Chapter 23 Elf Hero
With this information, Tang Qi immediately sent elite thieves and wolf cavalry to guard the city gate.

In addition, Catherine was immediately ordered to find a favorable terrain to ambush, preparing to ambush the dungeon heroes who came to collect food.

It didn't take long for the elite thieves to report back. A hero came out of the underground city. In terms of strength, it was also a group of cavemen. There were only 1 teams in number, and there was no threat at all.

"Get ready, people are coming, be careful not to kill me, and don't let it escape!" Tang Qi ordered.

"Don't worry, my lord!" Cook said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm most worried about you!" Tang Qi thought in his heart.

There is really no need to go to war with such a small number of troops.

After walking for a while, the caveman hero suddenly accelerated and ran back.

"No, I was discovered!" Tang Qi, who deliberately switched to strategy mode, discovered its actions through the vision of elite thieves.

Fortunately, the wolf cavalry in charge of reconnaissance could block their retreat, otherwise they might really have escaped.

A charge of the wolf cavalry quickly wiped out most of the cavemen.

Fortunately, Cook arrived in a hurry to control the killing of the wolf cavalry, and still captured about 20 caveman prisoners, all of whom escaped with the caveman hero.

The caveman hero was also successfully captured by him.

Due to the unreliability of Cook, a bitch, Tang Qi had no choice but to interrogate them by himself.

As soon as Tang Qi came, the caveman babbled a lot of words he couldn't understand.

"Let him speak human language!" Tang Qi said to Cook!

"He said he was going to surrender!" Mocott said beside him.

"Can you understand?" Tang Qi was a little surprised, this guy actually understood the language of the caveman!

Mocott pouted and ignored him.

At this time, Cook had already made a move, and Tang Qi noticed a scream, and quickly stopped Cook's plan to continue.

"Sorry, sorry, I just saw it!" Tang Qicai noticed the system's surrender message, and immediately agreed.

Ding!System message: "Congratulations to the player who has recruited the common hero Billy Klass of the dungeon race!"


Billy Class
[Race]: Dungeon☆Caveman
[Faction]: Evil☆Freedom

【Occupation】: Magician

-☆-【Battle Attributes】-☆-
[Life Point]: 14 [Magic Point]: 25
[Attack]: 6 [Defense]: 4
【Damage】: 2~5
[Speed]: 6 [Ammo]: 24/24
[Size]: Small [Physical Strength]: 100%

[Level]: Level 1

【Experience】: 235/3000
[Skill]: None [Equipment]: None

[Battle Enhancement]: None

[Racial Bonus]: Immune to the effects of blindness and petrification magic effects; 5% chance to be immune to the effects of all fire magic effects except friendly magic
-☆-【Strategic Attribute】-☆-
[Talent]: Flame Support
I: Heroes and their units use fire magic damage increased by 25%

ll: Heroes and their dungeon race units fire magic damage reduced by 25%

[Attack]: 0 [Defense]: 0
[Strength]: 1 [Knowledge]: 1
[Strategic Level]: Level 2

[Strategic experience]: 7689/50000
[Strategic Skill]: Elementary Fire Element Magic Specialization
[treasure]: none

【Resource】: None

[Strategic Enhancement]: None

[Hidden attribute]: None


[Elementary fire magic specialization]: Sacrifice the ability to learn other magic, specialize in fire magic, increase the effect of fire magic on heroes and troops by 40%, reduce mana consumption by 10%

Through the inquiry of Billy Klass, Tang Qi learned about the military strength of this kind of dungeon.


This is not the point, the point is that this underground city changed its owner not long ago, and the new city owner has 3 teams of 36 dungeon race 6th-level and 12th-level arms manticores.

"Who is it, come out!" Mocott suddenly raised his head and looked up and said loudly.


"What sound?" Tang Qi heard a cry from above his head.


"Black... black dragon?" With a simple word, Cook's answer successfully startled Tang Qi.

"No, the breath of nature is the golden dragon!" Mocott explained.

"That's the same, what's the difference?" Tang Qi was speechless, the black dragon and golden dragon were all dragons, and they could melt him with one bite.

"Aw...!" There was another dragon cry, followed by the sound of flapping wings.

Tang Qi looked up and saw a golden flying dragon swooping down from above his head.

The golden figure is still very dazzling in this dark underground world.

"Who are you?" Tang Qi was a little nervous, but he didn't let his men attack it.

The flying dragon landed, and in front of him was a female elf hero, with real fair skin and beautiful long legs.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm the captain of the Third Battalion of the Fifth Frontier Army of the Kingdom of Aveli. My name is Liya!" The hero named Liya introduced himself to Mocott.

It's no wonder that Mocott, who is dressed in flamboyant equipment, is definitely more popular than Dark Moon.

Moreover, Mocott looked like he belonged to the human race, and the elves and the human race had always been allies.

"Sorry, ma'am, this is the lord here, the Earl from Erasia, right, respectable Earl?"

"E! Hehe!" Being teased by Mocott, Dark Moon could only smile awkwardly, but couldn't deny it.

If you want to pretend, you can pretend to the end, and you can tell at a glance that this beautiful hero has a good impression of the human race, so this identity must not be revealed.

What's more, this status can be said to be the capital for him to start a business, relying on it to sneak into the Thunder Tribe, although the means are dishonorable, the effect is very good.

Then relying on the relationship of the Thunder tribe, they took down Morris and the others, and discovered the great god Mocott.

"Oh! Respected Earl, hello!" Liya saluted Tang Qi.

"Hello, dear hero!" An Yue replied, but she didn't respond in action.

Afraid of revealing his secrets, he doesn't understand the etiquette of the nobles of the human race in the game, but this one in front of him knows it.

"Hey! Are you interested?" Mocott asked in a low voice beside Tang Qi's hero, An Yue.

"What... what?" Tang Qi didn't realize what he meant for a while, not knowing what he meant.

"I said you're interested, girl!" Mocott repeated.

"What?" Tang Qi understood this time, but he didn't know how to answer.

Isn't this a serious game, and there is nothing wrong with NPCs here.

"That girl is very powerful! It should be helpful to you, how about it, are you interested?"

This time Tang Qi finally understood that this guy was trying to trick that girl into working for him.

Of course, Tang Qi was very interested in Mocott's suggestion, but he couldn't act too hastily.

"You are from the Kingdom of Aveli. Did you come down from the underground passage?" Tang Qi was very happy. After coming in for so long, he finally knew where he was.

"I don't know, I came here through a portal after the enemies of the Ngong Kingdom's Passage Guard Army!"

"Nigon Kingdom? You mean the group of manticores?" Tang Qi knew that a hero and a large group of manticores had just entered the underground city in front of him, cleaned up the original city lord, and became the king himself. .

"Yes, my lord!"

"By the way, what about the portal?" Tang Qi wondered if there was a portal, so he could go to her country, Aveli, to see it.

"Sorry, Earl, that is a one-way portal!" Liya explained.

"Then how do you go back?" Tang Qi asked.

He still didn't give up, and wanted to inquire about her way back, which was a great discovery.

"I don't know, Lord Earl, I don't even know where I am now."

"Oh!" Tang Qi's hope came to nothing, but he wasn't too disappointed.

"Since this is the territory of the Earl, can the Earl send us back!" Liya asked.

"I...!" Tang Qi wanted to say that I knew a ghost.

"Perhaps the Earl can help, can't you, Earl?" Mocott interrupted him at the right time and said.

"Oh? The Earl has a solution?" Seeing that Tang Qi had a solution, Li Ya seemed a little happy.

"Ahaha!" Tang Qi was embarrassed again.

But it cannot be denied that it is not, his hero Dark Moon is now the Earl of Erasia.

"Sorry, beauty, this is not the Entagri Continent!" Mocott helped Tang Qi explain again.

"Ah...?" After listening to Mocott's words, Liya was also taken aback. She never thought that a portal would travel so far.

"You are from Aveli, so you should know Jasmine!" Mocott continued.

"Master Jasmine, who are you?"

"We are friends, good friends!"

"You are...!" Liya seemed to have guessed it, and was stopped by Mocott just as she was about to say it.

Tang Qi was listening on the side. Although she didn't know who that Jasmine was, but Liya called Lord Jasmine, and her status was not low. If Mocott was her friend, the corresponding status would definitely not be so low.

With Mocott's relationship, communication is much more convenient.

After some exchanges, Tang Qi basically understood Liya's situation, as well as the basic information about the new city owner of the underground city.

"If you want to go back, only the Earl can help you, and here I am also relying on the care of the Earl!"

"Him? You still have to rely on him!" Liya couldn't believe it.

"Damn it!" Tang Qi was speechless, it seemed that he looked down on him, that's what he meant!

"Your Earl knows the route back to Erasia!"

"But there is no ship now. There is a sea between this place and the mainland of Entagri, and the Earl knows the route back."

"Your Earl's influence here is not enough to build ships that can navigate safely on the sea."

"So I can't go back now."

"What if you can't go back?"

"Your Earl needs more resources."

"Acquiring more resources requires greater strength."

"What should I do if I need more strength?"

"Then you should serve under the Earl first!"

Tang Qi was dizzy after hearing a lot of Mocott's words, and successfully fooled this beautiful elf hero.

"Yes, my lord!" Liya's answer made Tang Qi successfully recruit another temporary worker.

(End of this chapter)

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