Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 416 The One Who Beats Corrupt Officials

Chapter 416 The One Who Beats Corrupt Officials
"My lord, we can understand your sympathy for the people, but you can't ignore the laws of the country just because of this!"

"You must have been deceived by some unscrupulous people to think how wronged he has been. In fact, this kind of unscrupulous people are the most cunning."

"How can you believe what a murderer says casually?"

"Four pieces of silver, my lord, who dares to kill someone for this little money, what kind of a good person can be, my lord."

"The case this time is very simple, and I feel that there is no need to reverse the case at all."

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment knelt down on the ground, all looking like they were pleading for the people.

It was as if, if Zhu Han really reversed the case for Miao Lifu, he would have committed some heinous crime.

The more they persuaded, the more violent the anger in Zhu Han's heart became.

"Very good! You are worthy of being my good ministers of Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Han bit the word "good" very hard, as if he was about to bite these officials of the Ministry of Punishment into pieces.

"Four coins are not worth mentioning in the eyes of adults?" His voice suddenly increased: "Miao Lifu!"

"The little man is here."

"Come and tell me, the king, how much money your family made a month during the previous dynasty."

Miao Lifu was slightly taken aback, his eyes turned red all of a sudden: "Back to the prince, the villain was still young in the past, and I don't know how much money the family can charge."

"It's just that the villain was always hungry at that time, and most of the time he just lay down and didn't move, saving some energy and eating less."

"Later, when I got older, I went to the mountains to collect firewood and sell it to the rich families in the village. But those mountains and land belong to the rich families, and we have to pay taxes when we go to pick them up. After the tax is deducted, there will be a few pennies left."

"Later my father was taken away by the Mongols and never came back. I am the only male in the family, so I can only support the family."

"At that time, we worked hard for a whole year, and [-]% to [-]% of the harvest in the field had to be paid various taxes to the government. The rest didn't even have enough food, and we didn't make any money at all."

Miao Lifu was deeply impressed by these things, talking about them in a rambling manner, with no intention of stopping at all.

With fierce eyes, Zhu Han stopped several criminal officials who wanted to interrupt Miao Lifu.

After Miao Lifu finished speaking, he continued to ask: "Now, how much income do you have in a year?"

Miao Lifu was so sad at first, his eyes lit up all of a sudden, and the energy of his whole body seemed to be completely different from just now.

"Life is much better now than before. The government canceled many messy taxes. After a year, the family can still save food. If the year is good, there will be a little money left."

"My villain, I still can't forget what happened in the second year of Hongwu."

"Oh?" Zhu Han asked with interest: "What was so special about that year?"

Miao Lifu grinned, showing his big yellow teeth, full of yearning: "Because that year was the first time for me, and I didn't go hungry for a whole year. It was also the first time I saved a little money at home, about Two denarii."

When he said this, the faces of many criminal officials couldn't help but change.

Zhu Han's voice came to mind: "What happened later? From what you mean, you haven't eaten enough since then?"

Bitterness climbed up Miao Lifu's dark face: "Later, my mother fell ill, and the family lost some income, so life was more difficult."

"However, I also know that without our Great Ming Dynasty, our family would have starved to death long ago. Although the current life is not as good as the second year of Hongwu, compared with the early years, it is quite good."

"I heard that if you go to work for someone now, you can pay more than one car a month, so I thought of coming out to earn money for my mother's medical treatment."

The more Miao Lifu spoke, the angrier he became, and he gritted his teeth: "But that bastard actually deducted my wages. So, when he scolded me just now, I did it all my life."

After Miao Lifu finished speaking, there was a complete silence in the courtroom of Jingzhao Mansion.

After a while, Zhu Han looked at the officials of the Ministry of Punishment with lightning-like eyes: "Have you heard everything clearly?"

"Four coins, to you people, it's really not worth mentioning. I'm afraid you don't give more than that to your servants, right?"

The heads of the officials of the Ministry of Punishment lowered one after another.

On the head of Li Huairen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, a thin layer of sweat appeared, and he argued: "My lord, this is not a matter of more money and less money, even if the money is indeed a lot for Miao Lifu, it cannot be used as a reason for him to kill someone." reason."

If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing missing at hand, Zhu Han would reward this guy with something.

"Li Huairen!" Zhu Han yelled, "You are not as good as a pig or a dog. Even now, do you still think that this king is talking about money?"

"You wait for this king, and let you stay in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment of Yanjing for one more day, and this king will take your surname."

Facing the enraged Zhu Han, Li Huairen became more and more aggressive: "My lord, our Ming Dynasty is a law-abiding one, but whoever speaks the loudest will be justified."

"My lord is so messed up, even openly insulting the officials of the court, I will definitely report this matter to His Majesty truthfully, and I ask Your Majesty to make the decision for us."

"What the hell!"

Zhu Han roared violently, and rushed towards Li Huairen.

Just as Li Huairen was about to say something, Zhu Han rushed in front of him like a raging lion, and kicked Li Huairen to the ground with hatred.

Unrepentant, he kicked and stomped violently.

"Tell me about the Great Ming law!"

Kicking Li Huairen in the chest almost knocked him out of breath.

"Who do you think you are?"

Another heavy kick, this time touching Li Huairen's broken arm.

The painful Li Huairen opened his mouth to scream, but he couldn't even make a sound, his face was blood red, and his veins were bulging.

"In the land of Daming, this king is Wang Fa!"

"If you are not convinced, just go and sue me in front of the elder brother. You can see whether the elder brother believes in you or in me, my own brother."

It wasn't until this time that the officials of the Ministry of Punishment came to their senses and hurriedly wanted to stop it.

In the end, before they could make a move, a few sharp steel knives were already in front of them.

Just kidding, Zhu Han is a majestic prince, how could he let them come forward?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhu Han took half a stick of incense, panting from exhaustion, and then stopped.

It wasn't until Zhu Han had had enough of beating that Liu Ji came over to dissuade him hypocritically: "My lord, I can't fight any more. If I continue to fight, I'm afraid I'm going to kill someone."

Zhu Han stepped down from the donkey, poohing in disdain: "Things that are not as good as pigs and dogs, don't think that this is the end of it."

Limping back, Zhou Liang winked at the original position and asked someone to prepare the chair again.

Now Zhu Han misses the leather shoes of the later generations very much. Those things are powerful in kicking people, and they don't hurt their feet.

"You..." Zhu Han sat down again, his sharp eyes swept across the faces of all the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, and those officials of the Ministry of Punishment were terrified.

I thought that His Royal Highness is too moody, right?
"Since we want to talk about the law of the Great Ming Dynasty, I will give you a good talk about it today."

"This Miao Lifu has worked hard for a year, and the surplus is only a few coins. And as the main labor force of the family, once he comes out to work, even if the family's fields are not abandoned, his income may drop sharply."

"These four coins are the main source of income for their family."

"If Miao Lifu doesn't get the money, let's not talk about his own life. If his mother dies without medical treatment, isn't it murder for money?"

"Even if you don't talk about Miao Lifu's mother, he worked diligently for half a month, but he didn't get a penny of wages, so how will Miao Lifu live in the future?"

"Should he beg for food, or should he steal?" The more he said, the angrier Zhu Han became.

The latter words were almost roared out.

"When you accused Miao Lifu of killing people for four renminbi, did you ever think that the common people's lives would be difficult just because of these four renminbi?"

"At that time, it wasn't just one person who died, but a whole family!"

"The money is nothing to the wealthy businessmen. But in the eyes of ordinary people, the money is their life."

"Those who don't pay their wages are murdering their whole family. Let me know of such a person, and I will kill one of them."

"Now, if you have an opinion, you can say it!"

After the words fell, there was no sound in the courtroom of Jingzhao Mansion. Who would dare to say it? Wouldn't it be an accomplice of a profiteer?

The lessons learned by Li Huairen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, are right in front of us.

Only a fool will show up at this time.

"Zhou Liang!" Zhu Han said coldly.

"The subordinate is here."


This His Royal Highness, even the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, beat him up as soon as he said it, and the mere governor of Jingzhao, how could he dare to say a word?

"Although Miao Lifu killed someone in the street, he thought it was justifiable. It was because the employer deliberately defaulted on wages..." After thinking about it, Zhou Liang still gritted his teeth: "Acquitted."

Hearing that he was innocent, Miao Lifu burst into tears and kowtowed: "Thank you, Lord Qingtian!"

Zhou Liang looked embarrassed, he insisted on killing Qiu Hou Wen.

Zhu Han asked someone to give Miao Lifu some money, and asked Miao Lifu to go back to see a doctor for his mother.

The money is not too much, only 15 taels of silver in total.

It's not that he loves money, but ordinary people like Miao Lifu, if they suddenly have a lot of money in their hands, it may not be a good thing for them.

If it attracts the covetousness of people with malicious intentions, it may even get burned.

After returning from Jingzhao Mansion, Zhu Han began to write letters to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Before coming to Yanjing, Zhu Han knew that the situation here was troublesome.

That's why he pushed this matter to Li Shanchang and Liu Ji, and let the two of them fight against the people from Yanjing.

In the end, he was cheated by his elder brother and had to fight in person.

Put down the pen, dry the ink on it, put it in the envelope and stick it with glue, and ask someone to send it to Yingtian as quickly as possible.

After doing all this, Zhu Han gave a long stretch: "This king has already made a move, so I want to see what you guys are capable of."

The residence of Li Huairen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing Li Huairen being carried back, the whole Li family erupted.

Being able to become the Minister of the Ministry of Justice in Yanjing, the strength of the Li family should not be underestimated.

That night, there were a few servant-like people who sneaked out from the small gate of the Shangshu Mansion and went to various places in Yanjing.

It's just that these people didn't notice that they had already been targeted by Jin Yiwei.

Miao Lifu killed people in the street, only to be arrested and released in less than two hours at the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion.

This incident immediately caused an uproar in the entire Yanjing City.

Up and down Yanjing City, the attitude towards this matter is also very polarized.

Ordinary people naturally applauded.

"His Majesty the King of England is mighty, and he can be regarded as a sigh of relief for the poor people like me."

"It's not unfair to use the money to death. Even the money of our common people dares to be ignorant. What else can he not do?"

"I've only heard of officials protecting each other before, but this is the first time I've seen someone who sincerely works for us common people."

"Cut, that's because you don't know much about it. This is His Royal Highness, the one who assisted His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to conquer the Ming Dynasty. How could he be like those corrupt officials?"

"Anyway, you can work in Yanjing with peace of mind in the future. No one will dare to default on our wages."

Contrary to ordinary people, some officials and some businessmen are quite critical of Zhu Han's handling.

"It's absurd. It's ridiculous to be found not guilty of killing someone in the street in broad daylight. If everyone followed suit, the Ming Dynasty would not be a country!" Wen Yueyi, Minister of Yanjing Rites He looked like he was crying.

Dali Temple Minister Wang Dong had a gloomy face: "The majestic Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was beaten to serious injuries in the courtroom. The King of England is too lawless!"

They dare not argue with Zhu Han face to face, fearing that they will end up in the same fate as Li Huairen.

However, this does not prevent them from impeaching Zhu Han.

At the same time that Zhu Han's letter to Zhu Yuanzhang was sent out, the snowflake-like impeachment memorials were already on their way to Yingtianfu.

In front of Jufeng Building.

Two gorgeous carriages stopped one after the other.

Shen Wansan had just gotten out of the car when he heard a strange voice.

"Let me just say, this carriage looks familiar just now, it really is you. Shen Wansan didn't mean you, you are the richest man in our Ming Dynasty anyway, this broken carriage has been used for many years, and I don't know how to change it? You don't mind Shame on you, I will be ashamed on your behalf."

In the entire Yanjing City, anyone who dared to talk to Shen Wansan like this would know who it was without asking.

Shen Wansan cast a disdainful glance at the speaker: "It's just a carriage, but it's just a means of transportation. As long as it works, it doesn't matter if it breaks."

"It's you Zhou Gushan. You have been very diligent in changing carriages in recent years. It seems that you have made a lot of money. Congratulations."

Neither of these guys is a good bird.

One obliquely scolded the other party for being stingy, and the other also obliquely called the other party an upstart.

After teasing a few words, Zhou Gushan suddenly put on a serious face, looked at the people coming and going in Jufeng Building and said, "Shen Wansan, what do you think those people called us over this time?"

Shen Wansan curled his lips: "Okay, are you still playing tricks on me? Don't tell me you don't know about the money. I'm a little curious. You dare to come here even though you know what they are going to do. Don't be afraid... "

With that said, Shen Wansan made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Zhou Gushan sneered: "You, Shen Wansan, are here too. You, the richest man in Ming Dynasty, are not afraid. I have nothing to be afraid of."

After a moment of silence, the two smiled knowingly at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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