Sichuan governor Fei Hongzai started his journey basically after the third year of junior high school.

The road to Shu was difficult, so he had to set off long in advance so that he could arrive at the capital before the Great Court Meeting.

Besides him, there are three special people in his team.

Among them, two were tied up and thrown into the prison van, while the other was normal.

In October last year, the imperial attendant came with a decree, asking him to elaborate on the virtues and ways of governing the three prefects of Jiading Prefecture Li Danhua, Shunqing Prefecture Prefect Liu Fu, and Xuzhou Prefecture Prefect Fu Maoxing.

This is the first time for such a decree.But what came from the attendant's room must have been ordered by the emperor himself.

And he also knows the rules of the attendant's office, if he doesn't reply for a long time, he will definitely issue a supervision order to urge it.

So he did it himself.

But I don’t know if I don’t check, I’m shocked when I check, Li Danhua, the prefect of Jiading Prefecture, and Liu Fu, the prefect of Shunqing Prefecture, are flattering and flattering to the top, bullying and slavery to the bottom, and their life style is extravagant and extravagant. The ostentation, the key is that such a person has won the first class in the official department.

This matter is not trivial.

And why did the emperor, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly want to investigate these two people?Could it be that the emperor already knew?

But he, the governor of Sichuan, didn't know!

And he himself hated such officials very much.

So no matter from which point of view, both Li Danhua and Liu Fu must be caught!
As for their relationship in Beijing, Fei Hong is not afraid!
Fei Hong, courtesy name Zichong, ranked first in the gold list of the Dingwei Imperial Palace Examination in the 23rd year of Chenghua!
But having said that, this is not something to be afraid of, it is mainly a little embarrassing.

The emperor picked three people out to question him, and it turned out that two magistrates were corrupt officials, and the other Fu Maoxing was actually too embarrassing to use, and his talent was mediocre, but he was only good at flattering his boss.

So here comes the question, how to write this memorial?
Three magistrates, none of them were good, and he didn't need to lie for these people.

Fortunately, his wife Pu reminded him in the end.

Gu Renyi of Yibin County is upright and unyielding, honest and honest, and dares to fight for the people. Although he is only a seventh-rank county magistrate, it is rare to find a good official.

Fei Hong thought it made sense, so he waited for this person at the end of the memorial.

Unexpectedly, the effect is very good. The palace's instructions: good, take it to Beijing.

Only at this time did Fei Hong understand the meaning of the emperor's actions.

It's not for the purpose of investigating these few people, but for the purpose of selecting the best.

This Gu Renyi is lucky.

It's a pity that his luck was so-so. This year, Sichuan encountered floods during the flood season and drought in autumn and winter.

Sichuan is far away from the capital, and it is difficult to respond in time whether it is to transfer money or grain into Sichuan.

So this year Sichuan not only saw a sharp reduction in taxes and food, but also tens of thousands of people starved to death under the famine.

He, the governor of Sichuan, will become responsible even if he has no responsibility.

Should the emperor and the court be held accountable?

In this case, he will not move his seat again.

Even if it is a natural disaster, it is not justified to be starved and killed on the one hand, and to have a prosperous official career on the other hand.

Gu Renyi took the lead under such circumstances. The disaster in Yibin County was not serious, but this person opened a warehouse in time to release food, and mobilized large households in the county to donate, and finally saved the lives of many people.

The "resisting for the people" mentioned in the memo means that he had a big fight with the magistrate in court over the embezzlement of some disaster relief food.

He is not satisfied with the 5 shi promised by the above, but he is not satisfied with 4 shi.

Therefore, it became famous for a while.

After more than two months of rushing, the group of them finally arrived in Shuntian Prefecture.

In the north in February, there are still dead trees everywhere, and most rivers can still see a thin layer of ice in the early morning.

The weather is bitter and cold, and it is not easy for the people. Beside the official road, from time to time, some refugees will be seen begging along the road.

Such a scene was not uncommon in the Ming Dynasty.

But every time I see it, it still makes me feel heavy.

Among them was an old farmer with ragged clothes and disheveled hair. For some reason, he was carrying a doll in a bamboo basket. It was cold, and the doll had sores on his face and kept crying.

"There is a natural disaster in Sichuan, but I don't know why it is in Beizhili."

Gu Renyi in the team suddenly said this, and then he put down his airs as a scholar, ran to the prison car at the back of the team, and shouted, "Come on! Take off the clothes of these two people!"

Li Danhua and Liu Fu were quick-witted, and began to break out in cold sweat in the middle of winter, "Gu Renyi! You are crazy, what are you doing?"

"You are the ones who are crazy! The infant baby has no clothes to keep warm, but you two corrupt officials are tightly wrapped!"

"Don't be generous to others, you look at Dayi Lingran, don't you wear cotton clothes and trousers?"

Gu Renyi was stunned for a moment, "Okay, then we don't wear them. You two, go and take off theirs, and I will take off my clothes myself!"

Fei Hong at the front lifted the curtain of the carriage, only glanced back, and said nothing.

Like a tacit consent.

And this Gu Renyi was really like a lunatic, she took off the padded coat and handed it to the old farmer on the side of the road together with Li and Liu, which made the two people curl up in the cold immediately. , yelling.

Gu Renyi had already gone to the side of the road, "Old man, it's cold, I'd better put it on for your grandson."

This scene does not make the truly benevolent feel a sense of accomplishment, but only feels that the world is difficult and the people's livelihood is suffering.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

The old man kowtowed to Gu Renyi, which made people feel sad.

It's a pity that Gu Renyi distributed a lot of food along the way, which made him a little hungry at this time.There is no dry food in my arms.

"Old man, where are you going this winter?"

The old man said, "Go to the capital."

"Go to defect?"

"No, I heard from people in the village that I want to earn some wages where the capital works."

"But...why leave at this time?"

At this time, one or two men were following behind, and they were a little out of breath when they came here. They squatted down and said, "The food is gone. If you don't go to work, you will starve to death."

Gu Renyi sighed, "It's still a hundred miles away from the capital, you..."

"The official... must be the team that went to the capital. Recently, there are a lot of people from all over the country. Anyway, we are going to beg for food, and we will talk about it when we get to the capital."

The old man silently put on clothes for his grandson again. The clothes were very big, and it happened to be wrapped around each other to make it warmer. Because of this, the little baby stopped crying.

Gu Renyi didn't expect this man to know something about the imperial court, so he said: "Nowadays, the sage loves the people like a son, and the people and herdsmen in Hebei are gradually being cancelled...You guys, if you persist, it will definitely be better in the future. "

"The folk herding in Zhuo County was canceled last year." The old man said quickly.

Gu Renyi was startled, "Then why can I only beg?"

"Abolishing the folk herding, the imperial court will have to take back the horses. The horses raised by the little old man are not qualified, so they have to be fined, and the original few mu of Susukida can only be sold."

If Gu Renyi was still a Jinshi who had just left Beijing, he might not be able to understand the connotation.
But he has been the county magistrate for six years.

What is unqualified?
What is qualified?
There is a lot of room to maneuver here.

But thinking about it this way, Gu Renyi was quite shocked, and turned her head to ask the others, " too?"

Everyone was silent.



"Zhong Cheng, this subordinate wants to enter Beijing later."

In a pavilion, Gu Renyi knelt in front of Fei Hong who was sitting upright.

Fei Hong ate very hard dry food and water, and continued on his way. In fact, his complexion was not very good. "Yishan (Gu Renyi), why are you an official?"

"Naturally, it is the emperor's father on the top, and the Li Shu on the bottom."

"Do you want to be promoted?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe in Zhongcheng or not. I have been a county magistrate for six years, and I have never thought about being promoted."

Fei Hong sighed, "You should think about it. If you want to do more for the people, you should think about it. Back then, when His Majesty was still the crown prince, he encouraged the officials of the East Palace to hone their skills so that they could sit in higher positions Location. If you are a small seventh-rank magistrate, how many people can you save if you break your leg and speak out? People in Beijing often say that if you want to seek an official, you must first seek your own life. This sentence is not unreasonable. It depends on how you understand it."

Gu Renyi kowtowed, "Xiaguan naturally understands what Zhong Cheng said. But seven years ago, Xiaguan went to Beijing to catch up on the exam, and six years ago, Xiaguan traveled far away to take up his post. , The policy of returning the people to the fields, the lower official thought that this time he entered Beijing, he could see the smoke from the kitchen, but he didn't want to be a refugee begging along the road. The lower official really doesn't understand. If this doubt is not solved, even if the emperor in the Jinluan Hall personally Asked, the lower officials can only falter and haw, not knowing how to answer, and at that time it will also lose face to Zhongcheng."

Fei Hong took a meaningful look at the middle-aged official.

"...Then when you go, don't wear official uniforms, and bring two people with you. When you arrive at the capital, go to Yangyu Lane to find me. Besides, don't delay too long. Be sure to enter the capital before March."

Gu Renyi was overjoyed, "Thank you Zhongcheng!"

In fact, Fei Hong still had something to say, so he stood up and turned his back to him.

It took about a while before he suddenly turned around, and his eyes had become extremely serious.

"You can ask, watch, or even play about the affairs of Shuntian Mansion. The Great Court Meeting in March is for His Majesty to ask the world. But here is Gyeonggi, and the relationship between Gyeonggi and Gyeonggi is intertwined. Many people and many things are not just Li. The two corrupt officials, Danhua and Liu Fu, are so simple, and sometimes even involve the palace.

You are fighting in Sichuan, in the final analysis, it is the governor, the official, who is carrying it for you.But when you arrive in the capital, you are too young as a seventh rank, and the governor is also too young. If you are still the same as before, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect you.But having said that, when the Holy Son of Heaven is in court, the Son of Heaven believes even more in the words of a junior official of the seventh rank, so there is a great deal of uncertainty. "

Gu Renyi was upright, "I only say what I have seen and believed in. Since you are the Holy Son of Heaven, you must be able to discern the traitor."

"I don't mean that."

"Then what does Zhongcheng mean?"

Fei Hong helped him up, and he wanted to say something from the bottom of his heart, "Yishan, today, he is extremely talented, he seeks out others, and has his own arrangements for doing things and appointing officials. This is a question of whether you have disrupted His Majesty's arrangements. Do you understand?"

"Then...does Your Majesty know about these things, or not?" Gu Renyi asked with a puzzled face.

But Fei Hong did not give an accurate answer.

However, this place in the capital has always been complicated, and not all questions have clear answers.

And the fate of people is to walk out of a completely different scenery at this uncertain fork.

However, what Gu Renyi didn't understand was, what did Zhongcheng refer to in terms of the intertwined land of Gyeonggi?

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