Chapter 406: Got beaten again~
"It's not good. It can cause such horrific tearing damage. I'm afraid only a huge giant bear or manticore can cause such a wound, right?"

After checking the wound on the back of the elf soldier's body for the last time, Geralt stood up and looked at the body of the rat with the bell next to him, and then told the apprentices on guard:

"Let's continue deep into the sewers and leave immediately after we find other information about the Ratmen. I'm worried about this place..."

dong... dong... dong...

However, before Geralt could finish speaking, all the demon hunters present immediately felt the sound of heavy and dense footsteps coming from a distance, getting closer and closer to them!
Seeing this situation, Geralt hastily pulled out his dagger and removed the bell inlaid with the strange triangular rune on Shuoshu's body, then hurriedly ran to the place where the sound came from, and at the same time ordered to the apprentices:
"Get ready to retreat. I'll stop you. You can run towards the exit through the other side of the sound. Don't stop!"

"What should you do, instructor?"

"Leave me alone, you first find a way to leave the sewer and notify the elf defenders outside so that they can prepare for battle. We will gather at the sewer exit then!"

After finishing speaking, Geralt ignored the obstruction of the surrounding apprentices, and ran towards the place where the sound came from with a serious face, preparing to attract those unknown enemies.

He had spent time studying the layout of Grand City's sewer pipes in advance. Although it was impossible to avoid the attacks of those large monsters due to the narrow corridors, he could still use the terrain to delay the attack.

As the footsteps gradually got closer and closer, Geralt could even hear a burst of chirping rats and a terrifying low roar like a sleeping griffon.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the possibility that the methane in the pipe might cause an explosion. He casually took out an incendiary bomb from his waist, lit it, and then used the rebound from the wall to throw it in the direction of the sound:

The bright firelight instantly illuminated the entire tunnel. Under Geralt's vigilant gaze, a monster covered in flames squeezed out of the corridor and then ran towards Geralt's direction.

And right behind it, there were corpses of the same kind constantly crossing the sea of ​​fire, with dense blood-red eyes like a sea of ​​​​red rats!
"It is indeed a rat troll. It seems that there is indeed a rat clan hidden in the sewers."

Faced with such a horrifying scene, Geralt, who was already good at handling such scenes, did not show any panic. Instead, he rolled to avoid the sharp blade swung at him by the rat troll, turned around and fled the area.

He did not intend to leave the sewer pipe so recklessly. After all, the apprentices were retreating at this time, and it would take a lot of time to gather the dark elf army. He had to hold back this sea of ​​rats!
Thinking of this, Geralt once again took out an incendiary bomb and threw it behind him, and finally prepared to start following them in circles in the sewer pipes as the rat trolls roared and the rats chased them.

Although his behavior in such a strange environment was a bit dangerous, he still kept using his crossbow to shoot at the rat trolls who were still chasing him, while dodging the giant rats that kept rushing towards him from corners.

These rats seem to have been mutated to varying degrees. Their size is even comparable to that of small wolf rats. Once bitten, they are likely to be knocked to the ground and eventually be swallowed by the endless sea of ​​rats!

The silver sword continued to draw graceful arcs in Geralt's hand, constantly chopping the rats that tried to pounce on him into disgusting pieces of flesh, and was finally submerged in the swarm of rats chasing him behind him.

The food in the sewer pipes was obviously not sufficient, so compared to the escaping demon hunters ahead, the fresh flesh and blood of their compatriots still aroused their interest more.


Roar! ! !
However, the rat troll, whose body hair was burned off, had no intention of letting go of Geralt. The pain on his body and the smell of blood in the air awakened his endless desire for flesh and blood, making him chase faster.

And more and more wolves and rats began to follow the smell of blood in the sewer and attack him from all directions, as if they would submerge him in the sea of ​​rats in the next second!
Seeing that he was still some distance away from the exit, Geralt, who was already surrounded, could only helplessly put his sword back into its scabbard, and finally knelt down on one knee helplessly and joked:
"It's really troublesome. Although I don't know whether the sewer here is strong or not, I still hope it won't collapse...Aard!"


As Geralt formed a seal in mid-air with one hand and then slapped it hard on the ground, a milky white shock wave instantly spread from Geralt's side and crashed into the wolves and rats around him who were trying to get closer!
The strong shock wave exerted astonishing power in the narrow sewer pipe. Even the huge rat troll was stunned by the shock wave, and finally fell to the ground and temporarily lost the ability to move.

Needless to say, the already fragile rats and wolf rats, the entire sewer pipe was instantly covered with a large number of unconscious rats, and the scene looked extremely disgusting!

Geralt did not immediately pay attention to the unconscious rats. Instead, he looked nervously at the ceiling with some sand and gravel falling. He breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no collapse had occurred.

"It's disgusting. It seems that the entire sewer pipe has been occupied by ratmen. I can only hope that the dark elves can come up with a solution as soon as possible."

Seeing that the rat troll seemed to be about to wake up, Geralt raised his repeating crossbow and fired several sharp crossbow bolts at the opponent's head, then threw out the last incendiary bomb on his body before leaving the tunnel.

As a biologically modified weapon of the rat clan, the rat troll obviously cannot appear alone in Nagaroth far away from the old road, let alone those mutated rats.

The Ratman clan can now be confirmed to be real. The only question is how many do they have?
——Grand City, inside the castle
There is no doubt that the emergence of the Skaven clan cannot be solved by the town defenders alone. Therefore, Geralt left the sewers and immediately notified Dario, who was preparing to fight against corruption.

When Daario learned of the appearance of the Skaven, he decisively ordered martial law throughout the city, and then summoned Tyrion to discuss how to deal with the Skaven.

"The ratman clan... I remember that the Grinzui clan was very rampant in the Naggaroth continent, but it disappeared for decades due to the siege of His Majesty the Witch King. It shouldn't be them."

Daario found a record about the war between the dark elves and the ratmen from the bookshelf, and put it on the table for Tyrion and Geralt to refer to, and told about that period of history.

Under the instruction of the No. 13 Council, the former Grin clan established its own outpost in Boulder Town and completed the task of spreading the power of the ratmen to the entire world.

After all, since the scholars of the Sigma Empire believe that there are no ratmen in this world, the ratmen's sphere of influence has easily spread to the entire old world, and even the capital of the empire, Altdorf, is not immune!

On the other side of the world, in the Cathay Empire, the Eixin Clan established diplomatic relations with a rebel army named 'Monkey King', and successfully learned a lot of advanced assassination and technology.Under such circumstances, the complacent No.13 Council naturally began to consider how to spread the power of the Ratmen all over the world, and prepare in advance for the great Horned Rat to take over the world.

However, just when the Skaven finally dug a cave into Naggaroth and prepared to quietly steal some food to develop the Rat Mouth, they did not expect that the harpies domesticated by the dark elves covered the entire Naggaros, making it impossible for the Skaven to sneak in. The city of the dark elves.

On the contrary, it was the corpse of the ratmen captured by the harpies that the dark elves were the first to notice that this potential threat was spreading in the Durucci Empire, so they launched a mighty rat eradication war.

And Rohan's childhood was spent following His Majesty the Witch King's army in Nagaros' constant conquests, wiping out the rat clans one after another.

By the time Rohan was assigned as the Dread Lord of Gran Town, the war against rats had come to an end, and the Skaven clan entrenched in the mines of Gran Town was the last known Skaven army in Nagaros.

After listening to Daario's story, Tyrion immediately noticed the key points, and finally asked with a complicated but smiling expression on his face:

"So, the fact is that that guy Rohan didn't search carefully around the city back then, which finally led to the appearance of the Rat Man now?"

"Ahem... You can't say that. After all, the entire town of Gran was already in dire straits due to the invasion of the rat people. Therefore, we could only conduct a simple survey of the area around the town. The main focus was still on Resume production."

"So isn't it still his fault, and we are here to wipe his ass?"


Faced with Tyrion's complaints, Dario, who was already in the wrong, could only choose to keep silent. After all, he was still the captain of the defense team of Gran Town. If it weren't for his weak strength, it would not have led to Several people invaded Gran Town.

While Tyrion was still looking through the records about the Skaven and complaining, Geralt also took out a list of the Skaven clan and asked:

"After we deal with the threat from the Skaven Clan, we will have plenty of time to complain about the past. I encountered a Rat Troll and many wolf rats in the sewers, so is our enemy the Model Clan?"

After hearing this, Dario shook his head silently and explained:

"No, according to the information Mrs. Kislev shared with us, the Hell Pit of the Model clan should be located in the northern area near the Chaos Wasteland. It is impossible for them to come to Nagaroth on the other side of the world unless they can dig through it. The whole world.

The rat trolls you encountered should have been bought from the Model clan. We haven't encountered any rat trolls yet, so we don't even know much information about their clan. "

Daario looked through the book with some distress about the rat clans that appeared in Naggaroth. You must know that there were hundreds of rat clans, large and small, that were wiped out in the rat eradication war.

There are so many clans, who knows which one is living in exile near Gran City?
jingle bell~
Just when everyone was lost in thought, Geralt suddenly remembered the bell he found on Shuo Shu, then took it out and put it on the table and asked:
"I found a mouse with a bell next to the body of the elf warrior. The bell was engraved with a mark similar to the symbol of the Skaven ratman. I wonder if I can give you some hints?"

"Really, let me see!"

Hearing that this was the trophy Geralt brought out from the sewers, Dario picked up the bell from the table and looked at it carefully. Then he discovered that the bell was indeed engraved with a symbol of the Skaven clan:

The normal Skaven symbol is a standard inverted triangle, with the apex of the triangle protruding slightly to form the evil Skaven rune.

However, the triangle on this bell is an umbrella-shaped symbol formed by three corresponding Skaven runes, which makes people feel uneasy just by looking at it.

If Rohan, who is busy causing trouble for the Noldor elves at the moment, sees this symbol, he will probably scream in surprise:

No, if Umbrella's symbol is a standard European cross composed of four triangles, then this clan rune is a standard Skaven rune composed of three triangles!

"Found it, the Morbids clan was once an affiliated clan controlled by the Plague Clan and the Gray Prophet Clan. It was also a member of the Thirteen Ratmen Council. It once sent members to follow the Grinning Clan to Nagaroth."

After having the information about the clan runes, Tyrion, who had already read all the books about the ratmen, immediately started flipping through the books, and finally found the information about the clan in a small corner.

Daario and Geralt also came to Tyrion and began to inquire about the rat clan lurking around Gran City.

Logically speaking, a ratman clan that has the ability to occupy a place in the Thirteen Councils should not have only such a few records in the books of the dark elves, but the Morbidus clan is an anomaly:
First of all, unlike clans like the Skryre clan and the Model clan, which can make a fortune by exporting primordial weapons and mutated biochemical weapons, the majority of the Mobides clan's financial resources come from serving as mercenaries.

Secondly, the seats in the Thirteen Councils are not actually fixed, and as long as the rat clan can be recognized by the Great Horned Rat, they can replace each other by challenging members of the Thirteen Councils.

(Official settings)
Because of this, the Morbidus clan, which came to Nagaroth as mercenaries, did not leave much of a reputation in the war against rats. It was only recently that it was exposed for unknown reasons.

“A clan that is good at using various technologies and biological weapons, if they are allowed to develop, will definitely pose a threat to Grand City, not to mention the subsequent construction of the train station.

So... everyone, let the war begin! "

(End of this chapter)

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