Wasteland Survival King of War

Chapter 22 Underground passage

Chapter 22 Underground passage
Star Mushroom, the main food source for dungeon creatures, is also one of the main light sources of the underground world.

This is something in an underground passage discovered by elite thieves.

According to Cook, the dog-headed military division, there must be creatures of the underground race in such a large food source.

In fact it is.

A large group of Caveman, a Tier 1 soldier in the dungeon, formed a large and small group of caves, like a settlement.

According to feedback from elite thieves, there are about one and a half large groups of cavemen in this settlement.


One and a half brigades consist of 1 troops, which is indeed quite a number.

But no matter how many low-level soldiers, without the blessing of heroes, they are still useless, and the Behemoth Behemoth alone can clean them up.

But this is not Tang Qi's main purpose. He wants to observe whether there are heroes or aboriginal troops among this group of cavemen.

Dungeon units also belong to the scope of evil forces. With their natural attributes, there is a chance to force them to surrender.

Regardless of the low level of the caveman, there are still a few units with good special skills among the peasants, and it is possible that there are no good units among the cavemen!
There are two forks in this passage besides the way it came from. Tang Qi ordered Cook to guard the two forks with the wolf cavalry unit.

These troops are enough to deal with the cavemen.

The wolf cavalry is temporarily the fastest unit among the Tang Qi forces, and they can escape with their speed in case of danger.

Tang Qi guards the way he came from to deal with various situations at any time, and be careful to make the Wannian Ship!

After allocating the deployment of troops, Tang Qi ordered Cook to let the Behemoth behemoth attack.

Tang Qi couldn't hire Mocott, and the free coolies weren't so easy to use.

If you want him to contribute, you have to add wine, there is no good wine to talk about.

When the Behemoth approached, a large group of cavemen rushed out from various caves and surrounded it.

Tang Qi didn't even bother wasting mana points to check the caveman's attributes.

For the Behemoth, the occasional 1 point of damage from the Caveman is not as fast as its battlefield recovery, and it is basically not dangerous.

Catherine Tang Qi didn't let him attack the cavemen, and his participation in the battle without being in the legion would affect the evaluation after the battle.

A caveman can't provide much experience, but a large number is still very impressive, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it still has meat!

The behemoth behemoth killed the cavemen one by one with one claw, and the blood flowed into rivers.

Ding!System message: "Dear hero, affected by your talent, 72 cavemen have requested you to surrender, please accept it!"

Ding!System message: "Dear hero, your leadership has reached the upper limit, and you have rejected the caveman's request to surrender!"

"Damn, can it still be like this?" Tang Qi didn't expect such a result!

At level 3 strategy, he can lead 7 squads, and the caveman who surrendered has 6 squads, which can't fit in at all, not to mention that he and Cook are both at full strength.

"Miscalculated!" If you can't get a bargain, then you have to experience it!
There was no danger on the battlefield, so Tang Qi ordered Hart's heavily armored dwarf troops to attack and end the battle as soon as possible.

They can fight and carry tin cans, and their efficiency against Tier 1 units is nothing to say.

There was no suspense before the battle started. After more than half of the cavemen were killed or injured, most of the rest were affected by the dark moon's talent and began to flee.

The speed of the wolf cavalry is more than twice that of the caveman, and the attack damage is sufficient. Basically, two knives are used for one. Dealing with an enemy who only wants to escape is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

According to the reconnaissance feedback from the elite thieves, Tang Qi noticed several special cavemen on the edge of the battlefield.

"I want to run!" Tang Qi ordered Cook to let the wolf cavalry surround them, but don't kill them.

As soon as Tang Qi and Cook talked about it, he understood.

You can't surrender, you can't recruit, but you can still take prisoners!Just like when Cook was caught.

This kind of thing is still left to professionals, and Cook did not disappoint him, and soon brought back 2 cavemen who were like zongzi.

Ding!System message: "Dear Hero Dark Moon, congratulations to your legion for winning the battle. The evaluation is average. The hero gets +672 strategic experience points, and the legion can assign strategic experience points +896!"

The battle ended quickly, and except for the two captives, the other cavemen had all turned into experience.

In addition to gaining experience, Tang Qi also gained 36 units (1 unit = 100 quantities) of star mushrooms.

These caves are not the settlements Tang Qi imagined, but temporary digging places and food storage places for cavemen.

Tang Qi didn't understand the caveman's language, and Cook and the others didn't understand it either, but they still had to have a trial!
Cook is also good at interrogation, so leave it to him!

After a burst of screams, Cook came back: "My lord, those two guys have confessed!"

"Huh? Can you understand?" Tang Qi was a little puzzled. Can this ghostly cry be understood?
"Well, my lord, they speak Continental! The fellow has one and he says it's called Bill!"

"Hehe! Bill, and the name, it seems that there is still a background!"

Generally speaking, the aboriginal-style troops, together with so many cavemen, should have a stronghold to manage these star mushrooms, just like the farmers recruited by Tang Qi.

This is not that it should be in another place, and it may even be under the command of a certain hero.

"Oh, what did you ask?" Tang Qi continued to ask.

"My lord, these two guys belong to a nearby one. I don't understand it. Anyway, it's a dungeon. They belong to the dungeon master's subordinates, and they grow this kind of mushroom here!"

"Oh! Dungeon, are you sure?" Tang Qi became interested when he heard that it was a city.

"Yes, it's a city, a level 3 city!" Cook replied affirmatively.

"Where is it?" After confirming that it was a city, Tang Qi must not let it out, and this idea must be fought.

"Uh! I don't know!" Cook shook his head and said.

"Damn it, why don't you ask? Ask those two to lead the way!" Tang Qi kicked up, can you be more reliable!

"Uh, I can't bring it!" Cook said cautiously.

"What? Dead?"



"One left!"

"I...! If I'm not dead, I'll carry you away!" Tang Qi raised his foot again.

"Yes, my lord!" Cook got up and was about to clean up the two prisoners again.

When did you, Uncle Cook, suffer from this anger, you must find them out!

"Come back!" Tang Qi stopped him, wanting to ask something!
"Did you ask about the military strength of that level 3 city?" Tang Qi asked.

"Uh! No... I don't know!" Cook shrank back after speaking, fearing that Tang Qi would kick him again.

"Get out...!" Tang Qi was speechless, it seemed that this guy was unreliable, but there was no one available!

"They're all a bunch of drunkards, none of them are useful!" Tang Qi cursed secretly.

If you don't get the information you want, you can only let the elite thieves go out.

Tang Qi asked Catherine's skeleton soldiers to carry two captive cavemen, and sent a squad of wolf cavalry to open the way together, leading the elite thieves to scout for information.

At the same time, Tang Qi also asked Kaiserui to leave a small team of skeleton soldiers stationed in the cave, which can also be used as vision when necessary.

The rest of the troops moved on, following the marks left by the elite thieves.

The journey went smoothly, and I didn't encounter wild monsters or enemies in the dungeon.

Not long after, Tang Qi received information from the elite thieves that they had discovered the underground city, but they were blocked by a section of city wall.

After Tang Qi arrived, he observed from a distance that it was a black city wall over 6 meters high and about 250 meters long, sealing the entire passage horizontally.

There is only one gate on the city wall, and there are 6 arrow towers on the city wall, so the situation on the top of the city cannot be seen clearly.

Tang Qi didn't have a dungeon unit under his command, and his vision was limited in the underground environment, and he didn't dare to get too close when he didn't know the situation.

Tang Qi tried to hide the elite thieves to go reconnaissance. Although they approached the city wall, they did not get any useful information when the way out was blocked.

Looking at this section of the wall, Tang Qi, who had no siege equipment or flying units, had absolutely nothing to do about it.

In desperation, Tang Qi withdrew his troops to a safe distance, planning to interrogate the two prisoners himself.

I don't know how Cook did it, but Tang Qi looked a bit miserable, just like this, their pitiful life points are still there, can you believe it?
"Interrogate them one by one!" Tang Qi thought about using the method of interrogating prisoners learned from TV dramas, interrogating them one by one, and then comparing the confessions. He could also hint or scare them in his heart.

"My... my lord! No... no more!" Cook said hesitantly.

"what happened?"

"Dead...one died!"

"I...! What about the other one?" Tang Qi didn't bother to scold him.

"The other one is good, very good!" Cook quickly explained, and personally brought the living one in front of Tang Qi.

Tang Qi couldn't help but use his basic scouting skills to look, and found that he still had half of his 8 points of health.

Also got the guy's full name, Riley Klass.

A unit with a name and a surname is the intelligence second only to heroes.

Tang Qi didn't need to do anything, the prisoner Riley asked the system master to send a surrender request as soon as he saw him.

Tang Qi is also prepared. The level 4 strategy has 2 squads of reserve force space. He transferred 1 squad force to the reserve force column, leaving the upper limit of troops empty.

After successfully recruiting him, according to the caveman wizard named Riley, there are no heroes among this group of cavemen, and there should be no risk of exposure for the time being.

Tang Qi continued to question him, but he got no more information than Cook did. The only piece of useful information was that in a short while, a hero from that underground city would come here to fetch food. The specific time is not known. clear.

(End of this chapter)

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