eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 430 Political Cracks

Chapter 430 Political Cracks
This February, so many people came to Beijing, not only the emperor was busy, but the cabinet was also busy, and the yamen in Beijing were even busier.

What Gu Renyi saw was seen by others.

"The combined state treasury and domestic funds exceed 1000 million taels of silver, and Zhejiang will ship at least 400 million taels of silver this year. The total is 500 million taels of silver, which can be calculated."

Peng Ze, who was transferred to Henan governor last year, had worked as an inspector in Zhejiang. He naturally knew a thing or two about Meiji's "crazy" in Zhejiang and the huge profits of maritime trade.

"...But the imperial court has so much silver, yet the Ming Dynasty is full of hungry people. Sichuan and other provinces have suffered disasters, so let's not talk about it. Henan is not full of tourists in good years. There are even people begging along the way in the Northern Zhili area. Elder Ge, what will His Majesty do to discuss this year's grand meeting?"

Peng Ze is a Qingliu official with a straight personality and a clean reputation.

In Zhejiang back then, he and Wang Qiong didn't get along, and the two had a lot of quarrels.Later, when he was transferred to Henan, he was considered a stable official, and in this stability, he also had a bit of a fighting spirit. Although this person is a frail scholar, his methods are also tough.

In today's trend that the emperor's favor is more and more favored by local officials, he, Peng Ze, can occupy a place because of the three words of honesty, stability, and toughness.

As a Qingliu official, he still prefers the traditional bureaucrats of the cabinet as a whole.

In any case, the emperor held Liu Jian in his arms and kept Li Dongyang and Xie Qian's positions firmly, which shows that they still have weight in the emperor's heart.Emperors sometimes used theirs too.

In addition to Peng Ze, there is Wu Hou, the governor of Baoding.

Wu Hou, courtesy name Wenfu, was the No. 14 Jinshi in the 2th year of Chenghua. He was in the same discipline as Liang Chu, the current Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Liang Chu was the first in the second class.Later, when I went to the Hanlin Academy... editors, editors, and lecturers, these people probably survived like this.

The official position of the governor of Baoding is naturally not as good as that of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

This is the difference between going to the East Palace or not. Liang Chu was a Xianma in the East Palace, and this status is an official of the East Palace. Once the new king succeeds to the throne, it will naturally be different.

However, the governor of Baoding, after all, is in charge of more than [-] counties in six prefectures including Baoding Mansion, and he is a proper seal of officials in Xinjiang.

"The imperial court wants to withdraw the people and herdsmen, but the order is not the same. In the past, both the officials and the people have to be considerate of the difficulties of the imperial court. But what about this year? Baoding Mansion has withdrawn, but Zhending Mansion and Hejian Mansion have not. When the common people make trouble, I can't keep my governor's head. I finally saved some money, and some people want to start a big war."

Wu Hou's expression was extremely sympathetic, "Is it true that I, an official of Ming Dynasty, don't care about the life and death of the people so much?"

"Both of you, have you dismissed your majesty?"

Peng Ze and Wu Hou are both in the same situation, queuing up.

Peng Ze said: "I am tomorrow. At that time, I will definitely explain the matter here to Your Majesty!"

"Okay. I'll be with Brother Jiwu."

Li Dongyang and Xie Qian couldn't deny their statement, even they also felt that this year's situation, the imperial court really wanted to benefit the people.Otherwise, how can they be worthy of the common people in the world?
The issue is……

Lin Han, Minister of Rites who was also here, said: "However, Yang Zengrong's memorial was retained. Perhaps His Majesty is also considering the plan to go on an expedition to Tatar in the second year of Zhengde. Your Majesty has lofty aspirations and is an extraordinary king. However, such a talented and bold monarch wants martial arts, and it can be seen that it is listed as a national policy.

When it comes to resetting, Wu Zhongcheng said that the matter of people and herdsmen is the most important.First, if the people and herds retreat quickly, the number of horses will inevitably be greatly reduced.On the occasion of the conquest of Tatars, will His Majesty really grant Wu Zhongcheng's request?Second, the soldiers and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first.No matter how much money the imperial court has, if it is really counted on the expansion of the army and preparations for war, it will not last long. The 60-year savings of the Han family is enough for Emperor Wu to attack the Xiongnu in the north. How can he compare with the big man under Wen Jingzhi's rule? "

What Lin Han said is exactly the crux of the matter right now.

How to make concessions to benefit the people depends on how to make concessions.Even when it comes to people's animal husbandry, profit is second, and the key is horses.

Peng Ze clenched his fists in his sleeves, "In this case, I will go to Shuzuo to ask Your Majesty to stop the troops temporarily. They can change the three-year re-examination to two-year re-examination. Why can't we change the three-year re-examination to Repeat in five or eight years? Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and he is definitely not a tyrannical king. The people's life will be better, Ming Dynasty will be prosperous and strong, and the barbarians from all over the world will not obey!"

Xie Qian raised his eyes, "If His Majesty's will could be changed, Duke Xixian would have changed it long ago. Why do you need it now? The emperor's will can only be fought for, not forced. Jiwu, you still need to develop your skills. "

Xie Qian is a senior in private and a boss in business, this sentence can still be said.

No matter how angry Peng Ze was, he could only tilt his head and snort, not daring to refute.

Li Dongyang sat like a dead tree for a long time, and finally said: "Yu Qiao's words still have some truth. The emperor's will can't be forced. It's just too easy to break, and the impulsiveness will become the beauty of others. Some people, they still wish We will start a quarrel with the emperor. At that time, it will be the real harm to the people.

As for the matter itself...it is true that the emperor loves the people, we each present our own opinions and explain the truth, and His Majesty will not completely ignore it. "

This is the cognition of the cabinet after years of struggle with the emperor.

To put it bluntly, you have to stroke the emperor's hair.The more you want to achieve your goals, the more you want to do this.

Don't try to frame him with the words of a sage or the way of a wise king.

how many times...

It is not certain who will frame who in the end.

So let's see what the emperor said during the great court meeting.

As for the matter of this year's Great Court Meeting, it has already been experienced before.Arrangements will be much smoother.And it doesn't seem to be the most concerned about issues like last year.

It is more about the flow of personnel and money behind the issues.

But no one really puts these two things on their faces. Power and money appear in the cloak of issues.

As for the topic itself, it's basically the same set, such as duplication, river engineering, and the city that never sleeps.

The key to everything lies in how the emperor decides.

If you can win the "this vote" of the emperor, you will be promoted and allocated funds.

If the emperor doesn't agree with you, it's basically nothing.

This pattern itself has its own problems. For example, no one cares about the issue itself, but cares most about "shangyi".

But how should I put it, this situation was created by Zhu Houzhao's painstaking efforts and various means.

It can even be said that it began in the 11th year of Hongzhi.

This is the inevitable result of centralization of power.

But in Zhu Houzhao's hands, it's okay, because his "shangyi" can be said to be for the country and the people.

Yang Zengrong analyzed the importance of the word situation in the memorial.Sometimes, to accomplish one thing, personal preparation is important, but it may be more important to look up and see what is going on around you.

With the ending of the left and right wing Mongolia, could Daming just sit back and watch?

And if we don’t fight this year, we will continue to allocate large sums of money next year.

In this way, it is impossible to say which one is better.

But military affairs, how can it be so easy to make decisions.

Maybe Du Wei secretly thought about what to do if he failed, let alone him as an ordinary person.

However, Yang Zengrong's memorial was retained, which immediately touched the hearts of many people.

Wang Bing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, even felt that he had touched a trace of holy meaning.

He had long wanted to push for a cabinet replacement, but the emperor was very politically sensitive, and any response would wipe out his arrangements.

So he had tried several times, until he changed his mind this time, and finally got a shot.

It also made him think highly of Yang Zengrong.

"The emperor kept your memorabilia, presumably because he wanted to complete the repetition ahead of time."

"If that's the case, the next official will congratulate Da Sima in advance,"

"how do I say this?"

"In this year's situation, all places and government departments will ask the emperor for money, and the most powerful one is the cabinet."

"Why?" Wang Bing asked this question, which seemed to be a bit of an exam.

"Because the general situation is so. These officials have always been eyeing the money of the imperial court, and this year, His Majesty has the intention to spend money. Officials from all over the country who have entered Beijing are all running for relationships. Except for the emperor, the biggest relationship is the cabinet. And these officials want money. The reasons must be legitimate, and the cabinet cannot and will not refuse."

Wang Bing smiled slightly,
This Yang Zengrong is indeed somewhat clever.

He even spoke out what was in his mind.

Last time, he broke up with Mr. Li Ge and Mr. Xie Ge, and he felt even more disapproving of them in his heart.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, that seat, you can't let these people sit down slowly, can you?

The point is that there are some 'political rifts' between the cabinet itself and the emperor.

This is nothing to blame.

If he doesn't use it today, he will be used by others tomorrow.That being the case, why give it up to others?

And this rift appeared in this Great Court Meeting.

When Wang Bing began to feel the atmosphere of "reaching out to the court" for money, he keenly realized that he could dig this hole for the cabinet.As Yang Zengrong said, if you want money now, the reason must be very legitimate.

After all, it has been Zhengde for two years. Could there be any idiots who would suggest that the emperor build a palace?Local officials already have political performance pressure, and the emperor loves the people, so of course they want money for the sake of the people!

And when such a request was made, the cabinet really couldn't refuse it.

"Speaking of which, the old man has no other choice."

Yang Zengrong didn't understand why a dignified Minister of the Ministry of War had no choice but to ask, "What does Da Sima mean?"

"Pointing to the horse." Wang Bing focused his index finger on the table, his eyes were very deep.

"The cabinet wants to withdraw the people and herdsmen quickly. If this is the case, they can leave their names in history and drink together. But the emperor will ask the Taipu Temple for the remaining horses, and the Taipu Temple belongs to the Ministry of War. However, the people and herdsmen are missing a lot, where will the Ministry of War get these horses? Could it be possible that I, the Shangshu, can conjure them up?"

Yang Zengrong nodded as if realizing something.

But if His Majesty is willing to push Zhengde to start resetting in the second year, it will be different, and it can even be said to be completely reversed.

First, in order to prepare for the war, the people and herdsmen will not retreat so quickly, so the problem of horses will not arise.

Secondly, the emperor would naturally not give all the money to the cabinet and Qingliu, at least he would leave a large part of it for military supplies, and for the sake of safety, he would also leave money in case of accidents.Then the contradiction between the cabinet and the emperor will be highlighted.

Think again how Liu Jian got down in the first place?It's not because he opposes the emperor's sending troops!
According to the emperor's temperament, ordinary small matters can be tolerated, but when it comes to military affairs, no matter whether you are a veteran of the four dynasties or a founding honor, you can still win!

Under that situation, are they still able to secure their positions in the cabinet?
"If Da Sima wants to be on the safe side, it's best to meet another person."


"Yang Yingning."

(End of this chapter)

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