Riding and Slashing

Chapter 233 Is it an enemy or a friend?

Chapter 233 Is it an enemy or a friend?

A few days later, the sound of fighting in Siyuan City had subsided, and some monsters in miserable green armor appeared on the city wall.

This obviously means the end of Sheila Yuzas's rebel army - with the north and west gates blocked, the rebel army is probably forced to fight a fierce and desperate street battle with the Dread Legion in the city. .

The result of the fighting between these two troops is obvious, and the voice of any living person has been heard in Siyuan City.

At this moment, countless ravines have been dug out of Siyuan City, and tens of thousands of people are surrounding the city to continuously build various fortifications.

Layers upon layers of horses and pits all over the ground showed the determination of Emperor Marius—he would not let the enemies in the city leave Siyuan City for half a step.

In fact, the number of regular troops available to Emperor Marius is not many. Even with the reinforcements brought by General Agathon, there are only more than 3000 soldiers who can truly be called fighters.

But nearly [-] people in Siyuan City are also here. Although these people cannot fight directly, they can build fortifications and facilities to carry the siege to the end.

Thanks to the rebellion of the gladiators in Siyuan City, the members of the Senate and some officials in the city ran to death. This made no one in Siyuan City hold back, and obeyed the order of Emperor Marius to abandon the city first and then besiege the city Very neat.

In addition, many people have seen those tall and strong horses like demons in the underworld, and they have also seen those fearsome legions who are obviously not living people.

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, the people of Siyuan City are indeed united as one, and everyone knows that those terrifying monsters in the city must not be allowed to come out.

At present, all the gates of Siyuan City cannot be brought out, and almost everyone in the army of Emperor Marius outside the city is holding a crossbow——Siyuan City has a lot of stocks, and most of the others may not be brought out, but everyone has food and crossbow arrows. I brought them all.

Many strong civilians can even get a crossbow.

The advantage of things like crossbows is that they can be used by ordinary people even without much training, and they don't have to face the enemy at close range, so they won't be too scared.

Even if you can't shoot accurately without training, you can at least string the crossbow behind the array and hand it over to a more professional shooter.

In the past few days, Governor Kairos pointed out that he led the troops to clear out the remaining enemies around the city, and then joined the team besieging the city, supplementing the line of defense with General Agathon.

The Shadow Centurions under Kailos and the Iron Ring Centurions under Agathon became real centurions at this time—they each led a team of civilians and kept setting up outside the city. with various obstacles.

Siyuan city's tall city walls and moat now in turn restrict the fear legion from leaving the city.

The Horned Viper Vanguard and the Giant Serpent Knight of the Dread Legion are indeed very powerful in field battles, but now that they have no way out of the city, they can't let those huge war horses jump off the city wall...

In fact, the only flaw of the Dread Legion is probably that none of them have bows and crossbows.

Viper Heralds use Throwing Axes, Serpent Riders use Throwing Spears, Dread Legion infantry all use Javelins and Spears...

They don't use heavy crossbows like ordinary Snake Cult warriors.

This is probably because the Third Legion of the Bacchus Empire was only equipped with javelins - this is Bacchus' traditional advantage...

Most of the powerful troops of the Bacchus Empire still use traditional javelin throwing spears as long-range weapons until now, such as the Shadow Legion.

But today's soldiers of other regular legions of the Bacchus Empire are actually equipped with crossbows.

This is mainly because today's Bacchus will also face the threat of the Noldor elves and the D'Shar Principality in the west - facing enemies who are good at bows and arrows, if they are not equipped with crossbows, it will be too bad.

It was precisely because he hadn't seen any bows and crossbows of the Dread Legion on the city wall before that Emperor Marius made such a plan.

Abandon Siyuan City first, leave from the seaport on the west side, let the Dread Legion enter the city, and burn the leftover materials and ports in the city.

Then go back to Siyuan City and block Siyuan City again.

This can not only guarantee the retreat of the army and the people, but also relieve the panic of the subordinates; it can also keep in touch with Boshi City and other places, and can respond at any time.

Don't be entangled in one city and one place, jump out of the thinking of "defending the city" to solve the problem, this is the inspiration that Li Ang's letter brought to Emperor Marius.

However, using the range advantage of the heavy crossbow to block the city was the specific implementation plan of Emperor Marius himself.

Throwing weapons such as throwing axes or javelins are indeed very lethal in the hands of monsters like the Dread Legion in field battles or city defense battles.

The former Shadow Centurion who led the scout team, and his eight members were almost all killed by the horned viper vanguard—whether it was a throwing ax or a sword, the horned viper vanguard almost only needed one shot to kill. trick.

However, throwing weapons have their limitations after all, and that is range and accuracy.

Ordinary people can only throw a javelin a few tens of meters. Even if it is a javelin with excellent craftsmanship and high balance, the throwing limit of human beings is only 100 meters.

As for the throwing axe... this thing can be thrown 50 meters to be considered a master of masters.

Of course, non-human beings like the Dread Legion can probably throw it farther, but no matter how powerful the throwing ability is, it is impossible to accurately hit the target after throwing the throwing ax or javelin 100 meters away...

But the crossbow can do it.

It is even possible for ordinary people to shoot the enemy with a heavy crossbow from 100 meters away.

The javelins of the Dread Legion have limited range and accuracy. Even if they are condescending on the city wall, they cannot effectively attack the troops besieging the city. However, the heavy crossbow outside the city can hit the enemies standing on the city wall.

Therefore, Emperor Marius did not launch an attack on Siyuan City. He turned the defensive battle or breakout battle that was impossible to win into a siege. Staying outside the city has turned into an advantage in itself.

Now that the initiative is back in his hands, there is no need to gamble anymore, and he can take his time.

The city gate was blocked, and the powerful cavalry of the Dread Legion could not leave the city.In fact, even if you leave the city, the outside of Siyuan City is not suitable for cavalry combat—there are horse traps and pits everywhere.

The terrible underworld demon-like war horse is useless, and the Dread Legion will not even want to leave the city for a while.

Maltis obviously has a lot of experience in battle. She didn't rush to break through, but let the fear legion leave the city wall and lose track.

She probably won't force her way out until she sees a suitable opportunity.

The city of Siyuan fell silent, and the fear legion was nowhere to be seen, but everyone knew they were still inside.

Emperor Marius could not withdraw from the siege, and the Dread Legion stopped making any movement, and the two sides began to fight.

Maybe this kind of consumption has an advantage against the fear army, after all, they obviously don't need supplies...

However, Emperor Marius has now moved outside the city, and his troops will not have to worry about supplies for a while - the surrounding villages and towns have been recovered one by one by Governor Kailos, and food is constantly being delivered, and small lords are constantly coming to join him. .

The situation in the Bacchus Empire seemed to be gradually improving, but Emperor Marius seemed rather melancholy.

"Your Majesty, your decision to withdraw from Siyuan City is obviously correct. But if there is no accident, you may encounter countless voices of opposition in the future... The Senate, the Shadow Legion, nobles who have lost their property, and even Governor Kairos may all Force you to abdicate on the grounds of losing the capital..."

General Agathon's eyes were fixed on Governor Kairos' camp in the distance.

"That would have to be after defeating the Snake Worship Sect...Actually, after reading the letter written by Li Ang, I understood that although Boshi City was rescued, the combat power of Boshi City will not come from Siyuan City for the time being... Li Ang and Justus will probably go to Emperor Lingang first, so I have to withdraw from Siyuan City."

Emperor Marius shook his head: "I don't care what will happen in the future, but at least I know that if Li Ang hadn't written to me, if I hadn't evacuated Siyuan City...then the Dread Legion would still occupy our capital, and the city walls would still be Will hang my head..."

"Huh... Di Lingang really needs to be rescued... But Li Ang... Is his attitude an enemy or a friend? He came to help us, but he has to claim that he is our enemy..."

General Agathon exhaled, and asked with some doubts.

"It's both an enemy and a friend... He won't join the Bacchus Empire, so give up your thoughts. His attitude actually wants me to understand that he must be my enemy, and I must also be his enemy..."

Mario shook his head and showed a forced smile: "With his great enemy, no one would dare to ask me to abdicate...and with me as his enemy, the nobles and kings of the Lion Kingdom would not dare Move him... He and I are overlooking the entire continent, but we are both restrained by some idiots... So, he and I are friends who help each other, and are our worst enemies."


There was also a hint of sadness in Agathon's eyes.


At the same time, in the southeast of the Bacchus Empire, the lord led his troops to a place he was familiar with - the village of Buyulin in the north of Emperor Lingang.

Governor Justus also brought his army along with the lord, and he left the entire Boshi City to General Kryon.

Not only that, he also borrowed Ansen from Li Ang, and asked Ansen to cooperate with General Kryon to preside over the prevention and control of the Red Death in Boshi City.

In fact, it might not be considered as borrowing, because An Sen actually stayed in Boshi City on his own initiative.

An Sen has lived in Boshi City for several years, and he has feelings for this place.

Moreover, the young doctor tried to find a medicine to cure or suppress the Red Death in Boshi City.

Perhaps Boshi City is indeed the most suitable place to do this right now - this is the headquarters of the Knights of the Glorious Cross who have been fighting the Red Death for a long time, and it also has the only 'medical school' in the whole continent.

In fact, it is the Boshi City Theological Seminary that Anson once attended...

This is the academy established by the Knights of the Radiant Cross in cooperation with Emperor Marius, and the doctors of the Knights occasionally teach in the seminary.

But at present, there are not many experienced doctors in the seminary. The doctors of the Knights of the Glorious Cross scattered to various places after the outbreak of the Red Death, and most of those who stayed in Boshi City were young apprentices.

Compared with Ansen today, these young apprentices are very far behind. Their familiarity with various gods is much higher than their medical skills... But in any case, at least they have common sense, and there is no problem in beating them.

Anson's current appearance looks like the teacher of those apprentices of the same age.

Since there are currently patients who can conduct clinical experiments, Anson is currently leading those apprentices to continuously configure various drugs to try, even including the use of some highly toxic drugs.

Anyway, if it is not treated, it will be dead sooner or later, and it is a last resort to use human beings for experiments. This kind of inhumane living body experiment can calm people's hearts at this time, at least it can make people feel a glimmer of hope.

Anyway, Anson is a bit real, at least he will not use bloodletting therapy or prayer therapy on patients, butcher-style solutions...

However, it is not so easy to develop drugs that can inhibit or treat the Red Death, and there is no effect yet.

And the lord can't help in curing diseases and saving lives. What he considers is not how to cure, but how to solve the problem from the root cause - the Snake Worship Cult is intentionally spreading the Red Death, and only by completely getting rid of the Snake Worship Cult is the cure The best way to cure the Red Death, otherwise, no matter how good the medicine is, it will not be able to withstand the deliberate poisoning.

Today, the main force of the Snake Cult in Bacchus has surrounded Emperor Lingang, and they are obviously clearing the way for the Snake Cult headquarters in the Amala Continent.

Naturally, the lord cannot allow the Snake Worship Cult to invade on a large scale. Even if Justus didn't ask him to rescue Emperor Lingang, Li Ang would have saved him.

Because he planned to come to Emperor Lingang first—otherwise he would not need to write a letter to Emperor Marius at all.

There are no people in Buyulin Village today. It is only a few tens of miles away from Dilingang, and the villagers have probably fled away.

Although it is now certain that the Snake Worship Cult created the Red Death in this village at that time in order to lure away the Knights of the Radiant Cross so that they could carry out conspiracy in more places.

But in any case, this at least makes this village the only village in the western part of the Bacchus Empire that can be guaranteed to be free from the Red Death, and it is also a suitable place for the army to settle down.

The combined army of nearly 4000 people can't hide it from anyone. Snake worshipers are everywhere around Dilingang. When they marched all the way, they had already killed several Snake Worshiping teams. The Snake Worshipers who are currently besieging Dilingang The army must have spotted Li Ang's troops.

But the lord came here for reinforcements, not for an ambush.

Since it was a reinforcement, it naturally needed to be discovered, and the louder the movement, the better.

After all, it is necessary to let those soldiers who are still standing in the port of Emperor Lingang know that a large number of reinforcements are coming, so as to play the role of reinforcements.

Therefore, after the lord hastily set up camp in Buyulin Village, he began to march towards the emperor's port with great fanfare. They were all typed out, and it seemed that the momentum was indeed huge.

This is marching in full outfit, that is, walking slowly with a full set of combat equipment, because there may be Snake Cult troops everywhere around here, which belongs to the enemy-occupied area.

Marching with full armor is a combat state, but right now the army is still dozens of miles away from Emperor Lingang. If you march in this way, you can go twenty or thirty miles a day.

Therefore, this kind of fanfare is actually actively attracting firepower, which can also reduce the burden on Emperor Lingang.

At the same time, it was also to wait for the scouts to come back before deciding on a specific plan.

There are two teams of scouts, one is the gladiators led by Sigismund, and the other is the Noldor Rangers led by Lisa Dilan.Sigismund was responsible for investigating the situation in Emperor's Port; and the Noldor were as an anti-reconnaissance team, responsible for intercepting and killing the enemy's scouts.

Sigismund did not become the leader of the Freedom Legion - due to his previous self-assertion, the lord dared not let him manage the legion anymore, but appointed him as the captain of the scout.

This position in Pan De's army is a typical high honor and low authority, that is, the position in the army is very high but there is no troop command, and he can only manage dozens of scouts under him, and it is the most dangerous job.

After all, Sigismund is the leader of the gladiators. Although Li Ang is dissatisfied, he can't be harsh on him at the moment, let alone get rid of him. Otherwise, the Freedom Legion who just joined may have problems immediately.

The job of scouting is just suitable for Sigismund. Generally, the best civilian soldiers do this kind of job. Civilian soldiers will regard it as an honor to be a scout. recognition of experience.

The commander of the Freedom Legion is Li Ang himself, and he mixed all his original non-commissioned officers into this legion.

Several senior non-commissioned officers were appointed as Master Chiefs in the regiment, adding to the ranks of the force.

In fact, the non-commissioned officers are the ones who can really help the lord drive the Freedom Legion—these non-commissioned officers are all low-level civilians, and it is easy to get the approval of the slaves.

And the current appearance of the non-commissioned officers is itself a model of the future that Li Ang shows these new soldiers.

Of course, a better model should be the group of Mettenheim hunks, because Klose and others were also sold to the arena as slaves.

It's a pity that they have returned to China, and they have not yet returned - Li Ang asked Klose and the others to come back at the end of September, but they have been out of contact until now.

Li Ang could think of the reason why they didn't come back as scheduled - the large-scale fleet of the Snake Cult was invading the Pendor Continent at that time, Emperor Lingang was besieged by the fleet, Marasburg, Olega Fort, Qiza Village and other Bacchus The coastal towns of the Empire are all occupied by the Snake Cult.

If the people of Mettenheim dare to cross the sea and return the same way during this period of time, they may encounter shipwreck again...

Therefore, we really cannot blame the people of Mettenheim for not being punctual. The lord is even a little worried. After all, Klose is a person who obeys military orders very much. He will definitely find a way to return to Pendor Continent. Maybe this will lead to They encounter dangers that are overwhelming.

Since all the non-commissioned officers were integrated into the Freedom Legion, Jocelyn is currently the vanguard officer of the Freedom Legion.

Jocelyn was still wearing his black double-layer iron shell, riding his huge Cato Beast, walking like a black tower at the forefront of all the troops, holding the banner of the lord in his hand.

The entire army is currently moving at the speed of Jocelyn. It is obvious that he cannot walk fast in such a dress, but the stop-and-go rhythm is just right for the troops to march in full costume.

"Sir, there is a situation!"

Probably riding high and looking far, Jocelyn suddenly turned around and shouted: "Sigismund is back... There are Snake Cultists chasing them! Ready to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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