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Chapter 152 Locking the Position

Chapter 152 Locking the Position
'Haha, found it! '

He found the location where Bangui hid the money in his memory, and quickly wrote it down.

This guy made a lot of money, and besides handing it over to his father, he also saved a lot.

Now, Jin Laobiao browsed Bangui's memory and saw the place where he hid his money, thinking that if he had a chance to get his money, he would not have to worry about it for the rest of his life!

After finding the money, he began to search for Chachai's information in his memory.

People make money and birds die for food, even if there is a blood-clothed priest next to him, it doesn't prevent him from thinking about himself first.

After a while, Jin Laobiao opened his eyes.

"It's strange that Benji has never seen Chachai's true face in his memory."


Qiao Ji asked a question, scaring Jin Laobiao to explain quickly.

"I mean Chachai always wears a mask in Benji's memory, no matter what time!"

"What kind of mask?"

"A half-face mask, cyan, can't tell what material it is, it looks like jade, but it feels a bit plastic."

Jin Laobiao quickly explained clearly, gesticulating while speaking, "The mask is like this, it covers the forehead to the cheekbones, and the nose and mouth are exposed."

"Also, there are no eyes on the mask, it's just a flat piece."

"Chachai is about 1.9 meters tall and doesn't seem to have any tattoos on his body."

This is quite special for them, because the desperadoes here will more or less get some patterns on their bodies.

"As for the location, he has several hidden places to live, and Bangui doesn't know where Chachai will be. Usually, Chachai sends someone to notify his sons to go there, so they know where to go."

"Even when I looked at Bangui's memory, there should be a hidden stronghold he hasn't been to. I guess this person is very cautious."

This person is so stubborn?
"Mark the location."

"I need a mobile phone or a map, can I look for it over there?"


Jin Laobiao hurriedly found his mobile phone and a paper map, and didn't want to run away. He didn't think that a supernatural person specializing in the spiritual department could outrun the blood-clothed priest who could turn the tank into a shame.

He connected to the Internet, opened the map app, checked the location, and then marked out the Chachai strongholds he found in Benji's memory.

"It's these four places. Since Bangui took over part of the business, he has only been to these four places to see Chachai."

Wu Xinfeng also felt that Cha Guai was too cautious, even his own son was so guarded.

But he was right.

After all, as long as a supernatural person can dig out memories from Benji's mind, even if he didn't want to betray Chachai, it also caused a leak.

After seeing the four locations marked on the map, Joe probably confirmed the location, and then looked directly with clairvoyance.

At the first location, there were only a few people with guns on their backs guarding it.

At the second location, there were only a few people guarding it.

In the third location, a man with a blue half-face mask was sitting on a wooden chair, talking to a burly man below.

I found it!
These four places should be where Chachai met his son and godson to explain things, but at this time, he seemed to be explaining something to his eldest son.

That burly man is Chachai's eldest son. He doesn't have a photo of Chachai, but there are photos of his sons.

I didn't expect to meet them just to talk about things.

If it was any other time, Qiao Ji felt that Chachai might not be in any of these four locations, after all he was so cautious.

I don't know what he is cautious about.

"Kill Bangui and wait for me here." Qiao Ji said to Jin Laobiao, then turned to look at Wu Xinfeng.

Wu Xinfeng's whole body became tense, because things had already been done, and he seemed useless.

For people like the blood-clothed priest, useless people often have only one end.

Jin Laobiao dragged Bangui out of the car, found a gun nearby, shot several times in the chest of Bangui who was still sleeping, and sent him back to the west.

Looking at the blood-clothed man in front of him, Wu Xinfeng's heart rose to his throat. After Jin Laobiao killed Bangui, he also turned his head to look at him with a playful expression.

"you can go now."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ji left first by himself, and then rushed to the mountain in two or three steps.

Qiao Ji left suddenly, and the pores on Wu Xinfeng's body seemed to release water, and large beads of sweat rolled down.

Just now he really thought that the other party was going to kill someone to silence him.

"You are Xiaofeng, old dragon's friend, I have seen you before."

Jin Laobiao looked at him, "I heard that you are very good at fighting? Once you beat three good players by yourself, do you want to play with me?"

Wu Xinfeng can be considered to be living in this area, so he has some means, but it is difficult to get in touch with the core of Chachai's forces.

He has played some famous tricks before, and he has gained a firm foothold here, so Jin Laobiao has also heard of him.

But Wu Xinfeng was just a small person here in the past, but now that Bangui is abolished, Chachai seems to be troubled by others. He is a person who specializes in psychic powers, but he can't move the banknotes and gold that Bangui hid.

Even if it can be transported away by car, it is very unsafe. If someone finds out, it will definitely lead to snatching due to the sturdy folk customs here, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, he considered pulling Wu Xinfeng to join the group, after all, everyone is here to make money.

Wu Xinfeng was sweating profusely, thinking about the impact the mysterious person would have, and hadn't completely recovered from the shock just now.

Hearing Jin Laobiao's words, he felt much better and smiled from the bottom of his heart.


"Then let me tell you, let's pack up the valuable things here, move quickly, and someone will come soon. Let's take the money and leave quickly, find a place to ask for help and be brothers!"


"Really, better than a brother—"

He was punched in the face and his nose was crooked.

"But brother, I want to borrow you."

Jin Laobiao checked Bangui's memory, and now it is a humanoid intelligence bag, so Wu Xinfeng does not intend to let him go.

He took off the ability-shielding handcuffs on Bangui's body, and put them on Jin Laobiao.

Jin Laobiao complained incessantly, but let alone wearing the ability-shielding handcuffs, he couldn't beat Wu Xinfeng even without wearing them. His two spiritual abilities are not suitable for fighting.

"Brother, listen to me now, do you understand?"

Wu Xinfeng laughed.

He decided to take a risk and take some things here and Jin Laobiao away before the mysterious man came back.

Jin Laobiao, whose nose was knocked crooked, still struggled, "I said brother, let's take the valuable things here and go, half and half... how about you seven and three? I have a way, we can go to other places Live a superior life!"


Wu Xinfeng gave him a forced calm technique and gave him a big fight, which can be regarded as venting his nervousness.

Then he said: "From now on, I'll ask you, don't talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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