i have a cos system.

Chapter 153 Ultra-high speed of sound, body sniper

Chapter 153 Ultra-high speed of sound, body sniper

Qiao stood at a ninety-degree vertical position on a cliff, took off the iron pilot's helmet, and only wore the calabash necklace and the soul-devouring blood armor.

The slanting downward, more than 2000 meters away in a straight line, is where Chachai discussed matters with his eldest son, and it is a secret base of Chachai.

There were only five bamboo and wooden houses there, and there were a few guards with guns, not many people.

For the supernatural world, there are fewer people and less contact, so it is better to keep it secret.

In the room, the furnishings are simple. Chachai is a tall man with a blue mask on the upper half of his face. Indeed, as Jin Laobiao said, he has a sense of illusion and looks very special.

This is different from the plastic feeling that Jin Laobiao said. I don’t know if the scene was a little distorted when he checked his memory.

Chachai's chest is hung with a small golden subduing pestle, which is a very common decoration in Southeast Asia.

He was communicating with his eldest son in Thai, which Qiao couldn't understand and didn't want to hear.

He didn't notice Qiao Ji's peeping. He watched his eldest son pacing and talking excitedly in the room, while he was the old god comforting his agitated son.

And Qiao Ji stood on the cliff in the distance, squatting down, his legs stretching, the little diamond necklace on his neck was bright red, overshadowing the blood color of the Soul-devouring Blood Armor.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that this is an earth-level supernatural being, of course Qiao Ji will——

Go all out!

At a distance of 2000 meters, I will snipe with my body.

The cliff suddenly cracked spider web traces, and Joe polarized into a thin red line, tearing the sky apart.

Then the cliff wall shattered, stones flew, and it became a one-time pedal.

The Chachai stronghold 2000 meters away was instantly shattered, as if a meteor had landed here, raising smoke, dust, earth and rocks, and broken branches and trees were thrown far away by the shock wave.

Chachai didn't have time to react, and was hit by a human body that moved at supersonic speed and was indestructible.

[Sublimated soul +1]

[Transformed soul +1]


The earth and rocks were blown away, and Qiao Ji jumped up from the ground, shaking off the dust on his body.

He just plunged straight into the ground.

The surroundings were already in a mess, just now he ran over at a speed exceeding Mach [-], and gave a warm 'hug' to Chachai who met for the first time.

Qiao Ji glanced at the system's message prompt, sublimated soul +1, that is to say, he did kill an earth-level superhuman just now.

Chachai is dead, a prefecture-level superhuman who has been in the triangle area for decades is dead.

And all this is just because Qiao missed his soul so much that he crossed three thousand kilometers to kill him. The reason behind it made Chachai feel warm.

But here comes the question, where is Chachai's body?
Underground, fused with earth and stone.

Forget it, I won’t collect the seeds of jealousy this time. He doesn’t want to pick up the remains of Chachai’s corpse, and he doesn’t want to equip himself with the jealousy stone. There are no survivors here, and everyone around him died in the aftermath. Joe The destructive power of Ji Gang's kinetic energy strike is not small.

Two sublimated souls.

With two more, you can turn the gourd diamond necklace into a permanent item at half price.

Qiao Ji is not interested in Chachai's assets, and he is not short of money.

So, after killing Chachai, he put on the pilot helmet again and prepared to go back.

But at this moment, he saw a blue light rushing out from the ground and flying straight towards him, Qiao Ji sideways dodged it.

But this blue light still flew towards him, and at this moment he also saw it clearly, it turned out to be the half-face mask worn on Chachai's face.

He took out the data dagger in the iron pilot's suit, and hit it casually, trying to blow it away.

But when the data dagger passed, there was no sense of reality. The cyan mask went straight through the data dagger, and then——

It was pinched by the Soul Devouring Blood Armor.

Is this thing not a entity?
Looking at the cyan mask taken out by the small red hand extended by the soul-devouring blood armor, Qiao Ji didn't put it on his face, not sure what it was for.

After being held by the Soul-devouring Blood Armor, it didn't move, it didn't lean on Qiao Ji as hard as before.

What is the use of this thing, you need to test to know, but there are no testing tools around now.

No, there are still.

Go, go back and find the tool man.


"What on earth do you want to do? Why don't we make some money in a friendly manner? Why do we have to become like this?"

Jin Laobiao was still talking nonsense with Wu Xinfeng, trying to persuade him to let him go.

Now that the boss is dead, even if they can't reach an agreement, wouldn't it be good if each of them split some money and broke up?

Why bother?
Wu Xinfeng ignored his chatter, just packed some important accounts and gold banknotes, and drove Jin Laobiao to his own safety point.

Now that Bangui is dead, his mission has been interrupted by external forces, so he can only take these useful things and people back.

A red object fell from the sky and fell to the front, splashing mud.

Qiao Ji landed in a violent posture, smashing a hole in the dirt road, and Wu Xinfeng saw him as if he saw a ghost.

Aren't you going to trouble Chachai?

Why are you back so soon!
And how did you find me, did you leave a tracker?
The pickup he was driving slammed on the brakes, and he didn't dare to hit Qiao Ji, after all, even a tank couldn't hit him.

You can't run, because you can't run.

"Hehehe, pick me up, come pick me up, brother, you're done." Jin Laobiao gloated a little.

You still want to take me and money away?

Unexpectedly, this evil star master still remembers me!
Of course, he didn't expect it either.

Jin Laobiao, who was handcuffed, quickly opened the car door and ran down to Qiao Ji, "Officer, I didn't run away, this kid tortured me and forced me to leave."

Wu Xinfeng felt that he was walking on the edge of danger all the time today, but at this moment he could only say one sentence: "This guy asked me to run with him with Benji's money, and said he wanted to ask me for help."

Even if you want to die, you have to bring a scumbag with you.

Jin Laobiao frowned as if his tail was stepped on, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't run away with money, you did all of this! It's all you!"

Qiao Ji didn't come to listen to their blame. The little red hands of the Soul-devouring Blood Armor appeared holding the cyan mask.

"what is this?"

Jin Laobiao's eyes widened, and he said in a daze, "This is Chachai's mask."

In just a few minutes, I got all the masks that Chachai never took off, so wouldn't Chachai...

Is the blood-clothed priest so powerful?

And Wu Xinfeng is more aware that the Soul-devouring Blood Armor is more powerful than the Blood Clothes. In the past, only the president of the Jiangu Society had it, but he heard that the Soul-devouring Blood Clothes can devour each other and evolve into the Soul-devouring Blood Armor.

The Soul-devouring blood suit can defend against mysterious-level spiritual attacks, while the Soul-devouring blood armor can defend against earth-level spiritual attacks.

Chachai's mask that never leaves his body has been taken off by the chief priest. He is at least an earth-level supernatural being, and the Jiangu Society may have a new president!

Wu Xinfeng is just thinking about how to pass this information back.

(End of this chapter)

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