Chapter 232

After that, the man named Sigsmond Sinclair no longer mentioned his ideals, his hometown, or the woman he had loved deeply.

But he didn't forget what he'd been through, the killing he'd made, or why his wife had died.

He knew he was not the Son of Prophecy.

He wasn't sure if everything he did was right, he just knew he couldn't become the enemy he had been fighting against.

So instead of trying to make a comeback, he started wandering around Pendor, becoming a lone ranger, using his own way to kill those 'villains' who didn't fit his concept of good and evil.

His armor is no longer white, but black, pure black.

Gradually, he left his hometown and came to the south.

When he wandered to the territory of Bacchus, he heard about a series of reforms promulgated by Emperor Marius.

Those reform provisions seem to be all for the people's consideration...

He thought that Emperor Marius might be the real son of prophecy, and he planned to live a peaceful life in Bacchus and stop fighting and killing.

But not long ago, a small act of righteousness directly wiped out the hope in his heart-he saw a Bacchus nobleman beating a servant, and he was about to be beaten to death. He stepped forward to stop him, and was accused of "robbing others legal property', and went to jail for it.

That servant is a slave, and a slave is just property in Bacchus. Outsiders have no right to intervene in what the master wants to do. The consequences of intervention are equivalent to robbery...

So Sigismund applied to participate in the gladiator in prison. He was not sentenced to slavery, but only temporarily acted as a gladiator.

But after an uprising in Siyuan City, he stood with the slaves, and gradually became an important figure in the uprising army—it’s a bit weird to say, but he does have rebellion experience...

The size of the gladiators' army became larger and larger, in fact, because Sigismund was really skilled in rebellion.

But this kind of proficiency is probably also the root cause of the loss of control of the rebel army in a short period of time.

Because Sigismund was very good at recruiting men, but he didn't know how to discipline an army, because he was not a disciplined person himself.

But what Sigismund can be sure of is that the mistakes he once made cannot happen again.

He looked at the lord quite frankly, because he really had no selfishness - he thought what he was doing was right.

He is doing what he didn't finish 20 years ago like instinct.

In other words, this was what his wife, that stubborn woman, wanted to do with all her heart.

For civilians, but also for a free and stable life.

The episode made by Sigismund alarmed everyone, but fortunately, except for Alina and Kryon, all the people present were their own people, and the final shout was controlled to 'Fight for Freedom' superior.

But Alina just looked at Li Ang with all her thoughts and didn't say anything.

General Kryon himself was also a civilian, so he didn't say anything.

The two silently led the exorcists into Boshi City.

The Radiant Cross plague exorcists are going to help Governor Justus control the Red Death in the city. This is the most important thing right now.

Although the exorcists were only skilled crossbowmen and had no medical skills, at least they had rich experience in preventing and controlling the Red Death, and they had a determination that most people did not possess.

After they entered the city, Boshi City quickly restored order.

Justus's heart is indeed worthy of his position. After meeting General Kryon, he handed over the management of Boshi City to the exorcists who are better at controlling the Red Death.

Afterwards, a Red Death Prevention and Control Center was set up in the auditorium of the Knights of the Glorious Cross in the city.

In order to prevent General Kryon from being tied up when he was in the city, Justus even took the initiative to leave the city and came to the lord's barracks.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, we meet again...I didn't expect you to be the one who saved Boshi City. I must thank you."

Justus was quite calm when he entered the lord's barracks, but the young imperial guards around him were all extremely nervous.

Because the gladiators who were still fighting with them a day ago were also in this barracks.

"Your Excellency Justus, I heard that you deliberately took the initiative to fight and dragged down this army... This doesn't seem to be something 'unexpected', it's probably your idea that your daughter came to me for help, right? If I'm not mistaken, Knight Commander Loris of the Glorious Cross Knights is yours, right?"

The lord stretched out his arms to take Justus into his tent, this action was exactly the same as he had kidnapped Justus before.

"No, Loris is just my friend, not my subordinate... I just asked Loris to try to find a powerful lord who understands the reason for help. I know that the Sarleon King will probably not respond to the request from Bacchus. After all, Ur Rick doesn't have a big heart..."

Justus shook his head and smiled, probably remembering the first time he met the lord.

It is also in a large military tent, with the same posture of "hands-on-arms-talking", and even the trembling entourage around the visitor is exactly the same... It's just that the host and guest have switched positions.

"Aren't you afraid that the reinforcements won't arrive? What if Boshi City is captured? You're gambling..."

Li Ang took out his small knife again, but this time he was really peeling apples for the guests sincerely.

"I just do my best to obey the destiny. After all, I have no other choice. Internal and external troubles... At least let Luciana go to the Sarleon Realm to find help, then she will be safe..."

Justus sighed with some feeling, and changed the subject: "Your Excellency Leon, Luciana said that you will bring these gladiators to help the empire resolve the crisis?"

"Your daughter has changed her name now... Yes, I promised Alina to hand over Karen Lunborg and this army to me peacefully, and I will lead them to accomplish what she wants to do."

The lord nodded, cut the peeled apple in half and handed it to Justus: "Don't worry, I keep my word. The Snake Cult is our common enemy."

"I know you will keep your word. After all, this is also to remove the threat to your territory. If the empire collapses, your territory will be the first to suffer...I just want to ask you to rescue Emperor Lingang first."

Justus took the apple with his hand, with a look of anxiety on his face: "Just like this apple, the empire has been cut in half, and it has been a long time... Di Lingang may not last long, if Di Lingang If it is captured, the Snake Cult's follow-up troops will definitely invade continuously, just like..."

"Just like Bacchus invaded the Pendor Continent more than 100 years ago... I can understand that when they have the largest port in the Pendor Continent as their base, their offensive will definitely not stop."

Li Ang looked at Justus with some seriousness: "However, I thought you would persuade me to rescue Siyuan City as soon as possible...Emperor Marius may not last long in Siyuan City, you don't worry about the capital being breached, the emperor Killed? If I remember correctly, you and Emperor Marius are the closest comrades in arms..."

"I trust His Majesty's ability. As long as he is still in Siyuan City, he will be able to hold off any enemy, including the fear army."

Justus did seem to have great confidence in Emperor Marius.

"It's really enviable that Emperor Marius has a friend like you... Does the empire have other reinforcements that will go to save Siyuan City?"

Li Ang looked into Justus's eyes and began to nibble on the apple.

"...Yes, the Ashborn Empire on the Almara continent will send the Phoenix Knights to support... Luciana actually told you this?"

Justus frowned.

"She didn't tell me, you told me... Besides, before you came, I actually just helped Alina write a letter to Siyuan City."

Lord Lord looked at Justus and smiled: "Master Governor, I promise you to go to Emperor Lingang first. But I hope you understand that we are still enemies."

"I understand, I understand... Actually, you can join the empire. I believe His Majesty will be happy to make you the governor of the north... You may even be elected as the next emperor!"

Justus looked at Li Ang, and finally said the solicitation.

"I have no chance to join the Bacchus Empire. These gladiators outside will not agree... Besides, the old empire like Bacchus is too old for me..."

The lord sighed and shook his head: "We can be friends, but we can only be enemies..."


Siyuan City.

Emperor Marius had the best news he had received in months.

Boshi City was rescued.

This is the news sent back by several shadow hunters desperately, and a letter was brought along with the news.

Arina's letter to Emperor Marius.

For the Bacchus Empire, if any one of the three core cities is freed from the siege, it can release its power to save other places.

If Siyuan City can be stabilized, it is only a matter of time before the crisis is resolved.

But the problem of time is a big problem.

Whether it is Siyuan City or Emperor Lingang, I am afraid that there is not much time left...

Emperor Mario was now facing almost the same situation as Justus had before - the Red Death was also found in Siyuan City.

The same internal and external troubles.

Moreover, what is worse than Boshi City is that the enemies outside Siyuan City are the Legion of Terror!
Emperor Marius had seen with his own eyes the appearance of this fearsome legion on the city walls.

It was an eerily quiet force.

Their bodies were decayed, their hollow eye sockets looked lifeless, their pale ribs peeking out from beneath their turquoise skin.

It was a group of withered corpses!

But their bodies in dark green armor are still clearly majestic and neat. They don't seem to have forgotten their fighting instincts, and they have strict discipline.

The head of the Dread Legion was also in front of the battle, a beautiful woman on the back of a long-maned horse.

She was wearing a close-fitting dark green armor, with a graceful figure, and long black hair like a waterfall was scattered on her back from behind the helmet that covered the upper half of her face.

Behind her, there were nearly two hundred personal guards in the same attire—that was the horned viper vanguard that the shadow centurion, who was a scout, had encountered before.

"I am Maltis! Surrender to me, or be conquered by me!"

This was the only sentence that Emperor Marius heard. It was said only once by the beautiful female commander of the Dread Legion over 100 meters away.

But this sentence, I am afraid that everyone in Siyuan City can hear it - this sentence spread to everyone's ears as if shrouded in magic, very clear.


Emperor Marius had heard of the name.

Because 150 years ago, it was the fear army led by Martis that broke through the Bacchus imperial capital on the Amara continent and destroyed the Bacchus empire.

"Your Majesty, she should be a Sindarin elf, and her guards were also elf warriors. Even if they couldn't ride horses when they attacked the city, it's unlikely we could hold it..."

Sura, the commander of the shadow wolves, was also on the city wall, and he did not hide in the shadows this time.

"The resurrected Sindarí...can she do magic?"

Emperor Marius had also seen information about Martis from ancient documents. This emperor was the librarian of Siyuan City when he was young.

Maltis was the personal guard of the Sindarin Elf King and died in the battle of the Titans.

No one knows how she came back from the dead, but the name is mentioned in many sources.

"Probably not, anyway, we haven't seen it... But the undead army that never dies is a kind of powerful magic. Maybe only the Sindari elves back then had such magic power."

Sura shook her head, her blood-red pupils had shrunk, and it seemed that only the Legion of Terror was left in her eyes.

This terrifying enemy doesn't look like undead at all. They are even building siege equipment right now, just like the most elite regular army, they are orderly and silent.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Dread Legion has been known. Emperor Marius also knew the origin of this legion, and many documents have recorded it.

General Sura, the commander of the shadow wolves who came from the continent of Amala, also confirmed the situation of the Dread Legion.

Most of the members of this legion originally came from the third legion of the old Bacchus Empire in the Amara continent.

Yes, this is 150 years ago, after General Osa invaded the Pendor Continent, he stayed in the Amara Continent to fight against the Snake Cult.

This legion was wiped out in the battle with the Snake Cult.

However, when the Amala Continent fell into total chaos and the Guabax Empire gradually shrunk its defenses to the imperial capital, the dead Third Legion unexpectedly reappeared on the battlefield.

But each of them has become a terrifying undead, and there is a new legion leader-Maltis.

Being able to destroy the powerful old Bacchus Empire, the Dread Legion is undoubtedly powerful, and various documents and records have also used a unified saying - "It cannot be fought against."

Today's New Bacchus, of course, cannot confront it head-on.

And, most troublingly, the Legion of Dread was not the only enemy facing Siyuan City.

The rebel army of Sheila Youzas reappeared in the north of Siyuan City. The force is unknown, but the attitude is obvious—he must have cooperated with the Snake Cult.

"Sura, are you ready?"

Emperor Marius turned his head and took a deep look at the palace of Siyuan City.

"Your Majesty, are you really going to do this? I still can't believe that this is Miss Alina's intention..."

Sura frowned, still looking at the army of terror that was building siege equipment below the city.

"It's not Arina's idea... This is the work of that Li Ang. Alina is still young, she can't make such a decision, and she can't say such a thing..."

Emperor Marius sighed: "He is indeed the great enemy of the empire, but the empire really needs such a great enemy..."

A few hours later, Siyuan City ignited a raging fire.

And the fear legion immediately began to attack from the south gate of Siyuan City.

At about the same time, Sheila Yuzas' rebel forces also attacked from the north.

The city was on fire, and the flames were soaring into the sky. Obviously there was chaos inside. This was naturally a good time to attack, and the enemies on both sides were smart people.

But Emperor Marius did not stop the enemy on the city wall this time.

He let the rebel army and the Snake Sect army enter the city from the north and south gates, but he brought most of the people in Siyuan City out of the city from the west, and took everything that could be taken away.

After all, Siyuan City is also a coastal city, with the port to the west, so leaving from the west will naturally prevent you from being attacked.

The Dread Legion was indeed terrifying, and the defenders of Siyuan City did not dare to fight against the withered undead or demons, but it was no problem to escape from the port.

It's just that the boats are limited, and many people even need to rely on driftwood to transfer, and most of the materials cannot be taken away.

But it is enough to bring people out. The red death disease has been found in Siyuan City, and the fear army cannot communicate. If they fight in the city, they will only die in the end.

"If you lose people and save land, you will lose all people and land; if you lose land and save people, you will save all people and land. If you are facing an invincible enemy, it is better to let them go to the city to defend, and you attack them outside."

These are the words in that letter, signed by General Changhe Town...

This is the official appointed by Emperor Marius when he framed Li Ang.

But Li Ang just wrote such a sentence, and it was Emperor Marius who finally made the decision.

Only this majesty has the courage to give up the capital, Siyuan City, and use Siyuan City to trap powerful enemies!

The Dread Legion and Sheila Youzas' rebels easily entered the city from the south to the north. There were no troops left behind in the city, and someone opened the north and south gates.

Those who opened the city gate were those who were left in the city with the Red Death.

They were not noble enough to kill the enemy with a disease and resist until the last minute, they just wanted to escape from the city.

But the rebels and the Dread Legion didn't listen to their judgment. They killed these people while rushing into the city, which was considered a pleasure for them.

But then, the rebel army and the fear army discovered at the same time that there were no living people in Siyuan City.

The raging fire burned the materials in Siyuan City, all the materials that could not be taken away were all piled up in the square, they had been completely burned, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

Emperor Mario left an empty city for the enemy, without people, food, or even a source of clean water—the wells in Siyuan City were all thrown into corpses.

There are indeed a lot of property left in the city, but things like gold and silver can neither be eaten nor worn...

It is unknown whether the Dread Legion will still need food and water, but Sheila Yuzas's rebels certainly do.

And there is no doubt that both the Rebels and the Dread Legion want control of the capital.

As a result, just one day later, Sheila Yuzas' rebels and the Dread Legion clashed in the city...

And on the night when the fire broke out in the city, a few small troops outside the east gate of Siyuan City also took advantage of the night to start building fortifications outside the city.

It was the shadow wolves. Under the leadership of Sura, they killed a small group of Snake Cult warriors left outside the city, and then blocked the east and north gates of Siyuan City from the outside.

At the same time, General Agathon's troops came to Siyuan City, and used the camp and siege equipment built by the Dread Legion to build a defensive formation to encircle the south gate.

The situation on the battlefield was suddenly changed. Emperor Marius sealed the Dread Legion and the rebels together in Siyuan City at the cost of the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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