There seems to be something wrong with my main god space

There seems to be something wrong with my main god space


424 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Li traveled to a world of infinite horror, without gene locks, and without talent for rune analysis.
Fortunately, the exchange of the main god is a bit strange, so that he can barely stand on the same starting line as others.<


Chu Li traveled to a world of infinite horror, without gene locks, and without talent for rune analysis.
Fortunately, the exchange of the main god is a bit strange, so that he can barely stand on the same starting line as others.
However, why is this infinitely terrifying reincarnation world becoming more and more strange?
Not to mention, it is my duty to rebuild the glory of the Zhongzhou team.
Let's take a look at what to exchange this time.
Redemption list: Desolate Ancient Eucharist, Three Thousand Avenues, Yuanshi Gold Medal...

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