The Bizarre Adventure of the Warhammer Elves

Chapter 407 Drainage of sewage, dimensional stone sewage

Chapter 407 Drainage of sewage, dimensional stone sewage

While Dario and others were busy preparing to deal with the ratmen hiding in the dark, the rats had also learned that they had been exposed through the corpse of the rat troll in the sewer.

The thought of the imminent appearance of the Dark Elf army caused such terrible news that it immediately caused an uproar among the Skaven, so much so that the warlord responsible for leading the Morbidus clan began to consider evacuating Naggaroth.

After all, although more than ten years of peaceful life have allowed the number of rats to develop to a certain extent, he is as timid as a rat and does not want to fight against the elite dark elves.

Taking advantage of the fact that the main force of the dark elves are now fighting the high elves in Ulthuan, they can use the remaining naval fleet from the rat eradication war to go to the new continent in the south through the undersea tunnel and join the Plague Clan who is engaged in the plague war.

As a subordinate clan of the Plague Clan, it is impossible for the troops of the Morbides Clan in Naggaroth to directly cross the Desolation Sea and the vast ocean to return to the abandoned capital of the Demon Rat, because it would collide with the troops of Gaojing and Bretonnia.

And by taking advantage of the Blight Clan in the south, they might finally be able to see the tower of the Demonic Rat's Abandoned City in their lifetime!
Unfortunately, the Rat Man's plans are often full of uncertainties. For example, the Council of Thirteen will not agree to his evacuation plan at all.

————Located in a remote cave somewhere

"Great... Your Excellency, the great and supreme Warlord Regos, our ships have suffered a lot of damage due to lack of maintenance for too long, and more materials must be used for repairs."

In a hidden harbor near the cave, thousands of slave rats were busy filling up the damaged ships with all kinds of junk materials. The denseness was enough to make one's scalp tingle.

And on the exposed rocks of the harbor, a sturdy warlord rat was monitoring all this under the protection of the 'loyal' Storm Rat, while looking at the obedient engineering warlock in front of him with some disgust.

Hearing that more materials were needed, the warlord rat named Regos immediately raised the rat-man halberd in his hand angrily, pointed it at the opponent and reprimanded:
"You promised me that the fleet could be repaired within two years, so I took the risk of exposure to steal the materials for the pointed ears, and now you dare to ask me for more? DIE! DIE!”

"NO! NO! The current fleet can actually transport most of our equipment, but it may not be able to transport all the rat people and loot at once."

Seeing the halberd pressed against his throat, the white-haired rat man was so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees and then began to defend his behavior.

Although he is said to be an engineering warlock, this white-haired rat man is not equipped with any advanced dimensional machines at all, and even the dimensional stone halberd in his hand looks very crude.

This is a white-haired hamster with a slightly rounded body. It is not difficult to see from his cute pink face and paws that have not yet faded that he is just a newborn child.

In fact, Hamster is just an apprentice of an engineering warlock born in Naggaroth. Due to the lack of mentorship, he can only do low-tech work such as repairing ships.

As for those skilled engineering warlocks, almost all of them died in the rat eradication war decades ago, and the rest have long since become old and frail due to the lack of life-extending warpstone potions.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't find qualified engineering warlocks, Regos wouldn't let a young apprentice repair the ship, even if he was a scarce white-haired rat.

"Hmph, the sooner I can leave here the better. I've had enough of eating only roasted mice and black bread every day. I want to eat cheese and butter bread!"

Seeing that the once noble white-haired rat could only kneel in front of him in humiliation, Regos couldn't help but reveal a crazy smile, and then continued to give instructions:
"As for the lack of ships... throw away all those useless slave rats. Their value is not as valuable as those precious equipment! YES! YES!"

"As expected of the noble Warlord Regos, you are so smart!"

The white-haired apprentice knelt on the ground with reverence and looked up at Regos, who was laughing in front of the sky. However, in his heart, he had already begun to curse this stupid reckless man with vicious words.

Are you kidding me? It takes at least several months to travel from Nagaros to the Undersea Tunnel, and it also takes close to a year to travel through the Undersea Tunnel to the New World in the South!

If something unexpected happens on the way, it will take them at least two years to reach the New World in the south. What will they eat during this period?
If there were not a large number of slave rats as food reserves, the turmoil and black hunger caused by famine alone would be enough to destroy this fleet trying to cross the ocean!

However, in the face of these potential threats, the little hamster had no intention of telling all these things. His bulging eyes were spinning under the gas mask, wondering what he was thinking.

"Do your job well and you will be rewarded greatly. This way you will be qualified to go back to the Rat Waste City with me to see what the real world of Skaven is. YES! YES!"

Seeing the slave rats busy repairing the ship in the distance, Regos couldn't help but recall memories of his childhood, without noticing the complicated look in the little hamster's eyes.

However, facing the temptation to go home, the Ratmen, who were becoming increasingly homesick, had temporarily stopped fighting among themselves and began to devote all their energy to repairing the ship.

But whether a more serious struggle will break out between them after they get on the ship is another matter.

However, Regos didn't know at this moment that just as he was happily preparing to pack his luggage and head to the far south, a big man in the Rat Waste City was about to come to his loyal Naggaroth.

...Half an hour later, the most comfortable room in the cave
"SHIT! SHIT! Did you accidentally eat a piece of rotten meat and pollute your brain? Please repeat what you just said?"

Sitting on a stinking flea bed made of manticore fur, Regos, who was about to fall asleep, looked at the gray prophet with gray hair in front of him in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock.

Due to bullying the little hamster for a long time, Regos seemed to have forgotten the respect he should have for the white-haired rat, so much so that he actually dared to use a commanding tone to treat the gray prophet in front of him.

"You humble brown rat, look for a beating!"

However, how could the noble Gray Prophet be commanded by an ordinary ratman warlord? He raised the long horn on his head without fear, and then shot a green dimensional lightning at the opponent!

With a flash of dazzling green light, miniature magic lightning guided by the dimension stone instantly hit Regos who was sitting on the bed, forcing him to jump up and scream in pain.

"Wow, forgive me, forgive me -" "Humph~ Your Morbidus clan is just a small affiliated clan. It is your honor to be qualified to assist the great Gray Prophet clan. Don't Don’t know what’s good or bad!”

"YES! YES! Long live the Gray Seer, long live the Horned Rat, please spare me!"

Since the Gray Seer is very skilled in mastering magic, even the powerful dimensional lightning has been controlled at the power that is just right to prevent death, causing Regos to writhe in pain on the bed.

The foul smell kept coming out of his lower body. Looking at Regos who was already twitching in pain due to general paralysis, the Gray Prophet retracted his sharp claws wrapped around lightning in disgust and said:
"The honor of the Gray Prophet cannot be tarnished. If I hear anything about you trying to order and insult the Gray Prophet again, then what awaits you will be punishment from the Horned Rat!"

"Yes, yes, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

At this moment, Regos was kneeling on the ground as humbly as the little hamster he had bullied before, but the humiliation and resentment in his eyes showed his resentment.

Just wait, although I can't beat you, I will repay your humiliation to your white-haired fellows twice as much!

The Gray Prophet didn't know that his actions had resulted in a poor little hamster being beaten innocently, but even if he knew, he didn't care, as long as he had fun with it.

Seeing that Regos was as humble as his slaves, the Gray Prophet nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to swing his staff and said:

"The Council of Thirteen has made a decision. The Morbids clan will stay in Naggaroth to assist the Gray Prophet clan in polluting the Witch Forest, and thus follow the roots of the Oak of Ages to pollute the entire Athel Loren!"

The Gray Prophet rambled on about the great plan formulated by the Horned Rat in front of Regos, but the illiterate Regos was at a loss about it, obviously not knowing what it actually meant.

Age Oak?

What is that, can I eat it?
Damn it, my scalp feels so itchy, is it about to grow a brain like the Gray Prophet?

"Emm... Sure enough, we still can't pin our hopes on idiots like you who only know about muscles. In the end, we need gray prophets with brains like us to implement the plan."

Looking at Regos with an 'abba aba' face, Prophet Wei obviously realized that what he said seemed a bit too superficial for Regos, so he could only briefly introduce:

"In short, we will teleport an army to Naggaroth through the dimensional portal, and your task is to discharge the sewage containing liquid warpstone into the ocean to infect the surrounding creatures."

"Sewage discharge? But we are also within the scope of Nagaros. If there are any uncontrollable mutations in the creatures in the sea, how should we evacuate?"

"Are you stupid? Since the Thirteenth Council can send the army to Nagaroth through the portal, it can naturally create a teleportation that can send you back to the Rat Wasteland."

"Oh, so it is!"

Looking at the suddenly enlightened Regos in front of him, the gray prophet couldn't help but reveal an imperceptible sneer on his face, which seemed to be mocking the other person's naivety.

Are you kidding me? Except for the high-ranking commanders of the Gray Prophet clan who are worthy of spending a lot of warpstone resources to teleport, ordinary warlords and slave rats like you are worthy of passing through the portal?

According to the current plan, once the warpstone sewage has been successfully discharged, the dark elves of Naggaroth will inevitably be overwhelmed by the need to defend against mutated creatures in the ocean.

And the Ratman army can take this opportunity to pass through the defenseless dark elf city, and then attack directly in the direction of the witch forest, and finally hang the magic clock with the horned rat totem in the witch forest!
As for the rat men of the Mobides clan... they will become the best sacrifice for the arrival of the Horned Rat. The blood of hundreds of thousands of rat men is enough to fill the entire magic clock and summon the figure of the Horned Rat from the Demon Realm of Chaos.

At that time, the great Horned Rat can come to the mortal world by absorbing the power of the roots of the Oak of Ages, and then use his unparalleled magic to pollute the entire Oak of Ages.

Until then, the Skaven can travel to every corner of the world with the help of the roots of the Oak of Time, and finally complete the great cause of occupying the entire mortal empire!

Thinking of this, the Gray Prophet could no longer control the expression of ecstasy on his face. A crazy and disgusting rat sound came from his dirty yellow teeth, as if the scene of the arrival of the Great Horned Rat had appeared in front of him. .

However, as an equally despicable rat man, although Regos didn't know that his clan had been marked as a sacrifice, he was still keenly aware of the flaws in this plan, so he asked:

"But...the two women in the Witch Forest with pointed ears are not easy to mess with. Their bows and arrows are as terrifying as dimensional lightning cannons, and they also have a giant dragon as a mount. Can we just rely on us to deal with them?"

Although he also used the slave rats and clan rats under his command as cannon fodder, in the final analysis, they were the property of the Mobides clan and should not be sacrificed in vain for the Gray Prophet clan.

What's more, they are mercenaries. Even if you really want them to fight for the interests of the Gray Prophet clan, you must at least provide them with some warpstone weapons that can be used to deal with the Twilight sisters, preferably for free!

All in all, you have to pay more~
"Zhizhizhi, this is not something you, a little warlord, need to worry about. Who told you that the only person coming through the portal this time is me, a Gray Prophet?"

Realizing that Regos was preparing to seek benefits from him, the Gray Prophet's eyes immediately showed a look of joking and ridicule, obviously full of discrimination against this ungrateful rat-man warlord.

Where does the confidence come from that makes you think you are qualified to negotiate with the great Gray Prophet clan?

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps at the door of Regos' room. As the gray prophet in the room bowed and saluted, a giant-horned gray prophet wearing a bone mask slowly walked into the room:

"What a disgusting place, yes yes, the smell of those damn pointy ears is everywhere, maybe I should let my Bonecrushers destroy their city!"

(End of this chapter)

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