Chapter 417 What is Overbearing
Jufeng Building Tian Zihao elegant room.

The most prominent thing here is the word Hao.

White jade screens, mahogany tables and chairs, the whole room is decorated with patterns of gold leaf.Mahogany tables and chairs, the best ceramic tableware, and chopsticks are all ivory.

The table is full of dishes, let’s not talk about the taste, the ingredients alone can make people speechless, and all the eight treasures of water and land are on the table.

What bear's paw hump, bird's nest and shark's fin.These things, even if the chef's skills are not very good, as long as they can be made, the taste will not be too bad after all.

But at this moment, a group of people in the private room sighed at the delicacies of mountains and seas, and no one moved their chopsticks.

"Isn't Shen Wansan here yet?" This man had a unique Sichuan-Shu accent, and the clothes on his body were also high-quality Sichuan brocade, which gave him an air of opulence.

"So what if he comes, I think you are wasting your efforts. Who doesn't know how Shen Wansan's business is so big? It's just a daydream to want him to unite with us." Mink fur is also rough and bold when dressed up, and it feels out of place with most of the people present.

"No matter what, I have to give it a try. I can't just go on like this? The workers under me are becoming more and more disobedient now." A person with a southern accent on the table complained a little depressed.

"There is no other way, what is there to try? If you want me to say, we will go on strike. Since the King of England won't give us businessmen a way to survive, there is no need for us to ask for trouble here."

"I also think this is a good idea. We have about [-]% of Yanjing's projects in our hands. If we quit, His Royal Highness, I'm afraid we won't be able to find so many people to replace us in a short time."

A businessman in the corner sneered proudly: "This is not the most important thing. Doesn't His Royal Highness keep saying that he is for the common people? Once we let go of it, how many people in Yanjing City will lose their livelihoods. At that time, I will go to Let's see, what method does His Royal Highness use to fill the mouths of these people."

"Besides, we can still do this..."

These businessmen talk to each other, and in their mouths, Zhu Han seems to be a lamb for them to slaughter.

Not everyone was echoing, and there was one person at the dinner table who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Mavericks quickly became the target of public criticism.

"Boss Zhang is always eloquent no matter what he talks about. Why didn't he say a word today?"

"Hehe, Boss Zhang is here today thanks to the promotion of His Royal Highness the King of England. He is not the same as us."

"Who sent the invitation to Boss Zhang? Isn't this a deliberate embarrassment? If you feel inconvenient, Boss Zhang, you can leave now. We will never embarrass you."

The person who was offended by these people was naturally Zhang Fengnian.

The previous cement formula sold for more than 50 taels at once. Even wealthy businessmen like them are envious and jealous.

Even though all of them are wealthy, a business of 50 taels is not too unusual for them.

But the problem is, a business of 50 taels is completely different from earning 50 taels.

Even if there is such a big benefit, how much manpower and material resources will be used in it, and how much money will need to be invested in advance in order to open up the relationship.

Moreover, even if there is nothing to do the best.It is not a matter of one or two years to really earn so much silver taels.

During this time, they have also worked hard on patents.

Although there are benefits, but compared with Zhang Fengnian, it is insignificant.

Therefore, many people were very dissatisfied with Zhang Fengnian, thinking that he was just lucky.

Normally, he would not say anything, but on this occasion, Zhang Fengnian became the target of public criticism.

Being ridiculed openly and secretly by so many people, Zhang Fengnian still looked normal.

Picking up the wine glass, she took a sip: "Since you all want to hear my advice, Ruixue will have the courage to say something."

Everyone was shocked at the same time.


Is this guy out of his mind?

Can't he hear that we are mocking him?Do you really think that we want to ask for advice?
Don't think that just because you earn a little money, you feel how great you are.

Which one of you here has not been in the ups and downs of Shang Hai for half your life.

Regardless of family business or experience, they are many times stronger than you, a brat.

A mere upstart, I invited you here to slap you in the face. Do you really think you are qualified to sit on an equal footing with us?

The corners of Zhang Fengnian's mouth turned up, how could he not know what these people were thinking?
Before he came, he could already imagine what these guys were thinking.

However, he still came without hesitation.

He clasped his fists at everyone on the table: "Seniors, your name Ruixue has long been known. When I was just a clerk, I heard a lot about everyone's deeds."

Even though these people have almost broken faces with him, Zhang Fengnian's attitude has not changed.

Before speaking, put a high hat on these people.

Everyone loves to listen to such obedient words, even if all the people present disliked Zhang Fengnian, their attitudes eased a lot.

"As long as you know."

"When I was in business, you were still not born in the mother's womb."

"Since you are so sensible, I will teach you to be good today. Don't think that His Royal Highness is helping you because of kindness. He is just to promote his so-called patent law. If you do this, treat yourself as the King of England That's a really stupid idea."

"We are the real ones. In the eyes of those in the court, we are just a group of animals waiting to be slaughtered. Whenever they are hungry, they will directly attack us."

Zhang Fengnian seemed to be listening respectfully, but in his heart he couldn't help but sneer.

These people seem to be confiding in him, but in fact they are all honey-mouthed guys.

At the time when he had just figured out the secret recipe of cement, the King of England had not yet granted him a patent.

I don't know how many people are trying their best to find out the secret recipe of cement.Someone even offered Liu Shitou a high price of 1 taels of silver for this.

I don't know how many of these people who bought Liu Shitou were sent by these guys.

After they finished speaking, Zhang Fengnian said solemnly: "This junior accepts the wishes of all the seniors. It's just this matter, I forgive you for not agreeing to this junior."

"The reason why the younger generation is today is all thanks to the support of His Royal Highness. Otherwise, my friends and I will be nothing but unknown people in Yanjing City."

"The younger generation also understands everyone's thoughts. The reason why I came here today is just to say something from the bottom of my heart."

"Predecessors feel that His Royal Highness is aggressive and will not hesitate to harm the interests of our businessmen for the sake of ordinary people."

It's good that Zhang Fengnian didn't mention this matter, but when this matter was mentioned, all the people present looked aggrieved.

"Isn't the person who used the money just a little stingy? It was just that he deducted four silver coins, and he was killed in the street."

Another person was also indignant: "If it's just like this, it's fine. It's self-seeking. However, the guy who murdered was acquitted, which is too unreasonable."

"Those of us who do business, although we have a little money, we can invest more money. Sometimes we can't turn around for a while, can't we be considerate?"

"That's right, who doesn't have money and can't make up for it? If it's not illegal to be killed just because of a default, how can this business continue?"

"Speaking of it, the King of England is just using us for his own reputation. Throughout the ages, such things are not uncommon."

There are many people on the other side, and each person's words seem to be in a mess.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Fengnian could still hear what they were saying clearly.

"Seniors, no matter how difficult we are, we are a thousand times stronger than those ordinary people." He said, pointing to the delicacies on the table.

"Isn't it enough to pay hundreds of workers just for this table of meals?"

Without waiting for them to refute, Zhang Fengnian continued like a cannonball: "Besides, His Royal Highness is not blindly protecting those ordinary people."

"Just over an hour ago, someone falsely accused the businessman of deducting his wages, and was found out by His Royal Highness, and the worker who falsely accused was also sentenced."

"It can be seen from this that His Royal Highness is right about things and not people. As long as we abide by the law, His Royal Highness treats businessmen and common people equally."

This matter, the businessman who does it again will naturally know it.

If they didn't even know these things, it would be impossible to earn such a family business.

But even so, they still sneered at Zhang Fengnian's words.

"It's just a big hit. For those troublemakers, it doesn't hurt at all."

"This kind of thing is just a show for us, just to appease us, and you really believe it."

"I don't care about the thug who made the false accusation. I only know that someone was killed in the street, and the murderer is still at large. If you can't give us an explanation, absolutely not!"

"Okay!" Zhang Fengnian said in a deep voice: "Let's not talk about money for now. We are all businessmen, as long as there is interest, we can talk about everything."

"Then I would like to ask you seniors, do you really think that you can beat His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness, together with the current emperor, he drove away Meng Yuan and established the Ming Dynasty. He has never lost a battle with his troops. Do you really want to be an enemy of such a person?"

The merchants in the middle of the private room were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

It was as if what Zhang Fengnian said was a particularly funny joke.

"I said Zhang Fengnian, even if you are touting for the King of England, there must be a limit, okay?"

"In terms of leading troops to fight, we admit that His Royal Highness is indeed a remarkable figure."

Another businessman wiped his tears: "I also heard that His Royal Highness the King of England is a genius in heaven, and he also has extraordinary abilities in strange skills and ingenuity."

After that, everyone's attitude gradually became unified.

"But when it comes to business, His Royal Highness may not be so powerful, right?"

Although there are two examples of Shen Wansan and Zhou Gushan.

But in the eyes of these businessmen, it was Shen Wansan and the others who really mattered.

As for Zhu Han, the King of England, he just provided some convenience.

If they were replaced by them, they would definitely not be much worse than Shen Wansan.

Seeing these people rampant like this, Zhang Fengnian secretly sighed: "I'm sorry, my lord, but I, Zhang Fengnian, are incompetent and can't convince them."

Different road non-phase plan.

Since these people are determined to fight against Zhu Han, Zhang Fengnian is too lazy to flirt with them.

Getting ready to stand up and leave.

The door of the private room was suddenly pushed open.

A businessman with silk and satin all over his body, with a slightly fat body and a smile like Maitreya Buddha, pushed the door and entered.

"Everyone, Boss Shen and Boss Zhou are here."

Although at this moment, Boss Shen and Boss Zhou in Yanjing City have eight hundred if not one thousand.

But when it is mentioned on this occasion, everyone knows who it represents.

Naturally, he is now the second richest businessman in Ming Dynasty.

Shen Wansan, Zhou Gushan.

Zhang Fengnian was about to leave, but when he heard the names of these two people, he stopped again.

"Why are they here? Could it be..." Thinking about it, Shen Wansan and Zhou Gushan might do something that is not good for Zhu Han.

Zhang Fengnian felt that he must not leave so easily.

"Boss Shen is here, and it's full of splendor!"

"I met Boss Shen."

"Meet Boss Zhou."

The people in the private room smiled more brightly than the other, just like a room full of chrysanthemums.

Shen Wansan didn't put on airs, and cupped his fists in return one by one.In comparison, Zhou Gushan's attitude was much more arrogant, and he just nodded slightly as a response.

Zhang Fengnian also mixed in the crowd and hugged his fists, without the enthusiasm of the past.

Although he was very grateful to Shen Wansan, if he really mixed with these people, it would represent Shen Wansan's personality, and that's all.

If Shen Wansan was unlucky because of this incident, he would help within the scope of his ability to repay the previous kindness.

"Sit, let's all sit!" Shen Wansan took the main seat as a matter of course.

Zhou Gushan, who had always been at odds with Shen Wansan, did not contradict him this time, but sat beside him in silence.

This time, Zhang Fengnian also saw Shen Wansan's demeanor.

Since he entered the private room, the entire banquet was almost under his control.

No matter who he was chatting with, he seemed to be confiding in his heart. He knew everything about the situation of everyone present, and he was even clear about the difficulties the other party had.

Moreover, Shen Wansan is not empty talk, if he can help, he will use the resources at hand to help the other party solve their difficulties.

If he can't solve it by himself, he will ask Zhou Gushan for help, or give him an idea.

It gives people the feeling that they are pouring out their hearts and souls for everyone.

Zhang Fengnian was dumbfounded by what he saw, and he was very straight in his heart.

No wonder Shen Wansan was able to become the richest man, the ability to control people's hearts alone was enough for him to learn.

And the most important point, ever since Shen Wansan came in, he never mentioned anything about King Ying.

The businessmen in this room were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but they couldn't open their mouths.Because every topic Shen Wansan talked about was closely related to their business.

(End of this chapter)

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