This time, Li Huairen's answer was also quick: "If your life is threatened, kill the assailant instead. According to my Ming law, you are not guilty!"

Many people think that the ancient law was imperfect.

However, in the laws of Ming Dynasty, there are really clauses similar to self-defense.

Zhu Han had once seen a similar incident in the Ming Dynasty by accident.

A drunk stumbles upon a dead body and reports it to the authorities.

The government quickly found out the identity of this person, and he was a gambler named Ma Zhende.

After multiple investigations, it was found that the gambler had been to the home of a man named Wang Neng before his death.

The police went to investigate, but Wang Neng first refused to admit it, and then the police found a loophole, and finally revealed the truth after questioning.

It turned out that Ma Zhen sneaked into Wang Neng's house last night to steal, and was accidentally beaten to death after being discovered by Wang Neng.

Because he was afraid of getting into trouble, he had to throw his body into the wilderness.

After interrogation by the local yamen, they felt that the matter was basically true, so they reported it to Dali Temple.

However, Dali Temple found some inaccuracies in the file and dismissed the case for retrial.

In the end, it was thoroughly investigated and the truth came out.

It turns out that Wang Neng is a gambler just like Ma Zhen. On the day of the crime, Ma Zhen came to Wang Neng after drinking to collect his gambling debts.

During the dispute between the two parties, Ma Zhen, who had been drinking, accidentally fell and passed out.

Seeing this, Wang Neng came up with a plan, deliberately creating a situation where Ma Zhen came to steal.

The intention is to use self-defense to protect oneself from legal sanctions.

Li Huairen understood Zhu Han's thoughts, and immediately retorted: "Does the lord want to say that Qian Yong threatened Miao Lifu's life, so he fought back?"

"But my lord, the money owed to Miao Lifu is only a few denarii, there is no need to threaten his life."

"Miao Lifu murdered people in the street, no matter what, it can't be regarded as self-defense."

"My lord, please think again!"

(End of this chapter)

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